Now in the Twilight Manor, Shakti was escorted by the messenger in the meeting room.

"Loki-sama will be there for you in a while. You can sit on the sofa you'll find in the room. It won't take long.."

His words, made her nod as he opened the door of the room without hesitation. Entering it, Shakti sat where the messenger said to while she realized that now, she was alone.

This, made her began to think about what she should say to her as, in no time, Loki entered the room with Hestia next to her. Seeing this as well, brought a surprised expression on her face as she was curious about why she was there, but, without minding it, Shakti immediately raised from the sofa before bowing towards them.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted you, Loki-sama, Hestia-sama.."

Hearing her saying so, brought Loki to smirk while she shook her head.

"It's fine. We already finished our talking, so there's no need for you to worry"

At her words, Hestia had a frown on her face as she wanted to add something, but, she decided to just wave her hand to make Shakti understand it was fine for her as well.

Even though the latter felt something strange was going on between the two, Shakti knew it wasn't her part to pry in the private affairs of the two goddesses.

Sighing in her mind, she inhaled before Loki added

"So, what is the Captain of another Familia doing here, in the morning?"

Being asked this question, Shakti stared at her with a serious expression on her face while starting to explain..

"Ganesha-sama wanted me to come here because he was worried about what happened in the expedition. As I think Loki-sama knows already, news spread about the familia's injured members..."

Her words, made Loki sigh while nodding

"It was inevitable. But, this didn't happen because of an error of my children. The monster was way too strong. It had the ability to instantly teleport, and, other than that, it could use some technique that enhanced the Monster's attacks to an unbelievable level."

She clarified in this way, because for her, such a thing was unacceptable. Even if the monster was strong, Loki didn't care about that as her pride, was one of the few things that would never change in her personality. No matter how many things will happen to her, or to her familia.

Her words, made Shakti understand the situation a little more. This because, the rumours she heard at first, were telling a completely different version of the story, but, she knew that rumours were wrong most of the time. With this thought in mind, she decided to just keep Loki's words as the truth of the matter while replying.

"...I see. That must have been tough for your familia members..By the way, I have a letter that Ganesha-sama wanted to give you.."

This, obviously, was a letter that Shakti wrote, but, it was indeed something that Ganesha wanted to give Loki, so, the latter didn't feel it was a lie or anything like that as she took the letter.

Staring at it for a second, Loki asked

"Should I read it now? Or later?"

Her question, made her shake her head as, for her, it didn't change that much if Loki read it now, or later.

"..It's your choice to read it now or later, I don't mind either way.."

This, brought Loki to sigh while Hestia just stared at the two. This because, she wanted to go to Ethan, but, she was now stuck with Loki in this room.

Opening the letter, and reading the contents, Loki smirked as she could easily understand that, Ganesha didn't write the letter, but, it was just his intentions being written in words as the P.S clarified it.



Shakti is here to check on Ethan. Honestly, I liked that boy. And, I am interested in knowing if he has room for Shakti. I don't mind if he says he doesn't want to be with her, but, in case he wants, I want to create good situations for them to know each other better. Even though it will be difficult to achieve this, she is close to 40 years old. I don't want to see her stay single for life. If you could help me with this, I would be indebted to you.



The fact he said that he would be indebted to her, made her immediately look at Shakti as Ganesha never specified that, to be indebted with her, she had to be with Ethan.

'It seems the fact that Ethan is popular has finally benefited something good.'

Knowing she just had to let Shakti be with Ethan for a while, made her raise from her chair while adding

"I understood what Ganesha wanted from this letter, and, I will remain in contact with him in the future. I'm sorry if I have to hurry, but, I need to talk with other people regarding what happened to the Dungeon as well as a few other important meetings.."

"That's fine, I can wait for you until you will be free to talk with me again as it isn't urgent.."

Expecting something like this, Loki brought a hand on Hestia's head while the latter closed her eyes by instinct before staring at the former.

"I see. Then, you will go with Hestia as she has to go somewhere...right?"

Her question, brought Hestia's eyes to widen while nodding. Turning to look at the girl that was sit on the sofa in front of her, she immediately added

"..Yes! I have to go to check on Ethan"

Hearing this, Shakti's eyes widened a little as she added

"Was he injured as well?"

Her words, brought Hestia to shake her head as she added

"No, he used all his mana, and he's in a [Mind Zero] state.."

