While the two were happily embraced, enjoying the time they had, the situation was different for Loki who, was currently dealing with an annoying issue..

"..I see that you finally decided to show yourself, Freya.."

Her words, brought the latter to give her a warm smile as she brought a hand on her cheek.

"I see, you're not surprised to see me, Loki.. I'm very curious to know how things have been lately, as from what I've heard, it seems they're not going too well.."

Hearing this, Loki sighed as she replied

"You are as arrogant as always, but, know that I won't let you easily do whatever you want..Your presence in his life would only do harm, and I can see that he already has a negative opinion of you..."

Thinking about it for a moment, Freya knew she would have said these words, but, she decided to 'play along' as she sat on the sofa, opposite to Loki while she had a 'shocked' expression.

"Why you say such bad things about me..? I don't want to harm him...and I'm sure, you would be able to do something about--"

Before she was able to continue, Loki couldn't help but chuckle as she looked down.

"I feel like there's no such thing between him and me. Instead, you could say he doesn't even consider my opinion at all. For him, I'm only the person he's bound in a formal contract with, and that's something I accepted, as the benefits he can give my familia, aren't easy to find elsewhere.."

Freya, expected such a thing to be true, but, this new information still brought her brows to twitch as, she was about to tell her that, in that case, the only thing she would have to do was informing him of her request to meet him, but, Loki was faster as she just continued her speech after a small pause.

"..ah, and he said, that he has no intention of seeing you, at least until he will be able to finish the various things he has to take care of"

Hearing this, she couldn't help but release a small sigh as well as, she was already annoyed of this whole situation.

"...I can understand that he's busy, but, when will he be free..? I don't mind waiting another week.."

The fact she expected a clear answer from her, was what led her to ask for this, but, her reply, shocked her.

"I don't know when exactly he will be able to meet you, and, probably even when he would have time, he would just refuse you.."

These words, were the last straw that broke the camel's back for Freya, because, she was also willing to wait for a week or two for him to be free, which was already a great concession, for someone like her, but, his words, led Freya to become furious, both at Loki, and at Ethan as she clenched her hand in a fist.

"You understand that it's in my rights to ask to see him? I am also being charitable, letting him first do his business, so that he'll have the time to talk freely. If It wasn't clear enough before, I made you a favour, and you need to pay me back. It seems both of you have yet to understand this crucial point.."

Even though she could see that Freya was angry, Loki couldn't care less...in fact, she brought her legs over the small table that separated them while, without hesitation, she decided to be even more 'honest' with her

"Look, you can say you helped me out in that event, and for that, I have to pay you back, which is something I will do, but, if Ethan doesn't want to have a conversation with you, why do you think me, the person he's only in a formal contract with, would have any chance in convincing him?"

Thinking about her words, brought Freya's brows to twitch a second time. She knew that if he didn't want to listen to her, the only thing she had to do was order Ottar to bring him to her place, but, she didn't want to have an open fight with someone like Loki as, after she understood she d.e.s.i.r.ed Ethan so badly, she would surely try everything to not let her obtain what she wanted.

"..I see. Let's say I'll return in two weeks. If, by that time, I want Ethan to be informed about the fact I want to meet him, and, to come up with a day for us to talk, or even that same day, which is something I would prefer.."

Thinking about it for a second, Loki could only sigh.

"I see. I'm busy as well now, so, if you don't mind.."

The fact she was indirectly saying she had to go now, brought Freya to close her eyes as, she was even more angry by this, but, she still decided to keep this to herself as she raised from the chair before heading towards the door.

"I'll obtain what I want, in this way, or in another.."

Saying so, she exited the room while Loki, now alone, new the situation could only become more complicated from now on, but, she decided to not think about it as, she was still dwelling on the words that she herself had used..

'Only someone in a formal contract with, huh..I wonder if he really thinks it's the only thing that binds us..'

Even though she didn't feel anything in particular for Ethan, Loki knew he was still one of the members in her familia that she interacted with the most in these days, and, the fact they weren't united at all, like two strangers who casually entered a formal contract, was something that made her sigh as she didn't know how to feel about it...

'I should stop thinking about these things, I still have something to do..'

This thought, brought her to raise from the chair as well as, exiting the door, she saw Freya that was quickly exiting the Manor, and this, brought a small smirk on her face as, for the first time in what felt a whole lifetime, she could see Freya actually angry..


