A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 3 - The Beginning(22)

By the time their small talk ended, nearly 2 hours passed, Qienta was subconsciously observing the universes she was the most interested in and, even if her focus was literally unbreakable, she felt that Ethan was able to make her feel at peace now that he was there, because she never understood how as simple as an action like 'talking' was, it was really a method to relieve herself from her long existence, even if it's just for a bit.

Their conversation shifted from various aspects and concepts, as Ethan asked her how the cycle of the reincarnation actually worked, what is 'All', and other topics like how Mortals could ascend to godhood. At this tumult of questions, Qienta replied to all of them, simply because the Eternal Rules hadn't anything to "not share the secrets of the world with a mortal" because normally, all the 8 Ancestor Gods who formed these rules, didn't even think of a mortal being able to define concepts like they never existed in the first place.

So, even if she thought hard about how to answer the questions, she eventually replied

"The reincarnation itself isn't that complicated. Souls, when they die, would actually return here as i explained before and, in 500 nanoseconds the souls would be wiped out of their memories, after being consumed, they manifest themselves in newborn babies. At first, there were only godly souls like us Ancestors of Gods but, after the first two mortal souls, we, 7 Ancestors of Gods, reunited in a meeting and decided it was better to watch over the "Mortals" for time indefinite and, from that moment to now, we always watched mortals, as i am the Ancestors of Gods themselves and Mortals, i have the highest position."

Ethan, felt it was inevitable that she would be the highest because from what he understood, only she had control over all types of Souls, the other Ancestors have Divinities related to Creation, Destruction, Time, Space, Life & Death and Wisdom.


As Qienta explained, Other gods were born between the union of the various Divinities and, as she said, the 'All' was the process made by Qienta, Goddess of Souls, Imis, Goddess of Life & Death and Gokthar, God of Wisdom.

They realized a thing unbelievable at that time, as the union of all their Divinities together generated a new goddess, Phavtia.

Phavtia, goddess composed of what we can talk of "Minor Divinities", had a Divinity related to Mortal Souls, Birth, Destiny and Loyalty but, her "Major Divinity" was related to Spirits. Phavtia explained that, what we can define today as a "Mortal" was the product of the union of Spirits and Gods that had at least a "Minor Divinity" related to Birth but, with a few millions of years, her theory proved wrong as, for the first time, a Spirit fell in love with the Ancestor related to Life and Death, Imis.

Imis decided to test her theory and had s.e.x with the Spirit, Cihara. As their union brought to life the first form of Demigod in history. The fact that the Demigod hadn't the bloodline of a spirit but, as the union of Imis and Cihara, was the fact that shocked every Ancestor, had an unknown Bloodline, defined as a "Lower-Class" God and something more, defined today as a form of Mortal Bloodline.

After that, the Ancestors of various divinities tried to have s.e.x with more spirits. This formed unions composed of Qumera, Goddess of Destruction with the Spirit Athachus, their union formed a different outcome from what the goddess expected, because she saw as her child, Waythe, only had a Minor Divinity related to Destruction so, the other Ancestors tried to have s.e.x with more and more spirits but nobody was able to understand why, Imis and Cihara had a Demigod when others only had a God with Minor Divinities.

Another million years passed and Mortals finally were explained by Braztia, Goddess of Order. She explained to other Gods that, Spirits can't copulate with Gods but, even if this was true, she couldn't explain the 'success' of the Demigod, Zarlios.

Millions of years passed without a solution because, even if other gods with "Minor Divinities" related to Life & Death tried, they never had a child that was half-god and half-human. This, was the thing that actually caused the Gods to be wiped out from the surface as, before, they were living with the Spirits.

This occurred because of Zotris, Goddess of Jealousy, nicknamed today from the Ancestors as "The Plague of The World" as, from the moment she was born, her Divinity always obligated her to try to kill other Gods. But this wasn't actually the reason why she was assigned such a nickname because Gods don't actually reincarnate after they die, they simply come back to life, but, Zotris was envious of Imis and Cihara as, from the moment she tried for herself to have s.e.x with a Spirit, she received a child she didn't even care about because he wasn't a Demigod but only a God with a "Minor Divinity" related to Jealousy. At the time, she decided it wasn't even worthy of be killed by her so, she just left him to his father.

