A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 239 Successfully adding insult to injury (Third update, please subscribe!!)

Because when Nick Fury came to Los Santos, the entire public opinion on the West Coast was accurately guiding the public to pay attention to this matter.

So after Rachel broke the hard news seven days ago, people knew one thing very clearly.

Nick Fury is afraid that he will be punished by his boss.

In fact, as the public expected, in the past seven days, there has been one wave after another of news from Washington regarding Nick Fury's accountability.


Few people really know how much Nick Fury lost in this wave.

Ambassador Han is not an ordinary citizen.

But this was the first time he heard about losing 50 million.

"Fifty million?"


Ambassador Han was a little surprised by this, and then said thoughtfully: "No wonder this time, Director Fury was publicly dismissed by the National Security Agency the next day after returning to Washington."

When Nick Fury returned to Washington from Los Santos that day, as soon as he stepped into the Department of Justice building, the National Security Agency held an emergency press conference. In the name of abuse, Nick Fury was directly detained without hesitation. Rui was fired.

For this reason, the people who had been scolding the National Security Agency immediately gave up the abuse and began to applaud the National Security Agency for its courage.

There's just a problem.

Nick Fury was never the director of operations of the National Security Agency.

Lu Ke looked at Ambassador Han casually: "Ambassador Han also thought that the 50 million was paid by the National Security Agency?"

Ambassador Han caught the keyword: "Isn't it?"

Luke shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't know if the money was paid by the National Security Agency, but the name on the remittance record is not the National Security Agency."

Ambassador Han was a little curious: "Is it a private account?"

So he thought in his mind.

However, as a federal official, having money is actually a very normal thing.

Ambassador Han was a little curious about this, but he didn't take it seriously.


Lu Ke smiled, and then seemed to be thinking seriously: "The name of the remittance information is too long. It seems to be called the Bureau of Land Strategy and Logistics Support or something. Yes, that's the old name."

He didn't know if the current SHIELD had changed its name.

Anyway, the name on the remittance record of 50 million at that time and the payment information was from the Bureau of Land Strategy and Logistics.

After Lu Ke said the name, he nodded and looked at Ambassador Han: "Yes, that's the name, that's right."

Ambassador Han was slightly startled when he heard the name: "What... is this situation?"

Luke looked at the expression on Ambassador Han's face and didn't care whether the latter knew or not. He just dismissed it as casual chat and shrugged: "Who knows, the federal law enforcement agencies have gone to sea. Anyway, these 50 million Beautiful swords are worth real money. Not only do I have no objection to Nick Fury, I even hope he can come to see me more often."

One trip is 50 million.

If only Nick Fury could come here once a month.

Tsk tsk.

Luke said this, with a smile on his face that showed he thought so and hoped this would happen, and raised the wine glass in his hand.

Ambassador Han handed over his wine glass and clinked it with Luke. Just when he was about to speak, a young man wearing a black casual suit with a thin face but deep eyes and an alertness walked away not far away. come over.

"Ambassador Han."

"Zheng Xian."

Ambassador Han looked at the visitor and was obviously a little surprised. He apologized to Lu Ke and then went up to him: "When did you come here?"

Zheng Xian shook hands with Ambassador Han.

Lu Ke subconsciously looked at the man who was talking to Ambassador Han after Ambassador Han called out the man's name.

Zheng Xian.

Is that Zheng Xian from the Divine Spear Bureau?

Lu Ke thought in his mind, and then looked at Ambassador Han walking towards this side with Zheng Xian, put away the thoughts in his mind, and looked at Zheng Xian led by Ambassador Han.

"Who is this……"

"Sorry, Director Dane, let me introduce you."

Ambassador Han smiled apologetically and followed Luke to introduce Zheng Xian beside him: "This is Zheng Xian. Zheng Xian is the counselor of our Consulate General in New York."

Zheng Xian smiled and extended his hand to Lu Ke: "Hello, Director Danen, I have long admired your name."

Lu Ke shook hands with Zheng Xian: "Really? Has my fame spread to New York City?"

Zheng Xian nodded and said: "Of course, the dispute between the two superheroes on the east and west coasts is also on the front pages of many newspapers in New York City."

Especially those small newspapers whose resources are not as good as those of big newspapers.

When these tabloids find that they have no front-page headlines and may have to open the sunroof, they will change their perspective and use the idea of ​​who is the most powerful of the two superheroes from the east and west coasts.

Zheng Xian said this, and then after letting go, he looked at Lu Ke: "However, we support you, and so does Ambassador Han."

Lu Ke looked at Ambassador Han with a smile: "Ambassador Han also thinks highly of me?"

Ambassador Han seemed to be shaking his head for Zheng Xian who betrayed him. After hearing what Luke said, he smiled and nodded: "Of course."

