A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 0] Chapter 4: Surprise Mail and Character Creation

“You want to transmigrate to Terra Sol?” reconfirmed Skvalv after I told him my wish.

“With my memories and sense of self intact. You don’t need to worry about my old memories. Just the ones I have now are enough. Oh, and some skills as well, if you could. Just enough to be able to survive there.” - ???

The old me is a lost cause for the current me anyway. I'm considered dead in my old world, so I have no home there anymore. It sounds like that recreating the old memories would be a drag anyway, if not impossible.

On the other hand, Terra Sol is a world of fantasy! They even an RPG-based system that has gain skills, levels, even evolution!

“Hmm, that is possible. Transmigration and other worlders are usual on Terra Sol. It’s massive aether levels are working like a gravitational field, attracting souls that would reincarnate on another world. There are also rifts in space that leads from other worlds to itself.” – Skvalv

Ooh! Then it’s possible then! Isekai reincarnation!

“But I do not have the authority to transmigrate someone even if I wanted-oi oi! Calm down, eh, up. Do not look so depressed.” – Skvalv

Easy for you to say, someone who hasn’t have his hope of reincarnation been shot down like this. I probably look worse than Skvalv when I called him senile.

“Do not worry. Even if I do not have the authority to transmigrate you myself, there has to be someone who can help us with it. Those character sheets are your achievements, so you should be properly rewarded for your work.” – Skvalv

Geezer, no, Skvalv. You’re a good guy, eh, god, after all. Even if you’re just throwing the whole problem to someone else.

“Now, let us start by finding someone that can get you to Terra Sol safely.” – Skvalv

While saying that, Skvalv rises from the couch and goes to his office. He must be planning to use his computer to ask around. “Can you not use that handheld terminal?” I asked, remembering the iPhone-like object he used when he first entered the office.

“No, no. That one can just send and receive messages. If I want to find someone that can reincarnate you, I need to search through the archives with the computer.” – Skvalv

I see. The handheld terminal could only be used for messages. Hmm? Only for messages?

“I think you have a mail on your computer. I heard it ‘ping’-ed just before you came in.” - ???

“Huh? That is strange. If someone would send me a message, they could have sent it to me directly.” – Skvalv

Even if you tell me that.

While I was thinking that, Skvalv placed his palm over the computer screen, which then lighted up. Wait, do you change programs manually without the need for the keyboard or the mouse? Guess it’s more high-tech than I first thought.

“Let us see, there it is WHAT IN TERRA SOL-?!” – Skvalv

Crap, that scared me. Was there something bad about the mail?

“Oh no, oh no, oh no, ohnoohnoohnoohno…” – Skvalv

O-oi, geezer, your turning paler than me, and I are the ghost here. Is the mail cursed or something? Can gods get heart attacks?

“Huh, this is… Wait a moment. What?” – Skvalv

Oh, he’s starting to calm down a little. Was only the beginning that bad?

“Now I have never… Hey sonny. Looks like you have fans in high places.” – Skvalv

“Fans? Who?” - ???

“Sorry, I am not allowed to say that. They demand anonymity. What I can say is that they have seen the work you did on the character sheets, and became a fan the moment they laid their eyes on it” – Skvalv

Gosh, that’s somewhat embarrassing. It’s nothing that impressive.

“But the point is that they have given you that chance to transmigrate to Terra Sol as you wanted” – Skvalv

Did he just say... that I could transmigrate? SERIOUSLY!?

If that’s the case, they can be as anonymous as they can be! But some things must be cleared before that:

“Then what’s the catch? Don’t come here and tell me there’s none after that ghost-imitation you just did when you read the mail.” - ???

“No catch at all, just that you will gain some extra skills. Five of them, to be exact.” – Skvalv

Skills!? I’ll get skills just like that? And five of them! I know I asked for them, but seriously?

“Alright, I’ll accept that, heck, let me accept that, please!  But how is that so horrifying?” - ???

