A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 34: Before the battle: Assault

Well then, I'm back at the spider tunnel.

After getting what looked like a good idea, except for one part of it, I suggested the two who could be called the leaders of the herd. As for why I'm so uncertain, well, it's Virt and Bihamut, after all.

They ok'd the idea, making preparations the moment after hearing the idea. They must also have been thinking about the food problem, but couldn't find a solution before I stepped in. Are they worthy of being the leaders of their herds?

Back to the present. We have stationed all of the sahuagin warriors, alongside the raptors, at the middle-level tunnels. The plan is to have someone walk into the spider tunnel and catch the attention of some several hundred sleeping spiders. Yup, you heard me. Some several sleeping spiders. And I'm the one responsible for that part. Unreal.

Not there is anyone else who could do that in our party. The dinos are too big, the raptors are too weak, and the sahuagins are too slow and weak. Me, on the other hand, have just enough speed, stealth, and taunting prowess to due to the job. 'What taunting prowess?' you ask? I'm talking about this lean, mean, taunting machine! Go, Flashbang!


And one more! And another one!


I put some extra MP into that last one. Thanks to [Parallel Mind], as long as I'm standing still, I can use one magic while preparing another one, while still using the first one. And yup, here they come crawling. It's unsettling watching so many spiders coming at once. Time to put some light on this case. Light Sphere! Times three! 


Proficiency has reached the required amount:

Skill [Light Magic LV19] has become [Light Magic LV20]

0.3 skill points obtained.

The spell, Light Arrow, is added to [Light Magic].


YES! I was waiting for that! And Light Arrow, isn't that like a real attack spell? Nothing like Flashbang, who is just a disturbance move, or the passive Shadow magic spells? I hope it's a little stronger than the bullet spell. It's proven to be useless after seeing what damage Virt and Riri's spells can due. We have some good lab rats, or spiders, over there, so let's use one right away. Light Arrow!



EXP has reached the required amount.

Individual [Reha Zera] has reached LV13

Life attributes have been recovered.

All basic attributes have increased.

0.3 skill point(s) acquired.


IN ONE STRIKE?! Damn, this spell got's some striking power. Unlike the bullet spell of the same attribute, Light Arrow is working as a laser for once, instead of just being a mass of mana with some light-attribute added to it. Aimed rightly, like at the head of that spider just now, and it turns into an OHKO spell! The MP cost isn't that different from the bullet spell either. Must be the reason why it's level locked at LV20.

And this isn't the time to be distracted. Spider army, twelve o'clock! I ran for it while making sure the spiders didn't lose sight of me, towards the tunnel entrances leading to the middle-level. You guessed it, my work is in kiting the spiders towards the waiting hunters.

I increased my speed after confirming that the spider army noticed me entering the tunnel. I entered the tunnels, lighten up by several Light Spheres, made by the Mage sahuagins, I reached a junction leading to three new tunnels. There, after hiding myself behind the large boulder there, I made three Holograms of myself, barely different from the original due to the strong lighting, and made them go into all three tunnels when they were in the spider army's eyesight. By the way, I was the one who taught the sahuagin mages how to use Light magic. They are talented as hell is hot, or this dungeon is wet.

Now, all I need to do is keep hiding, while remote-controlling the three Holograms, till all the spiders to have passed. In the left-most tunnel, Sent and Bihamut, along with all the sahuagin riders, are waiting. In the middle tunnel, Virt and half of the non-mount raptors are lying in ambush. At the right-most and final tunnel, Riri, along with with with the remaining raptors, and the sahuagin mages, are ready to blast the spiders to kingdom come.

They are all equipped with loads of my healing potions, of the strong type, by the way. As strong as I could make them without using turtle snake materials, at least. The reason for not giving them anything turtle-snake-related goods, is because I managed to make this thing:


Item Name: Pure-life Turtle Pill (Low Quality)

Rank: C-

Type: Medicine Pill


Description: A pill made from the innards of a turtle-type monster that lives in waters filled with lifeforce, or other powers. By consuming this pill, any damage of the poison, mud, or any other types of attack that can be registered as pollution, will have its effect greatly reduced.


This is a great discovery! I will need as many of these guys when I'm planning to fight against the dragon-boss. Not because he has any pollution attack, but... kukuku. That's not for me to spoil just yet.

All the spider passed the junction while I was role-playing some villain. Now, the villains are the ones that make all the spider scream like there're in hell, down the three tunnels. Rest in pieces, poor spiders. I think I fished around 300 of them. Then, there's a hundred for each team, meaning each member gets two spiders each? No, the logistics members and some of the battle members are remaining in the settlement, so there's more for each person than that. Not that the dino-trio is gonna let that happen. 

Oh well, while I wait for them to be finished, let's take a look at my status now.



