A Reincarnated Demon's Life of Wonder
[Arc 4] Chapter 44: Zero-Range and Lovecraftian Summoning
5th Event, Day 3.
Mira's PoV:
"UGH-?! (Critical hit)"
"GYAaa...you miss from this distance?"
*BONK!* *Bang!*
Wow. A road of corpses. Wonder how that happened?
"Mira, mind toning down the brutality? I feel like my Karma Value is dropping just from watching you," is what that bothersome ball of feathers named Jet had to say just when I was getting into the groove.
"I'm letting you tag along, so keep your ideas for yourself." - Mira
"Yeah, but...even if you can't use your swords, why resort to using those "bazookas" or whatever they're called as replacements just because you couldn't hit something with a gun. It feels...just wrong." - Jet
There are no other choices, are there!? Stupid "FPS-event" or whatever it's called. Why limit people to these toys?
The rule for this event is to earn points by shooting people with the various "guns" you can find all over this event field...which have an incredible resemblance to one of those "original Dungeon-floors" in Damavand. This place's just not broken.
You get points for hitting the other contestants, but when you've shot, you lose points instead. There are also special monsters in the event field, so it's not like only one contender can proceed.
Still...the worst rule is regarding the "ammo"... These guns shoot a green liquid that not only takes points from the contenders...it also melts their clothes...even my armor...
"Damn, now I'm pissed off again! Where are the next suckers!" - Mira
"Ganging up on weaker prey is not always a good idea..." - Jet
"Who're you calling weak!? I'm just bad with weapons that need marksmanship-skills!" - Mira
Argh, why's everyone picking on me for that! Even the time back in the adventurer school...
Wow, good timing. [Electrolocation] found some more points36prey. I climbed up the building they were hiding in by using phantasmal sword-copies of the swords I have in the [Armory Storage], leaving Jet behind as bait, and jumped on them while they least suspected it.
The first guy of the party of four was the unluckiest one. I stuffed his head into the bazooka and pulled the trigger, releasing tons of green slime. These weapons don't produce recoil, a feature to allow those new to gun-type weapons to use them right away probably, so the bazooka didn't explode or anything. Can't say the guy inside it was any luckier.
Seeing as the first guy had lost all his current points and was sent to the safe area like I was during the first day, I retrieved a pair of "shotguns" from my [Armory Storage] and blasted the second and third bastard from close-range. Green bullets covered their bodies before they were sent to the safe area, albeit with less clothing than before.
The final jerk tried to aim his gun at me, but I threw one of the shotguns at him as a distraction, ran up close to him when he was too busy swatting away the thrown shotgun, and finished him off with a shot to his solar plexus.
Like his friends, this guy was sent to the safe area where he has to wait for 24 hours before getting a new set of 100 points, the starter value, and be allowed to enter the field again.
"Wow...no mercy. What a surprise," said Jet in a monotone voice when he caught up to me.
"Nothing can stand in my way to glory and Gol-...forget that last part." - Mira
Crap, I almost said that I wanted to buy a sub-attribute to Damavand out loud. Good thing Jet's not the sharpest knife around.
Half in an attempt to distract him, I started to look for new guns I could make use of. The skills of the Phantom Thief class have helped me in locating shotguns and bazookas. Those heavy-hitters have the best compatibility with my normal playing style.
There are buildings spread around the event map and they usually have either a gun or ammo in them. Just as I found a new treasure chest inside one of the buildings, it suddenly disappeared before I could open it. What gives!? There's nothing written on the event description about the chests going poof before you empty them...and now I can't get the Event info up either!
I left the building in a hurry to find out what was happening, but when I stepped out, a small earthquake stopped me for a moment before the answer to my questions appeared in front of me:
Yamatai Grand Festival
Attack! Defeat! And survive!!
A sudden threat, the evil that lurked in the shadows, has appeared! Defeat this counterfeit and prevent it from escaping this event map and destroying the kingdom of Wakoku!!
"Wh-whaaaat!?" - Jet
Jet, who had been waiting outside the building, shouted in confusion. I would have joined him but the sight of several blue pillars of light appearing across the sky stopped me. And one of them was close to us. As the light diminished, a figure could be seen...
"PHHT!? A-hahaha! N-N-Noire!? What's that outfit!" - Mira
She's practically half-naked with some sort of yukata-like top and a-, a-, what's it called? A "mawashi"?
