A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 206: Doting on concubines and destroying wives is not advisable (fifth update, please subscr


The elevator opens.

Holding the information in his arms, Earl walked out of the elevator and walked towards Luke's office when he saw Jack standing at the door of the office like a door god.

Ninety-nine percent of the places where there is Luke, there is Jack.

Earl was used to this.

After all, in Jack's heart, the boss is more important than work.

Sometimes she wanted to suggest to Luke that instead of letting Jack be the leader of the action team, just let him become the administrative secretary or the life secretary.

Anyway, Jack originally graduated as an internal service agent.

Earl thought in his mind and walked up to Jack.

"Is the boss in there?"



Earl nodded and prepared to knock on the door.


As soon as she raised her right hand, Jack reached out and grabbed it.

Earl looked to Jack who stopped her.

"What are you doing?"

"The boss is busy."

Jack looked at Earl with a serious expression, and in order to convince Earl, he nodded heavily: "Very busy!"

Earl was slightly startled.

The next second.

She seemed to hear a crash in the office.


Earl was no longer calm, and looked at Jack, his eyes gradually moving in the direction of contempt. He originally wanted to yell loudly, but considering that he was afraid of being heard by Luke, he lowered his voice and whispered to Jack in front of him. He yelled, "Jack, how could you do this?"

She looked towards Jack with an expression full of pain and sorrow.

That expression...

It's like looking at a man who has given up his face for the sake of his own future. Now he doesn't even care about the bottom line and is only thinking about how to climb up.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

Jack was dumbfounded.

He looked at Earl's expression on him, and he felt bad. What have I done? I'm like this?

I didn't do anything.

Earl ignored Jack's sophistry, shook his head and said sadly: "I'm too lazy to tell you what you do on weekdays. After all, the boss hasn't chosen his own secretary yet. With you by his side, it's easier for the boss to do things, but... Is it true or not, in broad daylight, in the federal building, or in the boss’s office, you just help the boss call the girl?”

Jack understood.

"No, you misunderstood."

After he reacted, he quickly explained to Earl in front of him: "In there..."

Earl directly raised his hand, interrupting Jack who seemed to her to be trying to quibble, and took a deep breath: "Okay, no need to explain, how long have you been in there?"

Jack opened his mouth, listened to Earl's question, turned his head and glanced, then looked at the watch on his hand: "Almost an hour."

Earl's pupils contracted and he looked at Jack.

"It's been an hour?"



Earl took a breath: "After I met the boss, I dated a Dongguo man a few months ago, but he didn't even arrive for ten minutes."

Jack was slightly startled: "When will you pay..."

at this time.

Luke's voice came from the office.

"Jack, come in."

"...Here we come, boss."

Jack was startled, then said loudly, turned around and walked towards the office.

Push door.

Luke stood neatly in a suit and tie in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with his hands behind his back, as if he was admiring the scenery outside.

Seve looked as dignified and cold as before, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

If he hadn't really heard the fighting inside just now, Sever's cool face wouldn't be rosy, the floor over the sofa wouldn't be wet, and the air purifier would be running at high power. Words of sound.


It's as if no sexy story has ever happened.

Seve, who was sitting on the sofa with a rosy face, looked at Jack who glanced at her from the corner of his eye after coming in. He smiled and stretched out his hand to say hello.

Jack was startled and looked at Luke who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Luke coughed softly and turned around. His anger had just been eliminated and he looked at Jack with a normal expression: "Who was outside just now?"

Jack replied, "Earl."

Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Earl, who walked in from outside just after Jack finished speaking: "What's the matter?"

Earl also glanced at Seve sitting on the sofa out of the corner of his eye.

Another bitchi!

Earl thought this in his mind, then walked up to Luke expressionlessly and handed the document in his hand to Luke: "Director, the information you want about Roland Fry is over there at the Sentinel Secret Service. Just sent it."

Luke's eyes lit up and he took the information.

"Finally sent."


Earl nodded, and then said: "Director, I'll go out first."

Luke hummed, and after watching Earl and Jack go out again, he opened his hand and passed the relevant information about Roland Fury that Lindsay had sent over.

Although he didn't understand why Roland Fury was Alexander Pierce's person before, but he was no longer his person after the phone call last night.


Luke understood another thing.

