After a whole day of sleep, Ethan has finally started to wake up. In his half-asleep state, he reorganized his thoughts as he saw Qienta sleep peacefully with her head on top of him while she was embracing him firmly. At this display of pure cuteness, a smile formed on his face as he started stroking her soft hair. This simple action brought a smile on her own as she started to wake up.

She moved her head on his c.h.e.s.t and, at the same time, her eyes opened as the stars in her eyes looked directly in his scarlet-gold eyes before she said

"I'm happy…that you are…still here…i thought…".

Ethan, seeing the stars in her eyes with a hint of cry, immediately embraced her as he felt he needed to protect this cuteness for the rest of his life.

"I'm here…don't cry."

At his words, Qienta embraced him as they placed their forehead one against the other. Closing their eyes in the aftermath, Qienta felt that talk right now would have been pointless, so she decided to stay a little longer in this position to calm down.

With this simple action, a full hour passed as she finally released a sigh and opening her eyes for what it felt like millions of years before placing her lips on his.

This contact made Ethan's heart twitch because he felt all the sadness she was feeling and, with an urge to ease her burden, he began to give her light pecks on her lips, filled with passion but without the intent to proceed further.

At this display of affection, Qienta immediately replied on her own, embracing him more firmly as if at any moment he would disappear. The sadness in her heart, now shared with Ethan, brought them to a point where she couldn't resist the emotions as a golden tear passed on her left cheek.

"I love you, Qienta".

She felt immediately warmth in his words, causing her to nod at his statement before she replied

"I love you too, Ethan".

This brought a smile on his face as he decided to not just focus on how cute she was, instead, he decided to add something more.

"See? Our love will exist forever in this place, even if i will inevitably forget about you, this is simply a stupid thought to ever consider as, the moment i will re-obtain my memories, i will love you the same way as today."

Qienta felt the words of Ethan made sense as she was determined to love him forever, he was stating that he will love her forever. This dissipated her sad thoughts as she happily rubbed her cheek on his with a smile on her face.

This finally made Ethan's heart at ease because he preferred her happy and affectionate mood instead of that sad atmosphere that could break his heart at any moment. He replied by stroking her back gently before deciding it was time for him to tell her his story. He felt if he didn't tell her now, he might miss the moment so, with a happy smile on his face, he firmly stated

"Although i would simply want to behave affectionately in this way with you throughout the year, i wanted to spend a few hours of this time to tell you my story, can i…?"

At his words, Qienta smiled affectionately and, without hesitation she replied

"Don't worry. I really wanted to hear your story one day, if you want to tell me now, I want to listen carefully."

Her words brought a smile on Ethan's face as he simply nodded his head, inhaling and exhaling a few times before he started his own story.


Ethan Hyogumi, this was the name bestowed by his mom, Kosawa Komagisa on 30th June 2002. Even if he never had the chance to know her, she loved him dearly from the moment she felt his loud cry that every healthy child would emit the moment they were born. After the nurse cleaned the blood around the body of the baby, she passed the baby to Kosawa. She saw her baby crying in her arms as he moved gently his tiny arms, an action that caused the heart of Kosawa to melt.

She watched her baby for a few minutes before muttering

"Ethan… Ethan Hyogumi will be your name…i hope you will find the happiness you need, even if your Otou-san and your Oka-san will not be there, we will always be in your heart…protecting you from harm…"

As she muttered these words, she started to cry as she felt her time was running out…so she kissed his forehead with all the love she could muster before giving her baby to the nurse, as her consciousness faded away into nothingness.

At this display, the nurse immediately hit the blue button in front of her as an alarm resonated in the maternity ward. The blue button, immediately sent an alarm to all the doctors assigned to Kosawa as, 3 doctors immediately entered the room and tried to make her heart beat, but they found out that even with all their effort, she was gone.

At this display, the chief doctor of the maternity ward, with a deep and sad voice, stated

"Time of death…"

"Time of death...21:19"

The chief doctor nodded at the statement of the other doctor, and he turned himself to the door before saying

"Come on. We aren't needed anymore."

The other 2 doctors, immediately followed him as they said

"Yes, Doctor."

After they left, the body of Ethan's mom was wrapped in a blanket as they transported the dead body on the lower floor of the Hospital. They needed to contact someone on the list Ethan's mom should have compiled but, they found out that every person she assigned to the task was rather dead or not found.


Meanwhile, Ethan was adopted by a couple. This mainly because Ethan, with his insanely cuteness, was easily eyed by the two that, immediately decided to adopt him.

This was how 4 years of Ethan's life passed, with the care of both their parents and in a relatively happy 'childhood'. The problem, occurred some months after Ethan's 4th birthday. His step-father, Suhara Toshi, betrayed his step-mom, Ashinari Umesaki with another woman.

