A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 268 Someone reported that Luke is a mutant (second update!)


People of the same clan.

Luke looked down at the portable X-gene detector with a red light on his hand, and then looked up at Mrs. Viper in front of him.

never mind.

This is a misunderstanding that needs no explanation.

Luke smiled slightly and handed the detector with the red light on his hand back to Mrs. Viper, who regarded him as a member of the same tribe.

Mrs. Viper took it and put it back into her backpack: "Friendly reminder, the Red Devil is a mutant of Director Whitehorse, but Director Whitehorse is more than one mutant."

Luke nodded.


"You're welcome, farewell."

"I send you."


Mrs. Viper did not refuse this, but took the elevator with Luke, went down to the first floor of the federal building, walked out of the building together, and then, with Luke seeing him off, got into a car parked on the roadside. Black business car.


After Mrs. Viper got into the car, she said goodbye to the driver, and then said goodbye to Luke who was standing outside the car with a smile: "Nice to meet you, Director Dane."

Luke put his hands in his pockets: "I hope to see you more often in the future."

Mrs. Viper smiled charmingly.


The door of the business car closed automatically, and then the engine roared. Then, the black business car carrying Mrs. Viper left Luke's sight.

Luke turned around, took out his phone, and walked towards the federal building.



"The signal is fine."


Lu Ke said and turned to look at the direction where the black business car disappeared: "See if she really wants to go to the airport. If so, check the flight information."

Debbie, who was in the office and was using real-time surveillance along the road in Los Santos to keep an eye on the black business car, nodded with a serious expression: "No problem, boss."

after an hour.

At San Luodu International Airport, a private plane successfully took off after taxiing and flew thousands of miles into the sky.

Luke also got the route information of the private jet that Debbie just sent.

Canada, Ottawa Airport.

The old dog’s nest is in Canada?

Luke raised his eyebrows. If Whitehorse's home base was within federal territory, he could authorize Debbie to use federal reconnaissance satellites for investigation.

But Canada?

It can be used, but this method is not very safe and easy to be discovered.

never mind.

Anyway, there is only one month left. After one month, after the location coordinates are released, it will be the death of the old dog.


The red devil must be killed first, otherwise, this old dog can let the red devil take him away anytime and anywhere.


How to kill the red devil?

Luke squinted his eyes, thinking.

A week later.

Seve, who flew to Australia in his flying fortress, sent a video call.

In the study room at home, Luke, who was listening to Rachel's social dinner arrangements during this time, looked at the incoming call, raised his eyebrows, grabbed the phone, walked directly to the yard, and answered the call.

Seve got straight to the point.

"Mrs. Viper has approved Whitehorse's assets and funds."

"So fast?"

Luke lay down on the recliner and was a little surprised when he heard the news: "I originally thought this old dog planned to postpone it until the end of the month."

Sever smiled and said: "Do you know who his trustee is?"

Luke asked: "Who."

"Ana, are you familiar?"



Seve put his slender legs in white boots on his desk and looked at Luke with a smile: "It's the Anna you caught and played with for several days. No surprise."

Luke ignored the first half of Seve's words.

The relationship between him and Anna is innocent.

You can learn from the sun and the moon.

As for whether it's surprising?

Luke shook his head: "I can't say it's surprising, I can only say it's expected."

This time it was Seve's turn to be surprised: "You can guess this?"

Lu Ke smiled and said: "Isn't this difficult? To manage assets, you can't just find someone randomly. This person must be close to Lao Gou. At the same time, he is also the most reassuring to Lao Gou. And he has been PUAed by Lao Gou for so many years. Anna is the most suitable candidate."


Whitehorse was only distorted in educating his children. If some parents like to praise education, and some parents like to belittle education, then what Laogou adopts is a perverted education.

But anyway.

From the fact that Lao Gou is willing to spend the lives of twenty-five Hydra agents and expose the existence of the Red Devil to save Anna, this shows that although Lao Gou adopts a perverted education for Anna, he cannot Despite the denial, the old dog still regarded Anna as his daughter.

For assets under custody, even if it is only temporary custody, Lao Gou will definitely not just find an outsider to take care of it.

At least the red devil, who seemed closer to Anna, was not among the old dog's preferences.


Is it difficult to guess whether Anna will become Laogou’s asset custody option?

"If you understand people's hearts, you will know what the other person wants to do, and you will be able to do it."


