The sky was yellow, almost red. Nothing was visible in the area except the rubble, scattered everywhere making the soil difficult to cross, but in the middle of this desert, a boy stood there. The latter was repelling away the hordes of skeletons appearing one after the other, in search of the entrance to the Hidden Dungeon, which until now had yet to appear before him.

"..When will they stop coming?"

Although visibly annoyed, Ethan couldn't say much. Even though he wished to have a look at the real Dungeon since he was there, the hordes kept stopping him, not allowing him to explore the place freely, and certainly it was strange compared to before but at the same time all those skeletons were yielding numerous SP that will be crucial to his plan, so in a way, he was satisfied.

'..At least I'll be able to understand to what extent I need to use my powers'

It wasn't like dealing with adventurers or monsters he previously had information about. Ethan therefore didn't really know how much force to use to bring down the hordes, and as he saw the power seem excessive, he tried to waste as little mana as possible to use his magic.

While busy in these thoughts, a panel suddenly appeared.


//Dungeon:Secondary Quest Completed//


Rewards: Bonus Title [Slayer], 50,000 SP


Reading the rewards, Ethan reflected on the fact it was the first time he received a 'title', although it wasn't the first time he heard about them, in fact one of his quests asked to be able to obtain the title [Magic Genius] without Light's help.

'..System, what is this title?'

Since he finally obtained one, Ethan believed it was fine to ask while with a final [Heavy Blow] he shattered the bones of the last skeleton that had remained behind the pile of corpses, proof Ethan had slain about 1500 skeletons all alone.

[..Titles are used to indicate particular qualities in which the host excels, giving rewards to ensure that progress in that role is easier for the latter.A title is usually rather difficult to obtain and requires a lot of patience and hard work, but this was generated precisely because the host not only has the bad habit of fighting alone, manifested in the skill [Reckless] that has weakened the skeletons and strengthened yourself to continue down this path, and in the end the host was able to emerge victorious without any kind of injury, another key datum that originated the title conferred to the host. To better understand it's recommended to think about the title, and it will be automatically described by the system.]

He understood what the system was saying. His actions from the start reflected the way his abilities evolved, and since he was victorious from the start, almost always on his own, Ethan was given skills that allow him to become the perfect [Irresponsible].

'..I don't know if I should be happy about this.'

He felt a bit embarrassed that his abilities had evolved that way, but this wasn't important. He had been given the strength to face an army alone, and even being surrounded didn't pose a danger to Ethan, since [Reckless] was based precisely on the concept of being surrounded by enemies, in situations where normally he would be inevitably defeated after having exhausted his mana, but thanks to powerful skills, not only he became stronger, but the enemies also became weaker, giving him the crucial opportunity to conserve as much energy as possible and even to emerge victorious without even a single wound.

'...My worst foe would have to be qualitatively stronger than me. Probably a strong level 5 could kill me with ease, but a group of one hundred level 3 can't even touch me.'

Sighing, Ethan realized this had now become a weakness. The best he could do was become strong enough so that even individuals whose strength was acclaimed as 'strongest' wouldn't be able to pose a threat to him, but unfortunately it seemed that the universe or whatever dictated how to distribute his strength had focused all the latter on facing groups of enemies.

Letting go of these thoughts as it wasn't important at the time, Ethan first wanted to check the title he had been given..



Effects: The user of this title is able to detect the weaknesses of the weaker monsters, while the stronger ones will feel the aura of the host, causing different emotions based on the character.


.. Ethan was a little dissatisfied. He expected something really strong and that would help, since it was 'hard' to obtain a title, but this [Slayer] didn't seem to possess anything particular. 'Of course, being able to spot the weaknesses of the weakest monsters will certainly come in handy when I have a high level of power, but now.. wasn't the system meant to make me stronger? Or at least, that's what Ethan thought at a first glance, but there were a lot of unsolved doubts.

'..And what does it mean causing different emotions based on the characters. Can monsters like these even feel emotions in the first place?'

He knew there were exceptions. In his world for example, there were species that are literally monsters with intelligence, but in the [True Dungeon] Ethan certainly didn't expect to find such monsters, or at least that's what he hoped. Taking the life of an intelligent monster was much harder than destroying a pile of skeletons following someone else's orders without a minimum of consciousness.

'It seems that the deeper I get into this world the more unpleasant situations arise, but even if a monster is gifted with intelligence, the only thing I can do is to avoid killing it if the latter wishes to live. If I'm attacked, I'm not allowed to show any empathy.'

