A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 204: A kiss is not enough to force you to have a baby (Third update, please subscribe!!!)

Luke actually didn't want to do this.


Seve was the first to provoke.

Lu Ke felt that as a man, if he didn't respond in kind, he would be ridiculed by his male compatriots.

Moreover, Lu Shi Chunqiu also said this.

If you don't come to your door, it's a treason!

He didn't know what game Seve was playing, and he didn't care what Seve was trying to do.

One sentence.

Want it first!

However, Luke feels that he and Seve still have a good understanding of each other.

Although this was their first meeting, the two of them acted as if they were familiar with each other.

The movements of the two people, and even their breathing, were all adjusted to a very tacit frequency after the initial chaos.

After a while.

Lips and teeth are distinct.

Luke and Sever hugged each other and looked at each other.

Both of them could clearly feel the hot breathing on each other.

Seve had beautiful eyes that could not take his eyes away.

"Director Dann is not afraid that his fiancée will find out?"


Luke nodded without thinking.

Focus on honesty.

After all, if Rachel knew about it, he would definitely not be able to eat it and walk around in circles.

After hearing this, Seve's eyes flashed: "Now that your anger has subsided, aren't you afraid that I will tell your fiancée?"

Luke smiled: "First, my anger has not subsided, and second, you will not tell Rachel."

Seve looked sideways: "Are you so sure?"

Luke said with a bright smile: "Yes, I'm sure, because I guarantee that if you run to find Rachel, I will kill you, even if you hide in your sky fortress, it will be useless."

As he spoke, he let go of his right hand that was holding Sever's gentle waist, and straightened out his suit that had just been messed up: "Just a five-minute kiss is not enough for you to force me to have a baby." , mark my words, or you can try to see if what I say is true, goodbye, Ms. Sever."

What a joke.

It's just a kiss, and you're planning to force her to have a baby?

What are you thinking about?

Say it.

The corner of Luke's mouth rose, and he kissed Seve again on Seve's lips that were a little cold but already warmed by him. Then he turned around, waved his hand without looking back, and headed towards his black Audi A8 car. Walked over.



Luke stepped on the accelerator and braked instantly, driving the Audi A8 beneath him to quickly leave Hangar No. 18 behind him.

Seve stood there, watching the black Audi A8 leaving the hangar, his deep and cold eyes shining with a strange light.

A man in a black suit walked out of the plane and handed the phone in his hand to Seve: "Sir, phone."

Seve came to his senses, took the phone handed over by his subordinate, and put it to his ear.

An electronic sound that sounded like mechanical synthesis came from the other end of the phone.



Seve responded, then heard the voice on the other end of the phone and nodded again: "Okay, I'll go over now. Don't worry, teacher."

After finishing speaking, Seve hung up the phone, threw the phone to his men, then looked at the black car driving from outside the hangar, and walked over: "Go to the Federal Building."

She was looking forward to it.

What will Luke's expression be like when he sees her later?

Isn't a kiss enough to force you to have a baby?

I can add more.

With an inexplicable smile on his face, Seve got into the black car.

On the airport road.

At Jiaying's reminder, Luke took the tissue and wiped the lipstick mark on the corner of his mouth. Then he looked at Jiaying through the rearview mirror and said curiously: "Why did you follow Seve to Los Santos?" ?”

Jiaying explained immediately.

A few days ago, when they decided to come to Los Santos to spend Christmas with Luke and the others, they told Daisy about this.

Daisy then called Seve and told him that she couldn't spend Christmas with Seve this year.

After Seve found out, he arrived in New York last night and, as Daisy's teacher, invited Jiaying and Karl for a meal.

Later at the dinner table, Seve learned that the three of them were coming to Los Santos today.

It just so happened that she had something to come to Los Santos today.


"Seve is very enthusiastic, and he is Daisy's teacher, so we can't refuse." Jiaying said after explaining.

Luke glanced curiously through the rearview mirror at Daisy who seemed to be shocked that he had intimately kissed her teacher and then threatened her teacher mercilessly. He smiled and said, "Daisy."

Daisy was silent, in shock.

Jiaying on the side pushed her daughter: "Uncle Lu is calling you."

Daisy came to her senses.


"What's wrong?"

Daisy asked.

Luke smiled and said, "Have you ever spent Christmas with Seve before?"

Daisy nodded: "I've known Seve since I was fourteen."

