A Reincarnated Demon's Life of Wonder
[Arc 4] Chapter 39: End of the Fourth Event
Fourth Event, day 7.
Alf's PoV:
"All systems are green. We are ready to surface." - Alf
"*Grr*!" - Polaris
I lazily gave my orders to the Shadow Kin as they operated the controls that make this thing move. Polaris copied me while wearing the strange white-and-black hat he had taken from the captain's room. Finally done with this nasty event...
Yamatai Grand Festival
You find yourself in a strange ship that is sinking to the bottom of the sea. However, this ship is still capable of reaching the surface.
Cooperate with your crewmembers (participants) and master the secrets behind this strange vessel and reach the surface!
A mysterious vessel indeed. However, I have read about them in the strange books that sometimes appear in Damavand. It is called a "submarine", and as the event description said, it is a ship that can travel both on the surface of the sea and underneath it.
To think that Migrants come from a world where it is possible to make vessels like these...though, the fisherman in my heart can't accept this as a "ship". How are you supposed to fish with this thing? Give me a galleon any day. Then again, this type of ship is not constructed with fishing in mind, so I am not to judge.
"You really can steer this thing?" asked one of the participants who are on the bridge with us.
"No worries. I've memorized all the controls." - Alf
The method to clear this event was surprisingly easy. To the point of even being disappointing. Several instruction manuals were spread throughout the sub, making this closer to a treasure hunt than an escape event. There were even enough sleeping quarters and food for everyone.
The real challenge was to endure the claustrophobic environment and the presence of what we think may be gigantic sea monsters that swim around the sub sometimes. And to study the vast amount of knowledge that the manuals contain. I would be happy if the guy responsible for this event didn't have to include unrelated books in the sub though!
Ah, why do I even bother?
I ordered the Shadow Kin who shared my knowledge from the manuals and had the submarine go to the surface thanks to the "auto-pilot" that the manuals had told about. And then-
"Freedom! Sweet freedom!"
"Scary...that was too scaryyyy!!"
Several adults crawled on the floor as we entered the break area between the event. Many were traumatized by the experience, and I cannot blame them. Most of them have not even seen a C-rank monster. And whatever it was that was swimming in those waters is many ranks above that. I still have goosebumps from them.
"Alf-dono! Again, thank you for your assistance!"
"If you are in the need of something, just ask me."
"Please marry my daughter!"
A-hahahaha...guess my karma went up from this? No, it did. Not that I care...
"Excuse me. I see my friends over there." - Alf
After giving my excuses, I parted with the other participants and walked over to the familiar faces having a loud discussion by a bench.
"The casino room has to come first!" - Mira
"You just want to blow your money there! And it's not like you would earn anything with such a stupid facility! A workshop for processing gems and accessories is much more favorable." - Noire
"You don't even need that, you genius crafter!" - Mira
"Ah, please say that again~~." - Noire
"Huh? Did that backfire?" - Mira
"Now, now...oh, it's Alf." - Karnel
"Hey...make some room..." - Alf
I sat down on the bench while Karnel crouched down to greet Polaris.
"What's wrong with you? You're showing less presence than normal." - Noire
"Yeah...maybe..." I replied listlessly...ah, the sunglasses fell off.
"-!? Zombie!?" - Noire
"Huh-, panda!?!?" - Karnel
"Vampire!?!?" - Mira
Hey, the last one's not even related to the dark circles underneath my eyes.
"Hey, what happened to you this week?" - Noire
"Nothing...or, everything? What I'm trying to say is that I haven't gotten a second of sleep this whole week-" - Alf
"Monster!" - Karnel
"Imposter!!" - Noire
"Vampire!!!" - Mira
Come on now...
It took a while, but I managed to explain my situation.