"......my event was a so-called sumo-match...it was horrible..." - Noire
"I damn believe it was! Ahahahaha!" I shouted while trying to stop laughing. I failed. Jet was luckier than me, but I can see that he's crouched over.
"Mwa-hahaha! My rival, it is time to test our strengths again!" came a loud voice from where another pillar had been...
"Geh! Grangron!" - Mira
"Hahaha...hey! What are you saying "geh!" for!?" - Grangron
Why's that stupid ogre here?! Wasn't he disqualified together with Ciara?
"Oh? Seems like they prepared a great finale for the Festival," said another voice...even Percel's here?
And right then, a gigantic red pillar of light emerged in the distance… I bet that the target's over there. Even I can't fluke this bet.
Sudden or not, this is a great chance. 1M Prize Points is just what I need for the prize I want to buy; the Gold sub-attribute for Damavand!
Skill List:
Title List:
Achievement Titles:
Hunting Titles:
Karnel's PoV:
In the middle of the plaza of Mizuki city, the main city used for the Yamatai Grand Festival, people who want to see the Festival can view it on the aether screens. There are fewer people here today for some reason, so it's not as packed to the brim as yesterday.
Even so, the current situation regarding the festival is: not good. At all.
The people present today looked on the aether-screens with a mix of excitement and fear in their eyes as the figure of the "Mirror Imitation", a raid-class enemy that suddenly appeared in four Event-maps. It's a large, gecko-like dragon with three heads, pale-grey scales, and dead eyes.
"That's some nasty...things," said Flint who is watching beside me. He must be against referring to the Mirror Imitation as something related to lizards.
It happened when Flint and I were looking for the false Revi when the announcement happened.
A sudden raid allowed even people disqualified from the Festival to reenter. No, even people who had challenged the previous Festivals in the past are allowed to fight against the Mirror Imitation. I saw Grangron enter the portal of light, at least. Also, the original twelve Events have been reduced to four, meaning that everyone that's participating in the Festival, and more, are going to face these four dragons.
Honestly, I have no desire to participate. Raids are generally made so no one can defeat them singlehandedly. First, the raid target's HP, MP, and SP are enhanced to ridiculous levels, their other stats are also increased, they gain several special effects that give them an even greater advantage, so cooperation between several participants is the only way to grind their HP down to zero. It is too big of a task for me to suddenly decide to enter in without any experience with large-scale battles.
And more importantly, we have to look for Revi! I mean, her copy! Someone arrived yesterday with a message from Garami that said that they had found the real Revi, so we have been looking for the imposter all of yesterday and today.
I've even allowed Snipper and his friends to look around the city. They have their familiar tags on them, so people won't mistake them for wild monsters, but that's to prove how elusive this Revi-pretender is!
Even Alf tried to assist...tried being the important part here. Or maybe I should say "tired"?
Anyway, Alf's so exhausted that he falls asleep the second he takes a step out of his bed, so we cannot expect assistance from him. We would have to be devils if we wanted to force him to help anyway... And Ciara has disappeared since the day she first saw Revi for some reason...I mean, the fake Revi! Aw, this is confusing...
"Got her! The "dragon searcher" has found something!" - Flint
"Ehh...those bug-like magitechs you have been working on?" I asked while remembering those dragonfly-like contraptions that Flint built after hearing the possibility of the Revi in the city being fake.
"Yup. Those dragonfly-shaped drones can detect the special aether signature that only dragon-types emit! You may not know, but I used to live in the dragon-kingdom Loitan." - Flint
"So that's where you got to know so much about dragons...huh? Wasn't the Revi we are looking for a fake?" - Karnel
"I'm betting that they're so dedicated to their disguise that they would want to replicate even the aether-signature, even if their acting sucks." - Flint
Oh, that's a good idea.
Following the signal on Flint's contraption, we left the plaza and entered the streets. And we found Revi in one of the parks located inside the city...along with a huge line of people, and...people collapsed on the ground with purple faces!?
"That cauldron that Revi's stirring over there," said Flint while pointing at the object in question, "...it's a witch's cauldron, right? Please say I'm right..."
I want to affirm it, but looking at the line of tables placed around the park, I would say it is a normal cooking cauldron...unfortunately. The people who have fainted and are purple in their faces have a dish filled with purple...is that supposed to be curry?
