"And that's how I decided to let them live here until I have enough money to buy a house for them.."

His statement, really surprised Hestia. That's because until then, Ethan never specified what his ultimate intention was, and the idea all the work Ethan was going to go was needed to buy them both a house to live in, Somehow made her feel like her heart was tightening in her c.h.e.s.t.

Unlike other times, however, this feeling was very painful.

This led Hestia to mentally refuse the offer Ethan was proposing again, as from the beginning the idea of living in the same house didn't seem a good idea, but now that she was aware of what he wanted to do, she decided it was time to talk.

"I don't want you to go that far for my sake, Ethan"

Saying these words, Hestia looked at him while Ethan was explaining what they were going to do now, before stopping to look at her in the eye with a confused expression on his face.

But this wasn't enough to stop her, in fact Hestia, continued her speech by rising from the sofa.

"I have no intention of depending so much on you in the first place. If you think the house is a problem then I will try to save the money from work as much as possible, so that I can get enough valis to buy a house. We don't need something very spacious, and although there will be a need in the future, for now I can only think of the present"

Hestia knew very well how much a valuable house cost, and though she was tempted to have such a place for her familia, it was only a dream for her.

While Lili was visibly surprised by Hestia's attitude, she could understand her point of view a little. Until then, all they had done was depended on Ethan for every need they might have, but as Hestia had said, it was wrong. Although this wasn't something Hestia had properly specified, Lili had understood Hestia's attitude would bring more results than her childish attitude had brought so far....

'If that's the case..'

Rising as well, Lili approached Hestia as she added

"Hestia-sama's words are right. We can't take advantage of Ethan's kindness all the time to move on. I'm sure with both of our jobs, we can raise enough money to get us a house worthy of Hestia familia!"

At Hestia's and Lili's words, Ethan was puzzled for a moment. He understood their feelings of wanting to buy the house for himself, but Ethan couldn't understand why Hestia seemed so determined by it.

"May I be able to ask why?"

Hestia was about to answer her question, but Lili was faster than she was again.

"Why!? Of course because we're in lov--"

Before she was able to finish the sentence though, Lili was immediately stopped by Hestia with one hand on her mouth before looking at Ethan, but noting no reaction had arisen, Hestia inferred he hadn't been able to hear clearly.

Walking away for a moment with an excuse with Lili, Hestia immediately began to whisper

"Seriously, what the heck are you doing!? I'm not even sure about my feelings! if you have to say something like that, include only yourself!"

"Is it possible that Hestia-sama hasn't already realized? Shouldn't it be that you're embarrassed enough to determine your feelings? Haven't you noticed how you've been staring at him all the time? Or how you always have a radiant smile when you're being embraced by him..?"

To his words, Hestia's cheeks were visibly red, but she tried to ignore this before answering

"No.. I think I need to know more about how I feel."

It was inevitable for Hestia. Unlike Lili who had only lived 14 years, Hestia had lived millions of years seeing different races fall in love, but she had never felt this kind of feeling in the foreground, And so she still couldn't tell the differences between the normal love for familia members from the one that goes beyond that. Although she did know the distinction between the two, she couldn't exactly say she loved Ethan, because it wasn't enough to enter into a relationship with him.

'These uncertain feelings are not what I want to give to a person like Ethan..'

Her belief was that she would be able to understand her feelings before Ethan extended his hand to them again, so that when the opportunity arose again, Hestia could only accept the hand with the assurance she was doing the right thing.

"Please, if you have to talk about you loving him, don't involve me..."

Saying this, Hestia left Lili free to do what she wanted while the latter could only sigh

'I hope Hestia-sama can solve the knot in her heart'

Lili certainly didn't appreciate the idea of having to share Ethan, and also didn't appreciate Ethan already had dear people close to him while she had no way to prove herself, let alone to approach him. But even though this was the case, so she was jealous, Lili wanted Hestia to find happiness as well.