"I see. That sounds exhausting." - Noire
"Having to live in an underwater vessel for a week with unknown creatures swimming around..." - Karnel
"That event's practically a death trap! They didn't even add any escape routes for those who wanted to withdraw from the event!?" - Mira
"None at all. That must have been one of those events with a high death ratio. I got unlucky there." - Alf
"Then you should quit this thing while you still can. Rather, quit and get some sleep. You of all people taking several all-nighters...it's just unnatural!" - Mira
"You think I could sleep under those conditions? I'm picky about my bedding. Not only the comforter and pillow, but the location itself is also important when one wants a decent night of sleep. Then there is-" - Alf
"Ah, no worries. This is the real Alf." - Noire
Hey! I was only starting in sharing my wisdom about bedding!
"Okay, then that's taken care of, back to the main subject. Casino-room!" - Mira
"Workshop!" - Noire
"An explanation!" - Alf
I'm not in the shape for this!
Karnel came to my rescue and told me that they were busy making a list of the prizes they wanted to buy with their Prize Points. The idea is to pressure Garami with a solid plan for the usage of the points so they can sneak in their demands without her making a fuzz over it...
"Ah, okay. Count me in." - Alf
"You are joining them!?" - Karnel
"After this last event, even a peace lover like me will want some repayment. Even if it means having to pick a fight with that Garami." - Alf
"Wow...you sure you shouldn't take a nap like, right now?" - Mira
"How can I sleep peacefully in a place like this?" - Alf
I mean, take a look at this area! It feels like a weird mix of a Wakoku village and some big mausoleum! Even the workers "living" here are Skeletons and other types of the undead!
"Your point is? This is no different from Damavand." - Mira
"Maybe, but Damavand isn't rocking Jolly Rogers!" - Alf
I am born and raised in a port town! Parents there use tales about pirates instead of the boogeyman to scare kids to sleep!
"Huh? What pirate flag...oh, you mean that coat of arms?" asked Mira as she pointed at the Jolly...no, maybe she's right?
The mark is strangely similar to your typical Jolly Roger, but instead of crossbones, a set of canes forms a cross underneath the skull. The skull and canes themselves are placed on top of a shield motif, making them closer in appearance to a coat of arms than a Jolly Roger...
"What is that thing representing anyway?" - Karnel
"The sponsor for this tournament." - Noire
"Huh? Where did you hear about that?" - Mira
"I didn't. My event took place in the world's greatest library, so I took the chance to look for some clues before clearing the event. I got to know that the coat of arms there represents the sponsor, and they go by the initial DD. No clue what they stand for though." - Noire
Huh...they must be a strange god for having such a symbol to represent them...and all the mess regarding this festival...
"Still, I can't stand piracy!" - Alf
"You're still going on with that?!" - Karnel
"Said the member of the evil organization. One that includes piracy." - Noire
Ugh...I didn't want anyone to point that out...
"Now, now. It is only one hour before the 4th event ends and people can leave this area," said Karnel in an attempt to change the topic...he's a good guy.
"That means Revi's the only one missing." - Noire
"Really? What about Ciara?" - Alf
"She was kicked out. She didn't die though. No worries there." - Mira
"That's all well and good. Let us hope that is the worst that can happen to Revi-" - Karnel
"That's the least of her problems!" shouted a voice behind us.
"You're...Jet?" asked Noire to the Birdkin who had just walked up to us. He's the guy who helped Noire back in the Velantas Civil War. I heard he was also participating, but...
"Thanks for remembering. Anyway, that dragon-girl of yours is bad news!" - Jet
"Revi is?" - Mira
What happened?
Garami's PoV:
"...so, let me get this straight, this Jet came and told, rather, complained to you guys that Revi had almost cost him and several other participants their lives in the event they were having?" - Garami
[That is what it sounded like, yes. I cannot believe it myself...] - Karnel
To think the first contact with those guys would happen right before I was gonna challenge my third agent. Filyn's already taken out 7 of them. Not that I'm competing with her, but if I don't earn some achievements, I can foresee a future where I have to pay the price...
"And? What mess did Revi make?" - Garami
[According to Mr. Jet, the contents of the event they participated in was to orienteer through a jungle filled with tricks and traps. One of them was a plant that created lifelike copies of whatever they wished for...] - Karnel
"Yes? Lifelike copies...of what?" - Garami
[...of you.] - Karnel
Huh? What's this guy smoking?
