A Reincarnated Demon's Life of Wonder
[Arc 4] Extra Chapter 2: Order’s Trial
Realm of the Ultimate Gods: Celestial World, Nibiru
Goddess Order's PoV:
"As expected of her Champion. Not one whole piece left." - Order
I collected the broken fragments from the doll that was just destroyed when someone entered the meeting room.
"Now this is a rare event. You of all people dragging your old legs up here." - Order
"It is healthy to put some stress on those old legs once in a while. Not that I have any!" replied the character who entered the room.
"Even if it is only bones, legs are legs. Jokes aside, what did you really come here for, Tharos?" - Order
One of my elder brothers and the Ultimate God who represents Death, Tharos, simply sat down and replied "I'm honestly just stretching my legs. It's healthy even for a Skeleton."
Before we discuss whether a Skeleton has it good or not, does that extend to a Lich body that is being used as a divine avatar?
Nevertheless, I knew better than to take Tharos' words with a straight face. Among us twelve siblings, he is the one with the biggest "funny bone", as he himself describes it.
"Now, whatcha doing?" - Tharos
"Cleaning up after the latest trial." - Order
"Y-you still throwing out Protection to random fools?" - Tharos
"What better way to test whether a Champion is worthy of the proof of Order than to make them face a human who can gain any skills whenever they need it?" - Order
I do agree that the chosen "victims" do grow too attached to their given powers instead of cultivating their own. I do not have a good eye for men...
"Then, who's the lucky winner this time? Is it a Champion? Or was it a mob again?" - Tharos
"The former. And it was Alvatria's one to boot." - Order
"Ouch. The one Alvatria used that spare body to create?" - Tharos
"The one she used a spare body that she worked on for 18 years, yes. It is disturbing to see two people with the same face when one of them is the worst creature alive." - Order
"It could be worse. That girl's resisted any lingering thoughts that could have been in that body until now." - Tharos
"And that is all she needed to do. That body is completely her own property now, even if she did slip sometimes like when she wanted to join that organization." - Order
"Argh, don't remind me. I was sweating when I noticed that she used a booby-trapped bottle of Hydra venom as a bargain piece." - Tharos
"If those guys had handled that Champion in a disrespectful way, to say the least..." - Order
"AAAHHH! Just the thought of all that overwork's killing me!!" - Tharos
"Despite adding the Champion of the worst goddess ever, that evil organization did a great job for humanity." - Order
"That Filyn sure did. I'm still fuming over the mess she did in my backyard, but for that feat, I'll give her a thumb up. Too bad she died." - Tharos
"With over half of her executives being hired by the Demon King, that was a predictable ending." - Order
"And the Demon King having Agnir's Champion as his field agent cements that part, all right!" - Tharos
"This Filyn-person did a good job in self-destructing before being dealt the final blow." - Order
"Yeah. Agnir's little warmonger have [Greed] after all." - Tharos
"It is a question of time before she will be granted personal titles like Alvatria's." - Order
"Yeah...wait, Alvatria's Champion got those things!? Let me see them! Those tailor-made titles are always so intriguing to read about." - Tharos
"And guess the titles used to create them?" - Order
"You bet!" - Tharos
Geez. No wonder he created those coliseums in the underworld, considering he is such a System-power otaku.
I accessed the World System from here and displayed the new titles that Alvatria's little problem magnet had obtained.
You are an enemy to any sovereigns. Numbers are a laugh to you. No matter what, you are a nightmare and a plague to anyone who dares to have more power than you.
"This one's simply nasty!" - Tharos
"I see. 'Sovereign' is referring to anyone superior to her, be it in strength, or even numbers." - Order
"This girl had [King Slayer] before, right? That must have played a role." - Tharos
We ignored the fact that the acquisition conditions were "uncertain". All the personalized titles are made like that anyway.
This is no saint. They may be showing a mask of kindness, but their true self is disgusted by the touch of humans. Only horrendous monsters can perceive this thing as "beautiful". Even so, this saint may show a slight smile should you get close to her.
"Another weird one!" - Tharos
"This may be a combination of the title she was forced on by Alvatria lately with her more honorable titles." - Order
From another world, it came. Before you know it, your body screams in pain. Your heart has bled out. Your nerves have stopped working. Your mind is in turmoil. Your eyes do not see the light. Your will is no longer your own. Strength has left you, but you cannot allow yourself any rest. Despite wanting to run, your body is too heavy to move, your voice is not ringing. Only death awaits you around the corners.
