A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 272: The wife of chaff must not be abandoned (first update!)

Luke can understand what Zola did this time.

After all, the two of us agreed to work together to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory, but you ended up hooking up with Xiao Tiantian and Mrs. Niu next door while I wasn't paying attention.

Who can bear this.

Therefore, it is understandable that Zola allowed the video to circulate this time, and even contributed to it to spread faster.

After all, Zola also knows that Luke is not a mutant. Even if this video is promoted to the top of the global hot list, it can only disgust Luke, but not hurt him.


Lu Ke understands it, but whether he can accept it is another matter.

The most important thing.

If Zola dared to speculate on the video today, he would dare to stab him in the back tomorrow.

If it weren't for the fact that Zola was still helpful to him, he wouldn't have threatened Zola to pull out his network cable, but would have struck out hard and directly overturned his lair underground in the base.

Luke sneered, looked at Seve's call back, hung up, and put it in his pocket.


In the Sky Fortress, Seve listened to the busy tone from the phone. He dialed again and said directly, "I'm sorry, the person you dialed does not want to answer your call." Suddenly, a strong sense of déjà vu came over him again and he couldn't help it. He said angrily: "Dog man!"

When you really want it, you push it up with all your strength. When you don't use it, you don't even look at it.


Seve couldn't help but swore again, threw the phone on the bed beside him, took a deep breath, got up from the bed, and walked into the bathroom.

Half an hour later.

After putting on his daily clothes again and tying up his long hair, Seve walked out of the bathroom, opened the computer on his desk, clicked into a program with no appearance, and then chose to connect.

The signal was sent out instantly.

The next second.

Countless signals continuously converged on this laptop, and finally, an electronic avatar that looked blurry but could still be identified as Dr. Arnim Zola was formed.

Cypher let out a breath.



Dr. Zola's electronic voice came from the notebook: "What happened?"

Seve directly asked about the video of "Luke Magneto II Dane Battle" that was widely circulated on the federal Internet today.

To Seve's surprise.

Dr. Zola admitted simply.

"Yes, I did it."

The electronic Zola on the computer screen nodded and said in an electronic voice: "He called to ask for help."

Seve frowned, somewhat incomprehensible.


"He's too dangerous."


Seve was slightly startled.


"Yes, he is a little beyond my control. I couldn't predict whether it would be good or bad for us after he took over Whitehorse's position. I didn't expect that he could actually make Malik and Si Truck, the two bitter rivals, supported him.”

Dr. Zola's electronic voice was low and somewhat chaotic: "By the way, he still hasn't told you how he managed to get Malik and Strucker to support him?"

Seve was moved in his heart, shook his head and said: "No, teacher!"

Dr. Zola's electronic voice continued: "So, I need to give him a blow through this matter. If I don't give him a blow, I'm afraid that when our plan is successful, he will not hesitate to dump us." Grind and kill the donkey!"

At this point, Dr. Zola's tone changed: "After cooperating with Luke, I took the time to seriously study the history of Dongguo. The feeling he gave me was similar to the people in Dongguo's history who were successful in accomplishing things. Afterwards, it felt very similar to the emperors who liked to kill their donkeys."


To prevent this from happening, Dr. Zola's procedure gives the best option.

Knock on Luke ahead of time.

Dr. Zola wants to tell Luke in this way, if I can make this video spread on the Internet without you noticing, then I can destroy you in the same way in the future. .

Seve opened his mouth.

Dr. Zola saw Seve's hesitant actions through the camera and said, "What, am I wrong?"

Sever wanted to shake his head.


She felt that her teacher summed up Lu Ke too well.

Unkind and unjust!

Unload the mill and kill the donkey.

This dog man is the best at it.

Seve's expression twitched a few times, shook his head and said: "No, teacher, you are right, but Luke is very angry about it."

Zola disagreed: "Angry? What did he say?"

"He said if we wanted to continue working together, we had to find the address of the original video by five o'clock in the afternoon," Seifer said.

Zola made an electronic laugh: "Look, after being beaten by us, he still wants to threaten us. This proves that he is real..."

Sever interrupted directly: "Luke said that if we don't give it to you, he will go directly to the New Jersey base and unplug your network cable."

"..." The electronic Zora image on the computer screen remained motionless.


In a space located under an abandoned military base in New Jersey, almost the entire underground space is filled with computer hardware that makes the sound of overclocking.