[Revi... wished, for some reason, for a crazed, bloodthirsty, sadistic copy of you, and the trap tried to create the wish, resulting in the defeat of many contenders. Revi included.] - Karnel
"...huh?" - Garami
[Also, according to Mr. Jet's testimony, it seems that Revi had an...unpleasant expression on her face back then.] - Karnel
"Unpleasant as in?" - Garami
[As in surpassing Ciara's..."passion"...even as it resulted in her losing that event...] - Karnel
"...okay, someone's either possessed Revi, or they have switched places with her at some point." - Garami
The Revi I know isn't some gopher and masochist like...whatever that thing is supposed to be. The real Revi is more, how should I call it...like me? Or, she wishes to be like me. That's one of the main reasons she's still sticking to me. Not that I would let the owner of [Envy] wander around on her own, but that's a different story.
Revi wanna be like me...or, like how I am as an independent person. She's suffered most of her life, lost her previous one even, due to always being used or placed underneath someone. That's why she obtained [Envy] in the first place. She was jealous of the royals in Tir na Nog, but that ended up in the worst possible way ever.
However, she won't stop. She wants to be on the top...no, she just didn't want to be on the bottom. She wanna see the horizon from the top of the mountain called "life", even if she has to share it with someone else. That's why she can stand being simply a member of the Voyagers. No, that's wrong too. Being a member is what she wishes for, as in not being a "subordinate".
Anyway, this feels like someone's trying to act like Revi and take her place, but they've splendidly failed to figure out how she ticks. Like a third-rate actor who's barely read the manuscript for a play. It's a wonder if they've even read the title!
[Also, there is one more thing that cast suspicion on "Revi"...] - Karnel
"Come with it. I can handle anything." - Garami
[Yes... "Revi" managed to make many other people lose that event, but not because she triggered the trap I mentioned. On the first day, she proposed to cook for everyone...according to Mr. Jet, it was a living nightmare...and it seems "Revi" wasn't aware that the food was so bad, considering she tried a bite herself......Garami? Hello?] - Karnel
"...Karnel, who else quit the Festival like you again?" - Garami
[H-huh? In this round? Just me and Alf, but he went straight to bed after we returned to the Damavand-Mansion.] - Karnel
Then we can't expect his help this time around. At least, not right away...
"Join up with Flint and Ciara. They should be working together. Then find out anything about Revi, whether she's an imposter or not." - Garami
[Y-yes ma'am! Over and out!] - Karnel
Tch. Whoever the culprit is, they'd better be prepared. I'm no Lily, but even I can't sit still when someone's messing with the food Revi's making! Even if it's a counterfeit and not the real deal!!
But before that, let's crush some Dahaka-agents!! Watch out, Curse Creatures! You're gonna learn that a nightmare beats a curse any day! Uh, or should I say "night"? Damn, now I'm confusing myself.
Kigal-Note/Titles: Diligent Worker
Hey, good job with your work there, you worker ant...seriously, get some rest. Pronto. Capiche?
Further Information:
The [Diligent Worker] title is the advanced title of [Overworker] and one of the main requirements for people to obtain the [Diligence] Extra Skill.
It is one of the "easier" Virtue-related titles one can obtain if you ignore that one needs intense mental endurance to withstand working for 5 whole days without a single break, not to mention enough SP-reduction skills to survive the ordeal.
The title's effect will cut down the SP needed for normal actions, such as walking and punching. Stuff not related to skills.
One of the skills rewarded is [Exhaustion Resistance], a Resistance Skill that reduces the odds of being inflicted with the "Exhaustion" status ailment and lets the user ignore natural exhaustion that builds up in their body, but it cannot negate it.
The second skill granted as a title-reward is [Starvation Resistance]. It is an evolved/merged skill from [Hunger Resistance] and [Thirst Resistance]. This skill allows the user to ignore physical problems that occur due to the lack of food and drink, but it cannot negate them. It also reduces the chance of being inflicted with the status ailments "Hunger" and "Thirst" from other skills.