Rachel, who was quietly watching the three chatting with Ambassador Han's wife, saw this and jokingly said to Ambassador Han: "Before coming, there were rumors that Tony Stark would also come here, but Ambassador Han would not Just to witness the first meeting of the two superheroes from the east and west coasts.”

What kind of chat will quickly enhance friendship.

Serious but lively gossip and jokes are the best way to transform interpersonal relationships from strangers to familiar ones.

Rachel certainly wouldn't have said that if Tony Stark was here.

After all, when the two superheroes from the east and west coasts aren't in the same room, it's a serious but lively joke.

If Luke and Tony Stark were together, then this would not be a joke, but would be suspected of fanning the flames.

Ambassador Han was not a serious and unsmiling diplomat in the traditional sense. He laughed and joked after hearing Rachel's joke.

Zheng Xian also changed the topic appropriately: "What was Director Danen talking about just now? Can I get involved?"

Luke said with a smile: "Of course, it's gossip. The more people participate, the more interesting it will be."

Now his plan to add insult to injury is even more secure.

He didn't expect that Zheng Xian from the Divine Spear Bureau would also appear tonight.

Luke originally thought that he might know about the existence of SHIELD, or he might not know about the existence of SHIELD. With the mentality of giving it a try, he just wanted to gossip about his gains with others.

But Zheng Xian definitely knows that SHIELD exists.

After all, the Bureau of Spears he leads is specifically targeting S.H.I.E.L.D.

If Zheng Xian finds out about this, Nick Fury will lose 50 million US dollars to him using S.H.I.E.L.D.’s public funds.


Nick Fury, do you still want to spend this New Year comfortably?

Just dream.

Just wait for the wrath of Poor Rabbit to come.

As everyone knows.

Christmas is a holiday in the West, but not in the East.

Luke thought that he might not be able to go anywhere during the holidays this year. Nick Fury, who needed to be punished, had a bright smile on his face and told Zheng Xian how Nick Fury still insisted on going his own way despite his repeated dissuasion. He became a gambler and eventually lost his female agent and fifty million dollars to him.

Zheng Xian initially frowned when he heard that Nick Fury had lost the right to date his female agent three times.

Then when he heard Luke mention that Nick Fury lost another 50 million in public funds from the Homeland Security Defense and Logistics Agency, his eyebrows completely frowned.

But he soon let go.


Lu Ke had already caught it. After finishing speaking, he sighed and looked at Zheng Xian: "Actually, I also learned a lesson through this incident."

Zheng Xian had something on his mind and looked at Lu Ke with a calm smile.

"What do you think Chief Dane has to say?"

"It's terrible for a gambler who loses in a hurry."

Lu Ke said this in authentic Dongguo dialect, and then shook his head and said: "No wonder my mother told me before she died that she hoped that I would not have anything to do with gambling and drugs in the future. Otherwise, she would be in Jiuquan." You will never forgive me."

After hearing this, Zheng Xian looked at Lu Ke, who had a hint of fear on his face, and wanted to say something.

You speak Dongguo so well, but you haven’t mentioned a word about Huang.

It's a pity that Zheng Xian's attention is no longer on Huang.

Fifty million.

In his mind, the only thing left in his mind was that Nick Fury lost 50 million to Luke, and it was a matter of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s public funds.


What is their annual budget for the Spear Bureau?

The budget of the Divine Spear Bureau this year is less than one billion.

The results of it.

Nick Fury lost fifty million on a bet?

The money in love is not your own, so you don't know how to feel distressed.

Wait a moment.

Why doesn't the Security Council seem to know about this matter?

Zheng Xian was thinking like this and couldn't sit still, but he still talked to Ambassador Han and Lu Ke who were accompanying him. After waiting for a while, he found an excuse and went directly back to Ambassador Han's office. He picked up the phone and couldn't wait. I called the Dongguo director stationed in Washington.

Director Dong Guo was not surprised when he received a call from Zheng Xian.

"Zheng Xian, how are you? Have you seen that Luke Dane?"


Zheng Xian nodded.

The reason why he showed up at the embassy and consulate in Los Santos today was because he heard that Luke was sure to come tonight, so he planned to come and take a look.

After all, in the Federation, there are many East Asians who are doing well and maintaining a friendly attitude towards them, but in law enforcement agencies that imagine violent attributes, there are very few such people.

"How does it feel at first?"

"It feels bad."


Director Dong Guo was stunned for a moment, and his tone became a little serious: "How do you say that?"

Zheng Xian reacted: "Luke gave me a pretty good impression. I can feel his kindness to us. I feel bad. It's not because of him, but because of Nick Fury. Mr. Director, you know What has Nick Fury done?"

Director Dongguo: "..."

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