Now completely calm, Ethan lingered over what was to be bought for dinner.

He could choose between an assortment of different foods, but having decided not to use the shop for food since with all the books he was buying lately his SP stock was going to fade away, Ethan knew he had to be on his own this time.

'I still have a few valis left to buy some ingredients, so maybe it's best to prepare for the week, hoping to start working as soon as possible...'

He was determined to start working with all the grit and determination he had always shown step by step, and while these thoughts filled his mind, Ethan stopped at a stand to order something to eat

"A jagamarukun, please"

Knowing no one was there to draw his attention, Ethan didn't pay much attention to the person who was working there but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone he knew well

"Yes! it's 32 valis!"

Looking up, Ethan crossed his gaze with the girl in front of him and the latter did the same before she issued a little 'Ah', knowing the customer very well.

After a second, the girl in question threw herself at him with a smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around him

"Ethan, Long time no see!"

Hearing these words, Ethan sighed without returning the girl's embrace before answering with a smile on his own.

"Indeed, long time no see, Hestia"

In response, Hestia nodded to confirm his words again. This was because the two had never met during the week, since Ethan was very focused on other things, and even if he had no obligation to visit the Hestia familia or Hestia in particular, it still saddened her a bit.

But she obviously wasn't the only one, and in fact, a few seconds after Hestia was attached to him, she released him before Ethan could hear a cry coming from his right.

Turning her head, Ethan saw in addition to Hestia, Lili was present but as soon as the latter had seen Ethan, she remembered now they couldn't venture together in the Dungeon, which made it even sadder knowing that during this week the Dungeon had stabilized, to the level in the early days the Dungeon lowered the spawning rate, allowing adventurers to pass floors they hadn't been able to achieve, although this was only true for the weaker adventurers.

Arriving more or less to understand what Lili was thinking, Ethan sighed as Hestia stood on one side as she decided not to say anything for the moment before he without hesitation brought a hand on Lili's head so that he could stroke her hair.

"I'm sorry I can't take you to the dungeon because that would have greatly accelerated your growth, but as I have already specified there is one reason in particular I must resolve before I am able to enter the dungeon for the moment it's impossible for me to do what you want, but I can promise you something different, I would like you to train with me and.."

Ethan was unconsciously trying to reveal Maple's identity, but before he was able to tell her Maple's name, he stopped while Lili looked up at him


Thinking for a second what to say to her, Ethan shook her hair a bit while Lili, from the said action closed her eyes before Ethan answered

"I'll tell you at a later date..."

As Ethan answered that and Lili nodded, Ethan was thinking about how and when to train her, and that's because unfortunately, the distance from the house where they lived was quite large to be done on foot every day by Lili, not to mention the innumerable number of bad guys who would be ready to act.

This is a problem, even if I wanted to go to her, I don't want to ask Tiona who already does so much for me to follow me to the abandoned church, much less Riveria...

Ethan wasn't actually planning on training with Tiona all the time. In fact, it had already happened during the week that Riveria came to give advice, both sentimental and combat related to him, but in addition to all this, he had already challenged Riveria once again, losing miserably against the power of her spells, but even though that was the case, Ethan now felt happy he could improve his skills efficiently.

While these doubts assailed his mind in search of a permanent solution, Ethan looked Lili in the eye for a few seconds and, remembering he had to go home after buying the ingredients he needed, a great idea surfaced in his mind.


"Ais... isn't Ethan late? All he had to do was deliver some stuff to Riveria and buy dinner, I don't think it takes that long, even considering his speed..."

At Lefiya's question, Ais thought about it for a second and indeed Ethan seemed to be awfully late, but although this was the case, Ais didn't respond while Lefiya could only be worried

But it was just as Ais had decided to think about it and Lefiya was feeling uneasy that they both heard the door opening.


Both having the same thought, the two came out of Lefiya's room after a long conversation they had concerning Lefiyia's concerns, and now that they were both going to the first floor, Lefiya felt reassured, even though Ais had done nothing but listen and tell her own opinion, she had managed to vent everything she felt inside, and this feeling, led Lefiya to have a small smile on her lips.

Now near the entrance of the house, the two saw Ethan enter and first, Ais asked

" everything..alright?"