And despite seeing how people turn out after eating that Poisonous Substance X, why are there still people lining up to get a plate!? Are they brainwashed or simply stupid?
"Flint~. Karnel~. Want a taste~?" asked Revi's counterfeit...one taste wouldn't hurt-
"Hey, what are you doing!?" - Flint
Flint dragged me away right when I was...what was I going to do just now!?
I dropped the plate of Poisonous Substance X in the shock of my actions. No, was that me who did that?
"Eh~? You don't want to eat?" asked Revi with a sweet voice...that doesn't fit her. "In that case~."
With a snap of her fingers, several people who had worked with Revi serving the Poisonous Substance X started to surround us.
"I have the mission of weakening this city's defenses, but why stick to one method~." - Revi (not)
A trap!? Wait, this was a plot against the city itself and not our group specifically!?
"Tch, no choice then-" started Flint as he pulled out an outright vicious katana from his Item Bag.
"Hey, wait! There are still civilians here!" - Karnel
"Then what are we supposed to do?" - Flint
Ugh, a good question... Maybe I could summon Snipper and the others...but they're already here! And knocked out from the Poisonous Substance X!? You idiots!!
"Now, say your prayer...s? What's this?" - Revi (fake)
Just as things started to look bleak, a black-colored magic circle appeared on the bodies of the fake Revi and her subordinates. From the looks of things, they do not know what is going on either.
"Summon! Callerlhu!"
With that call, a creature that looked like a cross between a starfish and an octopus with a huge mouth appeared from the magic circle. Then...-!?!?!?
"GYAAAA!!" - Revi (false)
"MY EARS!!" - Flint
"M-MAKE IT STOOOP!!" - Karnel
What is that sound!? Those octopus-starfishes, they are too tone-deaf to be of this world! The people who were lining up are dropping like flies from the sound, and the fake Revi's subordinates...are cracking up and falling apart!? Like glass...they're made out of glass!?
The octopus-starfishes disappeared after a while, but I think there's an echo...no, are more of those guys being summoned elsewhere? And from the sound of it, all over the city!?
"Mwa-hahaha! All according to plan!"
A voice came from the bushes, the same one that must have summoned the octopus-starfishes. And that person is...a flying, blue ball of light?
"...miss Ciara..., right?" - Karnel
"Of course it's me! Just because I go AWOL for a while to search and tag those fakers doesn't mean you're allowed to forget about me!" - Ciara
"So this is your mess...old hag!" - Revi (half-deaf)
Whoa-, she's still alive… and in one piece? Anyway, the false Revi is still here, despite the fact the other fakers have been destroyed. However, she's not unharmed. There is already a crack going across her face.
"Ha-, ha-, ha-!? Ha-! Ha!!? Ha-ha-, ho-, o-hohohoho-!" - Ciara
"...let's get a move on and evacuate those unconscious people before a tidal wave strikes this park." - Flint
"Good idea," I said while taking some steps away from Ciara who had returned to her human size and looked like a bomb ready to explode at any moment...scary...
Skill List:
Title List:
Kigal-Note/Titles: Luster Technique Master
Not everything that shines is gold...but this is too shiny!! My eyes, MY EYES!!
Further Information:
The [Luster Technique Master] title is a title granted to those who have mastered the usage of both the Light attribute and an attribute related to metallic substances.
It can also be obtained by having the [Luster Technique User] title, then obtaining 5-or-more skills of both the Light attribute and the second attribute used to form this title, except for Resistance Skills, Magic Skills, and Element skills. If so, the person in question can skip the requirement of having to own tier-3 Element skills related to the attributes. Some species heavily based on the Light attribute can obtain this title through its normal usage while skipping the tier-3 Element skill requirement as well.
The usage of this title is to grant the Light attribute physical qualities of a physical material with reflective abilities. The Light skills will also share some of the secondary attributes' traits, such as Metal's toughness, Crystal's sharpness, Gem's ability to conduct magic, Silver's anti-undead properties, or Gold's traits of using curses and acting as an anti-demon material.
In addition, the owner of this title is granted the privilege to perform Light attribute skills from a distance by using the material related to the second "Attribute Technique Master" title as a medium. Meaning they can make Light-based attacks appear from the material related to the second "Attribute Technique Master"-title, allowing them to perform some tricky moves, not to mention some wild sneak attacks.
