A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 242: The outcome of Nick Fury’s treatment (first update, please subscribe!)

Chapter 242: The outcome of Nick Fury’s treatment (first update, please subscribe!)

a new Year.

New beginning.

Just when Luke and Rachel took Lorna to the Swiss Alps to watch the snow and enjoy the New Year's holiday, a call came to Rachel's mobile phone.

Rachel took out her phone, looked at the caller number, and chose to answer the call.


"……Hold on."

Rachel handed the phone to Luke who was sitting beside him. Even in the snowy mountains, he was still wearing a suit and leather shoes and a fur coat. He didn't seem to be cold at all: "Pierce's phone number."

Luke, who was sitting aside, was drinking local specialty wine while watching Lorna, who fell down for the fifth time in the ski resort and then got back up.

When Luke heard this, he turned his head and looked at Rachel.

Rachel shook the phone in her hand.



Rachel handed the phone to Luke, then stood up, put on her gloves again, and walked into the ski resort, preparing to practice the art of wrestling with Lorna.

Luke put the phone to his ear and said, "Sasha, there's something wrong with your phone."

Alexander was slightly startled.

"What's wrong?"

"Although we are close friends now, I still don't like it when you call Rachel. I'm afraid I will misunderstand."

After all, Alexander already has a proven Cao Cao habit.

It's better to be careful.

Alexander was stunned again after hearing this, and then couldn't help but shake his head.

"I want to call you, but I don't have my cell phone with me."

"Bring it."


"I forgot to charge it last night."

Luke took out his mobile phone from his arms and glanced at the mobile phone that showed low battery. Then he thought that he had forgotten to charge it last night. He shook his head: "Is there something wrong? I mean, try to keep as little contact as possible these days, lest Dr. Zola sees it." Is it a misunderstanding?"

After all, he and Alexander had nominally broken up.

And Alexander also proved with practical actions that when Nick Fury fought with him in the ring, people made it clear that they were on Nick Fury's side.

Even Luke could figure out the rumors inside Hydra.



"He is just Alexander's plaything. Nick Fury is Alexander's true love."


Alexander didn't know what Luke was thinking about, so he kept the story short.

"Nick Fury's decision has been made."

"So fast."

Lu Ke was a little surprised at this time: "It's only the 3rd this year. Isn't there a rumor that it won't come out until around the 10th?"

Alexander shook his head: "The result of the previous vote was originally two to two, and the opinions were deadlocked on the British side."

In the external Security Council, the five hegemons have veto power.

But this is the S.H.I.E.L.D. Security Council, which is specifically targeting S.H.I.E.L.D., so adhering to the principle of democracy, the minority has always been subordinated to the majority.

This time, the matter of how to deal with Nick Fury is stuck with British officials who have not made a final decision.

But just now, British officials made their own decision.

Luke smiled. Even though he and Alexander had passed their breath last time and had a rough guess about the outcome, he still asked.

"How is the result."

"The British officials gave their votes to the East and Russia."


This result was obviously not what Luke expected.

Luke said curiously: "How could that be?"

British officials voted for East China and Russia at the SHIELD Security Council.


Even if this was placed on the real Security Council, this result would be quite explosive.

As everyone knows.

England used to be the father of the Federation, but now he is the son of the Federation. Although the relationship between father and son has been reversed, what has not been reversed is that the father and son still wear the same pants.


"What went wrong?"

"Daniel Whitehorse."

Alexander, who was in his study, felt a headache and rubbed his eyebrows: "This old guy still took action."

After Luke chopped off Nolan Fury, it is certain that either Daniel Whitehorse or Nick Fury will come to trouble Luke.

So Luke signed a cooperation agreement with Alexander.

One of these is directed at Nick Fury.

Because as time goes by after Nick Fury became the director of SHIELD, today, five years have passed, and Nick Fury is no longer very obedient.

Alexander plans to take this opportunity to expand the number of Hydras in SHIELD and at the same time knock on Nick Fury.

But just banging.

At first, Luke simply chopped up Nick Fury and sent him to reunite with his brother Roland Fury in the Hades of Hel.

Because from his point of view, chopping up Nick Fury in advance would bring no harm at all.

Put it this way.

If Nick Fury is chopped off and Nick Fury is gone, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not secretly study the Cosmic Cube, so aliens will not invade the earth.

