In fact, Whitehorse's plan was perfect.

Using the lives of twenty-five Hydra agents as bait, they not only rescued Anna, who was imprisoned by Luke at the time, but even photographed evidence that Luke was a mutant.

No matter from which perspective, no one can find fault with Whitehorse's method.

If it were any mutant, he would probably have no choice but to run away on the spot if Whitehorse did this.

Luke knew what Whitehorse was doing.

He just planned to take advantage of the fact that he was a mutant and let the Sentinel Secret Service come to investigate him, leaving him with only two options.

Or just surrender and be captured.

Or open it immediately now.

But no matter what Luke chooses, in Whitehorse's view, this is a conspiracy, and Luke will definitely lose the FBI.

Without the FBI's skin, Whitehorse said he would win this life-or-death situation.

There's just a problem.

Luke is really not a mutant.


Luke held Rachel in his arms and brainstormed.

"I could actually be a mutant."


Rachel, who was lying quietly in Luke's arms with her eyes closed, listening to Luke's heartbeat that gave people a sense of security, opened her eyes instantly after hearing these words, and looked up at Luke from her arms.

It only took Rachel a moment to realize what operation Luke was going to play.

"Are you going to take advantage of the situation?"


Luke nodded, and after letting go of Rachel, they turned around and returned to the house. Luke walked towards the bar, and Rachel sat on the high stool in front of the bar.

Immediately afterwards.

Luke turned around and took out the bourbon and the red wine Rachel had just drank from the wine cabinet behind him. After pouring it for Rachel, he said: "There is a mutant next to the old dog who can also teleport. If I can’t kill the old dog without getting rid of this mutant first.”

Rachel now knew about Hydra, as well as Daniel Whitehorse and the Red Devil.

Luke didn't want to say it.

But after the battle at the safe house, after Luke learned that there was a red devil next to the old dog, he told Rachel what he had been busy with these days.

After all, this time the Red Devil was able to flash to Anna and take Anna away. There is no guarantee that the Red Devil will flash to Rachel or Lorna next time.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

Luke likes a saying.

Don’t bet to win!

And even if he doesn't tell these things now, Rachel will know about them in the future. Instead of hiding them, it's better to tell them as soon as possible.

After saying that, Luke was a little glad that he had said it.

Because after Luke explained how he was acting together with Alexander these days, and how he was acting with Seve from Dr. Zola's side, Rachel said with a somewhat enlightened expression: "So the fragrance you brought back a few days ago , it’s that Seve’s.”

Luke was stunned at that time.

The next second, he was hugged by Rachel.

"God, it turns out you are from Hydra. I thought you were cheating on me behind my back."



In Rachel's mind, Luke's cheating was more serious than Luke being a Hydra.

at the moment!

Rachel looked at Luke's inquiring gaze and frowned: "You want to take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of the situation. If you are confirmed by the Sentinel Secret Service, you will definitely be controlled by the Sentinel Secret Service. You may even be sent to a mutant prison. If that's the case, then this mutant Red Devil will definitely appear and take you to Whitehorse, right?"

Luke nodded: "The plan is almost like this, how about it, is it okay?"

Rachel is his fiancée.

He still likes to listen to his fiancée's advice on many issues.

Rachel shook her head.

"I feel bad."

"How to say."

Luke took a sip of wine and looked at Rachel seriously.

Rachel looked at Luke with a serious expression: "No matter how you plan to perform this operation, you must not be a mutant. Understand, Luke, you cannot be a mutant. At the very least, you cannot let the Sentinel Secret Service Found irrefutable evidence, you know?”

The bottom line is that they can't be mutants.

After all, the direction of public opinion in the Federation is changing.

The public will sympathize with Xiao Hei, sympathize with transgender people, and even sympathize with multi-sex people, but they will never show favor to mutants.

Don't ask why.

The question is who gave mutants various abilities that ordinary people don't have.

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

Once a mutant is exposed, in today's Federation, there is no other option but to leave far away.

Luke nodded: "Don't worry, no matter how they test, I'm definitely not a mutant."

He could be if he wanted to.

But if he doesn't want to, then he isn't.

Rachel said OK, and then said: "After setting this tone, we can talk about the problems in your plan. First, Sasha just said that William Stryker has no intention of getting involved with you and Whitehorse. In a war between two people, can you ensure that William Stryker agrees to help you on the premise that you are not a mutant?"

