A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 86 - Explanation

While the Loki Familia quickly went to lock the passages for all the adventurers, Finn had already gathered the other captains. He knew the problem didn't concern just him or his Familia, but everyone in the current room had responsibilities they couldn't ignore.

Explaining the situation to them, the first to reply was Tsubaki.

"So, 2 members of your family fought against a Minotaur..and this monster was really strong, strong enough to create problems to a level 5"

Nodding, Finn saw as everyone's faces widened upon hearing her words. He actually just explained himself but, hearing it two times made them understand it was the truth.

Thinking about it for a moment, Tsubaki added

"Who was with the sword princess?"

Her question brought him to smile as he stared at her

"A level 2. I think you know him, we're talking about Ethan"

With an 'oh' Tsubaki knew what happened with the Event and heard the rumours about him. Smiling as well, she added

"Oh! This adventurer of yours really always manages to be the centre of attention"

The fact that Finn thought the same only made his smile widen as well before other captains stepped in the conversation.

"I see ... Ethan is back in the spotlight"

Hearing the voice, he turned his head to look at the person who spoke.

"Captain of the Takemikazuchi Familia, I think it's only normal to be in the spotlight as of late everything that happens has him as the protagonist"

Nodding, Ouka added

"Yes, but that's not the problem right now, right? We have to do something about the Dungeon"

Returning to talk about serious matters, Finn sighed as his seriousness immediately returned on his face.

"The fastest way to prevent a tragic event is to send the strongest ones to investigate while the weak ones will rest until we say it's fine to move in the other floors again. We have already faced similar situations, the only problem is keeping them all here without making them hesitate. The first thing is not to make them worry too much. It's not really something urgent or confirmed, so scaring them doesn't make any sense."

His words made Tsubaki nod in affirmation as she added

"What are your plans regarding this? How many of us should go into the Dungeon? It's not wise to send all the stronger ones in the Dungeon..."

Thinking about this for a moment, Finn quickly found a solution

"We don't need to go all in one moment. We can create groups which will alternate respectively in the 17th and 19th floors. The best thing would be to send people from level 4 to 17 and 19 from 5. If you think it is exaggerated, remember that the monster was certainly not to be taken lightly, so it is better act so that we have no regrets if something happens."

The fact that all of them agreed to Finn's words made things quite simple as, with some changes, they were ready to inform everyone but, Tsubaki, decided to ask

"I don't think you would do something like this but, that boy won't participate in this, right?"

Shaking his head, she thought he agreed with her, but..

"He's a core member of our Familia. It's his responsibility to take care about others. Weak or not, that doesn't matter at all"

With her eyes widening, Tsubaki's brows twitched as she knew well that the boy wasn't just a normal level 2, but she couldn't help thinking that this was the case anyway. It doesn't matter how strong or special a level 2 is. A level 2 remains a level 2...

"Can't you do anything to keep him from coming with us? Isn't it risky for a level 2 to face monsters at that level..?"

Even though she said this to him, Finn glanced at her before adding

"It's not like I can't stop him, but I don't really have time to deal with him, right? As a core member he can do as he pleases. His duty is to come with us but the choice is his own...Even if you say this to me now, it doesn't make sense. Talk with him if you want to not bring him with us so badly"

Sighing after he said so, she shook her head as she knew that he had no reason to listen to her.


That was all she said before Finn stood up, asking for Tsubaki's help. Now with her help, Finn wanted another figure to stand next to him...

Seeing that she was being stared, Asfi looked back at Finn while he approached her.

"We haven't had many opportunities to talk, Captain of the Hermes Familia."

Knowing it was right, she just nodded while he, with a smile, added

"I would like your help in a few minutes. When I'll start talking, can you stay behind me? I'll explain the situation so having the support of other captains will be essential to make it clear to everyone that this is what they have to do without thinking to go in other floors without permission"

"I will gladly help. I already informed my Familia Members about the situation, and they are helping in spreading the news as fast as possible"

Slightly surprised, Finn wanted to ask how she already informed them but, knowing it wasn't the case to question her, he didn't ask anything as he obtained what he wanted. Smiling, he returned in his position while adventurers were quickly gathering around the main tent..

"How do you think the situation will evolve?"

Tsubaki's question brought him to think about it as he added

"The most important thing is that the dungeon is very unpredictable, so if I had to try to answer you, I would say that there are too few details to determine exactly how things will go. Basically, we know too little."

Looking at him for a moment, she knew he was right. So, the only thing she could do right now was..

