After quickly explaining to him the theory some members that were present in the famila thought, Loki added

"..Even though this rumour didn't leak outside our familia, that doesn't mean I can ignore it. In the next Denatus, or even before that, I will be questioned about what happened, and why our expedition failed. That, will lead me to explain about the monster, and, I don't want to say that you may be the first clue to know something more, so, you need to make me understand this is wrong.."

At her words, Ethan immediately replied.

"..I can say what happened, but, I doubt you would believe me.."

Furrowing her brows, Loki knew the reason couldn't be something 'normal', but, she didn't expect something that even a goddess of her level wouldn't be able to understand..

Even though he said so, Ethan didn't know what to reply at all as, he didn't want to tell her about Light, or anything else related to the System. This because, as Light herself suggested after a second thought, it was better to not 'reveal' to anyone else her existence. This because, the Universe didn't allow her to 'exist' outside of Ethan's domain, and, if he started saying something about her, she didn't know what would happen...

"...Does that mean you knew about this before entering the Dungeon?"

After carefully thinking about it, Loki knew it was the only possible option. This because, she didn't want to believe Ethan knew about it before entering the dungeon, just to risk his life, and that of all the surrounding people.

"No, I obviously didn't know about this, otherwise, I would have never allowed myself to enter the Dungeon before understanding what was wrong, and If I knew that as well, I would have searched for a solution.."

Saying so as he shook his head, he saw that Loki just nodded while adding

"Well, then, what happened to the Dungeon? If you know about this.."

Sighing, he decided to tell her the closest version of the truth he could say to her.

"..After falling asleep, I encountered an entity, that helped me understand several things. She said that I had inherited a very special body. I couldn't understand most of her words, but, she mentioned that I was close to the level of a God, in body, after waking up, my first thought was that maybe, what happened in the Dungeon was what would likely happen when a God entered the Dungeon as well.."

Even though she understood it wasn't everything, she could still 'feel' that he was telling the truth, but, his words, carried a heavy weight with them for her. Blinking a few times, she immediately asked

"So..that means you are classified as a God in the Dungeon, and..that would mean you aren't allowed to enter the Dungeon at all..?"

Her question, made him sigh in his mind as, the fact he couldn't tell her the real truth, was rather tiring for him.

'...I am forced to go for the longest route, huh...'

He thought this, because Ethan knew what to say to her in this case, but, If before, she wouldn't have allowed him to enter the Dungeon for at least some weeks, now the situation had worsened, but, he didn't plan on remaining outside the Dungeon forever.

"...No, I have a way to get around this restriction, and, if I can do that, I would be able to make even other Gods able to do the same.."

Saying so, Ethan started to explain to her what the 'entity' said to him while he was in his Domain

"..And, that's how I will be able to not only increase our income, and your influence over Orario, but even make this problem disappear from the start.."

Understanding that his theory worked, Loki only had a few problems with this..

"..Yes, but how can you become a Blacksmith? It would take at least some years before being able to reproduce such a complex object, even just talking about the shape it must have, and the effect....?"

Her words, made him nod in affirmation as he knew that she was indeed right, but, Light wouldn't have recommended him something impossible for him to do.

"Indeed, it's true that I would need that amount of time to achieve that level of proficiency, but, I don't need to be able to produce such a complex thing alone. For example, I can use the Hermes Familia's Captain to help me with the effect part, and, I can try to call the entity again.."

His words, made her furrow her brows as she could understand that, even if the situation seemed hopeless a moment ago, his words confirmed it wasn't.

"...You can call this entity..?"

Nodding, he immediately added

"..Not exactly. The latter never said so, but I believe I will be able to encounter her again, and, I will surely use that opportunity to ask her more about this.."

With this, Ethan decided it was time to close this parenthesis, also because, he didn't want to keep Shakti waiting for too long.

"...By the way, did you have something else to tell me? You said it wasn't the only thing.."

His words, made her eyes widen as she immediately remembered it was indeed as he said.

"..Yes. In the Denatus, I decided your new alias. You will be called Nova from now does that sounds?"

Hearing his new alias, Ethan nodded immediately as, he remembered just what kind of alias some adventurers would obtain, so, he obviously liked his own.

'Still better than being called Little Rookie..'

That was all he thought as a smirk naturally formed on his face. Even though Ethan wasn't the kind of person who would discriminate Bell for his alias, he still felt rather happy that he didn't get a stupid alias.

"It's the best, thanks, Loki.."

Seeing him smirking, made Loki smirk as well as she immediately added

"Good, now that we talked about important things, remove your shirt."

