A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 211 - Ethan's Intentions


Lefiya was worried, so much that she couldn't stand her attitude.

Her whisper, this time filled with much more anxiety than before, made Loki snap out of her thoughts.

"...No. I just heard something I wasn't meant to, probably."

She didn't know if these were Ethan's true feelings. Loki couldn't confirm for herself if his words were the truth but since Freya was in, she knew there was no way he could lie so directly in the presence of a Goddess.

'...I don't deserve this trust'

She knew Freya's words, albeit an exaggeration, were true. Loki had to be in control and manipulate others so that she'll be the one to gain the most in the end. The reason of her existence laid exactly in this concept, so it was impossible for her to act in good will like the other Goddesses, yet Ethan dealt with these feelings, and he accepted her for who she was.

'...I shouldn't really be trusted this much by anyone.'

Sighing, Loki couldn't help but cough to release the tension building up inside her.

"...And is it bad?"

Lefiya didn't understand. If Loki wasn't deep in thought for something 'bad' then she had no clue what could have caused her strange silence.

"..I'm not sure. It depends on whose side you choose to focus on."

As Lefiya tilted her head in confusion, Loki shook her hand as this had nothing to do with her.

"..Just know the conversation had nothing to do with Ethan's safety. I'll tell you the details later."

With these few words able to comfort Lefiya a bit, Loki returned to silently hear what they were talking about, even if she knew at this point Freya would be aware of her presence.

"...I see. It's disappointing."

Freya was growing bored by his talking so highly of Loki.

'...One day you'll be my precious toy'

Her smile slowly returned on her face as she chose to imprint her charm on him.

[A strong charm enveloped your mind, but it was nullified by the [Qienta's Blessing]]

Ethan sighed upon reading the contents of the panel. He didn't feel a thing, yet Freya tried to charm him.

'...Now, I can choose to reveal the fact I couldn't be charmed, but is that truly my only option?'

He thought about this the day before. Since Freya wouldn't directly charm him, he knew her charm wouldn't be visible, almost like a seed she needed to plant now for the future.

'If I could show her the charm was 'effective' she would think whatever I do will be meaningless in the future, since I would lose my mind at her will.'

His doubts couldn't wait for long, and Ethan was fortunate the system immediately replied.

[For now, the host can fake Freya's charm had an effect for 50,000SP, it will only last 30 minutes though.]

'Seriously!? Do it, do it!'

It was the jackpot he was waiting for. No matter the price, this would give him all the time he needed to plot against her. Enough to protect his familia, and his lovers, and the cost was only 50,000SP.


Even if this 'exchange' had lasted a whole minute, Freya was only surprised a little.

'To resist my charm for this long, it seems this boy surpassed every intel I had on him'

It was new for her. Normally a person would last only a few seconds, if not instantly charmed, instead Ethan proved to be strong-willed than everyone else she charmed. Even if she only planted a small seed that will grow with time, it was still pretty impressive.

"..What were we talking about?"

Ethan wore an impassive face. He was still amazed by the fact it truly worked as he planned. The only thing remained was make Freya vow she wouldn't approach him by her will and that she wouldn't touch the Loki familia if they didn't strike at her first.

'..This will completely eliminate the threat she would pose in the future. Just you wait, I'll make you pay for having tried to charm me.'

If it wasn't Ethan, but someone else, they would be easily charmed with time, and who knows what they would have done under the influence of this disgusting technique.

"..We were talking about my plan, I believe."

Freya knew since he had a strong will, the effects of the charm would show themselves with time, yet she was l.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips in expectations as she did her best to 'show off' every single part of her body to him, but he wholeheartedly ignored her.

"...I see. Even if I said I didn't want to follow you, I may accept if you will take the proper vows. To put it simply, we'll establish a contract. What do you say?"

He was also aware of Loki's presence now, but he hoped she trusted him enough to not bump in and ruin the plan he was so close to complete.

"...Contract, you say?"

She wasn't surprised. Knowing what he did to Loki in order to join her, Freya expected he would start with that, but she wouldn't be fooled easily like the latter.

At his nod, she replied with a smile.

"Sure. But we need to carefully look at the terms, I won't accept any unfairness, even if it's you. Be wary of this."

She had Ethan in her hands now, so in reality she didn't mind even if the contract specified she had to stay hundreds of meters distant from Ethan. If the part who stabilized the terms choose to nullify them, then the vows can be overlooked.

'It's how the world works in the end. You can exploit this so easily..'

