the next day.

It was the third day of the bet between Nick Fury and Luke.

early morning.

After Luke came to the office, he poured himself a glass of bourbon as a habit, then stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of his office, looking at the scenery of Los Santos at nine o'clock in the morning, while talking on the phone with his fiancée.

Rachel, who was also in her office, took the invitation letter just sent from the Dongguo Embassy and confirmed the time with Luke: "One week later, that is, next Wednesday, the night of the 23rd, make time, let's go Dongguk Embassy attended the dinner.”

Luke responded with a smile: "Okay, I'm fine."

After hanging up the phone.

Luke took a sip of the wine in his glass, then smiled and shook his head.

no way.

Who gave him a fiancée who expected her husband to become a dragon?

Compared to Luke, who had been lying around for two days with nothing to do.

Rachel has been extremely busy these past two days.

Constantly contacting major media, hyping up the fact that Nick Fury, the assistant director of the National Security Agency, ignored his professionalism for personal reasons and substituted his personal emotions into the case.

It is precisely because of Rachel's operation that this case has attracted the attention of countless media people and the public.

If Luke hadn't stopped her, Rachel would have even planned to call the party whip in Washington.

After all, from a certain perspective, both Luke and Nick Fury almost staked their own futures on this case.

No matter who loses, the outcome will not be any better.

So does Luke.

But he doesn't care about winning or losing.


The advantage is mine.

Luke looked at the scenery outside, with the corners of his mouth raised.



Luke turned around and looked at Earl who knocked on the door and came in.

After Earl closed the door with his backhand, he walked to Luke and reported the latest information: "Ben Stasiak did not come to work today."

When Luke heard the news, there was no surprise. Instead, he smiled: "Today is the last day. They can't find any other evidence, so it's time to make a desperate move. For them, Ben Stasiak is about to A rope appears before drowning. No matter what, they will grab this rope and fight to the death."


The trapped beast is still fighting.

Lu Ke likes a simple and crude way of doing things, just because the simpler and cruder it is, the less likely it is to make mistakes.

But that doesn't mean he's not good at intrigue.

Luke is also very good at plotting.

It’s still the main god space.

As everyone knows.

Luke didn't become a big boss as soon as he entered the main god space. He also had times when he was a weakling and joined the group. The intrigues and tricks were all what he did when he was in the group and was forced to train them.

But when he became financially free, he stopped playing tricks.

Nothing else.

Playing conspiracy is not as direct as the pleasure of punching to the flesh.

But this time!

Luke said he was willing to make an exception for Nick Fury.

After all, Nick Fury is also a good master of conspiracy, so just think of him as being happy to see him.


He was only slightly aggressive, but Nick Fury didn't seem to be able to.

Over at the private prison, Luke just did a very simple thing.

He just gave the person in charge of the private prison a clear direction and some guidance. The prison in a mysterious country in the East was self-financed and received a large bonus every year.

Lu Ke just said this casually. As for why this private prison cleared out all the black and white ones and specifically captured those yellow moisturizers and worked for them for free, then he didn't have half a dime. It’s related.

It's even easier at Marlborough School.

No fool would refuse to fight a lawsuit and claim compensation of more than one billion.

The same goes for students.

Clarice is the twelfth grade student assistant. She is very respected among the twelfth grade students, and as long as they don't talk nonsense, they have the money to go to college, so why not.

As for Ben Stasiak, who has basically surrendered to the enemy?

Luke always adheres to the idea that even if it is a piece of rag, it might be useful to him someday.

at the moment.

The waste has been used up, and it’s time to throw it into the trash can. After all, it doesn’t look pretty if it’s left on the table.

Luke thought to himself and looked at Earl.

"Issuing an announcement, FBI, Los Santos Division, Operations Group Agent Ben Stasiak is suspected of being involved in the murder of Operations Assistant Director Luke Dann, and escaped during a secret arrest operation yesterday."

"already sent."

Almost as soon as Luke finished speaking, Earl replied directly: "Jack has been searching the city with other team members."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Just send it."

While talking.

The phone rings.

Luke glanced at the caller ID and glanced at Earl.

Earl understood and prepared to leave the office.

Luke waved his hand and said no, then directly picked up Seve's phone and turned on the loudspeaker.