Garami's comment: Just what kinda sweatshop do you have to work for to get this title!?
Alf's PoV:
"All systems are green. We are ready to surface." - Alf
"*Grr*!" - Polaris
I lazily gave my orders to the Shadow Kin as they operated the controls that make this thing move. Polaris copied me while wearing the strange white-and-black hat he had taken from the captain's room. Finally done with this nasty event...
Yamatai Grand Festival
You find yourself in a strange ship that is sinking to the bottom of the sea. However, this ship is still capable of reaching the surface.
Cooperate with your crewmembers (participants) and master the secrets behind this strange vessel and reach the surface!
A mysterious vessel indeed. However, I have read about them in the strange books that sometimes appear in Damavand. It is called a "submarine", and as the event description said, it is a ship that can travel both on the surface of the sea and underneath it.
To think that Migrants come from a world where it is possible to make vessels like these...though, the fisherman in my heart can't accept this as a "ship". How are you supposed to fish with this thing? Give me a galleon any day. Then again, this type of ship is not constructed with fishing in mind, so I am not to judge.
"You really can steer this thing?" asked one of the participants who are on the bridge with us.
"No worries. I've memorized all the controls." - Alf
The method to clear this event was surprisingly easy. To the point of even being disappointing. Several instruction manuals were spread throughout the sub, making this closer to a treasure hunt than an escape event. There were even enough sleeping quarters and food for everyone.
The real challenge was to endure the claustrophobic environment and the presence of what we think may be gigantic sea monsters that swim around the sub sometimes. And to study the vast amount of knowledge that the manuals contain. I would be happy if the guy responsible for this event didn't have to include unrelated books in the sub though!
Ah, why do I even bother?
I ordered the Shadow Kin who shared my knowledge from the manuals and had the submarine go to the surface thanks to the "auto-pilot" that the manuals had told about. And then-
"Freedom! Sweet freedom!"
"Scary...that was too scaryyyy!!"
Several adults crawled on the floor as we entered the break area between the event. Many were traumatized by the experience, and I cannot blame them. Most of them have not even seen a C-rank monster. And whatever it was that was swimming in those waters is many ranks above that. I still have goosebumps from them.
"Alf-dono! Again, thank you for your assistance!"
"If you are in the need of something, just ask me."
"Please marry my daughter!"
A-hahahaha...guess my karma went up from this? No, it did. Not that I care...
"Excuse me. I see my friends over there." - Alf
After giving my excuses, I parted with the other participants and walked over to the familiar faces having a loud discussion by a bench.
"The casino room has to come first!" - Mira
"You just want to blow your money there! And it's not like you would earn anything with such a stupid facility! A workshop for processing gems and accessories is much more favorable." - Noire
"You don't even need that, you genius crafter!" - Mira
"Ah, please say that again~~." - Noire
"Huh? Did that backfire?" - Mira
"Now, now...oh, it's Alf." - Karnel
"Hey...make some room..." - Alf
I sat down on the bench while Karnel crouched down to greet Polaris.
"What's wrong with you? You're showing less presence than normal." - Noire
"Yeah...maybe..." I replied listlessly...ah, the sunglasses fell off.
"-!? Zombie!?" - Noire
"Huh-, panda!?!?" - Karnel
"Vampire!?!?" - Mira
Hey, the last one's not even related to the dark circles underneath my eyes.
"Hey, what happened to you this week?" - Noire
"Nothing...or, everything? What I'm trying to say is that I haven't gotten a second of sleep this whole week-" - Alf
"Monster!" - Karnel
"Imposter!!" - Noire
"Vampire!!!" - Mira
Come on now...
It took a while, but I managed to explain my situation.
"I see. That sounds exhausting." - Noire
"Having to live in an underwater vessel for a week with unknown creatures swimming around..." - Karnel
"That event's practically a death trap! They didn't even add any escape routes for those who wanted to withdraw from the event!?" - Mira
"None at all. That must have been one of those events with a high death ratio. I got unlucky there." - Alf
"Then you should quit this thing while you still can. Rather, quit and get some sleep. You of all people taking several all-nighters...it's just unnatural!" - Mira
"You think I could sleep under those conditions? I'm picky about my bedding. Not only the comforter and pillow, but the location itself is also important when one wants a decent night of sleep. Then there is-" - Alf
"Ah, no worries. This is the real Alf." - Noire
Hey! I was only starting in sharing my wisdom about bedding!
