A Prince's Love

Chapter 95 - Alena Fell Asleep Instead

Nizam stepped in, followed by Alena, who suddenly became trembling and nervous. Alena's sweat suddenly flowed around her body. She felt the people who passed them staring at her in whispers. Even though they only want to see Nizam.

Nizam's posture that is different from Asian people makes Nizam so charming. After a long time, Alena realized that people did not see her beauty but were more interested in seeing her husband's good looks. Alena was secretly annoyed, so she pinched Nizam's waist irritably.

Nizam, who is busy thinking about how to spend his wedding night with Alena, screams in shock.

"Ouch..Alena" he said a little loudly. The butler looked back.. Seeing Nizam who was grimacing, the butler was about to squeeze so enviously at Alena. Why is there such a handsome man in the world? If he were Alena, maybe Nizam would want to be covered in a sack so that no one can see it. Running out of such good looks could bring any woman from the world to their knees.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you pinching me all of a sudden? What's my fault?" Nizam frowned.

"Don't you see all the girls you pass all look at you in awe?" Alena said herself into a deep voice, irritated.

"Then what is my fault? Those who saw me and not me who saw them" Nizam protested against the injustice created by Alena.

"It will make you arrogant and you will be more flirtatious" Alena did not want to lose.

Haah..Nizam exhaled. What's arrogant, what's flirty. In the least, he doesn't care about their eyes. Huge head, the contents of his brain at this time were only filled with delusions of touching Alena.

Alena was silent because they had arrived in front of their room. The butler opened the door and invited Nizam and Alena to enter. Nizam thanked him. Then he opened his wallet and withdrew several dollar bills worth 100 per sheet and he gave them 10 bills. The butler's eyes were startled and immediately thanked him again and again. Really he got a windfall.

After the servant left, Nizam immediately wanted to enter the room because he saw Alena bursting into the room.

But just as one foot stepped in, out of nowhere, two guards had appeared before him. Nizam immediately illfeel.

"Sorry, Your Honor, but we want to stand guard at the door of the room. And please do not lock the door from the inside." Ali said with a salute.

"How can you stand in front of my room? This is Indonesia instead of Azura. What will people say when they see someone standing in front of the room." Nizam immediately disappeared. Where do I ask that the door is not locked again? Not being locked means that if there is anything wrong with Nizam then they will be able to enter right away.

"Alena is my wife, please be understanding a little" Nizam glared at them.

Ali shook his head. "Sorry, Your Majesty, this is against the procedure, please do not always make things difficult for us." Ali lowered his head.

"Fuad .. What do you think?" Nizam tries to ask his opinion because so far Fuad has only followed Ali.

"According to me, Ali's opinion is very correct. Whatever my lord is in. Our duty is to protect it, especially in other countries, whose safety standards we do not know." Fuad gave his opinion.

"You two are the same. It's up to you what you want" Nizam came inside and did not lock the door.

As soon as he entered he saw Alena lying on her back with her arms stretched out on the luxurious bed. Nizam gasped, the girl really wanted to tease him. Alena seemed to challenge him to be hugged immediately.

"Alena .." Nizam whispered calling him as he walked closer. Alena's body looks perfect in a white wedding dress with simple details. He saw Alena's eyes closed. Nizam heard Alena's breath flowing regularly. He frowned.

"Alena !!" Nizam called again with a slightly loud voice. Then he shook Alena's body. But Alena muttered instead, turning her lying body on her side while hugging a bolster. Now the flow of his breath turned into a soft grunt.

Nizam was amazed how people fell asleep on the first night. Why is she not like other girls who try to get her husband's attention on the first night? Why is she even sleeping soundly? Nizam wiped his face with both hands. His lust, which felt like he had been drenched, immediately descended to a Zero point. He took the hotel blanket and then covered the beautiful body. Nizam kissed the forehead of the girl he loved so much. He then sat in a chair near the hotel window. Sit looking at the view of the city of Surabaya in the afternoon.

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