A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 169 - Loneliness

As Ais and Ethan took their well-deserved rest, Lefiya repeatedly knocked at Ais's door, but hearing no one answered, she opened the latter and, seeing there was no one in the room, she had a confused expression on her face before she understood where Ais likely was..

'She probably went to bathe with Ethan...'

Being the most obvious thing that could have happened, Lefiya shifted her gaze to the floor. This is because the unexpected lie Ais had told her, in addition to the fact she had gone to Ethan on her own, had somewhat wounded her innocent soul.

'How could I not think of it...truly Ais is not ashamed to do these things for Ethan..'

Even just thinking about a situation where the two shared a bathroom, most likely even without the use of towels to cover their private parts, somehow made Lefiya jealous. That was because she also wanted to go further, and she also wanted to be natural with Ethan, but not only they hadn't been together long enough, even if that were the case, Lefiya knew she couldn't keep her calm in such a situation...

'I really have to grow up compared to Ais who look so m.a.t.u.r.e..'

Although this some time ago would have made her depressed, or she would have tried to compare herself to Ais, Lefiya slapped herself with her two hands at the same time on her cheeks while in her mind, Ais' words echoed within her again, bringing Lefiya back to have confidence in herself.

'Right, If I get depressed again, I'll only make trouble for both of them'

Although Lefiya was always harsh on herself, she had m.a.t.u.r.ed much in her mind compared to the girl she was before she met Ethan. Although her source of confidence was a mere utterance of Ais, this was more than enough to ensure that Lefiya didn't lose sight of the road she wanted to take the most, and that was why Ais had decided to put her trust in her, which Lefiya would do anything not to betray or disappoint.

'.. Returning to important business, tomorrow we will have two guests, but there are no rooms for them. Although I don't think they'll be staying for the night, it would be better if the possibility is not excluded..'

The fact Ethan was so busy all day, and that Ais wasn't good at management, had led Lefiya to become the person who took care of the house, and that was one of the problems that made Lefiya think, this was because as Loki had said, there were several unused rooms in their house, but she didn't want them to suddenly change at the same time.

The realization she was highlighting her preferences in this choice, somehow made her feel really embarrassed. This was because not even a full day had passed since Lefiya was in that house, and yet she had already associated the word house, to this place.

Beyond that definition instead, what Lefiya really called home, led Lefiya to think about the warmth of sharing the bed with Ais and Ethan. Although the first time he had done such a thing the embarrassment was high, this had gradually begun to shrink, although it had happened one of the nights that, upon his awakening, had found Ethan wrapping the h.i.p.s of Ais in an embrace, And while she was being held like this by Ethan, Ais kept hugging Lefiya, and she even managed to fall asleep

From this episode, in addition to the embarrassment of sharing an indirect embrace with Ethan, Lefiya had once again realized how incredible Ais was.

These thoughts led Lefiya to sigh and, with a small smile, she decided to retire in her room...

With Lefiya heading towards her room, Hestia and Lili instead, left the bathroom a few minutes later of Lefiya, having nothing more to talk about as they headed towards their respective rooms. Fortunately, Hestia and Lili didn't take their time to carefully check around them, so they passed the room where Ethan was 'washing' without paying too much attention to it while the latter, after the atmosphere had become calm and warm, asked

"How about we wash up now and then go back?"

When asked, Ais only nodded without saying a word, and although normally someone would think the atmosphere had become strangely cold, Ethan knew behind her lack of expression was hiding a warmth few possessed in the heart, and this was able in his eyes to undo all that apparent coldness. Even if Ais didn't express it, she was glad Ethan was able to be with her, because she realized that her lack of emotion made her quite difficult to approach for all the other people, which didn't even make Ethan blink an eye, who didn't care about it at all.

Nodding while her lips naturally curled up, Ais slowly got up from above him, letting his member out of her insides without any problems and, although the feeling of fullness that had enveloped her until a few seconds ago was very pleasant, Ais showed no change in her expression as Ethan sighed. Although his member was ready for another round in fact, he didn't want to overdo it without first being sure it was all okay in his body...

'I have to somehow figure out how to open my Domain, Light said it wouldn't take long, but with the progress I've made so far it still seems like it's going to take a while. If what she was saying was true, then why is the process so slow?'