After keeping Lefiya in an embrace for a while, he could feel that she was slowly calming down, and this, brought a small smile on his face as, he knew if they remained like this for more time, he would surely decide to just ignore everything else he had to do at the moment...

This because, he could feel that, now, Lefiya had no intention of running away from him, and although he had not even noticed that the thing was relatively heavy for him to bear, he had only now realized as he could feel that Lefiya's hands, were 'pulling' his shirt towards herself, as if she was silently asking, to stay like that, without going anywhere else.

Understanding this, brought him to have a radiant smile, but instead of just staying that way, Ethan decided to be as brave as Lefiya. Without hesitation, he lowered his head to be in contact with her own and, without hesitation, he placed his lips on the nearest point to which he had access.

"W-Wait..w-what are you doing.."

At her question, Ethan decided to stop doing so as he added

"I would like you to understand that with me, you can relax, and that there is no need to feel all this embarrassment. I know it will take time for you to completely trust me, but I have no problems about it. The only thing I'll ask you now, is to look at me"

Even though her words, had to be a request at first, Ethan felt he could at least ask her this, now that they were linked by a relationship.

His words, made her tighten the grip on his shirt as, she decided to do as he said, and, the moment she lifted her head and laid her eyes on his, Ethan did the same.

This sudden eye contact led Lefiya to want to look away, but instead of doing so, she decided not to give up while Ethan, seeing that she was trying so hard in doing as he said, brought him to become unable to contain his own d.e.s.i.r.e of messing up with her a little.

In fact, without hesitation, he approached her face as, he brought his lips on her cheek as he gave her a light kiss..

'Her cheek..is so soft...'

With this thought in mind, Ethan decided to not go overboard as he released her cheek before bringing his hand, that was still on her back, on her hair as he started c.a.r.e.s.sing it while Lefiya was quickly processing what happened, but, before she was able to say something about it, he immediately added

"Don't tell me you thought you could kiss me, while I couldn't..?"

Hearing this, shut down every possible thing she could say as, she actually knew what Ethan did was nothing, compared to what he did with Ais, but, for her, it was still something really important, as he was the first man who ever 'kissed' her..

Although this thought brought her to feel even more embarrassed for various reasons, she decided that she didn't want him to think she was a nuisance already, as they entered a relationship less than an hour ago..

"..If y-you w-want..I can accept a normal kiss as well.."

Saying so, brought her to gulp as she broke the eye contact they were having until a moment ago while Ethan just sighed in his mind as he could clearly see she was already trying to do more than what she was capable to bear and, even though this brought him with a strange feeling of lightly hitting her with his hand, he decided to not do so as he replied

"..That's one of the things we need to absolutely talk about before I go. I will never force you in doing anything, Lefiya. When you will be ready to do determinate things, I'll be the first to kiss you way more passionately, or to give you what you d.e.s.i.r.e. If you can't bear more than this, It's fine..just take your time.."

These words, brought Lefiya to raise her head back to have eye-contact with him before she could see Ethan sending her another warming smile, and, even if it was no different from the smile she had moments ago, Lefiya could still feel herself losing her reasoning in that smile that, every time she looked at it, she could feel her feelings for him growing, as if he was adding a small drop of water in a lake that was already as big as a small sea...

This feeling, which quickly began to warm her heart, made her feel a heat that spread rapidly throughout her body, from the tip of her ears, to the tip of her feet, and, even though there was no real difference between a second ago, and now, Lefiya acted without even thinking, and before she knew it, her lips slowly approached his own while she just stared at him...

Understanding what was going on, brought him to stop talking as, he was about to add that she didn't have to overbear herself again, but, by looking for a second at the look she had in her eyes, brought Ethan to remain completely silent while, as if she was being pushed by an invisible force, Lefiya sealed her lips with his before closing her eyes to indulge in the feeling of warmth that had pervaded her body a second ago.


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox))

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat reon.com/watashiwavdesu)

(Alternate Titles: "The feeling that makes human beings act instinctively, can be both good and bad. In this case, it was perfect.", "Lefiya...like this, you'll bring Ethan's heart to melt!!(And mine as well)","Freya..the annoying Goddess")

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