She tried to kill Cihara, but ultimately failed. Imis, enraged by Zotris, imprisoned her with an Eternal Curse. 'If thou try to have another child, he shall die for thou audacity'. Was all that Imis said to Zotris, before leaving her trashing on the floor like a pig in mud.

It was obviously a violation of the Eternal Rules for a god that wasn't an Ancestor one to try to interfere with an Ancestor, much worse try to damage his or her family, so it wasn't even a shock when the other Ancestors found the state Zotris was in.

After this, the Ancestors decided her name would no longer be Zotris but permanently "Plague" and, if she tried to name herself as Zotris again, Imis would use her divinity to permanently kill her. As an Ancestor with a Divinity related to death, Imis could kill her the moment she reappeared on the surface with a snap of her fingers, something that scared every single gods that would want to harm her.

Odar formulated a theory that, as Imis, Ancestor with Divinities related to Life & Death, actually infused her Divinity in the child subconsciously instead of repress it like Other Gods and, as Cihara was one of the first Spirits that came to life, successfully did the normal process explain by all the gods with a Divinity related to Birth about Children.

Zarlios, as Odar explained, hadn't enough bloodline related to Spirits and, as the spirit couldn't actually copulate with a God, the "Laws of the World" translated his existence as a Human-Spirit instead of a Spirit, and from the union of the two, the Demigod came to life.

After that, the Ancestors finally had a reply to their own question that was unresolved from billions of years and, as Imis decided it was time to create the first Mortal in existence, gods of Creation with their Ancestor, Brahma, started to create the Land, and the gods of Destruction, with their Ancestor, Qumera, destroyed the old land that was there for billions of years.

As the chief of this operation for the creation of a Universe suitable for the first Mortal to lend, Kotris, Ancestor of the Divinity related to Space, decided it was better to have more than one Universe. So, they started from a Universe named 0, in the World named 0.

Imis, after having s.e.x with her own son, finally was able to create the first Mortal in existence as, with the help of Qienta herself that reigned over all types of Souls, was able to completely wipe out the semi-demi-god and transformed the soul in a pure mortal soul.

Now that Qienta knew how a mortal soul was structured, she actually made with the help of Imis this time, a female that could copulate with the man that came to life in the union of Imis and her son, Zarlios.

After this, they fell in love, with the help of Bixdia, Goddess of Love. From The union of the two, Mortals finally started to expand and evolve themselves in the Universe but, as they didn't want to create even more souls from the long processes they found. Gods actually started to reincarnate other souls in other universes and, as every Universe was structured with different types of the same Laws, to the point that even Gods were heavily affected if they tried to change the Universe they were trying to observe. The only unaffected was Qienta, that had a pure Divinity related to all types of Souls so, that didn't really matter what type of Law was acting in a Universe for her. This made her the "One above All", something most gods hated.

Qienta was one of the unique goddesses that never interacted with a mortal or most Gods as, in Billions of years, all the Gods knew themselves, but she was always seen as the "Above Existence Itself", so, she was assigned by the other 6 Ancestors, with the use of the Eternal Rules, to always watch over the process of reincarnation of souls, something she always did for herself without them having to point it out.


After the long story of Qienta, Ethan was shocked, he intended to tell his own life to her, but he felt that, compared to such a lonely existence, he couldn't even master the courage to tell her what he felt in his 18 years of life.

Qienta, saw the afflicted expression of Ethan and she understood her own story was 'troubling' him, so she asked

'Is everything okay...?'

Ethan, couldn't help but look directly in her eyes, they had a star in the middle with something similar to a 'Space' that was gently wrapped around the star itself. He felt if she had a more 'Human' appearance, he would have already embraced her but, knowing she was not only a goddess, but a "Sovereign" scared him a little, because if she wanted to, he would have been blown away like nothing was even there.

Qienta, this time didn't understand, why Ethan was scared, just a moment ago he was listening to her as if it was the most important thing he needed to do and now he was like a doll that looked at her without saying or doing anything. With a slightly worried expression clearly showed on her face, she asked

'Ethan, why are you scared…?'