Look, right behind you...there she is.
"Okay, this one's scary!" - Tharos
"...yes," I replied. That last line is obviously a joke...but I am in no need to turn around.
"Who is it that made these descriptions? Chaos isn't the type to enjoy horror." - Tharos
"...some of our agents are responsible for selecting those worthy of a personalized title. It seems they are taking care of everything, including the title's construction, and by extension, its description." - Order
"I don't want to meet those guys," replied the God of Death. How ironic.
"Let's hope that horror-girl who owns these damn pieces of work won't be getting any of those so-called Extra Skills." - Tharos
"...yes. The Prize Point System is a different story, but obtaining one of those is the same as reserving a spot for the guillotine." - Order
Tharos nodded to my words, completely in agreement with me. This festival, no, its true administrator is not one you can easily escape, oh pitiful Champion of Darkness. Let us see if you can see through the glitter and stars and discover this festival's murky secret.
Kigal-Note/Extra Skills: [Greed]
[Greed]. One of the Seven Sin Skills and the derivated imitation of [Mammon - Ruler of Greed], the Extra Skill of the Demon God of the Avaritia continent, Mammon.
This skill is only obtainable for those who have evolved the skill, [Pilfer], into the skill, [Robbery], and then into [Greed]. One must also have an extremely greedy nature, plus clearing several other requirements.
[Greed] is the worst plundering skill that has ever existed. It allows the user to literally "steal" another's life when the skill user kills their victim. A random amount of stats and skill proficiency, sometimes even whole skills, that the victim owned while alive is given to the user of [Greed]. There are no limitations for how strong the user of [Greed] can become through this skill, except maybe for the stolen "goods" being taken at random.
Additionally, [Greed] is considered to be the greatest variant of the [Steal]-line skills, as [Greed] can take any objects from the target as they please. While the weaker skills are random in what they can take or even their activation methods. And in addition to this, [Greed] strengthens the rate of obtaining proficiency for any skills related to stealing.
Garami's comment: For someone who's experienced Waning, this is a skill that's scary on multiple fronts.
Goddess Order's PoV:
"As expected of her Champion. Not one whole piece left." - Order
I collected the broken fragments from the doll that was just destroyed when someone entered the meeting room.
"Now this is a rare event. You of all people dragging your old legs up here." - Order
"It is healthy to put some stress on those old legs once in a while. Not that I have any!" replied the character who entered the room.
"Even if it is only bones, legs are legs. Jokes aside, what did you really come here for, Tharos?" - Order
One of my elder brothers and the Ultimate God who represents Death, Tharos, simply sat down and replied "I'm honestly just stretching my legs. It's healthy even for a Skeleton."
Before we discuss whether a Skeleton has it good or not, does that extend to a Lich body that is being used as a divine avatar?
Nevertheless, I knew better than to take Tharos' words with a straight face. Among us twelve siblings, he is the one with the biggest "funny bone", as he himself describes it.
"Now, whatcha doing?" - Tharos
"Cleaning up after the latest trial." - Order
"Y-you still throwing out Protection to random fools?" - Tharos
"What better way to test whether a Champion is worthy of the proof of Order than to make them face a human who can gain any skills whenever they need it?" - Order
I do agree that the chosen "victims" do grow too attached to their given powers instead of cultivating their own. I do not have a good eye for men...
