After some minutes, Ethan had a smile on his face.

'Now I know more or less how much strength I'll need to use... I should try to increase my regeneration at this point... Although I can probably boost the quantity of Mana I can regenerate, it's too dangerous to do right now...'

Without knowing how mana regenerated in his body, Ethan was hesitant to try this theory, mainly because, if it was something similar to how blood is produced, the consequences could be devastating.

I'm sure the laws in my previous world are the same in the Danmachi world..the only different thing is the mana... I wonder if studying from my previous world can help me...

Seeing him lost in his thoughts again, Lefiya was looking at him without saying anything. She felt used to the situation, so, after he realized what was happening, he returned to the real world.

Chuckling awkwardly, he said

"Sorry, I was thinking about something important"

With a nod from Lefiya, he decided to ask Riveria if they can try again but, before he could, Riveria sighed.

"I'm sure I'm not the first saying this to you, but you should stop thinking about something else while you're training or in combat"

Taken by surprise for a moment, he looked down while replying

"You're not the first, I know that I think too much on everything but It's how I am... I don't think I can change it.."

Thinking about [Parallel Minds], he understood he needed that skill more than he previously thought. Shaking his head, he went towards Riveria, asking

"Can we test this one more time? I want to try different things"

With a nod, she took her staff. Seeing she at least used her staff this time, he felt happy but, without minding it, he activated his [Boost Magic] on his whole body.

Feeling the surrounding Air shaking, she smiled before starting to chant her [Veil Breath]

'Let's see if you can do something more'

Seeing the two so focused, Lefiya had a smile on her face. Having time to think, she let her mind wander..

While the three were minding their own business, the mood in the city was even more festive than the other times this event was held. If you weren't of the city, you could think something very good happened to everyone. With the streets full of stalls, the happiness brought by the feast and the possibility to gain a lot more than usual, a lot of people where happy for this while Adventurers wanted to be entertained with the 'Variants' captured in these days.

Although it was still morning, Ganesha was looking at the entrance of the Colosseum. Seeing crowd of people already there, he laughed while Shakti had her schedule of the few tamers that should join the event.

Checking everyone was already preparing their monsters, she sighed.

'I guess my time as tamer is slowly ending...?'

Placing the last cross she needed, She went directly in her room to prepare while others were still training their skills.

'Everything is in its place, I have some hours left to prepare...'

Ordering her room, she decided to wear the new dress she had brought for the Monster Feria.


Hit by her staff again, Ethan rubbed the spot where he was hit again.

"Why you're always hitting me! It hurts you know?"

Nodding, Riveria replied

"I'll hit you every time you'll try something funny"

Without removing his hand from his head, he added

"But I didn't do anything wrong this time!"

Sighing, she indicated the wall Ethan destroyed.

"You can't destroy the surrounding every single attack you use, there are people who work to repair your damage, isn't it enough to not damage the surroundings?"

Surprised, he thought about it for a moment. Thinking about his first part-time job as a librarian, he understood he was causing problems to others.

'It was so annoying when someone moved the order of the books like nothing, because I was the one that needed to make order... Obviously it's the same for workers of this world...'

Nodding, he felt he should have thought about this sooner.

"I don't want to cause problems for I'll increase my control over wind/Air to avoid damaging the surrounding"

Nearly an hour and half passed and, in all this time, he 'fought' against Riveria to try to gain control over this sensation.

'Feeling the person I want to fight won't die from my hit should be the fastest method to adjust my power. In the case of Riveria it's easy because she's much stronger than me, but I'm already making progress..'

"If you can work on this sensation more, the magic should adjust itself, but we can't be sure.."

Seeing her doubtful face, he asked

"Is there something wrong?"

Shaking her head, she was thinking about his magic

"I don't think your magic can be classified with normal means anymore"

Shocked by her statement, he tried to think about a reason but, before he could, Riveria added

"Your magic at first..."

"At first, it was a normal boost of mind and body. Then, you understood you can use it in parts of the body instead of your whole body to use a power more concentrated. After that, you understood you could influence your surroundings, and then it evolved in something similar to a wind/air manipulation? I think your magic is so abnormal that there isn't anything like that in the present time. My real question is, should your magic be some primordial magic? I don't know if a magic so old can be inherited at this stage, but if it's that powerful why I never saw legends about the owner of this magic?"

Hearing her talking so much, he felt his head hurt for a moment but, without minding it, he thought about her words.

