While heading towards Ethan's rest-room, Aki remembered that she didn't ask the most important question she had to ask.

"By the way, who's this Hyogumi? You could just say that you wanted to see the 'last core member' of the Loki Familia, or something like that.."

Her question, made Ryuu furrow her brows while adding

"...I asked for Hyogumi-san's last name, and, he told me that it was Hyogumi.."

At first, when she saw Ryuu, Aki thought that Ethan's last name wasn't something most people knew, but, the fact that not even his own goddess knew about this, was rather shocking..

"...The fact he told you his 'last name' isn't something that special, but, not even his goddess know about this as, Loki-sama told me that the name of the adventurer would probably be one of the supporters.."

This, made both of them feel intrigued, because they both wanted to know why until now, he had never specified what his last name was, to the point that even Loki knew nothing about it. But, they knew that everything they might think, or say about this, would be only guesses.

"..Let's ask him when he wakes up. I'm quite curious about this.."


Even though Aki wanted to bring her towards where Ethan was resting, she decided to let her have a small talk with others first..

"I don't know if you'll remain here for long, if you want to just quickly check on him, then I will ask the others to let you in. But, if you have some time, I would love to have a small talk with you.."

Saying so, she was about to hear Ryuu's reply before she could hear, from the distance, Raul. This, made her smirk before immediately calling for him.

"Raul!! You are here to check on Ethan..?"

Hearing her question, Raul turned his head to look at her before his brows twitched slightly.

"..Yes, I didn't have the occasion to--"

Before he was able to finish his sentence, Aki chuckled while adding

"Your face is becoming slightly red! You are a man, Raul, act as one..."

"...By the way, It's better if you give the two of them space, for now. The fact you are here means you aren't busy, aren't you? Then, let's talk with the others. You have to socialize with someone, other than Ethan!!"

Sighing, he wanted to add that he would probably be the only man here, and this would have been a 'problem', but, he knew as well that Aki wasn't so easy to persuade to change her mind when she wanted to do something...


Saying so, Raul looked down for a moment before understanding that Ryuu was there as well.

"...Oh, Ryuu-san..Are you here to check on Ethan as well..?"

His question, made her think about it as she nodded

"My friend..can't work well without knowing Ethan's condition..she's interested in him.."

At her words, Raul replied with an exasperated sigh as, from the moment he became Ethan's friend, he was only in contact with girls who were interested in him for something..

'I expected no less than this much from a protagonist, but, seriously, why can't I be lucky with just one girl while he has multiple girls interested in him..? And, how can he be so honest with his feelings..? I can't do the same at all..'

With these thoughts in mind, Raul didn't feel particularly jealous towards Ethan, also because, from the little they had managed to talk with each other, Raul understood that Ethan was not someone who wanted to show off the fact that many girls were interested in him, nor did he make fun of him for the fact that he, instead, was not as lucky.

Even though he was busy thinking about this, Aki didn't care at all as she opened the door.

"I see. If you want to have a talk with us, feel free to come in, Ryuu!"

Her cheerful attitude, brought Raul to point towards himself while adding

"Ryuu-san isn't obligated to come in, why don't I receive the same treatment..?"

Thinking about it for a second, Aki immediately replied

"..Because you have no friends other than me and Ethan, and that's awful"

These words, hit Raul rather hard as he knew that her words were right before he could hear the voice of someone from the room.

"..Other people that wants to check on Ethan..? Oh, a man."

Hearing the person's tone of voice going from annoyed at the first sentence to normal in the second, made Raul furrow his brows as he turned to look at the owner of the voice.

"Sorry if I interrupted your conversation, Hestia-sama.."

The fact he knew her name, brought a proud smile on Hestia's face as the latter immediately raised her hand to make him understand it was fine.

"There's no need for such formalities now. I am here to check on Ethan as well..and I'm curious to know you, as, from the moment I encountered him, I only met girls interested in him..."

Her words, brought Raul to instantly sympathize with her as it was exactly what he was thinking about, but, he decided to just nod without adding anything..

Even though Hestia said so, she saw that another girl was there, and the latter was here for a girl, that was surely interested in Ethan..

While she was busy with these thoughts, Aki closed the door before going next to Lili to sit on the bed as well while the latter just looked away.

