A Prince's Love

Chapter 97 - Kiss Me, Please

"I'll be in the room" Alena answered, rubbing her eyes. He seemed still unconscious from his dream. He saw Nizam's face with wistful eyes. Nizam trembled because Alena's gaze seemed to invite him to make love. But Nizam could not do that now because He had a covenant with his mother about Alena's holy night. Nizam had to deflower Alena in the Azura kingdom in an official ceremony. Nizam killed his love affair by turning his face and then said to Alena softly

"Then I will go first. There is Fuad who will take care of you. While Ali will come with me" Nizam rubbed Alena's head.

Alena was stunned to hear Fuad would take care of her. How? He is accustomed to living alone and never being taken care of by other people. He is not a baby that a babysitter should take care of..

"No ... no..no ... I don't need to be taken care of. I'm not a baby. Just take the" Badak "with you." Alena said

"Badak ?? What's the meaning with Badak?" Nizam asked in surprise.

Alena laughed amused then replied: "Badak is Bodyguard," She said that she was lying to Nizam. She certainly doesn't want to say that Badak is a rhino in Indonesian

"No, you are now my wife. And you have to get used to being surrounded by bodyguards" Nizam emphasized his voice. Alena immediately scratched. And grumbling. How could she be with someone she did not know. Moreover, he is a man. Alena shook her head. Her stubbornness immediately appeared.

"But I don't want anyone to scourge me. I'm a free human. I don't need bodyguards. I can take care of myself."

Nizam glared at his wife then he approached .. so close that Alena unconsciously stepped back. But then Nizam's hand immediately hugged her waist and brought his face closer to Alena's face. Alena was suddenly scared. Alena has never been touched by anyone. She is really a woman who is still a virgin.

Even Alena has never been kissed by anyone. Now Nizam is bringing his face closer to Alena and Alena immediately trembles. Alena then closed her eyes. She did not dare to look at Nizam's face which almost touched his face. Nizam's breath blew across her face. She felt how hot the breath was.

Will Nizam kiss her? Oh God Am I going to accept my first kiss now? Alena said to herself. She then waited for Nizam to land his lips on her lips, but apparently, Nizam did not kiss her. Nizam only whispered in her ear with soft but piercing words.

"Honey .. your freedom has been taken away since I said 'Ijab Qobul' with your father. You are mine now. You are the wife of the crown prince. And from now on you cannot be alone. There will always be servants and guards who will accompany you to ensure your safety. "Nizam's voice was clearly heard in his ears. Her breath was really making Alena's heart churn.

Long waited for a kiss from Nizam but the kiss never came. Alena gets annoyed. She felt Nizam hanging her lust. Even though She really wanted Nizam's touch. Alena is a very passionate girl. And she has always dreamed of Nizam's touch all this time.

Nizam is a firm man and he never let Alena touch him at all. How could it be like that when every time she met Nizam, Alena always wanted to touch her. Now Nizam is her husband. He cannot refuse anymore. Alena wanted to be touched by him. Alena wants to kiss Nizam. This is his first kiss. She has never been kissed by anyone.

Alena swallowed hard. But because after waiting for a long time Nizam still didn't kiss him, Alena finally opened her eyes. Alena instead saw Nizam who looked at himself with a funny smile. Nizam knows that Alena hopes he kisses her but Nizam wants to tease Alena instead.

Alena gets annoyed. He took her body away from Nizam's body and said blandly.

"Then go away ... It's not that you want to go to the mosque. The sound of the call to prayer is already echoing." Alena looks angry. Hope that Nizam will kiss her missed. Nizam laughed at his wife's anger.

Nizam pawed Alena's cheek who was angry. "The angrier you are, the more beautiful you are, be patient honey. I go to the mosque for a while. After I go home, I will come for you." He said as he then stepped open the door and went outside.

"Aaargh .. annoying" Alena took the pillow and then threw it back on the bed irritably.

Alena then went to the bathroom and poured warm water on her body. While taking a shower, Alena keeps grumbling. Why did she have to fall asleep this afternoon instead of enjoying her beautiful company with Nizam? Why should the moments that She dreamed of all this time have failed just because She was asleep? Why can't this eye be compromised?

Why could he not hold back his sleepiness so that he did not make out with Nizam? Even though tonight he had to fly back to America. So when can he make love to Nizam? It will definitely take some time. Alena stomped her feet in exasperation. He is like a child who took his lollipop from someone else and now he is angry.

Angry with her own behavior makes Alena careless. She intends to take the towel hanging behind him. Alena suddenly slips the soap foam that is scattered on the floor. Alena let out a loud scream. "Ah ...."

There was a spilled soapy liquid that caused Alena's feet to step on her and fall. Alena felt a stinging pain in her ankle. Alena's naked body slumped onto the slippery bathroom floor. Alena screamed in pain. She burst into tears. Alena lay on the floor, bawling uncontrollably. Alena couldn't bear the pain in her leg. She felt her leg sprained and it caused great pain. Alena screamed for her husband. "NIZAAM !!


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