A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 132 - True Dungeon

After the two arrived in Riveria's room, she looked around for a moment before she noticed that she had left some doc.u.ments on the table.

Without hesitation, she went next to it as she opened the drawer that she had reserved for the doc.u.ments, before starting to place them there while Ethan watched the scene.

Formulating quickly what he should have said to Riveria, Ethan inhaled air to begin his speech.

"Talking about our training, I would like to start saying that, as you heard from Loki, my house will be built in a few days. And, once I move there, I don't know if there might be any problems... I would like to train in the morning.."

Knowing that eventually, once he entered his domain, he would begin to train there, was something that wanted to push Ethan to try to decrease his training in the outside world, but he knew that this was not possible, if he didn't give an adequate motivation....

And it's this very thought that led Ethan to a simple, yet important conclusion.

"Ah, and by the way, I want Lili to train seriously as well as, even though I'll stop entering the Dungeon for a while, the same can't be said for her. So, I don't think I'm going to be able to cope with too much training, if I have to train her as well..."

He thought that, this could be one of the things that would allow him to have a not too heavy training, but in reality, this was completely useless since Riveria immediately added

"If you want to train her, you'll need to first learn how to train someone yourself. As you know, you have no fighting style, which is something we need to somehow change as, even though your magic can be used in multiple ways, specializing in just one will still be necessary to use all your strength in the most effective manner"

The fact he forgot about this, led him to sigh in exasperation as, he quickly understood it was better to start with designing the training, and after he will enter his domain and eventually starting to make the Training Quest evolve, he will decide what to do.

"..I see"


After a long discussion, lasted about 40 minutes, Ethan came out of the room with clear ideas about the type of training that he should start doing from tomorrow.

'Tomorrow afternoon, I'll have to make time for Lili, too'

Knowing that, this was another of the things that would be added to his agenda for tomorrow, led him to sigh but, this thought didn't remain for long in the centre of his thoughts, as at least, he was now completely free to try the new function that he had unlocked.

This, brought him to quickly exit the Twilight Manor as, seeing an alley 50 meters from the exit, Ethan passed immediately through it while the guard, thinking that he just wanted to take a shortcut for wherever he had to go, completely ignored what happened.

Now in the middle of the alley, Ethan thought about his System interface as, in no time, several panels appeared, but he ignored them all and focused only on what interested him.

Tapping on the [Dungeon] function, saw as it scaled down, and a subcategory was added to it.

Without hesitation, Ethan tapped on the True Dungeon as one, big panel appeared.


[True Dungeon]

Name: Inari's Hidden Dungeon

Rank: S

Floors: 100

Time Dilation: 1 hour inside/12 minutes outside

Introduction: A ruined city, once the most prosperous in the world. It's famous for the attempt of a Renard to try to establish a cooperation between demons and humans, ended in a revolt. This because, after the death of the latter, another Renard took her place, but was not able to impose her government in the same way of the previous head of the state. Another important point is the famous cave, the place from which the city itself took shape. Famous because of the various rumours regarding the fact that inside it, there were hidden various precious goods, and rare materials.

Sourced Universe: -1

World: 1999


Reading the contents of it, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the Introduction of the world as, after the System confirmed Ethan had indeed finished reading, brought another panel to enter his sight.


[Question: Would you like to enter [Inari's Hidden Dungeon]?]

Seeing two buttons appear in front of him, one for [Yes] and another one for [No], brought Ethan to sigh as he decided to tap on the yes as, he could feel a sudden d.e.s.i.r.e to close his eyes and, in the precise moment in which he did so, the surrounding space changed so quickly that he didn't even understand what happened as, upon opening his eyes, Ethan could see rubble everywhere.

Although this surprised him for a moment, Ethan had immediately understood what had happened while he could see that the [Dungeon] function now had an exclamation point beside it.

Opening the panel, he saw that he now had two new quests.


//Dungeon:Core Quest Triggered//


Rank: D

Optional Objectives: Kill 150 Monsters(0/100)

Rewards: 5,000SP


//Dungeon:Secondary Quest Triggered//

[Monster Killer]

Rank: B

Objective: Kill 1,500 Monsters(0/1,500)

Rewards: Bonus Title [Slayer], 50,000SP


'Let's see what this S-Rank Dungeon will throw at me..'