[You didn't put your heart into it]

At this panel, a vein on the side of Ethan's head swelled a little while the latter reread the suspicious message while trying to figure out what the system intended to communicate this time, and this because he had realized the latter was completely different from Light. It had no interest in having a conversation with him, but occasionally it was able to give him advices that, although rather indirect, had so far helped a minimum, so although he was angry, he sighed while Ais had a confused expression on her face.

To her confusion, however, Ethan responded by shaking his head as he decided to ignore the content of the message for the time being, as he didn't want to distract himself or interrupt the moment of tranquillity that the two of them could now enjoy...


By this time in her room, Lefiya had finished writing a little reminder of what she was supposed to do the next day. This was because even if normally she would remember something like that, as soon as she woke up Lefiya had problems of reactivity, so to not risk forgetting about it, she had decided to write it down.

Stretching her arms in opposite directions, Lefiya yawned and, turning a moment to look at her bed, she realized at most 2 people could fit and, although this was considered normal before for her, this time it was a bit different..

'We wouldn't fit all three of us...'

Realizing what she was thinking again, Lefiya's cheeks were red in embarrassment, but although this was the case, she decided not to worry about it too much this time as there was no one to look at her..

'I was really looking forward to sleeping with them, wasn't I?'<br data-mce-bogus="1">

This question led Lefiya to rise from her chair before lying on the bed and, holding the pillow in her hands, tears slowly filled her eyes, but unlike other times when she cried, Lefiya wasn't making any kind of cries, but even if that was the case, her heart was still suffering in the same way, even if she was always unfavourable to the idea of sleeping together, she was accustomed to the feeling of being embraced by Ais, and even if indirectly, to sleep with Ethan.

At that moment, more than frustrated because she hadn't been able to join in their moment, Lefiya felt loneliness, and that feeling was a lot scarier than anything Ethan could do to her.

But just when this realization hit her heart rather hard, Lefiya felt someone knocking on the door.


Hearing Ethan's voice, Lefiya's sad and disconsolate expression disappeared in an instant and, thinking for a moment, she realized she had jumped to conclusions too quickly, but besides making her think about how stupid she could be, this immediately made her realize if Ethan saw her now, both he and Ais would be worried about her, which she didn't want.

Knowing that he would surely open the door to check, Lefiya had the option of hiding, but she knew this wouldn't work to evade Ethan's senses if he would seriously look for her, so she discarded this option before deciding to answer him.

"Y-Yes. Ethan, is that you?"

By saying these words, Lefiya had forgotten that, still having tears in her eyes and not yet completely calmed down, her voice would surely be hoarse and, confirming her theories, Ethan had a confused expression on his face as he added

"Yes. Can we enter? And besides that, why does your voice sound so weird?"

At his questions, Lefiya gasped and, gulping as nervousness claimed her mind, she knew how to justify the reason for her voice, but she had no idea what to say to prevent him from entering, because if she said to be sick, this would have the opposite effect, or If she said she just wanted to be alone, maybe that would be even worse.

'Do I really have no other way but to admit I was just an idiot for jumping to conclusions that aren't true?'

Although this was her thought, Lefiya sighed as she wiped her tears and answered Ethan's question.

"Y-You can enter.."

Having left an outstanding question, Lefiya saw the door opening and, as their eyes met, Ethan was able to discern one particularity of her eyes.

"How come.. are you crying?"

When asked, Ais groped his eyebrows. This is because Lefiya had already turned off the lights, and so they were in the dark, which made it difficult for Ais notice the detail, but for Ethan instead that was aiming to specialize with analysis, more his blessing that allows him to see even at night in a perfect way, the simple dark of the room was not able to obscure his view..


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox) | Are you liking the interactions between Maple and Ethan?)

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat reon.com/watashiwavdesu)

(Alternate Titles: "Indirect kiss is for normies, Indirect embraces are the best", "When you jump to conclusions but you don't know a thing yet you think everything is as you see it, pretty annoying and c.o.c.ky, right, Lefiya?", "I wonder if the other system has a personality in the end? Probably it just wants to annoy Ethan in the end, or maybe Author is the one who wants to annoy him")

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