A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 167 - Shower(12)

Now in this situation, his member didn't hesitate much to awaken from its sleep and, while this was happening, Ethan couldn't stop thinking about what position they would try today. The last times they had s.e.x, it was now normal that Ais wanted to try new positions and, lately, had even come to give an 'objective' vote to each of them.

But even if that was the case, now they should have tried it standing, which they had never tried, and that intrigued him a lot.

Feeling for herself something she knew well pressing against her belly, Ais had well understood what was about to happen, and as Ethan ran his hands down her h.i.p.s until he got very close to her b.u.t.t, Ais didn't care at all before focusing on his neck. During their previous s.e.x.u.a.l i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.es, this particular detail was evident.

Ais preferred to focus on Ethan's neck first, kissing and l.i.c.k.i.n.g it properly, and she also preferred it a lot when Ethan took his time to turn her on, which he had begun to do even more aggressively during their last times. While she was busy with his neck in fact, Ethan didn't have the occasion repeated twice, bringing a hand close to a point he had rarely considered, but which in fact could be very helpful to stimulate.

Feeling that Ethan had already begun to stimulate her, Ais gasped for a second and the breath that didn't seem at all fatigued until a second ago, could now be felt by Ethan on his neck, which helped him to understand not only the thing was surely appreciated, but also where to stimulate more and, first, Ethan wanted to make sure Ais was ready to go before trying something new.

While Ethan was engaged in attacking what was Ais' c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s with the latter that as time passed had an increasingly fatigued breath, he could feel the hand of the latter flowing along his body until it reached his member that, having been taken suddenly, twitched.

During their time together, it wasn't just Ethan who was gradually refining his techniques, in fact even Ais wanted to 'experiment' the way Ethan liked it more, coming more or less to understand how to move the hand to achieve a better stimulation, and even though she had asked Ethan to repeat the experiment for her to help him figure out how to do so it in the best way, he had replied such a thing wasn't necessary, and that he preferred to adapt during the situation.

Starting to move her hand up and down with his member in her hand, Ethan took a long breath while he could feel Ais starting to have the first reactions. From what he understood, there seemed to be a kind of limiter, as if Ais felt the sensations but couldn't fully show them, and this was true especially for the c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s, which in itself should be very easy to stimulate, but Ais' required time and patience, but even if that was the case, Ethan didn't care much.

In fact, he slowed down over time and, before he knew it, Ais was breathing rather heavily. Other than this, he could also hear noises coming from below, which along with the feeling of slippery, made him conclude Ais was practically ready.

But even though this was one of the things he had the most doubts about, Ethan decided not to worry about it while speeding his movements up again.

To this, Ais reacted by pushing her face more against his neck and, with her hand clinging to the upper part of his back, Ethan could feel Ais having an o.r.g.a.s.m directly close to his ear, which made him even more aroused but, before he could even say anything, Ais separated from his neck for a moment before attacking his lips again. While she did so, Ais was moving her hand even faster, as if she was trying to say she wanted to make him finish as well.

Although this was something that Ethan previously wanted to avoid as he feared his stamina wouldn't hold what was coming after, he now left Ais free to do whatever she wanted while, in temptation, he let his hand down to her b.u.t.t, pulling the right b.u.t.t cheek firmly

If Ais was the person who was rather focused on his neck first, Ethan had discovered he was rather attracted Ais' lower body. Although the top was already very much appreciated by Ethan, he had found himself at times like this to choose b.u.t.t over b.r.e.a.s.ts, even if he was convinced in reality they were both good, and he wanted to prove this to himself by leaving Ais' lips for a few moments so that he could concentrate on her b.r.e.a.s.ts, taking a b.r.e.a.s.t with his free hand in fact, Ethan brought the n.i.p.p.l.e close to his mouth so that he could stimulate it while Ais, by the sudden simulation, couldn't help but m.o.a.n slightly.

Always staying close to him, the two felt the water continue to flow on their n.a.k.e.d bodies and, interacting so much with Ais' body, Ethan didn't need too much to finish either.

the problem was that Ais hadn't time to move, and so with him who stimulated her everything Ethan had saved until that moment was released on Ais' belly.