As he thought so, he was about to start looking for the entrance of the Hidden Dungeon, but, before being able to do so, Ethan could hear a strange noise from the rubble. Furrowing his brows, he thought that they couldn't have been monsters, since, as the quest specified, he wasn't yet in the real Dungeon.

After approaching the rubble, Ethan had the sound at close range and, this brought him to realize that the muffled noise, previously covered by rubble, belonged to a skeleton. By immediately retreating, he saw that the skeleton of a hand appeared from the ground.

Being the first time he saw a real skeleton slowly emerging from the ground, Ethan felt a little intimidated by it but, he only hardened his expression before clenching his hand in a fist.

After the first skeleton raised from the ground, Ethan could see he had a sword and a shield, and it moved rather slowly as it was slowly approaching him while it made inaudible noises..

Taking his time for a moment to think about his course of action, led him to realize that this could also be an opportunity to try his new skills, but this, was not important, as Ethan soon realized that the skeleton who emerged from the ground, was not alone.

In fact, after a moment that this thought crossed his mind, an arrow was thrown towards him as he was forced to evade it.

Looking around for a moment, Ethan could see that, in addition to the skeleton he was focused on, other skeletons from a distance had already begun to appear. Some armed with arches, others, with long swords, some others, with spears.

In this area, in fact, the monsters appeared in a completely different way than normal...

Knowing that he had to conserve his energy, and being aware that the place he was in was not yet the Dungeon itself, led Ethan to decide not to use [Boost Magic] for now, and to try to fight with his fists.

After a few moments, he was already in front of it as, with a punch, he forced the skeleton to retreat a few steps by the power behind his fist.

This quickly led him to realize that [Toughness] hardened his body more than what he had previously imagined, and that [Heavy Blow], was able to do almost the same as the [Boost Magic], only immediately, therefore able to also avoid the perception of monsters. In fact, as Ethan had understood from his immediate encounter, the skeletons seemed capable to detect his position thanks to the detection of his mana, which was also the thing that allowed them to distinguish allies from enemies.

This new information made Ethan realize that it was more efficient to use [Sagitta Magica] against skeletons armed with close range weapons, but the only problem was the fact skeletons armed with arches, wouldn't let him stop for a moment to chant..

Knowing that the skeletons were not very fast, led Ethan to decide to use his [Instantaneous Movement]. Although he still wanted to spare his strength, he knew he couldn't ignore the arrows that, although they seemed rather weak, Ethan couldn't know if they also hide some secret abilities...

By appearing next to a skeleton, he threw another punch that, this time, was enough to throw away the skeleton.

This scene, brought the seemingly emotionless skeleton to retreat as, they knew how to use their own weapon.

Surprised by the fact they were retreating, Ethan understood they were also intelligent.

'I see. That's why this is an S-Rank Dungeon..?'

Believing this was one of the perks that made the Dungeon be ranked as S, Ethan decided to not think about this as, behind him, he could already hear the muffled noises of the skeletons, as well as the creaking of their bones.

Being faster than the skeletons, Ethan decided to quickly approach the other archers as, he could count at least 3 of them.

Now in front of another [Skeleton-Archer], so called by the system that notified the previous skeleton's kill, Ethan managed to take his arm, and this, led him to pull it toward him before using his other hand to 'finish' the job.

Seeing the skeleton, or what could be called the remains of it, lying on the ground, led Ethan to see that the other two archers, having had time to move away, were already in position, ready to shoot other arrows.

'This surely is annoying..'

At this thought, Ethan dodged two more arrows while, hoping in his mind that he should not really look for the Dungeon's location while these monsters continued to spawn, brought him to understand that no other monsters were appearing.

Sighing in relief, he decided to not use his [Instantaneous Movement] again as, he wanted to use this occasion to train his natural reflexes as well..


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox))

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(Alternate Titles: "Inari's Hidden Dungeon..", "Ethan, you will become the jack of training soon, as all you will do is training...","That poor Archer, found itself with a punch in the c.h.e.s.t without understanding what was going on at all...")

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