He did not consider himself merciless, but if a monster wanted to live, then it would be the latter to avoid the fight. Ethan had just decided if this kind of monster showed up in front of him, and he didn't have a reason to kill, then ignoring it would be the best option.

'...Now I need to first find the entrance though.'

Ethan couldn't help but sigh. All around him only bones were seen with the rubble, and this vision alone was enough to make him decidedly grieved. This was Maple's homeland, the place where she had grown up and where she hoped so much to return one day.

'Can I really tell her this is what is left of this place, I wonder?'

More than anything, Ethan didn't want to see the girls he cared for 'breaking'. He was worried about Maple as she was the most fragile at the time. He also knew hiding this information would not help her in any way, but at the same time he felt he still had to digest things himself, before he could give Maple the explanations she deserves.

'I can't let her go through that pain if I'm not absolutely sure.'

Maple had long wished to reunite with her parents. Such a simple wish that Ethan seemed to see as a possibility that would shrink day by day.

Maybe they were still alive, crushed by the ground and reduced to the same sorry state as he had found Maple in, with the difference he hadn't been able to find them in time, so neither did Ethan know what to think, who he should blame, or what he should do, but he decided first to stop with these thoughts, as he needed the right state of mind to go into the dungeon. Whatever it might happen, Ethan wouldn't forget all the words that Riveria had repeated over and over again.

'I may be reckless, but Riveria isn't.'

With his previous pain-filled eyes now completely cold and focused on his goal, Ethan decided to explore the destroyed city again, so that he could finally find the entrance leading to the Dungeon...


Lefiya, having nothing else to do for the time being, decided to go shopping, recalling that Glenda had made it quite clear some solitude would be good for Reyna, the werewolf with a shy personality she emphasized to, and since Lefiya wanted her to feel comfortable in the first place, there was no better time to decide to go shopping.

While Loki had returned to her room so that she could close herself in her thoughts for a while, Lefiya proclaimed her intentions to Tiona, implying that if she wanted to come with her she could. Being aware she too had almost nothing to do at the time, it wasn't even a question for her.

"I'll come along then!"

Tiona was supposed to wait for her twin sister Tione to return from the expedition, but she knew she would get bored very quickly on her own, so Lefiya's statement immediately attracted her curiosity.

With Lefiya explaining that they wouldn't go shopping for too much because she wanted to give a proper 'welcome back' to Ais when she returned, Tiona nodded having similar feelings towards Tione, so the two reached an almost perfect tune that was difficult to achieve normally, since Lefiya often felt bored by the way Tiona handled things or expressed her feelings, although she couldn't deny the fact her advice had helped her a lot with Ethan.

'...I know you'll remember about this as well. Won't you, Ethan?'

Secretly, Lefiya was still a little concerned about Ethan's disappearance, but she knew it would be literally impossible for him to be in danger now, and there could be no enemies able to evade the presence of two goddesses nearby. Freya herself was literally in the same room as Ethan when he disappeared, so it would be truly impossible for any mortal or god to escape their 'radar'...

'...No, I have to trust him.'

He had recommended Ethan several times, so he decided it was only appropriate to trust her instinct, and it told her he would return to them in time.

While these thoughts created conflicts in Lefiya's mind, the two had already left Twilight Manor...


After about 1 hour, Freya had returned home without any kind of problem, satisfied that her plans were achieved. With a few setbacks, but they certainly succeeded. It was enough to wait patiently for time to take its course, this was the only thing that kept them away, or at least that was what Freya believed.

"...Freya-sama, welcome back."

Ottar bowed to the goddess, showing his loyalty, and Freya's satisfied mood was even more satisfied with this simple gesture.

"Ottar, I'm glad to see you."

By the tone of Freya's voice, Ottar had already understood how her discussion with Ethan had gone, and as these theories made their way into his mind Freya went directly to what was her room.

"..Take one of the best wines we have, I need to commemorate this moment so that in the future I can be even more satisfied with the results."

"..Yes, Freya-sama."


(I have a discord server. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you readers are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Vote what you think is better. I only want to introduce one of these three, the ones with most votes when I feel like it wins. - Light being able to interact with the real world. - Qienta shows up before planned. - More power ups than planned for the girls and Ethan himself.)

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat

(Alternate Titles: "Could it be...Ethan's first weakness!? lmao", "Slayer is useful, no matter what Ethan, don't underestimate a title.", "Soooo, Freya. You truly believe everything will be fine? Ethan got you for good")

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