"Okay, then that's taken care of, back to the main subject. Casino-room!" - Mira
"Workshop!" - Noire
"An explanation!" - Alf
I'm not in the shape for this!
Karnel came to my rescue and told me that they were busy making a list of the prizes they wanted to buy with their Prize Points. The idea is to pressure Garami with a solid plan for the usage of the points so they can sneak in their demands without her making a fuzz over it...
"Ah, okay. Count me in." - Alf
"You are joining them!?" - Karnel
"After this last event, even a peace lover like me will want some repayment. Even if it means having to pick a fight with that Garami." - Alf
"Wow...you sure you shouldn't take a nap like, right now?" - Mira
"How can I sleep peacefully in a place like this?" - Alf
I mean, take a look at this area! It feels like a weird mix of a Wakoku village and some big mausoleum! Even the workers "living" here are Skeletons and other types of the undead!
"Your point is? This is no different from Damavand." - Mira
"Maybe, but Damavand isn't rocking Jolly Rogers!" - Alf
I am born and raised in a port town! Parents there use tales about pirates instead of the boogeyman to scare kids to sleep!
"Huh? What pirate flag...oh, you mean that coat of arms?" asked Mira as she pointed at the Jolly...no, maybe she's right?
The mark is strangely similar to your typical Jolly Roger, but instead of crossbones, a set of canes forms a cross underneath the skull. The skull and canes themselves are placed on top of a shield motif, making them closer in appearance to a coat of arms than a Jolly Roger...
"What is that thing representing anyway?" - Karnel
"The sponsor for this tournament." - Noire
"Huh? Where did you hear about that?" - Mira
"I didn't. My event took place in the world's greatest library, so I took the chance to look for some clues before clearing the event. I got to know that the coat of arms there represents the sponsor, and they go by the initial DD. No clue what they stand for though." - Noire
Huh...they must be a strange god for having such a symbol to represent them...and all the mess regarding this festival...
"Still, I can't stand piracy!" - Alf
"You're still going on with that?!" - Karnel
"Said the member of the evil organization. One that includes piracy." - Noire
Ugh...I didn't want anyone to point that out...
"Now, now. It is only one hour before the 4th event ends and people can leave this area," said Karnel in an attempt to change the topic...he's a good guy.
"That means Revi's the only one missing." - Noire
"Really? What about Ciara?" - Alf
"She was kicked out. She didn't die though. No worries there." - Mira
"That's all well and good. Let us hope that is the worst that can happen to Revi-" - Karnel
"That's the least of her problems!" shouted a voice behind us.
"You're...Jet?" asked Noire to the Birdkin who had just walked up to us. He's the guy who helped Noire back in the Velantas Civil War. I heard he was also participating, but...
"Thanks for remembering. Anyway, that dragon-girl of yours is bad news!" - Jet
"Revi is?" - Mira
What happened?
Garami's PoV:
"...so, let me get this straight, this Jet came and told, rather, complained to you guys that Revi had almost cost him and several other participants their lives in the event they were having?" - Garami
[That is what it sounded like, yes. I cannot believe it myself...] - Karnel
To think the first contact with those guys would happen right before I was gonna challenge my third agent. Filyn's already taken out 7 of them. Not that I'm competing with her, but if I don't earn some achievements, I can foresee a future where I have to pay the price...
"And? What mess did Revi make?" - Garami
[According to Mr. Jet, the contents of the event they participated in was to orienteer through a jungle filled with tricks and traps. One of them was a plant that created lifelike copies of whatever they wished for...] - Karnel
"Yes? Lifelike copies...of what?" - Garami
[...of you.] - Karnel
Huh? What's this guy smoking?