Luke was not worried about this issue: "Rachel, let's put it this way, if Stryker's mother was a mutant, after he heard about it, he would arrest her without hesitation."

Rachel was a little suspicious.

"Didn't you say that you are not familiar with this Stryker?"

"I'm not familiar with it, but I know this guy's character. If he knows that by cooperating with me, there is a chance to catch a real mutant who can teleport, he will definitely agree."

"That's good."

Rachel heard this and nodded: "Second question, are you sure that if you follow the trick, Whitehorse will fall into the trap?"

Luke's answer this time was not as sure as before: "I'm really not sure whether the old dog will fall into the trap."

He lowered his eyes and played with the wine glass in his hand, his eyes twinkling slightly.

Because for Daniel Whitehorse, once he was caught by the Sentinel Secret Service, he was sentenced to death.

The Sentinel Secret Service's mutant prison maintains a historical record of not a single mutant escaping.

And if Luke goes to mutant prison, Whitehorse could theoretically not even show his face.

Rachel nodded thoughtfully, looked at Luke, and expressed her opinion: "If this is the case, then I don't agree with your plan. It would be fine if the Red Devil appeared according to your plan, but if If we didn't show up, our mess would be quite big, have you ever thought about it?"

Luke shook his head: "Of course I have thought about it, so I wanted to seek your opinion."

If he was going to use his plan, it would be in order to make the old dog believe it.

no doubt.

He definitely needs to play a serious mutant captured by the Sentinel Secret Service.

The dignified Los Angeles FBI director is actually a mutant?

Tsk tsk.

Just this one line of text was enough to occupy the front page of the West Coast for at least two months.

As the fiancée, Rachel's career will definitely be affected.

So it's like what Rachel just said.

If you follow the plan and gain something, then everything is fine. After all, one effort leads to another gain.

But if the Red Devil had not appeared, then such an investment could not be said to be a loss of money, it could also be said to be a loss of blood.

"So I answer you, I disagree."

Rachel looked up at Luke and said with a serious expression: "It's not you who should be anxious now, but Whitehorse. As long as you stay calm these days and wait until his coordinates are announced, I believe he can only be around the world." He ran away, otherwise, he wouldn't be so eager to use the Sentinel Secret Service."

Lu Ke smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not in a hurry. I'm afraid that the readers will be anxious. After all, after so many chapters, Whitehorse is not dead yet."

Rachel blinked.

"Master Reader, what the hell?"

"just kidding."

Luke laughed, changed the topic, looked at Rachel and said, "But if the red devil is not eliminated, I still can't guarantee that I can kill Whitehorse."

He can guarantee that whenever he sees Whitehorse, Whitehorse will never leave his sight alive.

But Whitehorse didn't even appear in his sight.

How does he kill?

Just slap the earth to pieces?

Don't say that he doesn't have the strength yet, even if he does, if he dares to do this, Gu Yi will probably appear in front of him before he does it and tell him not to do it.

Rachel frowned, thought for a moment, and asked Luke, "Are you sure you can subdue the Red Devil when he appears?"

Luke shrugged: "Of course, as long as he shows up, he won't be able to run away."

Rachel nodded, then looked at Luke.

"Use me as bait."


Luke, who was drinking from his glass, paused slightly and looked at Rachel.


"Use me as bait."

"Don't even think about it."

Lu Ke's face darkened: "Do you want to listen to what nonsense you are talking about? I will use you as bait. I will do it as bait."

Rachel smiled and said: "But if you are a bait, the Red Devil will not dare to appear. I am just right. I am your fiancée. Once you get through this crisis, Whitehorse will only become more angry and will do everything possible to kill him." your."

All means have been exhausted.


The villain's last tried and tested method will be brought to the table.

That is to kidnap the people the protagonist cares about to threaten the protagonist.

And Whitehorse has gone to the extent of reporting Luke to the Sentinel Secret Service as a mutant, which shows that this is Whitehorse's last resort.

If even this last conventional method fails, then, seeing the time getting closer and closer, Whitehorse, who is about to embark on a long escape, will definitely choose unconventional means to deal with Luke.

Lu Ke decisively refused: "No, your plan is better than taking a gamble on my plan."

Rachel smiled and held Luke's right hand: "Your plan cannot be 100% perfect, but I can. I am your fiancée, so I am willing to take risks for you."

Luke: "..."

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