A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 6: Lesser Grey Demon and Preparations

*Chompity, chompity, chomp*

Damn it all. The whole world, my stats, and this dungeon.

I'm currently finishing a rat that got caught in my web now. More like, overkilling it for some stress-relief.

Why did the [Appraisal] skill I always wished for, kick me so hard down? I guess I shouldn't pass the blame. The fault is in my race. Here's the [Appraisal] result I got when I checked out my race:

A low-class demon that is born after the aether of a  dead high-ranking monster converges into a demon. After it's born, it will go into a 10-year long, hibernation-like sleep. This monster can be seen as an infant demon, without any real power on its own.

A Lesser Grey Demon is gifted with skills from its dead monster parent but is extremely frail. If cautious, even small children could defeat one.

Lesser Grey Demons are also extremely aggressive for some reason, if not straight out crazy.

Theories state that the inborn skill all Lesser Grey Demons have, the [Magic Sense] skill, is the reason for this behavior. The demon will be exposed to a ridiculously high amount of information from birth, which will lead to it becoming mad.

There is no concrete evidence on it, but some researchers think that the Lesser Grey Demon, as well as it's evolved variant, the Grey Demon, can evolve into any demonic being since they are a demon without any attributes of any kind. Again, no evidence supports this theory

This is more information than with the raptors. Maybe because Lesser Grey Demons is more common than a dinosaur which only lives inside one hidden dungeon. But my "rank" is lower than them, whatever that is.

If I take this info for face value, then the crazy sight skill I have must be [Magic Sense]. After appraising the skill I found out that it's a skill that combines several observation skills, the result being a too OP skill that's not usable under normal circumstances. When [Magic Sense] activated, all the skills that combine into it is used at the same time. To top it off, [Magic Sense] isn't depending on the user's eyes, resulting in an expanded line of sight. This usually is a good thing, if you could decide how much you want to see, which [Magic Sense] can't do alone.

If I didn't use [Concentration] too limit the information flow, then I would have gone nuts as the appraisal result says. Both it, and [Appraisal] are brilliant, now that I know how they work.

Now I'm working overtime to increase my [Appraisal] proficiency, but this takes time. Oh yeah, remember that I told you about [Magic Sense] giving me enough information to be sick? [Appraisal] has the same drawback.

Just one and one appraisal at a time is no biggie, but if someone is appraising in heaps as I did, they'll turn out sick.

It isn't at the level of [Magic Sense] which ends up becoming crazy. Instead, they'll feel like they've taken the worst roller coaster in their life. AND, that coaster was on board the worst ship of the seven seas, while sailing through the worst storm in a seafarer's memory.

Crap, my mental stomach's turning just remembering that. 

I keep on appraising though. Only to the level that I'll get a small headache. Even so, there's no visible progress on it.

Maybe I have to appraise lots of different stuff? I haven't taken a step out of my home since I build it, and there isn't that much stuff to appraise here. The only new stuff I meet with is prey that get's stuck in my webs. Like this rat just now:

That's right, I'm beaten by a rat in stats. To make things worse, a Greycave Rat is just a simple rat monster that lives in a cave! Courtesies from [Appraisal] for that trivia.

I knew I was a weakling, but still, no sugarcoating? I'm fearing for the future.

The stats are easy to understand, at least.

HP, or Health Points, are showing one's life force. You know what happens when this goes to zero. They must have used Health instead of Hit since this is not an actual game.

MP, Mana Point, shows how much mana you have. Mana is the energy you use to activate magic or other supernatural abilities. I haven't used a single MP yet, and I'm pretty sure that [Stealth] and [Magic Sense] are supernatural. Having zero MP will knock you out cold until you regain a certain amount of MP again.

The difference between mana and aether is the same as the difference between gasoline and oil, from what I can understand from the description.

SP is Stamina Points. Exercising will use SP, and eating and sleeping will recover it. Done.

Oh, and these three status values gathered together are those "life attributes" that recovers during a level up. Not that is helping me so much since I recover SP easily on my own. Then there's HP and MP... let's not go there.

The next six are what you could imagine from the names;

STR is strength. Not just how much damage you give with physical attacks, but literally your physical strength. No wonder I couldn't move all the prey I captured without rolling them around.

VIT is vitality. A high VIT would decrease the loss of SP and HP. 

MAG is magic, or, your magical prowess. This one tells how well you can perform magic. I don't know a single thing about using magic, so of course, my MAG is at 1. Better than 0, but why does a rat have better MAG than me...

Moving on! RES is resistance. This isn't just limited to magic resistance, but also status conditions like poison and paralysis, even sickness.

SPD is speed, of course. And DEX is dexterity. Why are these two so much bigger than the other stats? Must be that a Lesser Grey Demon is just an infant demon and has not developed its stats yet. I hope so...

Then there are the two ridiculously large stats left: INT and LUC.

INT is intelligence, and LUC is luck. How do they calculate someone's luck? Anyway, the appraisal result tells me that these stats are normally at 100 points each. INT must be based on the score of an IQ-test, while LUC is sharing that concept. Someone with LUC below 50 can expect bad luck, while those above 15o is the lucky one, seriously. 

I'm supposed to be lucky? Maybe I am, depending on one's point of view. I've managed to be born and survive in this dungeon all this time while being relatively safe. Yes, I'm lucky! I'm lucky. Am I lucky...?


Okay, I've decided! I'm gonna go on some real dungeon diving!

It's taking too much time just waiting for something new to be caught in the webs to appraise and eat. If the stuff's not coming to me, then I've just gotta go to them!

I've got the worst stats in the dungeon, but so what!? Just waiting isn't going to make me stronger! Therefore, I've made a plan:

All of the dungeon's lighting comes from the aether filled water. And the only places enough of that water is the lake and the water pillar area. Every other place has barely enough lights or completely in the dark. My home is of the former category, despite that, I'm forgetting that time to time due to [Magic Sense].

In that case, as long as I stay in the darker parts of the dungeon, I could sneak through the monsters. I've already done that one when I passed through the water pillar area, but back then the monsters were too busy with keeping an eye on each other to notice me.

I don't want to gamble like that again, therefore I'm thinking about making a camouflage cloak. With that and [Stealth], I'll be able to stay hidden from potential enemies, To be honest, I just want some extra safety measures. This white body of mine will stand out too much in a dark tunnel.

There's just one problem though. All my threads come in just one color: white.

Then there's no point in making a cloak if it just makes me stand out! The only solution is to be able to create threads in different colors or being able to dye them. 

First I thought of searching for a fitting skill in the skill shop, but after some fruitless attempts, I got a new idea:

If I trained the spider thread skill far enough, would I be able to customize even the color of the threads?

There's nothing that stops me from going for that idea. I've been against the idea of training the thread skill since it will use up my stamina, but now I'm able to monitor it with [Appraisal]. As long as I keep around 5 or 6 SP left, the aether water would be able to recover it.

Even if I wouldn't be able to change the thread color, just increasing the skill will be useful in making new webs. If it reaches LV10 then I'll get skill points even.

Better than doing nothing. Maybe I'll get some new ideas while I'm spinning threads. Heck, if I make enough maybe I'll get a Thread Maker title or something. 

That sounds kinda cool! Okay, let's go for that!

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