Without Nick Fury, frankly speaking, the Hydra uprising would have been successful.


Nick Fury's death will bring no harm to mankind, the earth, and even the Chiritans who innocently threw their lives on the earth.

But Alexander dissuaded Luke.

The reason Alexander gave was simple.

"Nick Fury is a guy who thinks he's smart."

"But this guy is actually a fool."

"People like this are very good."

"Because of this, when you are controlling him, he will not feel that you are controlling him."

"But what if he steps down?"

"You don't want to replace Nick Fury with a truly smart person."

"Like that Maria Hill?"

This is the reason Alexander gave.

Luke was indifferent at first, but after Alexander said that while Nick Fury was still on stage, the size of Hydra could be expanded, and one of them belonged to Daniel Whitehorse.

Of course.

It will be Luke's in the future.


It would not be in the interests of Luke, who would inherit Daniel Whitehorse's seat and legacy, to replace someone else.

Luke thought for a while and felt that Alexander was right.

So he also listened to Alexander's opinion.

This is why Nick Fury came to trouble him, and why he didn't send Nick Fury to eat where he was.

But right now?

They just wanted to beat Nick Fury and make him behave like a good dog, but Daniel Whitehorse quietly stabbed him in the back?

Luke was a little curious.

"Can he do this? By the way, S.H.I.E.L.D. should be your common asset of Hydra. Does anyone else have any objections to him doing this?"



Luke bluntly said: "Nick Fury stepped down. What good will it do to them? They were bullied by Daniel Whitehorse and didn't even give a shit?"

Alexander smiled bitterly and shook his head: "There is no way, who made Daniel Whitehorse promise them the temptation of eternal life."

Luke sneered and said, "It's that alien who can live forever again. How about it? Has he found it?"

Before he went out for vacation, Jiaying had once again been placed in a safe house in the federal building.

Luke didn't believe that Daniel Whitehorse had the ability to take Jiaying away from his safe house.

He is even less afraid that Daniel Whitehorse knows that Jiaying is on his side.

Better to know.

If Daniel Whitehorse dared to send someone over, he could just follow the clues, find Daniel Whitehorse, and chop this guy with a knife.


He once again targeted Jiaying.


With the successful case of facing Chen Huaxing last time, Jiaying still has unreserved trust in Lu Ke this time.

Lu Ke would not really put Jiaying in danger.

So just in case, in addition to the safe house, he also prepared other means to ensure Jiaying's safety.

Luke shook his head and told Alexander his plans after taking the stage: "With these insects, how can you do well in Hydra? Let me tell you, Sasha, after I take the stage, I will just do nothing. Don't stop, just get rid of them all, and then you and I will control Hydra together."

Alexander twitched the corner of his mouth: "You should first think about how to deal with Daniel Whitehorse."

Luke shrugged and said: "Have you not seen that I have been away from the Federation for almost ten days? Do you think I am really on vacation? I was waiting for him to send people to kill him. In the end, I gave him a chance, and he was a little bit They don’t even know how to cherish it.”

He has been here in the Swiss Alps for almost six days.

During these six days, he watched Rachel and Lorna doing fancy wrestling on the ski resort, but he didn't see the shadow of Daniel Whitehorse's men.

Alexander shook his head again: "As I told you before, we will also have a holiday and put it on the 10th. By the 10th, he will probably concentrate on dealing with you."

Luke smiled.

"I'm waiting for him. Okay, let's digress. Speaking of your matter, this time he took action boldly. I'm afraid he is also planning to deal with you."

"If he didn't move, I would worry that he was holding back his bad intentions to deal with me."

Alexander said: "But this time, he didn't know what method he used to make the British officials side with the East and Russia, and drove Nick Fury out of office. He has already taken action, but I am not worried that he will follow I went to war."

Luke nodded thoughtfully.

"Is Nick Fury really ousted?"

"So be it."

"...What does it mean to count?"

"Actually, the East and Russia don't really want to oust Nick Fury, because the only person left who is suitable to take over Nick Fury's job is Maria Hill."

Alexander shook his head: "But Maria Hill is from the military. This is one of the reasons why the East and Russia compromised and Nick Fury came to power. Therefore, until there is no more suitable candidate, Nick ·Fury staying on stage is the best choice after weighing everything."

Luke: "..."

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