Dr. Zola used all his computing power and was calculating frantically, how did Luke know that his lair was here.


Luke's information on the Internet is inherently incomplete, there is even a lot of it, and even a lot of the content is virtual.


"No answer!"

Dr. Zola's electronic avatar moved again, and the electronic voice came out again: "How did he know about this?"

Seve shook his head: "I don't know, teacher."

The data stream that maintained Dr. Zola's avatar was shaking. It seemed that Dr. Zola was still shocked by the news.

after awhile.

Dr. Zola spoke up: "Tell him that I will meet with him in the virtual conference room in half an hour."

Seve responded: "Okay, teacher."

The words fell.

call out!

Dr. Zola's electronic avatar disappeared from the computer screen in an instant.

Seve grabbed the phone that was put aside, pressed it, and opened an APP without an avatar. After opening it, he called Luke.

This time Luke didn't refuse.

Because Luke has returned to the office.

He was at home just now, and he was afraid that Seve would go crazy if he called again, and would say something without hesitation.

If that's the case, that's too bad.

Now that he has external troubles, it would not be a wise choice to cause internal troubles again.

A smart person will never allow himself to be attacked from both sides.

Luke, who had just arrived and sat down in his office, looked at Seve who called again and directly chose to answer the call.


"You are right. It was indeed the teacher who did it. He said that his program detected that after the success of this plan, there is a high probability that you will kill the donkey, just like those in your country who treated the heroes after the founding of the country. It’s like the founding emperor who was liquidated, so he wants to use this matter to give you a blow.”


Luke couldn't help but smile, looking at Seve leaning on the bed with his long legs crossed on the phone screen, and touched his chin.

"Then did he say that I resemble that emperor?"

"That's not true."

"All right."

Luke shook his head.

Seve thought for a while and finally said: "Actually, I may be responsible for what the teacher did."

Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Cypher in the video.



Sever nodded: "I didn't tell you the reason why you let Straker and Malik choose to support you. The teacher may have suspected that you had reached an agreement with Straker and Malik in private. Some kind of agreement?"

So that's it.

Luke nodded thoughtfully.


Luke was a little curious.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask me to tell him."


All right.

You left me speechless.

Luke looked at Seve, who looked cool but had a resentment in the video. He thought about it and explained: "I'm not angry with you. I knew from the beginning that you didn't push for this video, because I I know that if Dr. Zola gave you the instructions, you would definitely tell me in advance."

Seve's eyes were full of resentment.

"Then you were mean to me this morning."

"I don't."

"You have it, I have a recording."

"……Okay I'm sorry!"

Standing upright after a beating and admitting when he is wrong are one of Luke's few strengths.


It's just a matter of admitting your mistake to your woman, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Seve refused to give up.

"Then you have to make it up to me."


Luke rubbed his eyebrows: "What do you want."

A hint of cunning flashed in Seve's eyes.

"I want to force you into the palace!"

"Impossible, change it."


Seve asked unconvinced: "I am not as good as her in any way. In terms of figure, I am not inferior to her. In terms of beauty, I am not inferior to her. Moreover, in terms of ability, I should be able to help you better."

Luke felt a toothache.

"You're right, but that's not the reason."

"what is that."

"The wife of chaff must not be abandoned!"


Hearing this, Seve was speechless.

here we go again.

Seve thought of the several times he had been forced to have a baby.

For the first time, she got an answer from Luke: "It is not advisable to spoil your concubine and destroy your wife."

The second time, she got another answer: "Marry a virtuous wife, take concubines and have sex."

This time is the third time.

The results of it.

Here comes another old saying from the Eastern Kingdom.

"The wife of chaff must not be abandoned!" 』

What the hell?

Cypher murmured this sentence in his mind, wondering what it meant.

Luke saw this and quickly changed the subject: "If you don't know, go check it out online. How did Zola reply?"

Seve came to his senses and said directly: "The teacher invites you to enter the virtual conference room in half an hour, no, twenty minutes."

Luke hummed.

"Where is the source of the video?"

"I'm looking for it."

Seve pointed his cell phone camera at the computer screen that was rapidly scrolling through the information stream: "I found it, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Luke smiled slightly: "Thank you for your hard work."

Seve narrowed his eyes.

"Is that enough to force you into the palace?"

"not enough!"


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