A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 101 Good News and Bad News (Seventeenth update, beg for full order!!)

To put it simply.

The identity Luke uses now, that is, the identity of Luke Dane, does not actually exist.

But the Dane family is real.

The most important thing.

Nowadays, the Dane family lives in Orange County, Los Angeles, in a small community called Mill that only houses about 23 residents.

Luke was seriously doubtful.


He was sure that this was a trap specially planted by Bill Kings when he helped him forge his identity.

Because from the beginning, Bill Kings never thought about giving Luke a real identity.

He only reached a series of deals with Luke in order to get help from Luke.

According to the transaction content at that time.

Luke helped Brian successfully go undercover into Boss Tang's circle, and assisted Brian in solving the sensational truck robbery.

In return for Luke, Bill Kings will give Luke a completely new identity document that is legal in the federation.

But what's the result?

God laughed!

After what he thought was careful consideration, Bill Kings did not choose to give Luke the identity of an amateur, but directly gave Luke the identity of a federal agent in one step.

This is not the kindness of Bill Kings.

He just wanted to get a better handle on Luke and make it easier to control him.

According to Bill Kings's idea, if Luke has the identity of a federal agent, then if he finds something wrong with Luke during Brian's undercover process, or Brian is at risk of being exposed, he will Directly detonating Luke's so-called FBI agent identity, thus relieving Brian's identity exposure crisis and gaining Boss Tang's trust.

And compared to a completely legal amateur status, giving Luke the status of a federal agent is more convenient for Bill Kings.

Whether it is in terms of identity issuance or in terms of killing Lu Ke in the future.

That's what Bill Kings thinks.

According to his plan, if everything goes well, the story should develop like this.

Boss Tang was arrested.

The big truck heist ended perfectly.

After Bill Kings gets the credit for this case, he will immediately find a reason to transfer Luke to visit the reservoir.

Then after some time passes, Bill Kings will kick Luke out without hesitation and delete any previous information about Luke.


If Lu Ke doesn't admit it, he plans to make this matter a big deal.

Then Bill Kings also has a way.

According to Luke's file records, he was adopted by the Dann family. If he goes directly to the Dann family, the authenticity of Luke's identity will be revealed.

It's amazing that when the time came, Bill Kings simply admitted that he was sorry, but he didn't check it carefully and carefully.

And when the time comes, Luke, who once again became a gangster, will be imprisoned for a series of serious crimes such as "forging documents" and "pretending to be a federal official".

This is the plan Bill Kings had in mind.


He did the same.


Luke leaned on the chair behind him, rubbing his eyebrows, and looked at the information about Victory Dane and Suzanne Dane's family displayed on the computer in front of him.

He searched for a while, but could not find any direct or indirect connection between the Dane family and the dead Bill Kings.

Luke even opened the list of the twenty-six action team agents who died in the manor that day, and entered the names one by one into the system to check some.

Without exception.

None of these agents have direct or indirect connections with the Dane family living in Orange City, Los Angeles.

This news, for Lu Ke, is not only good news, but also somewhat bad news.

Good news means.

While Bill Kings performed steadily as always, there seemed to be a missing link in his brain. When choosing this trap, he did not choose someone he knew, but seemed to choose randomly among the families in the foster care system. A member of the family then lassoed Luke.

Maybe Bill Kings was too smart to prevent anyone from digging out what was going on between him and this foster family.

But no matter from the perspective of this guy's thoughts, or from the development of Bill Kings after his death for so many days.

Bill Kings really didn't know this foster family, and the latter didn't know Bill Kings either.

Otherwise, the latter would definitely jump out after hearing that Bill Kings was dead, and then reveal Luke's true identity without hesitation.

So, this is good news for Luke.

The bad news is that Luke doesn't know this foster home either.

The reason why this foster family has not jumped out to expose his identity is because no one has taken the initiative to find them yet. Therefore, they do not know that there is another person outside their family who is now the FBI in Los Angeles, California. The deputy director of operations at the branch is so cheap.