Ais knew as Lefiya had said, it was strange that it took him all that time, but even though this was the case, Ais didn't want to ask Ethan to tell her where he went or what he did, but only if there was something forcing him to come back late...and so she couldn't help but feel compelled to ask while Lefiya, now next to her, added

"If there's something wrong, p-please talk to us..."

To their words, Ethan carried a hand behind his head while avoiding looking at them in the eyes, he replied

"I'm sorry if I made you worry, nothing important happened.. just that.."

He understood both seemed shaken by the fact he came back so late, especially Lefiya. This obviously made Ethan feel guilty because he didn't want her to worry so much since nothing had happened, but it was just as Lefiya was about to ask for explanations that they both heard a voice coming from outside.

"So this is Ethan's house.. it's very beautiful and flashy!"

While she was saying these words, Hestia silenced her with a "shh" reminding her they should have waited for Ethan to let her into the house since, according to what he had said, he wanted to first explain the situation to Ais and Lefiya, and then introduce them completely into the house, but this turned out to be useless since from the moment Lili had spoken and Hestia had silenced her, Ais had already noted their presence, although in reality it didn't make her think anything bad, not knowing why they were both here.

"It seems we have two guests.."

This was all Ais said, leading Ethan's eyebrows to twitch as Lefiya with a "hmm" nodded before reformulating her words, asking Ethan why they were here.

She knew they could be here out of curiosity to visit Ethan's new home, which, on the other hand, was a rather interesting thing to do, but the 'suspicious' way in which he avoided their gaze had made her exclude this option while in her mind, she decided to be the one to act.

"I don't know what you did, but I'm sure you didn't do anything that could make us uncomfortable..please talk to me.."

At her words, Ethan looked at her and, seeing the way she was asking for an explanation, Ethan stared at her before sighing, letting Hestia and Lili in through the door as he answered

"I'll explain everything...but maybe it's better not to stay here at the entrance of the house, don't you think?"

Thinking about it for a second, everyone agreed with his idea and, moving on to the two sofas placed, so they could have a conversation, Lefiya and Ais sat on those on the right while Lili and Hestia on those on the left as Ethan decided to stay in the centre to explain what had happened...


'Right. If the problem is the distance between me and them, I can buy a house next to mine, so I won't even let those two sleep in that place...'

It was a great idea, because that wouldn't only solve Hestia's problem of a comfortable home to live in and expand her family, but it would also permanently solve Lili's problem of training, But now the problem that presented itself before him was money, as he didn't have enough to buy even a starter weapon at this point.

But he knew this wouldn't last for long. Unfortunately, he remembered to acc.u.mulate enough valis to afford a good home, Ethan would have to keep Hestia waiting for months, which he didn't want at all. And it is at this very moment that he united the pieces of the puzzle, coming to the conclusion while he was collecting valis, the two could live in his house...

Proposing this to Lili and Hestia, the latter was shocked by Ethan's proposal while Lili quickly wiping her tears, had a big smile on her face as she answered

"Yes! Yes! I want to live in Ethan's house!"

But as Lili rejoiced, Hestia pondered for a few seconds about his question before reaching a conclusion

"I cannot accept such an offer"

Whispering this, Hestia was quickly deciding to refuse the offer. This was because she remembered very well everything Ethan had done for her until now, and although she liked to be spoiled, there was a limit to how much she could refuse her dignity...

Her whispering, well heard by Lili, led her to answer with an "Eh?" while without hesitation answered her

"H-Hestia-sama..Why are you against it...? I don't think the idea is so wrong..we would have so many new possibilities if we go to his house!"

At Lili's words, Ethan sighed while in his mind, he already knew he had to stop Lili, since at this moment he didn't feel ready to welcome someone else into their relationship, that although was stable, could be shaken very easily at this moment, and Ethan didn't want to risk losing either of them...


(I have a discord server. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox) | Are you liking the interactions between Maple and Ethan? | Riveria: Adoptive Mother or Harem Member?)

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat

(Alternate Titles: "Ethan welcomes Lili and Hestia in the house, but Lili seems to not be so welcomed in Ethan's relationship..?!", "Hestia refused the offer..but she still came to Ethan's house?", "Lefiya be like: Don't worry, I won't be mad, whatever you diid..")

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