After Ethan finished bathing, he decided to buy new clothes from the System as, he didn't want to go to the date dressed as always.

Immediately thinking about this, the Shop opened in front of him as it listed all kinds of clothes, from the cheapest, to the most expensive, but, he, decided to take something that had the {Danmachi} category this time. This is because, although he had no problem saying that the clothes he had were from his homeland, it did not mean that he could continue to use this excuse indefinitely.

After buying the clothes, Ethan wiped the remaining water on his body before equipping the new clothes. Looking down, he could see a white t-shirt, with various lines that went to give detail and style to the shirt itself, while his pants were black, with the same lines, only that, instead of being black, they were white, and met along the waist.

Trying to touch it, he could immediately feel the difference from his normal clothes as, the sensation brought by the cloth, was 'of another level'..

Glancing at the clothes' description, he understood why they felt so different from normal, as they had skills that enhanced the delicacy of the fabric.

'I paid 10.000SP for them, so I wouldn't expect less from the cloth itself..'

Thinking about this while walking away from the bathroom, Ethan was already out of the Twilight Manor as he decided to head towards the Guild first..


After 1 hour, Ethan arrived at his destination as, upon having the Guild building in front of him, he could see the person he came for talking with Misha..

"..Good Morning, Eina-san.."

This words, brought her eyes to widen as she turned to look at the owner of the voice as, she quickly understood it was Ethan..

"...Long time no see!"

Her words, made him 'misunderstand' her as he thought that she was angry about the fact that he neglected her during the period when he hadn't joined the guild..

"I'm sorry if I didn't come to update you about the situation, or anything like that. I really know you want the best for me, and from now on, I'll try to become a better adventurer, differently from how I was behaving before.."

At his words, Eina furrowed her brows as, even though she was a bit angry about the fact he didn't come to update her, she could understand that he was busy...

"..Ethan, I think you misunderstood me. I am worried about you, and I will be angry if you don't come to regularly update me. But, if you had something so important that made you unable to come, it's fine.."

Her words, brought him to sigh in his mind while she could feel that, even though she saw him a few weeks ago, he felt completely different. But, she decided to not point that out as she added

"..Perhaps, do you have some time to talk? I would like to get some update from you about the situation, even if I know, more or less, what happened..."

This question, made him look at the System's time as, it was still 7:15 A:M.

"..Yes, but not for too much..after that, I have other things to do.."

Nodding, she didn't want to ask him many things as, the most pressing questions were related to when he could enter the Dungeon again as, she was unaware that he couldn't enter it at all..

With these thoughts in mind, she looked at Misha as the latter understood it was something important. Even though she wanted to immediately start teasing Eina on this, she decided to just remain quiet, for now.

After bringing him in a private room, Eina immediately asked the most important question she had to ask.

"Someone said you were injured, someone else said you are fine, someone else said they didn't see you after you were defeated anymore...can you clear my head from all these rumours..?"

In the day Ethan passed in the Twilight Manor, the news about the Dungeon continued to spread uncontrollably. This, obviously, caused the Dungeon to be entered only by high-level adventurers, while low-level, and middle-level ones, decided to come to the guild to protest, even though the latter could do nothing for them.

"...Yes. I was indeed defeated, but, not because of the powerful monster that was attacking us..."

Quickly explaining to her everything that happened in the Dungeon, made Eina bring a hand on her forehead.

"...You went in [Mind Zero] during such a critical situation .."

"...Yes, but it was the monster's fault. It made me see someone I love on the ground, without even the strength to raise..."

Even though, at that moment, the anger he felt was so great that made him act that way, thinking about it now with a cold mind, Ethan could almost feel frightened by having to see that scene again repeat himself in front of him.

Seeing him looking down, she understood it wasn't something he wanted to talk about as she immediately added

"..Sorry. I'm not saying your action wasn't right, because yes, I can understand the fact you were furious, but, you have to learn how to control yourself...For example, what if this situation happened, but there was nobody that would have been able to bring you back from the Dungeon.."

Her words, brought him to think about it for a moment as he knew what would have happened.

"I would have died.."

The fact he replied correctly, made her nod as she added

" was fine because you had teammates to count on, but what if you hadn't..? That's why, you have to learn how to control yourself in these situations, even if it isn't the right thing.."