This brought the couple to a process where both of them claimed the parental authority for themselves, but the judge wasn't that stupid and immediately saw that the couple didn't want the child for take care of him but as a 'token of win' against the other.

This enraged the judge who, with a roughly hit of his hammer, decided to don't give the child to neither of them as it was better be adopted another time instead of be with one of these crazy parents.

His step-mom, realized her mistakes and tried to reason with the judge but, as he had already made a decision, he shutted her down as Ethan was immediately transferred in an Orphanage.

This caused tears on her face as she looked at his "lover" with an anger that caused him a chill down his spine but, having decided not to care about his child, he left the hall of the court room without uttering a single word.


Ethan, now at the age of 6 years old, finally started the school but nobody tried to adopt him because every time someone tried to interact with him, he would just nod his head and deny at most sentences.

This made most families unable to carry him at their homes because nobody wanted to start from scratch with such a traumatized child.

This sad thoughts was always in the mind of her best friend, Fuyumeko. She was worried about him whenever she saw him as literally no one interacted with him, not even bullies.

Fuyumeko, was a girl Ethan met in the Orphanage one year before, as she cried loudly all the time because her parents abandoned her. He, founding himself in the same situation, actually hugged her whenever he saw her as a comfort and, Fuyumeko was always happy to be hugged by him but, she soon realized her best friend had his own problems, and they were way more serious than her own.

This, now always worried her because she wanted him to be a normal person, able to make some friends, even if it was difficult with his behavior. She took note of helping him start talking, something that was difficult because she understood he didn't even know how to speak correctly as his sentences always lacked some words.

After this event, the other children started to talk with him a little, even if they were troubled a bit by his presence. This wasn't the case however for Kozuki, that had something could be called a "crush" on him.

She was actually the first to start talking with him when she found out he was actually more innocent than she thought. However, she knew she couldn't compete with Fuyumeko, the person who allowed Ethan to speak right now.

With this small events, Ethan's childhood finished in a rather normal way.


At the age of 16, a boy with black colored hair, bangs that reach just below his eyes, scarlet-gold in color, with a lean face, thin lips, a well-developed c.h.e.s.t, successfully passed the Kiyose High School test, we are obviously talking about Ethan. Fuyumeko instead, decided on the Koganei High School. The Koganei, was the most prestigious school at the time and, as Ethan's grades couldn't be compared to her, he decided to try in the Kiyose.

This actually saddened Fuyumeko because she felt they were 'destined' to be together but, eventually, decided to part ways with him trying to convince herself they would talk after school. Something neither Ethan nor Fuyumeko actually believed. This because they would have made new friends and, even if they had had the time to go out, that would have been strange.

Thus, after Ethan graduated from high school, he found a part-time job to do. He wanted to go to University but didn't understand what he would do after graduation. This because his ideas were to be a doctor, or if he failed the doctorate, he would try to find a job overseas.

But, even at his part-time job, Ethan was fond of do all the work for others, something that actually was rewarded by his employer but, was very exploited, not only by his co-workers, but also by people who they should have been his "friends" exploited his kindness and as a result, he re closed in himself, in a state similar before Fuyumeko entered his life.

But, even so, nobody really cared about him in the times before his inevitable death. With his only regret was that he had never tried to contact Fuyumeko again.

"It...must…have been…tough, now...i'm here…with you…"

Those were the only words she said about his past before gently touching his hair. He was on her l.a.p, so she had an advantage on him but Ethan actually enjoyed the situation, because her touch was so calming that the building regrets in Ethan's mind dissipated immediately after.

The situation, quickly started to flare up because Ethan had a clear view of her b.r.e.a.s.ts from his position and, immediately touched her left b.r.e.a.s.t, causing Qienta to m.o.a.n slightly. With a smile on his face, he said

"Yes, it's as you said. Now you're here with me".


(I have a discord server. If you enter it, you can choose one of Ethan's future powers from the pool I created, but that's not all! On the server, you can see the reference on some things that will be present in the story! Right now you can freely see some things but I advise you to read the story further before seeing them otherwise you'll get spoilers!)

(A/N: I started writing this chapter at 8 AM… Why is it already 1 PM)

(Another A/N: I didn't actually mention a few things, like his father was an American, so he is a half-japanese and half-american, the name Ethan was the same as his grandfather, but if we want to say his complete name, that should be Ethan Hyogumi Kosawa, His scarlet-gold eyes are something similar to a mutation with gold wrapped around scarlet irises. If i want to explain it i should need another chapter of just information about him. I don't know how many of you would like it, so i will probably answer some unresolved question in the comments)

(Alternate Titles: "Plot twist: Qienta is the real Author of this novel", "We must protecc this cuteness. Said Ethan.", "I would like to see Qienta transformed in a Chienthrope or a Cat Person.")

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