A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 8 - Training(14)

After witnessing the death of the monster, Ethan was greatly shaken by the event…his first kill was a little cheated because of his blessing. Ethan was determined to grow beyond even the formidably Ottar, known as 'The King'.

What he forgot in the rush of the moment, was his System and its notification.

[Reward assigned to host for his first kill: 100SP(System Points)]

Ethan, after recomposing himself, felt many emotions that at the moment he didn't even understand, he felt empty, but at the same time he was happy, happy because it was his first step that could make possible all of his future achievement.

Finally, aware of the System Notification, his curiosity was at the limit, and so he asked

["Light, can you show me how the shop works?"]

To this question, there was a little of delay, even if Ethan wasn't aware of it, the System was filtrating trillion of items to assign to each part of the shop. Even so, in just over a second, Light responded.

[The Shop has a variety of things, from simple skills, to the best version of equipment in the entire universe, or even things from the planet you originated. I was just filtering all the impurity Items and converting most of them in a version suited for your compression. For now, there is the Equipment Section, The Skills Section(You can't buy Innates just yet) and the Utility Section. For now host is recommended to use these three]

Although Light was giving him a lot of information, this time his curiosity had been taken to an extreme he didn't even know to have, so he immediately asked

["Light!! What are these Innates? You mean The rare skills right?? If it is the case, can I buy [Liaris Freese]?? I wanted it so---"]

Before he was able to go further, he was immediately shut down by Light, in a tone that you would use when dealing with a child, he stated

[Yes. It's possible for you to buy that skill, but even the cost for doing so is enormous. An innate cost at least one hundred times the cost of a normal skill, which you cannot even afford with your points at the moment.]

Ethan felt extremely sad for a moment because he knew that for even a single skill he probably need to harvest this entire forest, and he doesn't have the parameter to even be a match to a group of goblins at the moment so it isn't that easy.

'For now, I need to find a method of trainin-' like usual, Light was listening to his every thought, so he didn't miss his words. So, before he was even able to think about the issue, Light gave Ethan a Quest.


//Optional Quest Triggered//

[Work Hard Today, Harder than Yesterday]

Rank: H

Objective: Run (0/10Km), Do (0/50) Squats, (0/50) Sit-Ups, (0/50) Push Ups before 12AM

Failure Conditions: Work out not completed before 0AM, Death.

Penalty: N/A

Rewards: 1000SP

["Thanks, Light, even if the rewards are cheap"]

[This quest is optional and it's repeatable every day if you wish, you can even double the amount of this workout but the SP will be rewarded only if you complete all the work out a second time in the same day. Understood?]

["Yes Light, I understand"]

With this new optional quest, the training of Ethan begun. First he started with the run of the 10 kilometers, and even if it was tiring, he managed to run 1 kilometer straight without a stop, even if his ridiculous speed allowed group of goblins to see and try to stop him, With his [Qienta's Blessing], the goblins decided to flee instead of be annihilated.

Even if a few bold kobodts were in the way, most of his run ended in peace. He was sweating like Hell and his breathing was so accelerated that you might mistake he was enjoying himself. When he finally hit the 10Km, his legs, seemed almost a moment ago strong and capable of even do another few kilometers, decided to stop to function. Causing Ethan to crash in a Stone, He was hit by the stone, but he wasn't nearly enough strong to crash the stone on his own, so he just lamented his lack of parameters to be the cause.

Even with all the pain in his legs, he forced himself up and walked with heavy steps in 'his' cave. When he finally was in his cave, he decided to try the 50 Sit-Ups. He was felt his bones cracking slightly, but he decided to not mind for the time being. He was nearly in the verge of collapsing, but he decided to continue his extreme work-out.

Continuing with his 50 Squats. You could see his body, clearly shaking every time he did one Squat. But his Will wasn't something you could easily shake, even if his vision was blurred, and he was starting to lose his body on the floor, he always got up. Regardless of the burden he felt was breaking all the bones of his body.

The last step, 50 Push Ups, he decided to take a little break for a light dinner, so he bought a [Earnest Volcano's meat]. He bought that meat because it was the lowest in price in the shop. Merely costs 10SP.

After he ate the meat, he was searching in the shop for water, but he only found an infinitely books regarding spells, and the only [Water's Essence] that he found, costed 10000SP. He didn't know why such an item would cost so much, but for now he needed to find a lake for the water.

Even if he didn't open the Option of the Inventory Yet, Mostly because he didn't have anything to see in it. After that, he returned to his cave, determined to finish his Optional Quest for the Day. After other 2 hours, making it past 11PM, he finally found the notification he was trying to obtain for all the day.


//Optional Quest Completed//

[Work Hard Today, Harder than Yesterday]

Rank: H

Objective: Run (10/10Km), Do (50/50) Squats, (51/50) Sit-Ups, (50/50) Push Ups before 0AM

Reward: 1000SP


After 7 days of training, plus slaying the various monsters that tried to catch him when he was running, Ethan reached the point when he can now monstrously keep up with the training so easy that it was rather useful now, and, even he knew that he can't even compete to most adventurers yet, but a feeling of conquest was slightly, but surely, influencing his mind.

From this 7 days, he understood what Light was saying of his potential, when his bones were breaking furiously as he had never stopped training before his bones completely broke, even without a regenerative ability or spell, his bones just reconstructed themselves more powerful than before the training, a fact that was impossible to understand, even for himself. But his boost in SP wasn't the only fact he was proud of at the moment. Proudly, Ethan said

["Show me my Status Board"]


Name: Ethan

Age: 15

Race: Human

Lv 1(+)

Pow: 3I→201G

End: 3I→574D

Dex: 2I→270G

Mag: 0I→200G

Skill: [Qienta's Blessing:SSS]

Magic: -

Development Ability: [(FeatherFoot:(Sealed)](new)


He immediately noticed the increase in his Magic parameter, even if he didn't use magic. So he decided to ask Light.

["How come my Mag raised from 0 to 200 without me doing anything??"]

[Your blessing by god, in his passive and active state, is recognized by the World's Law as Magic so it is increasing rapidly because you seem to add your fatigue from training + the strain of having always low mana because of the blessing itself.]

'So this is the answer, no wonder I'm advancing so quickly, but I'm still too weak to even fight a group of 2 kobolds without injure myself in the battle. I need something more hard--'

Focusing his mind, Ethan was thinking on a work-out capable of upgrade himself to the extreme and at the same time have room to spare in the day for hunting goblins, so he decided to believe in the System.


After 5 minutes, nothing happened and Ethan was losing patience, so he decided to do 10x the normal amount of his normal work-out instead.

Ethan started again his routine training, believing for today to do at least 4x the normal amount of work-out. When he was just starting his training, Light suddenly said

[Host, I said the Quest is a sort of mediator between you and the Universe for what you had to do. The Universe wouldn't give you the same quest just upgraded, it is a rare case however that the normal Option Quest may evolve after you have done it so many times, so…keep the good work.]

Ethan was a little shocked because if he had known this information before he wouldn't have wished in the first place a regime of training that with a few parameters was useless. He would have searched a book in regards in the shop, without bothering himself with the Quest Function for a while.


(A/N: I literally spent hours for this chap...so I don't think I will write something else for today D:)

(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8 If you enter it, you can choose one of Ethan's future powers from the pool I created, but that's not all! On the server, you can see the reference on some things that will be present in the story! Right now you can freely see some things but I advise you to read the story further before seeing them otherwise you'll get spoilers!)

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