A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 23: Mixing for a Solution

*Shiver, shiver, shiver, shiver, shiver, shiver, shiver*

After appraising the water snake, no, the water DRAGON, I ran straight back home to my base at the upper-layer tunnels, and hid in my futon. I mean, did you see those stats?! Not to mention the skills!



Attack Skills: [Hydrokinesis LV50 (MAX)]

Magic Skills:  [Purification Magic LV50 (MAX)] 

Passive Skills: [Swimming LV50 (MAX)] [Calm Mind LV50 (MAX)]

Resistance Skills: [Greater Water Resistance LV99 (MAX)] 

Perception Skills: [Sense Threat LV50 (MAX)] 

Leadership Skills: [Ruler LV10]

Racial Skills: [Dragon Breath LV50 (MAX)] [Dragon Armor LV50 (MAX)] [Pure Water Dependency LV99 (MAX)]

Elements: [Water Divinity]


They are all at the max level! The [Ruler] skill is just a weaker version of the [Tyrant] skill that the T-Rex has. After getting it to LV10 you must probably choose what kind of skill that you want to evolve it to. 

There's no way that lazy serpent has trained those skills as I do. It must be the water. EXP is just a sort of aether, so that aether filled, super-concentrated water must have boosted its stats so much that even the proficiency of the skills went up. I can't think of anything else. I mean, getting a dragon breath to LV50 without making the dungeon collapse? No way, there's gotta be doping involved here.

But yeah, there is no way that I can even stand up to this guy. But I have to take care of him! If not, the world's gonna end up as one big sandbox. Or maybe all us mortals are gonna get fried from the System circuit break. *brrr*

Should I poison him? His [Pure Water Dependency] is at LV99, but I still can't get rid of the nasty feeling that it won't be enough.

That dragon can also use purification magic, which has the second name of antidote magic. Any newbie poison I fling at him will just be turned useless by purification. Thinking about it, the dungeon's purification ability must originate from the dragon's skills. Tsk. 

Then how am I gonna be able to poison it? And that isn't the only problem. The [Sense Threat] skill is a different type of my [Sense Foe]. With it, the user will notice any type of threat against them. If I just try to pour some poison into the lake, the dragon notices the threat that is me, [Stealth] be damned.

This skill is also the reason why he surfaced from the lake, back when I was a Lesser Grey Demon. It must have sensed me lurking around, and I became so terrified of the dragon that the skill stopped seeing me as a threat. Then [Stealth] did its work, hiding me from the dragon.

While this shows that I can stay safe from the dragon, as long as I'm not aggressive to it, it also means that the moment I bare my fangs at him, he's gonna find me without problems.

And there's no way I'm gonna be able to make the level-stubborn [Stealth] better than that guys threat sensing abilities. Even my level goes faster up, as it did on my way down to the lake.

If I could make some kind of super poison... Nah. That slippery dragon has tons of skill points left. I didn't get the precise number, but I think it was close to a hundred skill points. With that many, he can obtain a poison resistance skill in case he needs it.

For those of you thinking that the founder of the [Pure Water Dependency] skill won't be able to obtain poison-related skills, look at this!


Race: Pure Lake Dragon

Rank: A+

Type: Dragon Monster

Element: Water, Life

A dragon that evolved from a snake who has lived for a hundred years in a lake of clean water.

Through its long life in the lake, it has learned to harness the powers of water to use as weapons, as well as gaining the scales and breath of a dragon.

It will grant long life to visitors that respect its lake, but for those who want to misuse the lake, will feel the monster's wrath, as it uses the power of a dragon, abilities over water, and poison, to punish the intruders.


See, see, SEE?! This dragon can use poison! He must have traded all its poison skills for the [Pure Water Dependency], but that doesn't mean that it can't get [Poison Resistance]. Especially with that shit load of skill points.

If I want to poison the dragon to death, I need to make a tsunami level of poison, but even I can't make nor carry so much poison. Either that or make a poison so venomous that it can take out that 3000+ HP in one fell swoop. However, if I focus too much on the quality, I'll skimp on the quantity, resulting in not having enough poison to weaken that mega boost he gets from the skills.

I'm not even sure I can create so strong poison anyway. I've tried to combine several Vengeful Poisons as I did with the Demonic Poisons, but to no luck. The Vengeful Poison is the highest level poison I can make on my own. If I want to make something stronger, I would need some materials. Materials? Maybe that thing's still there... I should think some more about that idea.



A---nd, water. In no time.

What I'm doing right now? Testing out how much, and how fast, the dungeon can handle poison-pollution. After getting the stuff for my secret weapon, I started to work on some extra plans in case that won't be enough. What's my secret weapon? It's a secret, duh.

I started a poison atelier in the upper-layer, mixing several types of poison in containers, like the one I used when I first made the Vengeful Poison. After the mix turned nasty enough to resemble something from hell and smells like a combination airplane and the aftermath of a student party, I threw the whole mix into the rivers.

Including my poison-generating powers, I added the rotten corpse of several types of monsters, and as a bonus, the poison glands from some Pararats that I hunted from the outskirts of the rat area. By the way, [Appraisal] told me that the poison was called 'Despicable Poison'. The system holds no punches when it comes to naming my poisons.

And yeah, this idea's not gonna work on its own. While on top of a pillar that's in the middle of the river area, I'm dumping all the poison containers into the river just below it. The poison turned to water the moment it touched the river water. Like, in no time. Even some of the poison that was still in the air was purified. 

I've boosted my [Poison Synthesis] thanks to all the mixing, but I can't strengthen it anymore. When it reached LV30, the System Message told me that I've reached the max level for the skill. Must be different from skill to skill, like monster to monster.