'I can't really tell her that I'll use [Boost Magic] for a lot of other skills....right?'

"I don't know about my magic's origin to be honest. This skill just popped out in my status and I managed to understand how it worked... I think it's useless to think about it right now..."

Without adding anything more, he directed his gaze on Lefiya

"We should hurry now... I think I trained enough"

Trying to meditate with his split focus, he said

"I..'ll try to mana.. while moving. It is difficult, so.. I won't talk..."

With a nod from the two, Ethan started to make the surrounding mana flow in his body. Although this kind of absorption wasn't equivalent to having it restored with time, it was still efficient to fill his body with the mana he needed to try use [Boost Magic] for so long.


Without minding the attempts to free herself, she answered with a sigh

"You aren't fast enough. You know that as well, it's better if I carry you"

Looking down, she brought her index fingers tip to tip in a 'shy way' while nervously making the fingers touch each other.

Focusing on the mana and his [Boost Magic], he decided to keep this image of her in his mind while he proceeded to boost his whole body.

Doing a thumbs up, he made Riveria and Lefiya understood he was ready to go.

Starting to move, Ethan felt his mana to be consumed and regenerated at the same time. Although this brought him a little nausea, he decided to ignore it.

Following him, Riveria saw Ethan slow down after 10 minutes. Although the distance they made was quite far, they were still near the clothing shops. Without saying anything more, Riveria saw his speed return to normal.

'I see, he needs some seconds to slow down. But this won't be a problem, we still have more than an hour...'

Continuing like this for some times, Ethan stopped his 'meditation' for a moment. With the feeling of nausea gone, he could feel his mana still at max.

'I'm not pushing my [Boost Magic] to the extreme, so I think it's right to stop meditate. I'll re-obtain my mana with some potions. Otherwise, If I have time to spare, I'll meditate to be at the maximum of my strength'

Smiling, he said

"I can talk now, sorry if I made you worry, with the mana coming in and out of my body, I was feeling nausea"

With this, they were near the Hephaestus Familia workplaces.

"It's better if we walk from here, it isn't that far, and we still have an hour"

Nodding, Riveria put Lefiya back on the ground.

"Now, I know it was necessary, but you could've said it to me before...Riveria"

Understanding what she meant, Riveria replied

"Sorry, but it was the fastest option"

Laughing, Ethan tried to hide his laugh but Lefiya still heard it. In 'tears', she added

"Moouu, don't bully me!"

With this, the group headed towards the Colosseum while other members of the Loki Familia weren't that lucky..


"I don't know anything about him, leave me alone!"

With a 'tch', the owner of the voice waved his hand to make the people around him go away.

Laughing, Tiona said

"Oh come on Bete, why didn't you tell them..?"

Looking away with another 'tch', he added

"I didn't want to come with you in the first place, the thing that pisses me off even more is that they're asking me about how that weakling wants to act..."

With a lot of people seeing the Loki familia emblem, they understood the time for their parade started. They expected to see Ethan between the main members but, something that disappointed them, was the fact that he wasn't present.

"C-Can you at least tell us what he wants to do in the Monster Feria!?"

"We want at least some information!"

Cheering to make them answer at least one question, the crowd looked at the 'scary' face of Bete.

'I-It's better to wait for his appearance...'

Quickly fixing the problem, Bete continued to move forward without a care in the world. With a sigh from Finn, Tione said

"They are all interested in this story..."

Nodding, he replied

"I think we are fortunate to have him between our ranks, but I hope the situation will be resolved, otherwise it will become troublesome..."

With the two continue their talk, Tiona was looking directly at the Colosseum.

'I want to see him, everything surrounding him is so interesting...! I can't wait!.."


(I have a discord server. If you enter it, you can choose one of Ethan's future powers from the pool I created, but that's not all! On the server, you can see the reference on some things that will be present in the story! Right now you can freely see some things like the [Twin's Digimon] and [The Devoted Heart].)

(A/N: He felt nausea because using mana and at the same time regenerating it is similar to drinking milk with salt. Boost Magic isn't the problem, the fact was that he needed to mantain the boost for a lot of time, something that he never tried before, so the consumation was too high)

(Alternate Titles: "Lefiya : Mouuu <--- it's not a cow, but yes, it's a cow. <---it's a joke.", "Ethan, the fast boi. Lefiya, the carried girl. Riveria, the carrier of bags", "'I don't think your magic can be classified with normal means anymore' the magic boi strikes again!!")

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