These words, upon being heard by Ethan, brought him to look at her for a moment before sighing. He knew she would obviously try to tease him as always, but, he didn't expect her to be so direct about it.

Doing as she asked, he removed his shirt before bringing his c.h.e.s.t on the bed as he decided, now that Loki was 'updating' his status, to check his own as well.

[Status Board - Updating...]

'Light, are you so busy to build our villa, that you forgot to update my status?'

But, even though he said so, he received no reply as, before he was about to ask something else, his [Status Board] appeared in front of him.


Name: Ethan Hyogumi

Age: 15(Ageless)

Race: Human - {(Sealed)}

Lv 2(+)

[Falna: 893/1.000]

Pow: 661C→ 698C

Dex: 713B→ 730B

Agi: 790B → 833A

Mag: 1100SS → 1223SSS

{Total Parameters : 9.586 → 9.855}

{SP: 4,734,703}

{Valis: 25,030}

Skill: [Qienta's Blessing:SSS], [Infinite Regeneration:S](New), [Toughness: I](New), [Mana Control:A], [Boost Magic:F], [Avian:F], [Reckless:I→G], [Sprint:I](New), [Heavy Blow:I] (New)

Magic: [Sagitta Magica:D→C]

Development Ability: [FeatherFoot:C], [Spirit Healing:G→E], [Hunter:H→G]

[Infinite Regeneration]

Rank: S

One of the skills inherited by the Goddess who reigns over Souls, Qienta. This skill permits the User's body cells to infinitely regenerate, and, is divided into three stages.

Passive: At the first stage, the User will always regenerate his body cells, but, it won't work anymore if the User is killed.

(+) Passives: If willed, Bad smells emitted by normal humans, will be erased from the User's body.


Rank: I

One of the skills inherited by the Goddess who was biologically created, [Light]. This skill permits the User's body to become tougher when in combat.

Active: The body becomes slightly tougher

Passive: The skin will become smoother, the body will emit a natural smell that will be similar to the original owner of the skill [Light]. Hair may change colour. The natural Charm of the User, will be heavily increased.


Rank: I

Upon always using [Boost Magic] to speed his own body, the User obtained a skill able to increase his own speed further.

Active: Slightly increases AGI

[Heavy Blow]

Rank: I

Upon using [Boost Magic] to increase the strength of his fist to give one, strong attack, the User obtained a skill to increase his own fist strength further.

Active: Slightly increases POW when the user has the will to use his strength with a fist


Seeing all of this, Ethan was really surprised about his overall status as he didn't know where to start, but, he decided to go for the "Skills inherited by"

'...Seriously, they are...strange skills. Why should a skill increase my Charm? And why the other one would remove the odour of bad smells emitted by my body..? It's not bad, but why..?'

Asking this questions to himself, he couldn't help but sigh as, Loki finished updating his status.

"..You should be able to level up now, are you sure you don't want to..?"

Her question, brought him to shake his head as he knew he couldn't level up yet as, if he did so, He wouldn't get any bonus out of it.

"..I am fine like this.."

Nodding, Loki decided to raise from his back as she thought about what to say next as the last important thing she had to say to him returned to her mind.

"..Oh, talking about another annoying thing, Freya wants to have a talk with you. I'm sure she will ask me to see each other somewhere to discuss this, and I can't turn her down after you made Ottar defend you.."

At her words, Ethan wanted to sigh again, but, he decided not to as, other than his own problems, he had to even think about someone like Freya..

"..If that happens, tell her I will be quite busy for at least a week or two. I would have liked to go to the Dungeon to obtain Valis, but, that option isn't available anymore.."

His words, made her smirk as she added

"If you want, I can give you some--"

Shaking his head, he immediately added

"I don't want to have debts with you, but thanks"

At this, Loki replied shaking her head

"I won't ask you to pay me back. Just tell me how much you need. You can call it investment for the future. I'm sure you will have even more valis than I will give you now, so I have no problems about this.."

Her reply, made him look down as he knew Loki wouldn't lie to him so blatantly, but, he still didn't want to ask her..

"..I wanted to build an house of my own to be able to start blacksmithing, as I can't do that here.."

Thinking about his words, Loki knew it wasn't the best option to just let him go in his own house as, there were several people who would have liked to kill him already, but, she knew as well that, he wouldn't be alone most of the time..


(I have a discord server. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox))

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat

(Alternate Titles:"This chapter with information", "'Entity' is the new alias for Light, just saying", "'You will need at least a few years to achieve this level of proficiency' Said Loki. Author: I don't think so")

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