A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 293 Detonate a planet! (Second update!)

Sands Island!

Luke stood in a cleared space, gently raising his hands, and purple light like the North Star spread on his fingertips.


As the golden light in his eyes continued to skyrocket and dim, the purple energy in his hands became even more intense.

The rich purple energy surrounded Lu Ke's body, and from a distance it seemed as if he was plucking an invisible string.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

It's just that Luke is not plucking the strings, but the magnetic field!

Although his current small universe is still on the way here on horseback, this does not mean that he has no way to use the energy of his small universe.

for example!

Luke can crush a planet in his small universe and then use the energy generated by the explosion.

Although the energy at the moment of explosion has been diluted over such a long distance, it has become very small.

But this is also relative.

For Lu Ke right now, even this tiny amount of energy is enough for him to move the underwater base three hundred meters below the island.


Luke repeated his hands, palms facing the ground, and then pressed down instantly in the air.

All of a sudden!

The purple light surrounding him seemed to have been summoned, as if being fiddled with by a pair of invisible giant hands. The purple light entered the soil one after another, directly submerging into the soil under his feet, and then seemed to form a purple light snake, continuously moving downwards.


Down again.

In the virtual conference room where Hydra held its conference.

Several Hydra directors looked at the projected scene and couldn't help looking at each other.

"What is he doing?"

"What is that purple light?"

"Can aliens have two abilities?"

Baron Zemo looked at Dr. Zola: "Doctor, Mr. Dann is your ally. You should know what he is doing, right?"

Zola's electronic voice could not hear any emotional fluctuations. He looked at Baron Zemo who spoke out: "Seph has been in contact with Mr. Dann because of emotional issues, but this does not mean that Mr. Dann and I are so-called cooperation. relation."

Zemo frowned.


"Seve's behavior is his personal behavior and has nothing to do with me."


Who believes it?

The Red Devil comes and goes without a trace. Without the help of you, the surveillance master, would Luke be able to find the Red Devil and chop him up?

Are you saying that Seve's matter has nothing to do with you now?

Who believes it?

Baron Zemo couldn't help laughing, and then tried to find allies who supported his point of view, and looked at others.


The others did not look at Baron Zemo, but focused on the projected satellite image.

Alexander Pierce saw the purple light that appeared and seemed to understand what Luke was going to do.

After all, Luke had shown him this ability.

At the underwater base, he was also looking at Luke on the screen, a little confused. Daniel Whitehorse, who was wondering what kind of snakeskin operation Luke was playing, suddenly came to his senses after the underwater base where he was suddenly made a thud. .

In his mind, he once again recalled the scene where Luke effortlessly killed twenty-five of his Hydra agents in front of him.

This is……

Magneto's powers!

Whitehorse's eyes narrowed and he looked outside the glass of the underwater base.


After the thick purple light flowed down the river, it divided into dense purple lights as thin as wireworms, and quickly surrounded his underwater base.

"not good!"


Luke, who was on the island, at this moment, his eyes were bright and the corners of his mouth were raised: "This is what is called a surprise, old dog!"

The words fell.

Luke formed fists with his hands and raised them vigorously.

"Wake it up for me!"


At the same time as the underwater base made a loud rumbling sound, it was accompanied by a tremor and violent shaking. Whitehorse, who yelled something bad, turned around and ran behind, fell to the ground on the spot.

The next second.


The outer edge of this underwater base, which looked like an oval rugby ball, was wrapped in a dense purple light, and then began to sway up and down like a gourd hanging under a tree and being pulled.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The entire base was like a ship rocking in the strong wind and waves.

The machines and equipment inside the base were swaying like crazy dancers, with various falling sounds coming and going.

In the computer, garbled data was beating crazily.

Because after the wires were torn apart, the electric fire that overflowed from the wires was like silver and beating crazily.


A Hydra's head was hit by an exposed wire, and he screamed instantly, and then the whole person began to twitch crazily as if suffering from epilepsy.


Another Hydra agent hit the wall behind him directly because of the tilt angle, and saw his metal table whizzing directly into his chest like a precise cannonball.


"Look at the glass."

"Thick and greasy Xie Te!"

