A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 188 - Heavenly Golden Chains

Deciding to hold his questions for later, so that he could properly discuss with the system about it, Ethan first decided to test the ground with Lefiya, even if he wasn't willing to reveal her of his 'strange dream' also because he was sure she would have a hard time believing everything he said, as encountering such a high-level being surely wasn't so 'easy'...

'How can I even start by explaining that Qienta doesn't even belong to this world.? It's too complicated and hard to believe as an explanation... it's better not to talk about it if it's not strictly necessary..'

Although he managed to pass the [True Dungeon] as his own skill, Ethan knew his luck wouldn't be enough to keep an explanation of which he himself didn't know everything about. He knew for sure there were different worlds and different universes as the world where Maple came from is the proof he needed, but this was the only thing that had been explained to him, he didn't even know how to 'get out' of one world to land in another, so he wanted to avoid explaining such complicated stuff if possible...

But setting aside this speech, Ethan opened his eyes and noticed that Lefiya was awake, and by the reactions she was having, he understood she didn't seem willing to 'run away' or distance herself from him in any way...

'Lefiya has really grown a lot...in such a short time, I still find it hard to believe that she has become so brave... and the reason for this change was the d.e.s.i.r.e to remain next to my side, even if I told her it was enough to slowly grow closer...'

With these thoughts that made Ethan happy to be back in the real world again, almost as if it was a natural reaction to these thoughts, he tightened the grip enveloping Lefiya to attract her even more to himself while the latter, convinced until a second ago he was still asleep, had shivers running down her whole body.

"Good Morning.."

Saying these words with a smile on his face, Ethan let one of his hands slip under Lefiya's shirt, so that he could c.a.r.e.s.s her back, which continued to bring her a flicker that followed his hand like a shadow...

Although this had led to her previous flush being even more obvious, Lefiya responded timidly, deciding not to act or say anything about what Ethan was doing, also because after the initial flicker, Lefiya could feel a heat that spread rapidly from the spot where Ethan had left his hands, probably the effect of his [Boost Magic]...

"G-Good Morning.."

Replying quietly, Lefiya wondered why Ethan seemed different from usual, but realizing this was probably what she had 'chosen' with her behaviour and words, led Lefiya to simply accept his 'presence' behind her, although it was rather embarrassing for her that his hand was near the straps of her bra.

Lefiya's reaction led Ethan to decide he would propose, when Ais will actually return from the expedition, to not always have her in the centre of the bed from now on, because if Lefiya seemed to be able to withstand this level of stimulation, then it wasn't a problem even if he accidentally put his hands in some private spot, that's because during the night, it happened that Ethan found himself with his hands where he didn't remember leaving them before he fell asleep, and that's also why Ethan wanted to avoid sleeping alone with Lefiya, because he was afraid if the latter woke up before him and felt his hands in 'strange' places she might be so embarrassed to avoid him for days, but this, much to his surprise, didn't seem to be the case...

Removing the hands that used to wrap her until a moment ago, Ethan stretched his arms with a yawn before adding he wanted to go for a bath before breakfast...


After Ethan had expressed his 'wish', even though Lefiya felt a little disappointed by the fact he had taken his hands off her back, Lefiya decided to call the others so that they could have breakfast together, but beyond that, Lefiya was also determined to ask Riveria to be able to follow the training Ethan was undergoing, just because she also didn't want to be left behind, and wanted to be useful...

As the group gathered and prepared breakfast, Ethan was in the bathroom and now with time to think alone, he decided to ask his system what he couldn't before.

'System, do you perhaps know how can I enter my domain, now that my divinity is sealed..?'

Asking what was pressing him the most, Ethan saw the usual panel appear in front of him.

[The "domain" the Host wants to enter and the Divinity sealed in the Host's inventory aren't directly connected to each other. You can know additional information by reading the divinity's description]

Although the system was providing only the essential information, the system's response this time was more than enough for Ethan who, in no time at all, checked his inventory.


[Sealed Host's Divinity]

Rank: -

(Warning: Additional information related to the Host's Divinity are unknown). As long as the Host can find a way to awaken his sealed race, the Divinity will be released from the chains wrapping it

[Heavenly Golden Chains]

Rank: ???