Race: [Reha Zera]   | Level: 13

Karma Value: -131

Skills: 34

Titles: 12

Skill points: 3.0

Main Class: Assassin LV14

Sub Class: none

HP: 88/88   | MP: 144/287   | SP: 82/115

STR: 91   | VIT: 49   | MAG: 115

RES: 88   | SPD: 225  | DEX: 226

INT: 120   | LUC: 150




Ability Skills: [MP Reinforcement LV16] UP2 [SP Reinforcement (Small) LV19] UP17

Attack Skills: [Assassination Arts LV22] [Steal LV2] [Poison Bite LV31] UP1

Magic Skills: [Light Magic LV20] UP4 [Shadow Magic LV31] UP8

Crafting Skills: [Thief Tool Creation LV8] UP2 [Assassin Tool Creation LV5] [Poison Synthesis LV30]                                                     [Medicine Synthesis LV30] UP2 [Thread Synthesis LV30]

Active Skills: [Stealth LV13] UP1 [Shooting LV18] UP4 [Ghost Step LV9] UP8 [Bloodlust LV5] UP2 [Thread Control LV50]                   [Ultima Thread LV21] UP3 [Thought Acceleration LV31] UP4

Passive Skills: [Surprise Attack LV27] UP3 [Acrobatic LV14] UP2 [Magic Talent LV12] UP4  [Battle Continuation LV2] [Dismantling LV17] UP3 [Parallel Minds LV1] [Auto-Mapping LV2]  [Language Adaption]

Resistance Skills: [Poison Resistance LV38] UP2 [Paralyze Resistance LV25] [Heretic Immunity]

Perception Skills: [Magic Sense LV23] [Sense Foe LV19] UP2  [Appraisal LV8]

Racial Skills: [Albino] [Demonic Storage LV20] UP2 [Transformation LV11]

Elements: [Lesser Light Element LV17] UP5 [Lesser Dark Element LV10] UP2 [Shadow Element LV19] UP4                                               [Lesser Poison Element LV20 (MAX)] UP3


3 skill points. Maybe it's time for looking after one of my favorite skill types. Skill shop! Show me my magic!



Available skill points: 3.0

Search by word: magic

Search by skill []

Available skills:


I had expected darkness and poison, but [Fire Magic]? From where did this come from, and why? Not that fire will be effective in a water dungeon, even if it's cheaper than poison magic. Speaking of poison, didn't [Lesser Poison Element] reach its max level? Unlike the stronger elements, the lesser types reach the level cap at LV20.

I can get the evolution of the skill, the regular [Poison Element], which would be more effective than some newbie magic skill. But then again, the other choice is MAGIC, after all. Hmm, skill shop, the evolution of [Lesser Poison Element], please.



Available skill points: 3.0

Search by word: 

Search by skill [Lesser Poison Element]

Available skills: 

Skill at max level. Cannot strengthen the skill any further. 


Just one point, so cheap. Let's take now, and see if poison skills get cheaper with that. Yes, please!



Individual [Reha Zera] has evolved skill

[Lesser Poison Element] to

[Poison Element].


Okay then, let's check out the poison skills now. Heck, why not fire skills as well? If [Fire Magic] is so cheap, then other skills could be the same.



Available skill points: 2.0

Search by word: poison, fire

Search by skill []

Available skills:


Am I unexpectedly on really good terms with the fire attribute? A ton of them came up suddenly. Why? Some karma-stuff from my previous life? Not the karma level type of karma.

Anyway, the best skill amongst these guys is the [Poison Reinforcement] skill. The fire skills will have to wait until I get out of the dungeon.



Individual [Reha Zera] has obtained the skill

[Poison Reinforcement]

from the skill shop.


There we go. My poison must have increased in strength big time now with the new additions.

And while I was treasure hunting after poison, the spider screams had stopped before I noticed. Guess they're finished. Speaking of the devil, there come the messengers that would report the result to me after the fights. All three of them simultaneously. Did they train on that or something?

From Sent and Bihamut's side, there's a sahuagin rider. From Riri's side, a sahuagin mage on top of a raptor. Only the riders can fight on top of them, but the raptors allow any sahuagin anyway. And from Virt comes a single raptor.

"Report! No casualties, few wounded, Lord Bihamut and Sent say, 'no problem'!" - Sahuagin rider

"Report! Same with mage party, led by lady Riri!" - Sahuagin mage

"Rrr! Rrr! Rrr!" - Slipraus

So all three of them succeeded then if I'm interpreting the nodding of the raptor correctly. Smart move in sending messengers with the [Translator] skill. Well, not that the raptors could get that skill. It works better for demi-humans like the sahuagins. I think they're demi-humans at least.

Guess they can do the rest on their own now. I made pictures on the wall, forming this message:

'I have nothing else to teach you guys anymore. Make your dream come true when you think you're ready.'

"E-eeeehh?!?!" - Sahuagins

"Rhwaaahh?!?!" - Sliprauses

Hmm, just that won't do it. In that case, I added a P.S. picture.

'I shouldn't be interfering with you guys' growth anymore, nor do I need to do it. Make me proud out there.'

"M-master!" - Sahuagins

"RWWAAAHHH!" - Slipraus

Good, good, they bought it. Both sahuagins are saluting me, while the raptors tried to do the same with their tails. While giving them a last farewell, and asking them to tell the same to the dino-trio, I went back to the river area, while aiming at the higher-level tunnels. I need to locate the dungeon entrance before it's showtime after all.

My other goals now are to power up my poisons with my new skills, as well as checking up at the secret weapon. It must have matured at a good pace since I've left it alone for so long. Kukuku. Mwa-hahahaha!

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