Mira's comment: Hmm, I'm not surprised. Swords do shine when you give them a good round of polishing.
Mira's PoV:
"UGH-?! (Critical hit)"
"GYAaa...you miss from this distance?"
*BONK!* *Bang!*
Wow. A road of corpses. Wonder how that happened?
"Mira, mind toning down the brutality? I feel like my Karma Value is dropping just from watching you," is what that bothersome ball of feathers named Jet had to say just when I was getting into the groove.
"I'm letting you tag along, so keep your ideas for yourself." - Mira
"Yeah, but...even if you can't use your swords, why resort to using those "bazookas" or whatever they're called as replacements just because you couldn't hit something with a gun. It feels...just wrong." - Jet
There are no other choices, are there!? Stupid "FPS-event" or whatever it's called. Why limit people to these toys?
The rule for this event is to earn points by shooting people with the various "guns" you can find all over this event field...which have an incredible resemblance to one of those "original Dungeon-floors" in Damavand. This place's just not broken.
You get points for hitting the other contestants, but when you've shot, you lose points instead. There are also special monsters in the event field, so it's not like only one contender can proceed.
Still...the worst rule is regarding the "ammo"... These guns shoot a green liquid that not only takes points from the contenders...it also melts their clothes...even my armor...
"Damn, now I'm pissed off again! Where are the next suckers!" - Mira
"Ganging up on weaker prey is not always a good idea..." - Jet
"Who're you calling weak!? I'm just bad with weapons that need marksmanship-skills!" - Mira
Argh, why's everyone picking on me for that! Even the time back in the adventurer school...
Wow, good timing. [Electrolocation] found some more points36prey. I climbed up the building they were hiding in by using phantasmal sword-copies of the swords I have in the [Armory Storage], leaving Jet behind as bait, and jumped on them while they least suspected it.
The first guy of the party of four was the unluckiest one. I stuffed his head into the bazooka and pulled the trigger, releasing tons of green slime. These weapons don't produce recoil, a feature to allow those new to gun-type weapons to use them right away probably, so the bazooka didn't explode or anything. Can't say the guy inside it was any luckier.
Seeing as the first guy had lost all his current points and was sent to the safe area like I was during the first day, I retrieved a pair of "shotguns" from my [Armory Storage] and blasted the second and third bastard from close-range. Green bullets covered their bodies before they were sent to the safe area, albeit with less clothing than before.
The final jerk tried to aim his gun at me, but I threw one of the shotguns at him as a distraction, ran up close to him when he was too busy swatting away the thrown shotgun, and finished him off with a shot to his solar plexus.
Like his friends, this guy was sent to the safe area where he has to wait for 24 hours before getting a new set of 100 points, the starter value, and be allowed to enter the field again.
"Wow...no mercy. What a surprise," said Jet in a monotone voice when he caught up to me.
"Nothing can stand in my way to glory and Gol-...forget that last part." - Mira
Crap, I almost said that I wanted to buy a sub-attribute to Damavand out loud. Good thing Jet's not the sharpest knife around.
Half in an attempt to distract him, I started to look for new guns I could make use of. The skills of the Phantom Thief class have helped me in locating shotguns and bazookas. Those heavy-hitters have the best compatibility with my normal playing style.
There are buildings spread around the event map and they usually have either a gun or ammo in them. Just as I found a new treasure chest inside one of the buildings, it suddenly disappeared before I could open it. What gives!? There's nothing written on the event description about the chests going poof before you empty them...and now I can't get the Event info up either!
I left the building in a hurry to find out what was happening, but when I stepped out, a small earthquake stopped me for a moment before the answer to my questions appeared in front of me:
Yamatai Grand Festival
Attack! Defeat! And survive!!
A sudden threat, the evil that lurked in the shadows, has appeared! Defeat this counterfeit and prevent it from escaping this event map and destroying the kingdom of Wakoku!!
"Wh-whaaaat!?" - Jet
Jet, who had been waiting outside the building, shouted in confusion. I would have joined him but the sight of several blue pillars of light appearing across the sky stopped me. And one of them was close to us. As the light diminished, a figure could be seen...
"PHHT!? A-hahaha! N-N-Noire!? What's that outfit!" - Mira
She's practically half-naked with some sort of yukata-like top and a-, a-, what's it called? A "mawashi"?
