A Prince's Love

Chapter 71 - TheStruggle Hasn't Lasted Yet.

There is a saying that there is no party that never ends. So it was with Princess Rheina and Prince Nizam's wedding party. Weddings that took place live throughout the kingdom were greeted with a folk feast to be held seven days and seven nights. When the wedding took place Princess Reina waited in a separate room. She still cannot be juxtaposed by her husband. He is very impatient to be able to meet Prince Nizam. Prince Nizam, the man she dreamed of day and night.

Pern took place at ten. Prince Nizam said the contract smoothly. Her tone is firm and flat. When the witnesses and invited guests were present to say Alhamdulillah not a word came out of Prince Nizam's mouth. His face remained frozen. to the point that his mother, who tried to adjust the position of Prince Nizam's head covering, then whispered sharply into her son's ear..

"Can't you pretend to smile just a little for all the people who are watching this event"

Prince Nizam shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't ask too much of me, Mother. Because the impact won't be too good." Prince Nizam said, looking straight ahead. In the slightest, he did not care what his mother said. Since he was born, he was the new heir to the throne, this time he felt bad about his life.

If he could choose. He would rather be a commoner and marry the woman he loved than live in torment with someone he didn't want. Ah..Alena, I'm sorry .. Prince Nizam's little heart whispered. Wait no longer we will side by side. Let this pseudo marriage I live first. because indeed this is the only way to reach you alive.

Queen Sabrina became very upset about her son's behavior. But not Queen Sabrina if she is really good at acting. She had to manipulate her annoyed face so that it would not be seen in public. Moreover, tomorrow she must hold a press conference about Prince Nizam's marriage on National TV.

There's no way hse was being interviewed with an annoyed face. In addition, there will still be a chastity party that will be held after the couple's first night. The party is a party celebrating the chastity of the bride who has undergone their first night. A feast that shows happiness, the pride of all parties in the morality that the bride and groom can maintain.

Even though Prince Nizam found the event disgusting and he vowed that he would first remove the celebration of the sacredness of the first night on the list of several customs that he had to abolish in his kingdom, including forced marriages as he was currently living. Of course, when later he becomes king. Because he doesn't have that authority right now.

After the reading of the marriage agreement took place, everyone would say they would be safe. Prince Nizam was stretched to be juxtaposed with Princess Reina. Princess Reina looked shyly at Prince Nizam who had become her husband. But not the least bit Prince Nizam looked at him.

He sat beside Princess Reina expressionlessly. Princess Reina immediately realized that Prince Nizam would indeed be different from other men who most of the grooms would voluntarily accept the wife their parents had chosen.

The veil that covered Princess Reina's face was slightly ajar due to an uneasy breath. She looked sideways at her husband's face, who was so handsome. But then he realized that his handsome face looked very cold as snow in the North Pole. He wondered what would happen tonight.

What will her husband do to her tonight? Is Prince Nizam going to take her virginity with a face so cold? He had hoped to win Prince Nizam's heart on their first night. But Princess Reina then encouraged herself. Don't despair, the struggle hasn't lasted yet.

Muthmainnah Palace is a palace devoted to royal brides spending their first night. Princess Reina has been put into the bridal suite which is very beautifully decorated. While Princess Reina was being prepared, Prince Nizam was still chatting with royal guests.

He only responded to jokes and jokes from the guests with a faint smile. In the slightest he did not feel like this situation. Who likes to be forced to sleep with someone who is not loved. It feels like an animal forced to relate only to reproduce to maintain its royal power and dynasty.

Princess Rheina nodded her white face flushed red, she was very embarrassed and scared. He was afraid to face the first night, she was afraid to face Prince Nizam. she was afraid that Prince Nizam would treat him harshly. He of course knows the pain he will suffer but it will be lessened if Prince Nizam treats her gently and if he harshly what she should do.

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