Seve took a deep breath after hearing what Luke said: "Don't tell me that you already guessed what happened today when you deliberately let Anna go?"

Luke smiled slightly: "I'm not that awesome. After all, who knows if Whitehorse has other children."

Seve said: "In addition to Anna, he also has a son, Anna's brother, but that son cannot hold up the wall."

Luke shrugged: "That's it. I just think that Anna can be sent out by Lao Gou to perform tasks. From a certain point of view, Anna has already obtained Lao Gou's approval. Therefore, Anna can manage Lao Gou's assets. It’s no surprise.”

Seve said: "Awesome!"

The conversation changed.

Seve then said in a deep voice: "The capital verification of both parties has been completed. You need to be more careful now. Based on my understanding of Whitehorse, he will not wait until a month later to attack you. After all, you are here tomorrow." , he is hiding."

Luke hummed.

"I know, but I'm not worried about what the old dog will do during this period."

"Old Dog's base is not in the Federation."

"The Federation is Alexander's base camp. Although the relationship between me and Alexander has broken down, Alexander still supports me because I want to challenge the old dog. This shows that Alexander is still on my side after all."

"Same goes for Strack and Malik."

"They also support me, and the old dog can't connect them and let them use their resources to attack me."

"Same goes for Dr. Zola."

"The only one left, who is said to be an alliance, but is actually almost loyal to the old dog, is Baron Zemo."

"But he has nothing to worry about."

When Sever heard this, he frowned slightly: "Baron Zemo is loyal to Whitehorse, why aren't you worried?"

Luke smiled: "Seph, you have to understand the nature of allegiance. The essential problem of allegiance is that the person who is loyal to you is destined to betray you sooner or later."

That's why he never asked anyone for loyalty.

In the end, loyalty will only lead to betrayal.

Luke chose to cooperate.

Only cooperation can achieve win-win results.

Just like his cooperation with Alexander, it is also the same as the cooperation he said with Anna at that time.

He does not need the allegiance of others.

Luke just needs to cooperate, because after accepting the allegiance of others, you will still feel a little heartbroken if they betray you in the end.

But if a partner betrays him, then he should be killed, and there is no need for even a little inner fluctuation.

It is more appropriate to discuss matters as they arise.

Luke thought thoughtfully: "As for Lao Gou himself, Lao Gou has many Hydra agents, but he only transported so many agents to Los Santos before, and I have killed them all. As for Lao Gou being trained by the Federation, There may be some people, but the one who poses the greatest threat to me has been killed by me in advance."

Whitehorse could actually wait.

It's a pity that he was too impatient.

Aaron Miller, as the California director of the FBI, is theoretically the pawn in Whitehorse's hands that poses the greatest threat to Luke.

If Whitehorse waited until this moment to use that chess piece to cause him some trouble, if nothing else, he would at least not be able to use the Los Santos FBI to do things for him.


Aaron Miller has already been sent to the banquet by him.

Even if Whitehorse still has chess pieces in Quantico, it's useless because the rules on the surface are there.

not to mention……

Whitehorse has people in Quantico, so doesn't Luke have anyone in Quantico?

do not forget.

Before Christmas last year, he walked into Quantico with 20 million U.S. dollars. Although the money was only used to explain the Roland Fry incident, no matter what, a man who can send money home Their children will always impress their parents.

Seve listened to Luke's analysis. Although he felt that Luke's analysis was correct, he still reminded him.

"You did lock Whitehorse's hands and feet this time, but Whitehorse is one of the oldest directors. Be careful of what other secret methods he has, and don't get caught at the last minute."

"I know it well."

"Okay, I'll hang up first."


Luke responded. After looking at the black screen, a beautiful figure appeared on the screen mirror of his mobile phone. He raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Rachel standing behind him with a smile on his face: "How long have you been looking behind you?"

Rachel smiled and handed over the bourbon in her hand: "Not long ago, I just came here. Are you sure there is nothing I need to worry about?"

Luke took the bourbon, took a sip, and smiled. Just when he was about to speak, the phone in his hand rang again.


Luke glanced at the number, said something to Rachel, and then chose to answer the video call from Lindsay.


Lindsay's figure instantly appeared on the phone screen.

Luke spoke.

"Lindsay, I was just going to ask you for help..."

"Luke, I received news that Stryker sent people to find you. There is evidence that you are a mutant. Atlanta has set off to go to you."


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