"......my event was a so-called sumo-match...it was horrible..." - Noire
"I damn believe it was! Ahahahaha!" I shouted while trying to stop laughing. I failed. Jet was luckier than me, but I can see that he's crouched over.
"Mwa-hahaha! My rival, it is time to test our strengths again!" came a loud voice from where another pillar had been...
"Geh! Grangron!" - Mira
"Hahaha...hey! What are you saying "geh!" for!?" - Grangron
Why's that stupid ogre here?! Wasn't he disqualified together with Ciara?
"Oh? Seems like they prepared a great finale for the Festival," said another voice...even Percel's here?
And right then, a gigantic red pillar of light emerged in the distance… I bet that the target's over there. Even I can't fluke this bet.
Sudden or not, this is a great chance. 1M Prize Points is just what I need for the prize I want to buy; the Gold sub-attribute for Damavand!
Skill List:
Title List:
Achievement Titles:
Hunting Titles:
Karnel's PoV:
In the middle of the plaza of Mizuki city, the main city used for the Yamatai Grand Festival, people who want to see the Festival can view it on the aether screens. There are fewer people here today for some reason, so it's not as packed to the brim as yesterday.
Even so, the current situation regarding the festival is: not good. At all.
The people present today looked on the aether-screens with a mix of excitement and fear in their eyes as the figure of the "Mirror Imitation", a raid-class enemy that suddenly appeared in four Event-maps. It's a large, gecko-like dragon with three heads, pale-grey scales, and dead eyes.
"That's some nasty...things," said Flint who is watching beside me. He must be against referring to the Mirror Imitation as something related to lizards.
It happened when Flint and I were looking for the false Revi when the announcement happened.
A sudden raid allowed even people disqualified from the Festival to reenter. No, even people who had challenged the previous Festivals in the past are allowed to fight against the Mirror Imitation. I saw Grangron enter the portal of light, at least. Also, the original twelve Events have been reduced to four, meaning that everyone that's participating in the Festival, and more, are going to face these four dragons.
Honestly, I have no desire to participate. Raids are generally made so no one can defeat them singlehandedly. First, the raid target's HP, MP, and SP are enhanced to ridiculous levels, their other stats are also increased, they gain several special effects that give them an even greater advantage, so cooperation between several participants is the only way to grind their HP down to zero. It is too big of a task for me to suddenly decide to enter in without any experience with large-scale battles.
And more importantly, we have to look for Revi! I mean, her copy! Someone arrived yesterday with a message from Garami that said that they had found the real Revi, so we have been looking for the imposter all of yesterday and today.
I've even allowed Snipper and his friends to look around the city. They have their familiar tags on them, so people won't mistake them for wild monsters, but that's to prove how elusive this Revi-pretender is!
Even Alf tried to assist...tried being the important part here. Or maybe I should say "tired"?
Anyway, Alf's so exhausted that he falls asleep the second he takes a step out of his bed, so we cannot expect assistance from him. We would have to be devils if we wanted to force him to help anyway... And Ciara has disappeared since the day she first saw Revi for some reason...I mean, the fake Revi! Aw, this is confusing...
"Got her! The "dragon searcher" has found something!" - Flint
"Ehh...those bug-like magitechs you have been working on?" I asked while remembering those dragonfly-like contraptions that Flint built after hearing the possibility of the Revi in the city being fake.
"Yup. Those dragonfly-shaped drones can detect the special aether signature that only dragon-types emit! You may not know, but I used to live in the dragon-kingdom Loitan." - Flint
"So that's where you got to know so much about dragons...huh? Wasn't the Revi we are looking for a fake?" - Karnel
"I'm betting that they're so dedicated to their disguise that they would want to replicate even the aether-signature, even if their acting sucks." - Flint
Oh, that's a good idea.
Following the signal on Flint's contraption, we left the plaza and entered the streets. And we found Revi in one of the parks located inside the city...along with a huge line of people, and...people collapsed on the ground with purple faces!?
"That cauldron that Revi's stirring over there," said Flint while pointing at the object in question, "...it's a witch's cauldron, right? Please say I'm right..."
I want to affirm it, but looking at the line of tables placed around the park, I would say it is a normal cooking cauldron...unfortunately. The people who have fainted and are purple in their faces have a dish filled with purple...is that supposed to be curry?
And despite seeing how people turn out after eating that Poisonous Substance X, why are there still people lining up to get a plate!? Are they brainwashed or simply stupid?
