A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 77 - Denatus(33)

Now that the first day finished as various issues were brought to light, just to be resolved, the second day was entirely about adventurers and aliases for those who have levelled up.

Entering the large room again, Hestia made a yawn while Hephaestus sighed.

"from your reaction I see that you slept comfortably"

Hearing her words, she replied in a muffled tone

"Yes..thanks for the hospitality"

Shaking her head, she looked at her while adding

"You should have told me beforehand that you didn't have a place to sleep instead of being found directly there .."

Nodding, she knew that as well, but...

"I was embarrassed after all the problems.. I caused you..."

Her words made Hephaestus hit her head lightly.

"That doesn't mean you can be so carefree! I said it to you yesterday, is it possible that you already forgot?"

Pouting, Hestia didn't reply to her as she looked at the number of Gods and Goddesses already present in the room.

"It's really early respect to the time we had to show up..but it's pretty lively already"

Knowing that as well, she was about to change the subject before a Goddess spoke behind them

"I guess they wanted to have small talks as well as you, mainly because there isn't a place safer than here. Bringing guards just for a walk in the streets is boring"

Turning to look at her, Hephaestus replied

"Loki! I haven't seen you for some time, how are things going?"

Smiling, she looked at Hestia with the corner of her eye as she answered

"Everything is going well, just a few weeks ago I recruited a prodigy in Magic that is making my familia even more popular than before. I think you've heard of him.."

Her words made Hestia flinch while Hephaestus thought for a second before remembering what she meant

"Oh, you mean the adventurer that attended the event?"

With a nod from Loki, she just clapped her hands in 'congratulations' as Loki added

"To you instead? any interesting member?"

Her questions, made her think of all the members who had impressed her in the last period but, remembering that she didn't have a prodigy like Loki at the moment, she just sighed while shaking her head.

Turning to look at Hestia, she saw that she wasn't 'listening' to them but, instead, she was drinking her juice as if she didn't care about what they were saying.

Confused, Hephaestus wanted to ask her why she was acting like this but, Loki, shook her head as if to say 'Ignore her'. Knowing something didn't seem normal between the two, she was even more curious to know but, she knew at the same time that receiving an answer now was difficult.

With this, time passed quickly and, before they even realized it was time, Ouranos opened the door and entered the same way as yesterday. With Gods quickly taking their position, he sat on his throne as he saw that everyone was ready.

Declaring the start, nobody talked until Ouranos said

"First, there was an adventurer who distinguished himself from others during this period before our meeting. He is part of the Loki familia and I think all of you already know that."

Staring at Loki, everyone did the same as a smile formed on her face. Standing up, she replied

"It's as you say, Ouranos. A child that recently entered my familia proved to be worthy to be part of my core members. His name is Ethan and, as all of you know, he already is a level 2"

Her words made some Gods flinch as, even though they knew from their adventurers that saw the official news even before the event, they were still jealous that such a strong person joined the Loki Familia, also because the gap that separated Loki from all the other exploration familias was very high, so much so that only Freya's Familia could contend against her.

"Than? We should discuss for an alias to give him...some idea?"

Even if they were ready to give him some name to make fun of him, the gods knew that they would not get away with it if they proposed an offensive name ... also because Loki's pride would never admit such a thing without crushing anyone who had the idea..

With the silent gods, Ouranos turned his gaze on all the Gods present before returning to Loki.

"Do you have any idea for his alias?"

Smirking, Loki nodded with a proud expression before looking at her surroundings. Seeing that the attention of everyone in the room was directed at her, she answered Ouranos' question.

"As you all know, Ethan is specialized in a very particular type of magic. The magic that makes him able to surpass the limits of its level, until it reaches a higher stage. to remember this, my idea is to give him a particular alias...Magic-Nova."

Hearing her, the first ones to reply were obviously the ones who didn't want Loki's familia to be highlighted even more than it already was.

"Isn't it a little exaggerated? I can understand the fact that his magic power is above normal, but.."

With the 'members' of their small faction nodding in agreement, Ouranos listened to them before asking

"Is anyone else contrary to this alias?"

Seeing that everyone else agreed Loki's, Ouranos stated

"If there is even just a minority who disagrees on the alias..I am forced to ask you to change it."

His words made her flinch. Turning towards the 'brave' faction, Loki smiled mischievously before adding

"If this is the case, why not organize a nice war game between my familia and yours? I'm sure it will be the perfect opportunity to decide. If I win, Ethan will receive that nickname, otherwise, I'll change it. It's okay for you, isn't it Ouranos?"

Outraged, the gods immediately wanted to reply but, knowing what would happen if they would try to 'bother' her more than they had already tried, made them shut up completely...