Understanding that he had to seriously start learning this as well, made Ethan sigh out loudly while, he decided to change the topic of the conversation...

After half an hour, he finished talking with Eina as he exited the Guild.

'The hostess of fertility should be opening right now..'

With this thought in mind, Ethan headed towards the Hostess of Fertility while Eina was busy in writing today's report. Even if nobody said she had to do so, Eina preferred to keep things organized in this way as, she knew remembering when everyone came wasn't exactly easy..

Seeing that she was focused on writing about Ethan's visit, brought Misha to immediately smirk as, the fact nobody was in the guild yet because only high level adventurers, which didn't pass by the guild, entered the Dungeon in the morning, made her immediately decide to tease her...

Going behind her, she immediately brought her hands on her shoulders while she peered at what she was writing.

"Ethan came at 7 A.M to update me on his situation..I see!"

Her words, brought Eina's face to immediately become red as, even though she didn't mean anything strange by how she wrote it, the way Misha was saying it sounded really..wrong.

"Misha..stop already! Someone may come..!"

Chuckling, Misha immediately replied

"No need to worry, Eina! Only high-level adventurers would even try to enter the Dungeon right now, after the extermination.."

Even though nobody died during the expedition, the fact a lot of level 4 were injured in the 17th floor was something that literally terrified every adventurer that was above that level as, if a monster, even if defeated, wandered around these floors, many adventurers would not even have time to react correctly, and this, leads the risk bar, which was already quite high previously, to exceed the imaginable.

Knowing what she was saying was the truth, brought Eina to sigh as, even if she wanted her to stop, her words made her think about the fact the Guild was really silent, compared to what it usually looked like, but, she didn't have time to think about this since Misha, wasn't going to stop, now that she had the perfect situation to tease her freely...


Arriving next to the Hostess of Fertility, Ethan saw that nobody was outside as, he decided to directly enter. The first thing he saw, upon entering, was Anya as the latter was talking with Ryuu.

"...Good Morning...Can I Enter?"

Hearing the well-known voice, brought Ryuu to turn her head to look at him as she immediately added

"..Yes, it's fine"

Approaching him while saying so, she understood why he was here, but..

"If you're here for Syr, I'm sorry to tell you that she's not there at the moment.."

Sighing in her mind, Ryuu thought it was really unfortunate, as, now that the person she cared about decided to pay a visit to her, she wasn't there for the latter..

"..I see..."

Saying so, he was about to head towards the exit, before Anya stopped him.

"Wait, Ethan-nya! I have something to tell you-nya"

Surprised by this, he nodded slowly while Ryuu just stared at her as, she understood what she wanted to say to him as she added

"Anya-san, please don't.."

Shaking her head, she immediately added

"Ryuu-san! It's really unfair, so, Ethan-nya has to share the punishment with you..!"

Her words, made him tilt his head in confusion as, he turned to look at Ryuu while the latter looked away. Knowing that, now, Anya would explain the details, she decided to just do that before her as she didn't want him to misunderstand.

"..Mama Mia decided to punish me, as in the last few days, I went to check on you without working, now I have to do the chores, both mine's and Syr's.."

Understanding, Ethan nodded as, before she was about to add that it was fine for him to just go, he immediately replied

"..I see, then, it's my fault, that I let Syr worry about me..I will help you with the chores you have to do until I will have to go..if there are more I'll come in the afternoon as well"

At his words, Anya nodded as, for her, it didn't matter that Ryuu didn't want for him to get involved as, it was his fault as well that this situation occurred.

Even though Ryuu wanted to decline his offer, she saw the look Anya had, and that, brought her to sigh as, she just nodded as she headed towards the kitchen.

Looking at Anya, Ethan raised his thumb with a smile as, the fact she pointed this out, was actually better for him as he had no other way to use time before the date..

His action, made her do something similar as, while smiling, she raised her thumb while nodding. This because, she appreciated the fact he didn't just shrug his shoulders off this, but, instead, decided to immediately help Ryuu with her punishment..


(I have a discord server. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox))

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat

(Alternate Titles: "Misha and Eina..Misha started teasing Eina again!!!", "Fast Chapter, Fast Development, Fast...everything is fast", "Ryuu & Ethan, Thank you Anya for this opportunity!!")

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