Earl was no outsider.

Like Jack, she is Luke's right-hand man who is ready to cultivate vigorously.

Nick Fury has a right-hand man, why shouldn't he have one?

Luke believes that under his training, Jack and Earl will have better achievements and future than Colson and Natasha from any perspective.

This is the advantage of choosing the right boss.

"Hello, Ms. Sever, good morning."

"I'm fine, I wonder if you are okay."

"I am fine too."

"Not necessarily."

Seve crossed his arms and sat in the air fortress he flew to Northern Europe: "There seems to be a traitor on Director Dan's side. If Director Dan allows me to force the palace, I will tell you the name of this traitor."

Luke smiled, not giving Seve any illusions about forcing him into the palace: "What you want to say is Ben Stasiak."

Sever frowned and looked at Ben Stasiak who was meeting Nick Fury in his office on the screen in front of him.

"You know."


"...Is this also part of your plan?"

"if not."

Luke has reached a cooperation agreement with Seve, so there is no need to hide it: "Horton Lewis has passed the first seven years, and he hasn't gone down to accompany Horton Lewis yet. I thought the smart Seve would guess Until this point.”

Seve chuckled.

"Bingxue is smart, so you didn't ask me to force you into the palace."

"Forcing a woman to have a baby is also based on principles."

"What principle."

"You can take what I give you, and you can't steal what I don't give you."


“That’s when you’ve never seen me not eating beef.”

"But you eat beef."

"So you've never seen me not eating beef."

Lu Ke said with a smile: "Believe me, you will know what my true domineering looks like when I stop eating beef."

When he becomes domineering, even the Lord God dares to do it.

Do you really think that the Lord God is so willing to let him retire and at the same time call any reincarnator "kid"?

Seve couldn't GANK the meaning of Luke's words.

But she was too lazy to think about it.

It should be the same as "Marry a virtuous wife", which is not a good thing.

With this thought in his mind, Seve rolled his eyes and planned to end the call: "Forget it, as long as you know, let me tell you that Nick Fury and the others set off with your traitor."

Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Earl beside him.

Earl frowned, took out the phone, and called Jack directly. After getting through, he also directly pressed the play button.

"Jack, where are you."

"What's wrong."

"The National Security Agency people have already set off."


Jack, who was squatting outside and had no intention of letting Ben Stasiak enter the Federal Building, was slightly startled when he heard this: "No way, we have been watching, and no one of them came out."

Seve in the Sky Fortress said: "The high technology of this bureau is beyond your imagination. He wants you to not see it. It is still very simple. They have already arrived at Erwin Street."

Jack cursed Shet angrily, roared to the side, and then heard the roar of the car engine.

"Boss, two minutes."


Luke stood up from his seat, came to the floor-to-ceiling window again, and looked towards Erwin Street in the distance.

He seemed to see two black commercial vehicles heading this way.


Behind them, Jack and the others were rushing towards two black commercial vehicles with police lights on.

"They found out."

Sitting in the second black business car, Natasha, who was in charge of driving, raised her eyes, glanced at the rearview mirror, covered her headset and said in a deep voice: "Sir, we are exposed."

Nick Fury, who was sitting in the first car, immediately gave the order.

"Stop them."


Natasha responded. As she followed the first black business car in front and turned into a small road with only two lanes, she looked at the two black Audi cars that were about to catch up from behind and turned the steering wheel to the side. One turn.


The black commercial vehicle instantly crossed the two lanes, blocking the road.


Jack subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

Natasha, wearing a black tights and a big red ponytail, got out of the black business car.

Jack looked at Natasha who was blocking the road and unbuckled his seat belt. At the same time, he reported to Luke the situation he encountered.

The black Audi behind had already turned around immediately, but it was definitely too late to intercept it.


"I saw it, it was blocked."


"It's okay. I blocked you and I can just take revenge. For example, make him fall in love with you and then dump her."

"Ah, boss, this is not good."

"I trust you."


Luke raised the corner of his mouth and said casually, then his eyes fell on the black business car that crossed the path and headed directly to the street of the Federal Building.

The next second.

Luke withdrew his gaze and walked towards the office door.

"Let's go, distinguished guests are coming, it's time to welcome them."


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