While Lili's mind was wrapped in these thoughts, Hestia returned to sit while staring at the floor, reformulated the phrase that Lili had previously tried to say

"You shouldn't ask us why we do what we do, as our actions are only natural to do when you care about someone. You just don't want to exploit that someone just for your own convenience without being able to say or do anything for yourself..."

Her words surprised Ethan again, but while he was busy arguing with Hestia, Lefiya and Ais observed the situation as the former whispered

"Hestia-sama is a good person..I don't think there's a problem hosting her, but her familia member..."

Lefiya had certainly not forgotten everything Lili had done. In addition to remembering all the times she had stuck to him for attention, Lefiya remembered how Lili had recently helped her to manage her feelings, so she had no intention of abandoning her after the help she had provided her, but on the other hand her jealousy wouldn't certainly stop soon.

At her words, Ais stared at Lili for a second and like Lefiya, she also had her number of moments where she didn't like Lili's actions, but even if that were the case, Lili and Hestia weren't there to try to steal Ethan from them or enter into a relationship with him, but for very specific reasons.

"Everything is alright to me.."

At her words, Lefiya was surprised for a moment but remembering what Ethan had said to both of them before taking them into their home, Lefiya nodded slowly before bringing a hand to her c.h.e.s.t.

'I feel so strange.. although the thing is not all this problem, I wish the two weren't here...'

But while Lefiya's mind was wrapped in these thoughts, Hestia and Ethan stared at each other and, after a brief discussion, Ethan decided to trust Hestia's words

"And that there are still people who think you are a lazy Goddess whose strong point is only the front... If they only really knew what they are talking about, at this hour..."

To his words, the serious expression Hestia had on her face immediately dissipated became much kinder and, with a smile filled with love as her eyes stared at him, she could only answer

"I don't think the way they see things is wrong, nor do I want them to change their opinion about me. What I want the most is that people I care about know who I really am"

Her words led Ethan to look at her from a different perspective and, as he saw the way she was looking at him, implying who she cared about was right in front of her, he could only look away again, slightly embarrassed...

This sudden development, led Lefiya to be surprised while suspiciously whispering to herself

"Could it be that in reality the biggest enemy is the Goddess, so sweet and nice, instead of Lili!?"

At her words, Ais closed her eyes, and reproducing Hestia's action in her mind, she opened her eyes before answering

"The chances of that being true are high."

"By the way..Now that the situation is resolved, I think I can show you the house a bit, even if I don't know it yet so well. After that you will be free to decide where to sleep."

His words caught the attention of all the girls, and as Hestia and Lili stood up, so they could follow Ethan around the house, the latter went to the kitchen for a moment before taking out from the inventory everything he had bought.

"While I show them the house and let them choose where to sleep, you two can order things or you can try cooking, what do you think?"

Obviously Ethan wouldn't have started to neglect anyone in the house, and although the idea of not being able to help them for the moment left him a little disappointed, he couldn't even leave Hestia and Lili alone to wander around the house...

In the words of Ethan, Ais and Lefiya rose from the sofa and both looked at themselves before they nodded as they head towards the kitchen.

This action left Ethan somewhat surprised, as he was not used to seeing such a tune between Lefiya and Ais, but this could only be a good thing, which led him to smile before focusing on Hestia and Lili...

Explaining and touring the entire first floor to them, Hestia focused heavily on the shared bathroom, which made her very embarrassed but as soon as Ethan understood it, he immediately specified that he could bathe elsewhere, or there could be shifts instead of going together at the same time, which reassured her...

Although Lili had a different opinion on the subject, she knew she couldn't specifically say anything, and so she decided to remain silent before Ethan took them to the second floor to show them the rooms they could choose to be in...


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox) | Are you liking the interactions between Maple and Ethan?)

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(Alternate Titles: "Hestia's love..what kind of love is it? Hope she'll find out soon!", "Lefiya and Ais' relationship is strengthening!", "I miss Light already...", "Filling the house with people..Ethan is fast!")

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