"Let's do our best to so that predicting how it will happen will be only a formality"

Appreciating the way Tsubaki had put things, Finn smiled as his thoughts wandered about how to finish the speech he was continuing to prepare in his mind


Deciding it was time to talk with them, Finn exited the main tent with Tsubaki and Asfi behind him. Activating his [Command Howl], he stated

"I know that all of you will surely be concerned about the situation that brought you all here..."

Looking around to observe his surroundings, he added

"But the situation is not as heavy as it seems. Of course, it is certainly a problem that needs to be solved, but it is nothing for sure. For safety, we decided to make sure of it ourselves before involving all of you."

These words made them think about it for a second as someone sighed in 'relief'. While he continued to observe the reaction from the adventurers, Finn started to explain everything regarding the situation without mentioning the Minotaur itself.

"..and that's why, I say it's better to wait at least a few days, until we can confirm what types and levels of monsters that are spawning in the Dungeon. You all have a simple rule to follow. Stay in your tent or, if you want, go to Riviria. Do not exit the floor until we say it's safe.."

With his [Command Howl], Finn's voice echoed throughout the whole area as everyone understood it wasn't exactly a difficult thing for them..The only thing he was asking them to do was to relax after all..

"But don't get the idea that you are relaxing. If you get used to this, you will most likely get to the point where you won't be able to respond to any situation in time as it would normally be. Stay focused, even if you can't fight."

With an affirmative nod from 'everyone', Finn sighed as he declared the end of his speech. While people talked between themselves, he turned to thank Asfi and Tsubaki while asking the two to subsequently inform any of their level 4 and above adventurers to come with them.

As the two quickly headed towards their own Familia's areas, Finn did the same as he wanted to prepare as well...

'I must resolve this situation. But the real question is still how to get some answers, because from the moment I entered the dungeon, the only things that keeps popping up in my mind are questions..'

Even though he was thinking this, Finn's determination couldn't be shaken by such a weak thing. It didn't matter if in the end he would have more questions than before. For now, what was necessary was to at least observe how the Dungeon was working.

"If we at least know what levels we are talking about, the guild will be free to establish an even safer restriction than the current one, so I am sure that all our efforts will not be in vain anyway"

With this, he started to dress in his Adventurer attire as he took the spear in his hand without hesitation...


While Finn was speaking to the adventurers, Ethan and Ais were still at the exit for the 17th floor as nobody decided to enter the Dungeon.

"I thought someone would already break rules, but it seems this isn't the case"

Turning her head towards him, Ais shook her head

"It's not like..nobody would break rules..it's more like no one wants to fight the unknown..."

'I know I'm being presumptuous now, but, I wonder what her life really was like before I was there. Unfortunately, even if I reread the contents of the original book, the path that Ais took is already totally different from the one in the original...'

Knowing he wouldn't receive an answer to his doubts, Ethan decided to put this matter aside as he took her hand in his.

Now accustomed to contact, Ais simply turned to look at him with a smile as he gulped. He got used to taking her hand in his already, but, the emotions he felt never changed. They were always the same, and they were intense..

Staring at her way too much, Ethan looked away as she put her head on his shoulder again.

"If a Dragon will spawn..let me kill it."

With a smile, he didn't answer her as she knew he approved the idea.

'I don't think fighting a Dragon is a good idea, but if she wants to hunt it alone so much, the only thing I can do is see how the Dragon will be slayed from existence'

Closing his eyes to think about it, a small smile formed on his face before he heard a voice next to him


Hearing someone calling him by last name, Ethan flinched as he turned to look at Ryuu. Sighing, he replied with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Please, next time warn me, I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Understanding, Ryuu made a nod as she added

"I heard that something happened in the Dungeon..so I wanted to confirm it was indeed you and the Sword Princess who fought against this monster"

Nodding, Ethan quickly explained the situation as Ryuu decided, now that she was there, to help as well also because she thought she was strong enough to do so.

Knowing this as well made things even easier.

"I will help as well."

Her words made him nod as he knew that even if he 'didn't know' her level, the mere fact that she put him in difficulty just before was enough. This because, if he was allowed to enter even if he was not as strong as the others, someone as strong as Ryuu could only be welcome.

With another nod from him, Ryuu didn't actually say anything more as Ais demanded his attention without saying anything...


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8 If you enter it, you can join the Qienta Familia! play a lot of fun games, but, obviously, that's not all, I post there images regarding things you may see in the story, such as the [Twin's Digimon] and [The Devoted Heart].)

(If you want to support me w ww.pat reon.com/watashiwavdesu)

(Alternate Titles: "I don't know about you but I got some quarantine vibes from this chapter.", "Ryuu is a sneaky Elf!", "Ais demands attention!")

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