[Revi... wished, for some reason, for a crazed, bloodthirsty, sadistic copy of you, and the trap tried to create the wish, resulting in the defeat of many contenders. Revi included.] - Karnel
"...huh?" - Garami
[Also, according to Mr. Jet's testimony, it seems that Revi had an...unpleasant expression on her face back then.] - Karnel
"Unpleasant as in?" - Garami
[As in surpassing Ciara's..."passion"...even as it resulted in her losing that event...] - Karnel
"...okay, someone's either possessed Revi, or they have switched places with her at some point." - Garami
The Revi I know isn't some gopher and masochist like...whatever that thing is supposed to be. The real Revi is more, how should I call it...like me? Or, she wishes to be like me. That's one of the main reasons she's still sticking to me. Not that I would let the owner of [Envy] wander around on her own, but that's a different story.
Revi wanna be like me...or, like how I am as an independent person. She's suffered most of her life, lost her previous one even, due to always being used or placed underneath someone. That's why she obtained [Envy] in the first place. She was jealous of the royals in Tir na Nog, but that ended up in the worst possible way ever.
However, she won't stop. She wants to be on the top...no, she just didn't want to be on the bottom. She wanna see the horizon from the top of the mountain called "life", even if she has to share it with someone else. That's why she can stand being simply a member of the Voyagers. No, that's wrong too. Being a member is what she wishes for, as in not being a "subordinate".
Anyway, this feels like someone's trying to act like Revi and take her place, but they've splendidly failed to figure out how she ticks. Like a third-rate actor who's barely read the manuscript for a play. It's a wonder if they've even read the title!
[Also, there is one more thing that cast suspicion on "Revi"...] - Karnel
"Come with it. I can handle anything." - Garami
[Yes... "Revi" managed to make many other people lose that event, but not because she triggered the trap I mentioned. On the first day, she proposed to cook for everyone...according to Mr. Jet, it was a living nightmare...and it seems "Revi" wasn't aware that the food was so bad, considering she tried a bite herself......Garami? Hello?] - Karnel
"...Karnel, who else quit the Festival like you again?" - Garami
[H-huh? In this round? Just me and Alf, but he went straight to bed after we returned to the Damavand-Mansion.] - Karnel
Then we can't expect his help this time around. At least, not right away...
"Join up with Flint and Ciara. They should be working together. Then find out anything about Revi, whether she's an imposter or not." - Garami
[Y-yes ma'am! Over and out!] - Karnel
Tch. Whoever the culprit is, they'd better be prepared. I'm no Lily, but even I can't sit still when someone's messing with the food Revi's making! Even if it's a counterfeit and not the real deal!!
But before that, let's crush some Dahaka-agents!! Watch out, Curse Creatures! You're gonna learn that a nightmare beats a curse any day! Uh, or should I say "night"? Damn, now I'm confusing myself.
Kigal-Note/Titles: Diligent Worker
Hey, good job with your work there, you worker ant...seriously, get some rest. Pronto. Capiche?
Further Information:
The [Diligent Worker] title is the advanced title of [Overworker] and one of the main requirements for people to obtain the [Diligence] Extra Skill.
It is one of the "easier" Virtue-related titles one can obtain if you ignore that one needs intense mental endurance to withstand working for 5 whole days without a single break, not to mention enough SP-reduction skills to survive the ordeal.
The title's effect will cut down the SP needed for normal actions, such as walking and punching. Stuff not related to skills.
One of the skills rewarded is [Exhaustion Resistance], a Resistance Skill that reduces the odds of being inflicted with the "Exhaustion" status ailment and lets the user ignore natural exhaustion that builds up in their body, but it cannot negate it.
The second skill granted as a title-reward is [Starvation Resistance]. It is an evolved/merged skill from [Hunger Resistance] and [Thirst Resistance]. This skill allows the user to ignore physical problems that occur due to the lack of food and drink, but it cannot negate them. It also reduces the chance of being inflicted with the status ailments "Hunger" and "Thirst" from other skills.
Garami's comment: Just what kinda sweatshop do you have to work for to get this title!?
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