This, made her stare at Lili for a moment before deciding it was better to just ignore her as the conversation in the 'group' was quickly starting...


"Come on, Tione, accompany me to check on Ethan..you don't have to do anything special..!"

Saying so, Tiona pulled Tione's hand towards her while she shook her head. This because, Tione wasn't interested in checking on him until he would wake up, but Tiona didn't think the same as she wanted her twin to stop thinking about the Captain already.

"..The Captain doesn't want you in his life, why are you still trying to enter a relationship with him? Even if it's our instincts as Amazons to be with the person that defeated you, that doesn't mean you can remain like this forever..."

Her words, made Tione clench her jaw as she knew that as well, but, her pride would never allow herself to be with anyone else, other than Finn.

"I don't mind...the fact he defeated me, is enough for me to acknowledge no other man, other than him.."

Shaking her head, Tiona could feel the same feeling she felt when she saw Lefiya and Ethan interact, and this, was starting to annoy her, mainly because, she didn't want to start having problems with her twin as well..

"You liar. You mind this, and you are suffering for this since the moment he broke your heart. Your condition is even worse than Ethan and Lefiya's. You want to remain with this mentality because you're afraid to take a step forward, and act for yourself. I don't care if you want to come with me or not, but you must come with me today.."

These words, brought a surprised expression on Tione's face as she immediately added

"And what do you know about this? I never told you anything like that! I even asked Captain to have a night with me, but, he refused... he wants to have a relationship, even if temporary, only with a Pallum.."

Sighing, Tiona added

"I know that as well. Do you really think your twin is this blind, Tione? I know your situation well enough, and, seeing you hurting yourself this much, while you would have way more opportunities to find what you deserve, is hurting me as well.."

At her words, Tione wanted to reply, but, she felt like she couldn't while Tiona decided to release her as she was rather tired of her own reasoning. In fact, she could understand she wanted to reply something more, but, her words, would only bring the two to fight over this for more time, and that was something Tiona didn't want to do.

"If you don't want to come, then it's fine. I'll go alone. But know that I won't repeat myself as I'm not good with this kind of thing. I just hope that you, one day, will be able to understand."

Saying so, Tiona started to walk towards Ethan's rest-room without a care in the world as she felt tired of talking with someone who simply didn't want to understand her words at all.

Now alone, Tione looked down as she was angry at Tiona for acting in this way, but, she felt guilty as well. And this because, she knew she was just trying to bring her to stop hurting herself..

'I'm sorry, Tiona..I am hurting you as well, but, I can do nothing about this. For me, Captain is.. and will always be, the man who defeated me.. Even if he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me, I must keep trying..I hope that you will understand as well...'

With these thoughts in mind, Tione was about to return in her room before she could hear a voice from her back

"..It's better if you come with me to check on Ethan. You want your twin to not being hurt by you and your actions, right? Then, you must come. Your relationship with the Captain doesn't need to change right now, but, at least, you can try to be present for Tiona. This, will make her try to reason with you and understand your points as well.."

Even though Riveria didn't want to hear their conversation at all, it was inevitable as, she just returned from her work, and was about to go to have a bath, but, in her way, she heard these two, and, she decided to not interrupt them.

Her words, made Tione sigh again as, from the first sentence, she thought Riveria would just say the same things that Tiona said, but, the fact she mentioned her relationship with Captain, made her understand she wasn't there to criticize her, but purely to give her a hand and, now that she could see things more clearly thanks to her, Tiona understood that it was better to follow her advice...

These thoughts, brought her to nod as she decided to follow her towards where Ethan was resting, but, she saw as she headed towards the opposite direction.

Confused, she immediately asked

"Wait, where are you going..?"

Her question, made her sigh as she replied

"I want to have a bath before going to them. In the afternoon, I have other things to do, so, I can remain there only for a couple of hours, and that would give me no time to have a proper bath.."

Understanding the situation, Tione sighed as she knew it made no difference if they went towards them after a bath as she decided to just follow her without asking questions anymore while Riveria had various thoughts in her mind...


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox)? )

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(Alternate Titles: "Raul and Aki", "Tione's annoying, Tiona's the best, Riveria: The one who fixes things", "The protagonist's aura doesn't have only good benefits..Raul")

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