After stopping for a while to pet her, Ethan could see that Maple's tail was still wagging quite clearly, and even though he had some doubts, he decided to attribute this action to the fact that she was happy to be saved.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to answer any questions he would ask her, Ethan leaned his head against the wall as, with a sigh, he looked towards the sky...

'I wonder what should I do now...'

He knew very well that he had no other option but to keep her with him, as he had no way of going to an unknown world as, the only thing he knew was that the planet was somewhere in the Universe.

'I have no problem with taking her with me, but she definitely has parents, and...if they were in the same town...'

Ethan could only come up with this question in his mind, and even though the very thought that she had just lost all of her family, carried a knot in his stomach, he knew he had no way of verifying, or helping the fox he had just saved, and this was so frustrating that it caused him to sigh, this time heavier than before, giving him chills that quickly passed through his entire body, before he decided to do the only thing he could do at that moment.

Bringing his head down to look back at the fox, Ethan decided to c.a.r.e.s.s her head while Maple, confused by why his hand had moved away, raised her head to look at him and, noticing the colour of his eyes, she couldn't help but be fascinated for a moment, until she saw the expression he was making before, understanding he had the fox's attention, Ethan began to speak.

"It may be a bit of a rush, but I've decided to take you with me. Although I know practically nothing about you, I know for a fact that you're missing a place to stay..."

Hearing unknown words for the umpteenth time, Maple tilted her head in confusion while Ethan, recognizing her gesture, brought a hand on his chin

"She doesn't understand..."

'Does the fact I don't know the language mean this human isn't from Inari? I don't remember ever hearing this language at all...'

In the few years she had lived, Maple had had the opportunity to listen to, and know, all the various languages spoken in Inari, and although she wasn't familiar with all the languages in the world, she could be sure she'd never heard of a foreign in the city..

'...Am I not in Inari?'

Now that Maple was thinking about it, she knew perfectly well that in a city just hit by a powerful earthquake, the situation could not be so calm, just as the ground couldn't be so clean.

Lifting her head even though Ethan still had his hand on it, Maple looked around, and realized that even the alley where they were, was completely different from anything she had ever seen...

'The walls are completely different...'

Slowly realizing that she was in a city completely different from hers, Maple remained with her eyes wide open while Ethan, noticing her agitation, had even more questions into his head...

Although Maple was shocked, this was not caused by the fact she was in a different city, but by the fact that the building style, as well as the materials used for the walls, seemed something completely unknown to her. Being already quite knowledgeable also on the political level, Maple knew that Inari was - even if in constant conflicts - the export city that had branches in all the closer cities, but this city, just by the way the walls were built, made it look like it had no connection to Inari, and Maple knew what it meant.

'...There are too many questions.. assuming I was saved at Inari, how could I have been taken so far from my land? and.. If this were really the case, how long would I have slept to miss the whole trip.. and why this human was right in the centre of Inari to save me..?'

In fact, as Maple had learned, humans invented spiritual energy, but the way they used it, and the amount they had, was much lower than the other races which, once they learned the Arts, they could use much more high-level ones, since they were originally endowed with Magic, then revalued as inferior to the Arts transmitted by the various races, and therefore no longer developed as before.

'Maybe a special magic.?'

It was very rare, but yes, even humans could be born inheriting magic. The chances of this happening were very low since, a number of rare things had to happen... to have a human who possessed a unique type of magic, it had to be born between a demon and a human, but be born human, which happened in 5% of cases as the possibility of being born as demons was always dominant and, even rarer, inherit a special to circ.u.mvent the normal known limits, the probability of which was between 0 and 1%.

Even if it was hard to believe that such an impossible thing really happened, Maple was still able to give an answer to the question that pressed her most and this, led her to breathe a sigh of relief, even though she was still rather doubtful about what a human so far from Inari was doing right there to save her, but the fact that they couldn't communicate, plus everything he had done for her, was enough to get her to put these details aside for the time being.

While Maple was thinking about so many things at the same time, coming quickly to the solution, unconsciously flaunting her intelligence, Ethan, who had noticed her expression changing repeatedly over such a short time, could only smile when he saw how Maple had lowered her head slightly, so that it was easier for him to continue to pat her, and even though they couldn't communicate, and she hadn't yet expressed her doubts, Ethan knew how to recognize someone who was thinking, although the latter was a fox.

'I see you're not very different from me.. you seem to think too much about things..'

Bringing the hand he had previously on his chin near her, Ethan decided to take her to his home, also because he knew that being dirty was something nobody wanted to be...

Getting up from the ground, Ethan realized, now that he could see her from top to bottom, that she wasn't very big for a fox.

Although this could mean many things, Ethan decided not to ask too many questions about the moment, otherwise he feared they would stay there all the time.

But he decided not to vent his emotions and, with another sigh, quickly regained calm before descending towards the ground to c.a.r.e.s.s her for a second and, although she couldn't understand it, Ethan decided to express himself anyway.

"I will bring you to my home..there's no need for you to make an effort if you can't.."

Even though Maple didn't understand his words as he pronounced them, she was intelligent enough to read feelings behind them, and, by seeing with the corner of her eye as he slowly wrapped his arms around her, she understood what he likely wanted to do...

What Ethan didn't know, was that normally, showing all this kindness with a fox, could lead to an unwanted effect, which led Maple to look away in embarrassment, but, knowing that she couldn't express her feelings in any way, and that if she tried to use the code created by the Federation for communication, Ethan might have misunderstood, and this led her to accept, in her own mind, that in this far-off place where she was, foxes were treated differently, and even though she was 100% sure that not all humans were like him, this new information just led her to think that Ethan was a special case, and that with him, you could probably expect things that were completely different from normal.

While Maple was thinking about these thoughts, Ethan had his hands welded on the fox, and although the fact that he brought her on his body was a big problem, he was very lucky to decide, since the fox seemed particularly intelligent, to not bring his hands in 's.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e' areas normally recognized as such for half-demons, although the way he was carrying her made the fox heavier...


Now out of the alley, Ethan hurried to get close to the entrance of Twilight Manor while the guard, noticing that he was already back after just a few minutes, was puzzled, before noticing that he was carrying an animal with him.

Unlike the world where Ethan came, where foxes were mostly peaceful to humans, and some species could also be domesticated, the world he was in now was totally different. In fact, with the population filled with demi-humans, it was very rare to come across what, logically, should be 'demons'

But, even just the vision of the latter, was enough to make the guard decide to bar the passage while saying

"..Wait..the animal you're a demon..!? You should kill her instead of bringing her here!"

Shouting towards the end of his sentence, Ethan thought about it for a moment as, he didn't recall people in this world being hostile towards animals...

"..She's not a demon, and you don't have to worry about this. If she attacked humans, she would have had the opportunity to do so a long time ago.."

Angry at the guard's words, Ethan calmly replied so. Even though he had known this fox for a very short time, he knew very well she didn't have the will to fight from the beginning, and her adorable way of expressing happiness had already conquered him. In fact, although there were still doubts, he just decided to put his trust in this fox, and he wouldn't let outsiders meddle in this matter...


(I have a discord server. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox) | Are you liking the interactions between Maple and Ethan?)

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat

(Alternate Titles: "Maple is a noble, but why she thinks way too much for her age...", "Wagging tail...It's still wagging!!", "Ethan is the goodest man in this earth! Maple shall reward him with her cuteness.")

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