Since Roland Fry is no longer Alexander Pierce's, naturally, the latter has no regard for him.

So Luke called Lindsay this morning and asked for a copy of Roland Fury's Sentinel Secret Service details.

He said that Roland Fry's luck would not be amazing three times in a row.

Luke means what he says.

Seve, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at the information in Luke's hand after Earl and Jack left the office: "Roland Fury? What do you want his information for? Do you plan to deal with him?"

Luke looked up at Sever.

"Can't you?"

"Do you know who his current boss is?"

"Before yesterday, I knew he was Alexander Pierce's man, today, I don't."

Lu Ke told the truth, and then laughed and said: "But, if I want to kill him, what does it have to do with who his boss is."


Jesus could not keep anyone he wanted to kill.

Roland Fury was able to jump in front of him twice before, purely because of his luck. The first time was because he did not have the ability to lift the table, and the second time was because he rushed back to give himself the ability to lift the table.

This is the reason why Roland Fury is not dead yet.

The only reason.

at the moment.

Roland Frey didn't have the luck to dance a third time in front of Luke.

"Ms. Sever."

Luke was thinking in his mind, and then looked at Seve, who seemed to be planning to stay here, and said directly: "It's time for you to go too."

Even if Seve just upped the ante.


Luke will not give Seve a chance to force him into the palace.

the reason is simple.

Doting on concubines and destroying wives is not what a man does.

Although he does not object to sports with Seve, and even likes Seve a little, he will still marry Rachel.

Luke and Rachel feel very comfortable together.

Although Rachel was with him at the beginning, she had her own little thoughts.

Ambitious, but not much.

Sometimes, a little ambition won't cause any trouble, and may even bring about some interesting changes.

For example, sometimes, Rachel would force him to reveal some insignificant inside information while sleeping.

Luke enjoyed being with Rachel.

Especially now, when Rachel comes home from get off work, he will find that it feels like home only after Rachel comes back.

Sever ignored Luke's expulsion order and frowned: "Didn't Alexander tell you that Roland Fry is Daniel Whitehall's man?"

Luke, who had just lowered his head and was about to ignore Sever, looked up when he heard this.

"Who? Daniel Whitehorse?"

It was the Hydra that dissected Jiaying and stole Jiaying's organs. He had survived from World War II to the present, and his original name was Werner Reinhardt.

Lu Ke frowned at first, then shook his head and smiled: "Once again, I want to kill him, what does it have to do with his boss!"


Will Daniel Whitehorse avenge a dead man?


Luke said it didn't matter, as long as Daniel Whitehorse was prepared to open the banquet himself.

The Luke of today is no longer the same as the Luke of yesterday.

At the moment, Luke may not be very qualified to say "When I'm in a good mood, I'll kill a thousand, and when I'm in a bad mood, I'll kill ten thousand" in the Marvel Universe, nor is he very qualified to come in front of Ancient One "I don't eat beef."

But for now.

If Gu Yi doesn't come out, he still has the qualification to say, "Now that I know everything, I won't act in this drama."

Luke was thinking, then he closed the information in his hand and looked at Seve: "So, is there anything else?"

Seve looked at the expression on Luke's face seriously.

Luke also looked at Seve expressionlessly.

after awhile.

Seve looked at Luke: "Did Alexander ask you to do this, or did you want to do it yourself?"

Luke heard the different meaning in Sever's words, pulled out the seat behind him, stood up, and walked towards the sofa again: "What do you mean?"

Sever followed, sat down on the sofa again, and looked at Luke with a serious expression: "Answer my question first."

Luke poured himself a glass of wine, then leaned on the sofa behind him, crossed his legs, and looked sideways at Seve: "Alexander can't order me, at least not now."

His previous promise to cooperate with Hydra was actually the same as his willingness to tolerate Roland Fury's first dance in front of him.

At that time, his focus was on restarting his genetic lock.

Of course.

Now that his version has been upgraded, he won't just stop cooperating with Hydra.

after all……

Next, he still has some things that he may need to rely on the power of Hydra to help find.

For example, vibranium or something like that can replace orichalcum.

After Luke finished speaking, Sever looked at the expression on Luke's face seriously for a while, and then couldn't help but frown: "Don't you know, didn't Alexander tell you?"

Luke: "..."

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