"Flint~. Karnel~. Want a taste~?" asked Revi's counterfeit...one taste wouldn't hurt-
"Hey, what are you doing!?" - Flint
Flint dragged me away right when I was...what was I going to do just now!?
I dropped the plate of Poisonous Substance X in the shock of my actions. No, was that me who did that?
"Eh~? You don't want to eat?" asked Revi with a sweet voice...that doesn't fit her. "In that case~."
With a snap of her fingers, several people who had worked with Revi serving the Poisonous Substance X started to surround us.
"I have the mission of weakening this city's defenses, but why stick to one method~." - Revi (not)
A trap!? Wait, this was a plot against the city itself and not our group specifically!?
"Tch, no choice then-" started Flint as he pulled out an outright vicious katana from his Item Bag.
"Hey, wait! There are still civilians here!" - Karnel
"Then what are we supposed to do?" - Flint
Ugh, a good question... Maybe I could summon Snipper and the others...but they're already here! And knocked out from the Poisonous Substance X!? You idiots!!
"Now, say your prayer...s? What's this?" - Revi (fake)
Just as things started to look bleak, a black-colored magic circle appeared on the bodies of the fake Revi and her subordinates. From the looks of things, they do not know what is going on either.
"Summon! Callerlhu!"
With that call, a creature that looked like a cross between a starfish and an octopus with a huge mouth appeared from the magic circle. Then...-!?!?!?
"GYAAAA!!" - Revi (false)
"MY EARS!!" - Flint
"M-MAKE IT STOOOP!!" - Karnel
What is that sound!? Those octopus-starfishes, they are too tone-deaf to be of this world! The people who were lining up are dropping like flies from the sound, and the fake Revi's subordinates...are cracking up and falling apart!? Like glass...they're made out of glass!?
The octopus-starfishes disappeared after a while, but I think there's an echo...no, are more of those guys being summoned elsewhere? And from the sound of it, all over the city!?
"Mwa-hahaha! All according to plan!"
A voice came from the bushes, the same one that must have summoned the octopus-starfishes. And that person is...a flying, blue ball of light?
"...miss Ciara..., right?" - Karnel
"Of course it's me! Just because I go AWOL for a while to search and tag those fakers doesn't mean you're allowed to forget about me!" - Ciara
"So this is your mess...old hag!" - Revi (half-deaf)
Whoa-, she's still alive… and in one piece? Anyway, the false Revi is still here, despite the fact the other fakers have been destroyed. However, she's not unharmed. There is already a crack going across her face.
"Ha-, ha-, ha-!? Ha-! Ha!!? Ha-ha-, ho-, o-hohohoho-!" - Ciara
"...let's get a move on and evacuate those unconscious people before a tidal wave strikes this park." - Flint
"Good idea," I said while taking some steps away from Ciara who had returned to her human size and looked like a bomb ready to explode at any moment...scary...
Skill List:
Title List:
Kigal-Note/Titles: Luster Technique Master
Not everything that shines is gold...but this is too shiny!! My eyes, MY EYES!!
Further Information:
The [Luster Technique Master] title is a title granted to those who have mastered the usage of both the Light attribute and an attribute related to metallic substances.
It can also be obtained by having the [Luster Technique User] title, then obtaining 5-or-more skills of both the Light attribute and the second attribute used to form this title, except for Resistance Skills, Magic Skills, and Element skills. If so, the person in question can skip the requirement of having to own tier-3 Element skills related to the attributes. Some species heavily based on the Light attribute can obtain this title through its normal usage while skipping the tier-3 Element skill requirement as well.
The usage of this title is to grant the Light attribute physical qualities of a physical material with reflective abilities. The Light skills will also share some of the secondary attributes' traits, such as Metal's toughness, Crystal's sharpness, Gem's ability to conduct magic, Silver's anti-undead properties, or Gold's traits of using curses and acting as an anti-demon material.
In addition, the owner of this title is granted the privilege to perform Light attribute skills from a distance by using the material related to the second "Attribute Technique Master" title as a medium. Meaning they can make Light-based attacks appear from the material related to the second "Attribute Technique Master"-title, allowing them to perform some tricky moves, not to mention some wild sneak attacks.
Mira's comment: Hmm, I'm not surprised. Swords do shine when you give them a good round of polishing.
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