But once someone comes to your door, just say this.

That fun...

But it’s a big hit!


This family must disappear.

And fast!

He heard a clue from Director Lewis's conversation just now.

Because Director Lewis said that the newly appointed judicial department is of African descent, the deputy director who was airborne this time is also of African descent.

But this time, the dead Bill Kings of the Los Angeles Bureau was of African descent, and the original director and deputy director who were taken to Washington for trial were also of African descent.


This time the deputy director was afraid that he had come with bad intentions, and there was a high probability that he was parachuted in directly from Washington because of the Bill Kings case.

Luke's thoughts turned and he thought of this.

In an instant.

The murderous intention suddenly arises!

The next second.

Luke looked at the two photos displayed on the computer screen.

One looks honest and honest on the outside, and at first glance he belongs to the type of Victory Dane who relies on his own hands and strives to make his family live a good life.

Another one is Susanna Dane, who from the outside looks like she always has a smile on her face, as if she has seen strong winds and waves, and now she has settled down and is happy to be a good wife and mother.

Lu Ke couldn't help but frown!

He has never been a reincarnation of the Virgin personality.

Luke didn't mind killing any enemy that might stand in his way or stand in his way.

He was even happy to do it.

Because in the main god's space, only killing can make the enemy fearful and at the same time sit down obediently and listen carefully to every word you say.


There is an essential difference between killing enemies and killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Many reincarnations in the main god space will more or less develop the problem of treating life like ants after experiencing too many tasks.

But Luke didn't.

As long as they are not enemies, he almost always looks at everyone with an equal eye.

Except for the old black people who were discriminated against by him, or the people who discriminated against him.

If Bill Kings was not a randomly selected adoptive family, but knew the Dane family, Luke would be happy to send a family message to this family in order to prevent his identity from being exposed. Happy gift package.

Because it was not him who killed the family, but Bill Kings, who involved them in this incident.

But what if the family didn't know about it from beginning to end.

And judging from the current signs, this guy seems to really have no idea what incident they were involved in.

Damn it Brian.


Luke took a deep breath, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and called Brian directly.


The call is connected.

"Hey, Luke, what's the matter?"

"Farke, how did you supervise Bill Kings at that time?"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, man, talk slowly, what's going on?"

Luke listened to the other end of the phone and seemed to be chatting and laughing with someone, much like Brian who seemed to be at some party and frowned.

"Where are you?"


Brian walked aside and said curiously: "Didn't Mia tell you? After we came out, we went directly to Miami. Let me tell you, the sunshine and beaches here, wow, it's really... Great, by the way, has the matter in Los Angeles been resolved?”

Luke took a deep breath.



"Just wait, you can come back when I tell you that the matter is over."

Luke said expressionlessly, then hung up the phone, grabbed the repackaged file bag, stood up, and left the office.

For now, it's best for Brian to stay in Miami.

Because Luke was afraid that after seeing Brian, he couldn't help but shoot this guy who was not reliable at all.

In the archives!

After Lu Ke placed the files he was already familiar with in their original positions, he walked toward the door of the file room with a smile.

The female agent in the archives room looked at Lu Ke who came out and said jokingly: "Deputy Director Lu didn't secretly modify anything in his own file. In that case, Luna and I would not agree."

As she spoke, the female agent with a gold ring in her nostrils hugged the female agent sitting nearby with smoky makeup.

Lu Ke shrugged and said, "There have been changes. I changed my level to C1 level."

The female agent covered her mouth and smiled: "Then it's too late for you to modify it. Your file was reviewed by Director Lewis last month and entered into our federal database."

When Luke heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

"Why was it only entered last month?"

"The large database in Washington has been maintained since the beginning of this year. This year, all new agents from all major federal branches who were not recruited through the academy have only been temporarily entered into our database in California. It was only maintained last month. Okay, this will be reviewed by Director Lewis, and after approval, it will be entered into the federal large database."


"You're welcome, Deputy Director Lu!"


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