"Then, who's the lucky winner this time? Is it a Champion? Or was it a mob again?" - Tharos
"The former. And it was Alvatria's one to boot." - Order
"Ouch. The one Alvatria used that spare body to create?" - Tharos
"The one she used a spare body that she worked on for 18 years, yes. It is disturbing to see two people with the same face when one of them is the worst creature alive." - Order
"It could be worse. That girl's resisted any lingering thoughts that could have been in that body until now." - Tharos
"And that is all she needed to do. That body is completely her own property now, even if she did slip sometimes like when she wanted to join that organization." - Order
"Argh, don't remind me. I was sweating when I noticed that she used a booby-trapped bottle of Hydra venom as a bargain piece." - Tharos
"If those guys had handled that Champion in a disrespectful way, to say the least..." - Order
"AAAHHH! Just the thought of all that overwork's killing me!!" - Tharos
"Despite adding the Champion of the worst goddess ever, that evil organization did a great job for humanity." - Order
"That Filyn sure did. I'm still fuming over the mess she did in my backyard, but for that feat, I'll give her a thumb up. Too bad she died." - Tharos
"With over half of her executives being hired by the Demon King, that was a predictable ending." - Order
"And the Demon King having Agnir's Champion as his field agent cements that part, all right!" - Tharos
"This Filyn-person did a good job in self-destructing before being dealt the final blow." - Order
"Yeah. Agnir's little warmonger have [Greed] after all." - Tharos
"It is a question of time before she will be granted personal titles like Alvatria's." - Order
"Yeah...wait, Alvatria's Champion got those things!? Let me see them! Those tailor-made titles are always so intriguing to read about." - Tharos
"And guess the titles used to create them?" - Order
"You bet!" - Tharos
Geez. No wonder he created those coliseums in the underworld, considering he is such a System-power otaku.
I accessed the World System from here and displayed the new titles that Alvatria's little problem magnet had obtained.
You are an enemy to any sovereigns. Numbers are a laugh to you. No matter what, you are a nightmare and a plague to anyone who dares to have more power than you.
"This one's simply nasty!" - Tharos
"I see. 'Sovereign' is referring to anyone superior to her, be it in strength, or even numbers." - Order
"This girl had [King Slayer] before, right? That must have played a role." - Tharos
We ignored the fact that the acquisition conditions were "uncertain". All the personalized titles are made like that anyway.
This is no saint. They may be showing a mask of kindness, but their true self is disgusted by the touch of humans. Only horrendous monsters can perceive this thing as "beautiful". Even so, this saint may show a slight smile should you get close to her.
"Another weird one!" - Tharos
"This may be a combination of the title she was forced on by Alvatria lately with her more honorable titles." - Order
From another world, it came. Before you know it, your body screams in pain. Your heart has bled out. Your nerves have stopped working. Your mind is in turmoil. Your eyes do not see the light. Your will is no longer your own. Strength has left you, but you cannot allow yourself any rest. Despite wanting to run, your body is too heavy to move, your voice is not ringing. Only death awaits you around the corners.
Look, right behind you...there she is.
"Okay, this one's scary!" - Tharos
"...yes," I replied. That last line is obviously a joke...but I am in no need to turn around.
"Who is it that made these descriptions? Chaos isn't the type to enjoy horror." - Tharos
"...some of our agents are responsible for selecting those worthy of a personalized title. It seems they are taking care of everything, including the title's construction, and by extension, its description." - Order
"I don't want to meet those guys," replied the God of Death. How ironic.
"Let's hope that horror-girl who owns these damn pieces of work won't be getting any of those so-called Extra Skills." - Tharos
"...yes. The Prize Point System is a different story, but obtaining one of those is the same as reserving a spot for the guillotine." - Order
Tharos nodded to my words, completely in agreement with me. This festival, no, its true administrator is not one you can easily escape, oh pitiful Champion of Darkness. Let us see if you can see through the glitter and stars and discover this festival's murky secret.
Kigal-Note/Extra Skills: [Greed]
[Greed]. One of the Seven Sin Skills and the derivated imitation of [Mammon - Ruler of Greed], the Extra Skill of the Demon God of the Avaritia continent, Mammon.
This skill is only obtainable for those who have evolved the skill, [Pilfer], into the skill, [Robbery], and then into [Greed]. One must also have an extremely greedy nature, plus clearing several other requirements.
[Greed] is the worst plundering skill that has ever existed. It allows the user to literally "steal" another's life when the skill user kills their victim. A random amount of stats and skill proficiency, sometimes even whole skills, that the victim owned while alive is given to the user of [Greed]. There are no limitations for how strong the user of [Greed] can become through this skill, except maybe for the stolen "goods" being taken at random.
Additionally, [Greed] is considered to be the greatest variant of the [Steal]-line skills, as [Greed] can take any objects from the target as they please. While the weaker skills are random in what they can take or even their activation methods. And in addition to this, [Greed] strengthens the rate of obtaining proficiency for any skills related to stealing.
Garami's comment: For someone who's experienced Waning, this is a skill that's scary on multiple fronts.
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