Understanding that he wasn't in danger, Shakti nodded in understanding as, even though she didn't care about him at all, she knew that, for Ganesha, it was someone he cared about.

Her action, made Hestia furrow her brows as she could feel something strange. The realization that she would have 'that' kind of feelings for Ethan, made her expression turn serious as she immediately decided to ask

"...Perhaps, you're interested in Ethan..?"

This question, brought her to be confused again as she thought about her words before shaking her head

"..No. I'm not. Ganesha-sama is interested in him, so, I'm just glad that I don't have to go home with unpleasant news for him.."

The fact she was telling the truth, brought Hestia to sigh in relief as well. This because, she knew that she couldn't lie to her in such a detailed way.

"I see. It's fine then!"

Saying this, she raised from the sofa she was on while Loki wanted to chuckle, but, she repressed it while deciding it was better to go....


Half an hour after the guard took his position again to patrol, he was shocked as he saw that another person was heading towards the Twilight Manor.

The fact they didn't expect anybody today, was the reason why the guard was so worried about the people who entered and exited the manor, as they were in a rather complicated situation as well.

Bringing his spear to block the gate, the guard immediately said

"...Are you allowed to enter this property? If yes, please state why you are here, and who you are..."

Obviously, the guard wasn't stupid. After being made fun of for three times in a row, he understood that there was something all these people had to do in the Manor, and, the fact Loki made the Captain of another Familia easily enter their Manor without an appointment, was a strong proof that his theory was right...

Shaking her head, the girl in front of him immediately replied

"I was asked from someone, to check on a friend..."

Upon hearing her words, the guard understood that it was better to just let her enter, but, he knew that he couldn't trust anyone that asked to enter just because his own theory made sense.

"..I understand, Can you tell me his name, or last name? I'll send a messenger to Loki-sama to see if it's fine for you to enter.."

Hearing his words, Ryuu nodded as well

"His last name is Hyogumi-san.."

Even though the guard wanted to say she had to say his first name as well, he knew that the last name was enough to identify someone. Calling for the messenger to quickly report to Loki again, the guard stated the man's last name while the former immediately returned to the Manor to give the message to Loki..


Now next to where Ethan's resting room should have been, Hestia knocked before opening the door. Without making any kind of sound, she saw as there were already a lot of people in the room, from Lili, that was on the second bed in the room, to Ais, that was sat on the same chair she was sat when Ethan had to recover from the Event.

This sight, made Hestia furrow her brows as she decided to add

"First, Hello to everyone. I just came to check on Ethan, but, I see that I wasn't the only one who thought about this... But, now that there are six of us, don't you all think it's not good that everyone will remain in the same room..? I had an idea about this upon seeing everyone here.."

After explaining what she wanted to do, Aki thought about it as she knew that Hestia's idea was a good one.

"Probably, it's for the best that we try to organize in groups. We can keep checking on him, as well as talk without the worry of disturbing him"

Thinking that their words made sense, Shakti added

"I..have nothing else to do until Loki-sama will be free to talk, so, it's fine by me.."

Staring at Aki, Lili felt conflicted by this. Even though it surely was something that would benefit Ethan, she didn't want him to wake up with her not here, but, she remembered what Hestia said and, the fact she would still be part of her plan..

"I accept. But, when he wakes up, I want to enter even if it isn't my turn!"

Declaring so, Lili proudly nodded at her own words while Ais turned her head to look at her before bringing her finger on her nose to tell her she had to remain quiet. She, in fact, wasn't interested in what they wanted to do as, for her, all that mattered was that he would be able to see her upon waking up.

Even though she was in her own world, Lili's shout brought Lefiya back to the real world as she blinked before seeing that, from just herself and Ais, they became a group of 6...

"I..what were you talking about..?"

Hearing her question, the first to reply was Hestia.

"Well, we were thinking about a way to check on Ethan without remaing in the room all the time, as we think that it would be more harmful than beneficial..."

Her words, made Lefiya think about it as she had a blush on her face while looking away.

"I..I don't mind..waiting for h-him.."

Furrowing her brows, Hestia could already see how much she liked him. This fact, brought her to sigh as, she knew that the quantity of people in Ethan's life would only increase in the future..


(I have a discord server. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox)? )

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat

(Alternate titles: "That poor Guard. He deserves a medal for patience.", "Lefiya is so l.e.w.d! She isn't lying to herself anymore!!", "Ais be like: As long as I can remain here, you can do whatever you want")

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