Chains created by the Goddess of Souls, Qienta, during Ancient Time. They are known as the [Heavenly Golden Chains] because of their brilliant gold colour, able to seal almost everything as they are believed to grow stronger the more time passes. Currently, they are sealing the Host's Divinity.

-Possibility of the Divinity to break free: 0%


Reading the information about the [Heavenly Golden Chains] was enough for Ethan to gulp. From the System's prediction in fact, there was a 0% possibility for the Divinity to break free, and although it was reassuring, the fact the System itself couldn't appraise the rank of the Chains wasn't exactly a surprise, yet managed to make Ethan's blood become cold...

'...By the way, what's the difference between [-] and [???]'

To his question, the system didn't hesitate to reply.

[- means the rank isn't given to the item, in this case your divinity hasn't yet obtained a rank yet. ??? is used when the item goes beyond my understanding, in this case the rank is beyond SSS.]

He wasn't surprised by either explanation, although the fact of 'owning' an object that was probably above the standards even of the universe itself made his blood run cold even more, Ethan decided to change the subject, as he still wanted to know about his Divinity.

'..But about my Divinity, to make the chains release it I need to awaken my sealed race.. it means it's probably the God race, as Qienta said I needed to ascend instead..'

That was what he believed, but he was surprised again as another panel appeared before him.

[That's not necessarily true.]

Although Ethan wanted to focus on what it meant by 'it's not necessarily true', Ethan knew this wasn't the most pressing thing at the time. Although these days of all the things that had happened, he had no physical time to explore the [True Dungeon] and begin his career as a Blacksmith, he was still determined to begin both exploration and what would be his future work.

His idea was to forge a weapon that could help him explore, but he was still undecided whether to ask for the help of others or go alone, but remembering that the monsters would appear even before entering the actual Dungeon and knowing there was an entire city in ruins before the entrance was something completely different from a normal Dungeon, So the thing Ethan had to choose was whether to try to justify it by saying the whole area itself was a part of the Dungeon, or go alone to avoid having to lie further...

'..But I would have no real reason to not ask for their help, if not the risk something would happen if others tried to enter the Dungeon with me...'

But as these thoughts roamed around in his mind, Ethan could hear someone open the door of the bathroom.

'...Strange, Who could it be? It couldn't be Ais since the expedition was a two-days trip, Lefiya would surely be too shy for this, Riveria wouldn't show her body so casually..'

He had in mind who he might be, but even if that was the case, Ethan decided to avoid asking who she was before he could hear a voice he knew well

"..Oh, I didn't expect you to be here, Ethan"

He clearly knew who she was, but knowing Lefiya, Ethan was sure she warned the girls Ethan was having a bath, but from the tone Tiona was using, it didn't seem like she knew he was here...

But before he could ask her, she was faster.

"Lefiya told us you were bathing, but I expected you to be in the other bathroom. It's fine though, differently from others I don't mind if you see my body"

Even though Ethan wasn't stronger than her, given Tiona's attachment to Ethan, she didn't care much about showing her body or having a bath with him, since she was convinced the day he would become stronger than her wasn't far away, and he was still a level 2.

"..By the way, when do you plan to level up? Loki-sama said you could level up already, but you chose not to"

By asking this question as she entered the water as if nothing had happened, Ethan was surprised by the question, but it was indeed true that he had been delaying his levelling up for some time.

"...Soon, I don't think it'll take more than a few weeks"

In fact, Ethan had just found another reason not to bring anyone else into the dungeon, besides the fact that it was hard to explain, Ethan wanted to wipe out all the monsters in front of him, and even if it wouldn't bring him any experience, His parameters would still increase, which he needed more than anything at the time, just because he knew he had to become stronger, otherwise he wouldn't be able to deal with whatever the future had in store for him.

'...I said a few weeks, but I plan to spend no more than another 2 weeks as a level 2. After that, I'll probably be able to learn more about magic from the books Light will buy, so first I will strengthen myself as much as possible...'


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | Cat-girl or Renard(Fox) | Are you liking the interactions between Maple and Ethan?)

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(Alternate Titles: "Yes, the slice of life part was done for Lefiya this time, now the action will begin... OwO", "Tiona was like: You can stare if you want, but Ethan isn't looking at her...even though I didn't write about it, he's not looking, trust this author", "Divinity-san won't be mentioned for a while now...we'll all miss you..")

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