Obviously, this only if the person who stabilized the terms willed for it to happen, but obviously if charmed, a person will blindly follow the will of the person who did so. In the end, Freya was only keeping her act up, and Ethan was doing exactly the same.

"..First. I want you vow to not interfere with the Loki familia if we aren't the one to start. Since the contract will be fair, it would be impossible for me to make you vow to never interfere with us indiscriminately. If we do something to you, then we can overlook this part as you wish."

He still had to make the contract 'look' fair. If he casually asked her to never come across the Loki Familia, then she would surely refuse.

"...I see. Well, I didn't plan to interfere with Loki anyway."

It was true. She didn't mind what she did. Even if she found out her charm, it was impossible for Loki to remove the seed she planted once deep enough in his heart.

'...It's also a matter of time.'

Believing she had the whole situation in her hands, their conversation deepened.

"..Passing on to the next point..."

"..You will write it down?"

Freya chuckled as she didn't expect him to be so serious about this matter.

"A normal contract would be written with our signatures, so that we will set it in stone...."

Their conversation deepened further and further as the two stipulated their contract without any issue. Freya only d.e.s.i.r.ed for him to come in her familia once he felt like it, or to be more precise, the moment she felt her seed would have grown in a beautiful plant full of flowers in his heart, she expected him to come for her

'..You can try anything you want to save this boy, Loki. In the end, he will be the one to come after me.'

Even if she vowed not only to not interfere with Loki first, but also to not scheme behind his back, Ethan made his mind work at full speed to make it as fair as possible, and it worked. Freya accepted to not interfere and to wait for him until he wouldn't be able to get any stronger in the Loki familia, although he only whispered to her the last parts, so that Loki wouldn't hear and misunderstand he truly wanted to leave the familia, taking with him his girls and joining the Freya Familia.

In the end, even if Loki believed he would leave the familia one day, she wouldn't still be able to stop Freya. Also, because her contract with Ethan stated she couldn't stop him from leaving under certain circ.u.mstances.

Ethan believed, once entered the city, that if he genuinely didn't find the Loki familia a place for him to stay, then he would leave, and even if this at the time made Loki quite angry, now Ethan was thankful for this as it was a key factor that allowed him to 'plot' with Freya against Loki, since she was informed about this by Ethan himself during the formation of their contract.

After both of them vowed to follow the contract's instructions, Freya had a smile on her face as she could feel the seed she planted was still there, proof that even if right now his choices weren't truly conditioned by her charm, in the future they will.

'...I'm looking forward that moment...'

While she was lost in thought, Ethan checked how much time he had left.

'..I only have 5 minutes left before the effect of the charm wears off. System, if I go after these 5 minutes can it be possible to add another 30 minutes?'

He didn't know if Freya would leave in 5 minutes, but he hoped the system would be able to..

[...The host is merely using Freya's charm against her. If she doesn't try to charm you, the system can't use it another time.]

It was tricky. The amount of charm Freya injected in Ethan's body was little, so he couldn't replicate the effects of the charm itself for any longer. If only she tried to completely charm him, then he would be able to 'fake' it for much longer, but Ethan now with little more than 4 minutes left couldn't know this, and only understood his plan would be doomed if he remained near her any longer.

"...Since we're done with our contract, I'll leave. There are other things I have to do, so I can't keep you company any longer."

It was a bit sudden, since they firmed and vowed only a few minutes ago, but Freya could understand he was 'sincere', and she actually had nothing else to do in the Twilight Manor.

"...I see, since you have to leave, I'll also take my leave. I hope we'll see again soon, Ethan."

It was the very first time she called him by his first name, emphatizing the latter as much as she could, but Ethan was more distracted by the hand she blatantly put between her t.h.i.g.hs.

"...I see."

He couldn't say he looked forward that as well, since it would've been a lie.

'I...have to hurry!'


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Vote what you think is better. I only want to introduce one of these three, the ones with most votes when I feel like it wins. - Light being able to interact with the real world. - Qienta shows up before planned. - More power ups than planned for the girls and Ethan himself.)

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat reon.com/watashiwavdesu)

(Alternate Titles: "Run Ethan, Ruuuuuuuuuuun!!!", "OwO she thinks she has the situation under control, LoooooooL", "Loki heard only they established some kind of contract, Ethan whispered/only written other parts so that Loki wouldn't hear them, obviously", "That time when I saw a boy running at his full speed away from Freya so that she wouldn't be able to sense her charm wearing off, this is going to be funny.")

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