The Hydra agents in the entire base looked at the cracks in the glass that appeared due to the shaking, their faces full of fear and panic.

Whitehorse was walking in the corridor of the base, stumbling toward the room where the summoning ritual had been prepared. He originally planned to wait until Luke broke into the underwater base, and then he could start the summoning room and rush away.

He was shocked inside.

Whitehorse knew that Luke had abilities similar to Magneto.


He never expected that Luke's ability would be so powerful.

Because even if Magneto came over, Lao Wan's achievements would only be to salvage a submarine from the sea.

This is an undersea base.

I can't say it weighs 10,000 tons, but it's at least close to a thousand tons.

damn it.

How could he have such a powerful ability.


Whitehorse fell to the ground due to the violent shaking, and then he saw the scene below the underwater base, where the steel cables connected to the seabed that were welded to the seabed to stabilize the base were broken, and his eyes shrank: "Farke!"

The next second.

Whitehorse quickly got up from the floor. After scolding angrily, he quickened his pace and walked quickly towards the room that was already in sight.

There was a bang.

Whitehorse rushed out of the room and roared angrily: "Damn it, sacrifice it quickly, hurry up..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Whitehorse looked at the Hydra agents in the room who were also unable to stand due to shaking, as well as the few who were captured and prepared to be used as sacrifices to summon the Witch Heart Demon, who had several strangers restrained all over his body, and then he couldn't bear it. I was stunned for a moment.


Whitehorse looked at the room where Sunil was missing and couldn't help but asked: "Damn it, where is Sunil?"

Several Hydra agents who were lying on the fixed objects in the room trying to stand up looked at each other, and then shook their heads at Whitehorse who was holding the door.

"Not sure."


Whitehorse cursed angrily again, but he didn't have time to think too much. He rolled up his sleeves and controlled his body to walk towards the middle of the room. He looked at the cracks that also appeared on the glass of the room after a scratching sound. At the same time, he ordered: "Quickly, kill these strangers and perform the summoning ceremony. Hurry up."

Upon seeing this, several Hydra agents quickly walked towards the strangers who were bound and nailed in the six-pointed star formation.

The knife fell from the hand.

The throats of several aliens were cut in an instant, and blood began to flow. At the moment a Hydra agent was about to attack the alien without any eyes.


The sudden movement made the Hydra agent couldn't help but turn his head and look in the direction where the crisp sound came from.

Enter the eyes.

On the explosion-proof and pressure-proof glass of the room, cracks began to spread like spider webs.

The Hydra agent's eyes narrowed.

The next second.


The originally solid glass turned into countless crystal fragments at this moment. They were flying in the air like a meteor shower. The sound of the fragments falling to the ground was intertwined with the sound of the water pouring in, playing a song about this city. For underwater bases, an unprecedented disaster has begun.


Daniel Whitehorse, who was facing the glass, was the first to bear the brunt. Almost as soon as the seawater poured in, he was slapped on the wall of the room by the seawater. With a bang, this elite of the Third Reich, Hydra The director had no defense. After his head hit the wall, the sound shattered, and white and red mixed with sea water began to pour into the entire room crazily.

The scene of sea water pouring in occurs in every corner of this underwater base.

The lights in the base flickered on and off under the influence of the sea water, adding a bit of weirdness and terror to the disaster.

The screams and calls for help from the Hydra agents in the base came and went, intertwined with the roar of the waves, forming a thrilling picture.

Sands Island!

Luke had teleported to the beach, clenching his hands, and enjoying the moment unscrupulously, driven by the energy of detonating a planet in his small universe.

Although in a small universe, it may take many years for a planet to take shape.


At the cost of a planet, Lu Ke feels it is worth it in exchange for his own thoughts.

not to mention……

In his little universe, the stars shine brightly.

Not much else, just so many planets!

The twelve zodiac signs that symbolize the gold saints, the twenty-four constellations of silver, and the forty-eight constellations of bronze.

Just a planet.

For Luke right now, there is nothing happier than sending Whitehorse to his death.


Sunil Bakshi?


Any war has inevitable collateral casualties.

it is a pity.

Sunil Bakshi's bad luck!

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