Ethan, upon hearing her thoughts in his mind, tried to calm himself and even wanted to know why he was so scared of this goddess that had been so gentle with him, to the point to let him reincarnate in the world he preferred, accepting his selfish demands without having anything in return.

After he calmed down, Ethan looked at the gentle goddess that was showing him so much care and, without him have the time rationalizing what he was doing, he found himself embracing her as she looked at him with a curious expression in her eyes.

He realized that her body wasn't that simple as every part he touched in her back was so soft that he felt if he would try to embrace her with more force, she would actually break, even if he knew this wasn't the case, he couldn't help but place his face in her neck as he smelled her nature-like aroma.

Lost in his thoughts, Ethan didn't even realize what he was doing as he continued to breathe on her neck. This action caused a smile on the face of Qienta who, for the first time in eons, felt her heart beat a little faster than normal.

'Perhaps do you want to copulate with me?'

At her words, he inhaled another time before elevating himself for look directly in her stars-like eyes, he clearly saw her smile and, smiled on his own, even if he felt a little anxious as she stared at him.

She didn't even know how amused her face looked from the perspective of Ethan. He was trying to calm down but, with her question and expression, he decided it wouldn't be that bad to lose his own v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y with a goddess but, as he recalled the fact that he would forget about her, he immediately felt sad.

Qienta, this time understood clearly why he was sad. She decided to hug him on her own as she pointed her stars directly at his Heart, now beating faster than before.

More than a little amused by his reaction, she decided it wasn't necessary to ask another time or try to know if he wanted to, because even if Ethan was sad, he instantly buried the feeling in the back of his mind.

Ethan decided to answer her question, even if it was awkward.

"Yes, i want to have s.e.x with you, but it would be my first time, will this be okay? I mean…"

Qienta, couldn't help but laugh loudly for the 3rd time as Ethan blushed a little. He wasn't troubled by the fact that the goddess in front of him was laughing at him, but he felt he wasn't worthy to take her v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y. Even if she didn't mention she was a v.i.r.g.i.n, Ethan was absolutely sure she was, because from what he understood, she only interacted with the other Ancestors, but only 2 of them are men, and they aren't that good from the expression Qienta made when she talked about them.

As if she could actually read his mind, she said

'It would also be my first time, but this doesn't matter for me, i won't have this opportunity probably for the rest of my existence...so i wouldn't really mind if you…'

When she was talking, she actually felt the words struck in her throat as a deep blush covered her face, Her straight long hair, were chaotically dancing like they had a mind of their own and, as even Ethan felt anxious, he decided to reply

"W-Wait…not now…we have a year so there is time, the important thing is that we are both okay with this…right?"

The moment he looked at her, he felt a little troubled to continue finding an excuse, even if it was for the best of both of them.

Qienta, felt if they didn't start now, they would just make the situation more awkward. So, she hugged him firmly this time. Although the feeling of heat was increasing by the second, she decided to reply first and then act.

'No, it's better if we do it now, or we would regret it in the future.'

Immediately after sending her thoughts, she posed her lips on his own. Feeling the heat was increasing at extreme levels now, Qienta managed to actually shove her tongue in his mouth as Ethan tried to realize she was kissing him.

This didn't last for long as he started to reply at her 'teasing', their tongues dancing together in the same way as her hair.

Their kiss, now more and more intense, actually finished after 3 long minutes, with their breathing completely destabilized as she released a hot sigh that wasn't missed by Ethan.

"That…felt amazing"

Qienta, now with a deep blush clearly showed on her face, actually tried to send her thoughts to him, but she didn't seem in the right mind to do so as she spoke for the first time in her own life.

"Yes… That felt...amazing".


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8 If you enter it, you can choose one of Ethan's future powers from the pool I created, but that's not all! On the server, you can see the reference on some things that will be present in the story! Right now you can freely see some things but I advise you to read the story further before seeing them otherwise you'll get spoilers!)

(A/N: Man, you don't really understand how many hours i worked on this. I wanted to finish his past & the story of Qienta in a single chap but... I wanted to at least complete this scene…)

(Alternate Titles: "Qienta, you shall be a kuudere.", "Imis is scary", "This Author, casually planning this chapter for more than an hour trying to make all the pieces part of the keikaku")

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