Luke was more interested in how Daisy met Sever. As it happened, there was still a long way to go home, so he simply asked Daisy to tell her how she met Sever.

Daisy didn't want to talk about it.

Because she felt that this was her private matter.


His teacher and Luke bit each other.

This was the first time Daisy saw her teacher like this, because before this, her teacher seemed to act like a cold queen when facing men.

How can it be like today? At first, they were still acting like a cold queen, but then after they nibbled each other, they seemed to have turned into little women.

Daisy thought for a while, then glanced at Jiaying, and then talked about how she met Seve.

Luke already knew how Debbie met Seve.

Debbie came into contact with computers when she was in her teens, and then taught herself hacking techniques. Then when she was wandering around on the dark web, she rarely found a connection to the Sever organization, and then she thought about it and tried to figure out how to do it. Cannot be cracked.

Then as expected, Debbie was caught by Seve.

Later, Debbie accepted Seve as a teacher.

The reason why she was able to join the FBI was that she was successfully recruited with her professional skills through the computer skills she learned from Sever's online teaching.

But this one with Daisy is completely different.

Daisy and Sever met, not on the Internet, but in reality.

In Daisy's words, when she was thirteen years old, after she ran away from the last foster home that made her feel sick, she had been hugging each other with other little homeless people in New York City for warmth.

At that time, these little wanderers felt that the entire New York City belonged to them.

They lived in basements together and dug through trash cans together.


After the winter of thirteen, four of her wandering friends died.

Daisy still remembered that when she woke up, she saw the little sister who slept next to her last night with a purple face. She was startled and ran out in a hurry. Then she happened to bump into her by the Hudson River. Seve, who was also by the river at that time.

Seve looked at Daisy who was wearing thin clothes in the winter, bought some clothes for Daisy, and then took Daisy out for a meal.

While eating, Daisy saw Seve who had taken out his computer and seemed to be working.

She immediately saw that Seve was not working, but hacking into the bank system next door to the restaurant.

Seeing this, Seve pushed the notebook to Daisy and asked Daisy to try it.

Daisy was not polite either. Although she was already homeless at the time, she still attended a public college before becoming homeless.

And because she was born an orphan, she really wanted to find out her life experience, so she was very interested in computer technology when she was in school.

And she seems to be very talented in this area. Without any effort, she directly hacked into the surveillance system of the bank next to the restaurant.

So it just went back and forth.

"Sev and I have known each other for a long time."

Daisy thought about the whole process of her acquaintance with Seve and pursed her lips: "If I hadn't met Seve that day, I don't think I would have survived that winter."

Jiaying on the side, listening to these words, felt distressed and guilty as she hugged her daughter Daisy tightly and said sorry.

Luke, who was driving the car, touched his chin while listening to Daisy's story.

He felt that Daisy seemed to have some personal information in her story.

But he wasn't sure.

But Luke looked through the rearview mirror and glanced at Daisy's eyes that lowered her head but raised her eyes to peek at him.

All right.

Daisy clearly wanted to tell him that Seve was a good person.

Me too.

Luke laughed, turned the steering wheel, and then drove the vehicle into the garage of his home before twelve o'clock noon.

Rachel and Lorna had already gone to the street to pick up their dresses and returned home. After hearing the sound of parking in the garage, they also walked over and happened to see the Johnson family of three getting out of the car.



Rachel smiled, hugged Jiaying, and then said to Karl: "Mr. Johnson, welcome back to Los Santos."

Jiaying said to Rachel, "I'm causing trouble for you."

"No trouble, no trouble at all." Rachel waved her hands with a smile, then her eyes fell on Daisy, her eyes lit up: "Wow, so beautiful, you must be Daisy, my name is Rachel ,Nice to meet you."

Daisy looked hesitantly at Rachel, who was different from her teacher Seve, but equally beautiful. She stretched out her hand to shake her hand, and then cast an inexplicable look at Luke beside her.

Good guy.

You already have a wife at home, and you still hook up with my teacher?

Daisy didn't know for a moment whether she should despise Luke, who planned to ride on two boats, or whether she should despise Seve, the teacher who knew what he was doing.

Luke met Daisy's gaze without changing his expression and asked everyone to go home and talk again.

Just when he was about to follow everyone into the house.

Jack called.

Luke answered.



Jack Hui, who was in the office, reported: "The person who said he would come to see you today is here."

Luke: "..."

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