I can hope that increasing the toxicity of [Poison Bite] and [Lesser Poison Elemental] will improve the recipes I have, but after seeing the poison I made with sweat and blood, not necessarily my own, being cleaned in the matter of second, no, in a fraction of a second, has made me lose all hope of challenging the dungeon purification function head-on.

Well, not that challenging someone stronger than me head-on has ever turned out well for me. Surviving the bandits was close to a miracle.

In that case, I'll jump into the lion's den and look after those Consoles that Skelly wrote about. If I'm lucky, then I should be able to turn off that purification. Not sure if those guardian sub-bosses would let me. Heck, they wouldn't let me, period. 

I need to be prepared for a long time search. From the little information Skelly left behind, I can deduct that at least one Console lies on the river area floor.

The reason for why I think so is because they fought the ancestor T-Rex in that place, and the current T-Rex chose to battle the newcomer T-Rex in the same area. There are no tunnels big enough for it to fit that goes down to the pillar area, so the chances that its lair, as well as the Console, is located on that floor somewhere.

The tunnels on the lower part of the river area are still unknown territory for me, so I took my time to boost all my skills as much as I could. The poison skills are as I said before, but even the medicine skills have improved big time. I even got a title for it.


Title: [Medicine Creator]

Acquisition condition: Created a certain amount of medicine.


Description: A title given to those who are able to make medicine.


It's like the medicine user of Poison User, just that I need to only make the medicine. Other owners of this title probably started out making the medicine from scratch, with plants and herbs, instead of using the synthesis skill from the beginning, like me.

My total stats and skills right now are as follows.



Race: [Reha Zera]   | Level: 5

Karma Value: -103

Skills: 33

Titles: 11

Skill points: 0.6

Main Class: Assassin LV9

Sub Class: none

HP: 60/60   | MP: 196/196   | SP: 63/63

STR: 62   | VIT: 38   | MAG: 92

RES: 70   | SPD: 173  | DEX: 175

INT: 120   | LUC: 150




Ability Skills: [MP Reinforcement LV8] 

Attack Skills: [Assassination Arts LV14] [Steal LV2] [Poison Bite LV28]

Magic Skills: [Light Magic LV5] [Shadow Magic LV11]

Crafting Skills: [Thief Tool Creation LV5] [Assassin Tool Creation LV5] [Poison Synthesis LV30] [Medicine Synthesis LV19]                   [Thread Synthesis LV29]

Active Skills: [Stealth LV11] [Shooting LV4] [Thread Control LV50] [Ultima Thread LV11] [Thought Acceleration LV17]

Passive Skills: [Surprise Attack LV15] [Free Movement LV46] [Magic Talent LV2] [Battle Continuation LV2]  [Dismantling LV6] [Parallel Thoughts LV37] [Auto-Mapping LV2]  [Language Adaption]

Resistance Skills: [Poison Resistance LV34] [Paralyze Resistance LV21] [Heretic Immunity]

Perception Skills: [Magic Sense LV21] [Sense Foe LV12] [Appraisal LV8]

Racial Skills: [Albino] [Demonic Storage LV15] [Transformation LV2]

Elements: [Lesser Light Element LV3] [Lesser Dark Element LV4] [Shadow Element LV8] [Lesser Poison Element LV14]


A huge power-up since last time I checked. [Thread Control] reached its max level with [Poison Synthesis], but I got no new skill options from that. [Throw] became the [Shooting] skill by evolving it for a skill point. [Shooting] inherits [Throws] effects, plus, now I can use MP to boost my throws as well, and getting a +correction for long-range attacks of any kind. Any kind! This is important, so I said it twice.

The reason why it's important? Because it works with long-range magic as well! That's right, I'm now able to use attack magic! More specifically, the light magic Light Bullet! 

This happened just recently when I was having a stockpile of skill points thanks to the poison research. I had just reached LV5 with the [Light Magic] skill while training on top of the pillars in the river area, safe from anything that could ambush me up there, and obtained the Light Bullet magic from the skill level. 

Finally having a real magic attack, I started to look after some skills that could let me move while casting magic. And to my surprise, I found the [Magic Talent] skill, now for just 2 skill points. Was it a bargain deal at the skill shop now? Nah, they won't reproduce game functions like that.

The other answers I can think of is that since I've been practiced my magic for a while now, the requirements for the talent skill were lowered, allowing me to buy it for a lower price now. Then there is the fact that Reha Zera, my current race, is a demon that specializes in magic. There's no doubt that it's easier to get magic skills as a Reha Zera than a Grey Demon that's like a jack-of-all.

The main point is that I can fire laser bullets without needing to stay still and concentrate anymore! The bullets aren't that strong, but they can take out a frog after a few hits. Don't even try to suggest to use it against a spider or a turtle snake.

While we're talking about magic, I got a new Shadow spell: Shadow Dome. It's an AOE version of the LV1 spell, Dark Shadow, darkening a whole area. Not that practical, but it works well for grinding purposes since it's more complicated than Dark Shadow

That should be all, or not. I forgot to talk about my [Dismantling] skill. It helps with dismantling stuff, even if it's an item or a body. I obtained this to remove certain body parts of monsters that I wanted to use as ingredients for my poisons and medicines. The poison glands of the Pararat for an example. 

It works, and it only used 1 skill point, and now I can eat monster meat that's not mixed with fat, fur, or whatever that monster has.

Now that I have everything checked, it's almost time for exploring those huge tunnels. I can see them from the top of the pillar I'm standing on, and I can see three especially big tunnels. They must lead to the sub-bosses lairs. Either a demon comes up, or a snake, no wait, that's wrong. In this case, it's either a dinosaur, hydra, or a spider that can come up.

Let me just go back to my home and get my items. Then I can start the search for the Consoles. I also need to seal the room where I've hidden my secret weapon. If things go well, then that will be the key card to conquer the whole dungeon.

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