After a few seconds, however, Ethan realized what he had done and, stopping for a second, he apologized for soiling her, which led Ais to shake her head to make him understand everything was okay, but even if that was the case, Ethan replied

"Then let me at least clean you"

Saying this, Ethan took one of the soap he placed in the shower to wash himself and, without hesitation bathed the latter before passing it on the points where a few seconds ago his seed was, this was because with the water flowing through their entire body, the s.e.m.e.n had already been washed away, but still, Ethan somehow wanted to apologize for not thinking this detail through, even though Ais didn't really care if Ethan decided to finish on her, which had always been objected to by him during these moments, because even though he was the first one who wanted to do things like that, he didn't want to treasure her as he could, and he found that this was one of the ways he could achieve his goal.

Seeing Ethan so focused on passing the soap on her belly, Ais continued to stare at him and, with a small smile that unwittingly formed on his face, she felt only a few words were needed for this moment, even less than usual, but she still didn't say anything while bringing a hand on her hair, so that she could play with them as Ais' lips curled up even more.

"I love you.."

Exiting almost without his control from her mouth, Ais uttered these words as Ethan, surprised, looked upward and although Ais' b.r.e.a.s.ts covering his sight from above was rather provocative, he ignored this for the time being as he responded to her mutual feelings.

"I love you too.."

Normally, Ais was a person who preferred to express her feelings through actions, and this was something Ethan was getting used to very quickly over time because now instead of expressing her feelings, Ais showed him all that love even through the little things.

It had happened during one of their activities that Ais stopped temporarily from their excitement to fill it with kisses that, more than passionate were clearly expressing to him how much affectionate she was to him, which Ethan appreciated so much that he wondered if in reality it was better not to express their feelings with words, but to show them even more with deeds, so her sudden telling him these words had led his heart to beat wildly, no longer expecting such words so lightly.

Seeing her smile blossoming even more to his words, Ethan stared at her for a few seconds without knowing what to do but, after that little moment, he put aside wash her belly for the moment and, returning to the seat and no longer in a seated position on his knees, he felt almost obliged to respond to her feelings again.

"I really, really love you.."

At his own words, Ethan held her tighter and tighter, while Ais nodded as one hand kept playing with his hair, and the other was busy returning the hug, but having Ais's b.r.e.a.s.ts pressed against him, Ethan knew their excitement now had precedence, and in fact it didn't pass long before he added

"...Let's continue where we left off"

Deciding to plan the idea he had for their new position, Ethan brought his hands slightly under Ais's b.u.t.t so that he could pick her up more easily and, as she hugged her neck, she was lifted without hesitation by Ethan before she started kissing him and, as their lips sealed each other and the surrounding air rise in temperature, Ethan took a few steps until Ais' back was in contact with the wall.

With the water that continued to flow between their n.a.k.e.d bodies, Ethan now had his member rubbing against Ais' v.a.g.i.n.a and this, was already able to revive it from their previous relationship and, without even realizing it, Ethan was rubbing Ais' c.l.i.t with his member, which brought Ais to speed the pace of their kiss up as a result.

Even though this intrigued him, he decided to stop playing now, also because he felt even his member, After being ignored for so long, now claimed time for itself.

Although Ais had repeated several times to Ethan it was okay to insert it when he wanted, the latter was still sceptical of the idea, and in fact stopped their kiss for a moment to ask for a small confirmation from her, which was rejected by Ais that, by bringing her head against his, answered his question with another question.

"If I didn't want... your member... inside me... right now.. I don't think.. I would be...like this..don't you think?

Carrying a hand down on her v.a.g.i.n.a, Ais showed Ethan she was wet by making his member essa

rub towards the lips and this action so 'bold' by Ais led Ethan to chuckle before apologizing if he had asked a question that shouldn't be asked, but he still decided to clarify

"I don't think I'll be able to stop asking this anytime soon..."

Seeing his smile but being able to recognize some sadness, Ais shook her head before adding

"It doesn't matter.. the important thing now is to continue.."

Saying these words, Ais who still had his member in her hand, slowly inserted him inside her while Ethan nodded to confirm that as she said it was better to continue rather than distract himself on the small things...


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox) | Are you liking the interactions between Maple and Ethan?)

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(Alternate Titles: "L.e.w.d!", "Ethan x Ais(1/2)", "Hard Question: Ethais? Aisan? What would a ship between these two be like?")

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