“Horrifying? Ah, no there was not anything related to you. It is the identity of the sender of the mail that freaked me out.” – Skvalv

“The sender?” - ???

“Yes, but I am restricted to say anything else about it. There is no immediate problem for you though. The sender is a scar-, no, terrifying god, but they will not do you any harm at least.” – Skvalv

“If that’s the case, then I’ll have to cross that potential bridge at that time. More importantly, let’s start the reincarnating.” - ???

“Well, if that is what you want, then let us start. You will have a total of 10 skill points to choose your bonus skills from.“ – Skvalv

“Skill points? I think I get it from the name, but explain anyway.” - ???

“Skill points is what you can call the currency that is used to gain skills from the Terra Sol system. One skill cost at least 1 skill point. Stronger skills need more points. Some skills again are restricted by certain conditions that need to be cleared before they can be obtained.” – Skvalv

Just as I thought. Now, which skill shall I choose?

“Hmm, when I think about it, there is one skill that is necessary for you.” – Skvalv

“What skill?” did I ask, while Skvalv searched for the skill on his computer.

“It is called [Concentration]. It allows you to focus your thoughts better.” – Skvalv

“Heh, just like on the tin then. But why do I need such a pathetic skill!? You’re messing with me here, right?” - ???

[Concentration]!? Is he picking on me again for forgetting myself when I was making the character sheets?

“I am serious. [Concentration] will be necessary to allow you getting used to your new body. I am not allowed to reveal more than that, but trust me on this. It also only takes just 1 Skill Point to get anyway, so you will have 9 left to use.” – Skvalv

If it costs just 1 point, I guess that I should accept it then, especially if it's a necessary one. It will not make me any weaker at least.

Okay, then the next skill I want is…


“… then with that last skill for 4 points, you have [Concentration], [Hidden Strike], and [Throw], all for 1 point each, and finally, [Stealth] for 3 points. Is this okay with you?” – Skvalv

“That’s them all.” - ???

I wanted to have some magic skills, but they cost too much to take them at the moment.

“Then let us save this then, ah yes. There is something I almost forgot.” – Skvalv

Something more? I’m full already.

“Do not worry about the karma value.” – Skvalv

“Karma value?” - ???

“Yes. The karma value is a status that does not affect your abilities in any way. It is a value representative of a person’s alignment, good or chaotic. A person who does honorable actions gains karma points, while a crook gains negative karma points.” – Skvalv

“Why don’t I need to worry about that?” - ???

“Because, while it is just a gimmick status that the god of Chaos added for fun, it does restrict or allows new skills and evolution, but there is nothing else to it. Some people would judge you as an evil person if you have a negative value, but few people can confirm that anyway. If you want to check if someone is evil, then it is better to look at their titles anyway. They tell you what the owner has done to get that karma value, amongst other things as well.” – Skvalv

“I see. Thanks for the head-up.” - ???

“And finally, at which degree do you want the System Messages to be?” – Skvalv

“System Messages? Like, the system is telling me that I’ve leveled up?” - ???

“Or one of your skills have. It will also announce achievements that you have earned, like titles.” – Skvalv

“Then make it so that I’ll just get Messages about achievements, level-ups, and when a skill reaches an important level.” - ???

“Okay, there it is done. I have kept you here for long enough now. Try to visit one of my shrines when you have some time. I would love to hear about your new life there.” – Skvalv

“One of your shrines?” - ???

“Yes. You can give prayers and offerings to the gods in the different shrines and churches that worship that god. The gods can even show themselves to that person.” – Skvalv

“Okay, if I get a chance, I will say hi.” - ???

Then Skvalv stepped away from the computer and offered me a handshake, which I accepted.

“Well, take care then.” – Skvalv

“Bye-bye Skvalv.” - ???

After those words of farewell, Skvalv pushed the button on the keyboard…

And my consciousness fell into the darkness yet again.

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