Sighing, Ouranos looked at the minority who 'dared' to contradict Loki before replying

"In this case..I shall approve the request of a war game..is everything ok for you too?"

Being questioned, the first one who asked for a change of Ethan's Alias made a 'tch'. Mainly because he knew it was impossible to face Loki's adventurers, even in group. Shaking his head, the God sat again

"No, I'll acknowledge his Alias as everyone else, there's no need for us to compete over the Alias of a boy."

Hearing his reply, he made a nod while Loki's smirk widen before he declared

"In this case, the terms for accepting the alias has been met. From today, Ethan's alias will be Magic-Nova until we will have to decide, at his next level up, whether to change it or not."

With his words expanding throughout the whole room, Loki made a nod whilst the situation quickly changed. Now that the Alias of the person that interested everyone has been 'released', Gods were a little annoyed to have to give aliases to people who didn't stand out particularly but, knowing how hard Ouranos could be if someone seemed bored, everyone tried to collaborate, often ending up giving 'teasing' names to the poor adventurers that had to bear with them, even for years...

Time passed quickly and, before Hestia realized what was happening, it was already the end of the second day of the Denatus. Having put an end to the meeting, it was time for a 'formal dinner' among the gods but many decided to go back anyway, instead of staying there.

Seeing Loki exit the room, Hestia sighed. Having Hephaestus still near her, she saw her action. Confused, she asked

"There's something wrong? I have seen you like this for a while.."

Clenching her jaw, she decided it was better to tell her rather than trying to come out of this mess alone.

"The truth is.."

Explaining to her the 'whole' situation regarding the person who helped her, Hephaestus's eyes widened upon hearing the information. Looking at her surroundings, she decided it was better to talk with her in private. Grasping her hand, she didn't reply to her explanation

"You'll sleep in my home today too, You advised that you will return in a few days, so it's fine, right?"


Finished washing each other, Ethan had the idea of ​​going to breakfast but, knowing that the time available was not enough, made him sigh while the two were getting dressed.

Confused, Ais asked

"Is everything..alright?"

Hearing her, Ethan could only smile at her

"I had thought about going to have breakfast together, but unfortunately, we don't have time. In an hour they'll call us to participate in the expedition, so..I guess the best we can do is wait here until they call for us..."

Even though he could see that she was still mulling over the past a little, the fact of having breakfast together gave her a slight light in her eyes, previously too busy with things he couldn't even imagine, even if he was aware of her past.

Seeing as she seemed to have recovered from the idea of ​​breakfast, Ethan quickly looked for something in the shop to please her.

'If something so normal can help her return to the present..I would also spend all the SP I have to make her feel better."

Buying the first sweets that came within range, Ethan took them out while he said

"Don't tell anyone, but another of my specialties is to keep food still, even if I keep it in my 'box', it won't deteriorate."

Hearing his words that 'explained' the reason why he had these sweets in the inventory, Ais observed them carefully but, having never seen sweets of like this increased her curiosity.

Chuckling, he added

"Here, take as many as you want. I'll take this one."

Taking his favourite sweet among the group, he stared at Ais that was undecided whether to try a piece of strawberry or chocolate cake. Smiling, he added

"These sweets were typical where I come from, they just aren't very popular. Try the one with strawberries first, I'm sure you will like it"

Hearing his advice, Ais did as he said. Taking the piece of cake in her hand, she took a bite before tilting her head to stare at the piece of cake.

'Oh, does that mean she likes it? I did well then to tell her to try the strawberry one"

Smiling happily, Ethan tried his. Understanding that they had been made by a top quality pastry shop, Ethan thanked Light for making him choose this type of dessert, even though he had spent around 3,000 SP for everything...

Very taken by their taste and the peaceful atmosphere that echoed in the room, made the time pass rather quickly and, in no time, they heard a knock on his room...


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8 If you enter it, you can join the Qienta Familia! play a lot of fun games, but, obviously, that's not all, I post there images regarding things you may see in the story, such as the [Twin's Digimon] and [The Devoted Heart].)

(If you want to support me w ww.pat reon.com/watashiwavdesu)

(A/N: Cakes exist in the danmachi world, but I'm pretty sure strawberry and a chocolate cake...they never saw them. By the way Happy Easter to everyone that celebrate today)

(Alternate Titles: "Loki: Do you perhaps have to say something about Ethan's Alias? Oh, yes? Then I'll challenge you to a War Game.", "I mean, poor Lili. All alone in her home for days..it's like she is also in quarantine.", "That strawberry cake..I think I'm gonna post some photo regarding it...I would have preferred to make them eat an Easter egg, but then it would have seemed strange..at least the cakes exist there")

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