A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 300 Shang Qi, a wolf with white eyes! (Fourth update!)

the next day.

Federal Building.

Director's Office.

Luke stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office, looking out at the weekend scenery of Los Angeles.

Whitehorse is dead.

According to the rules of the game, whether it is Jiaying or Anna, they belong to him.

Mrs. Viper will deliver it to him around 12 noon today.

after awhile.

There was a knock on the office door.



Luke heard the sound of the door opening, turned around, looked at Earl who walked in, and smiled: "Close the door."

Earl responded, closed the door, and walked to Luke's side.



Earl handed the information in his hand to Luke.

Luke reached out to take it, turned around, pointed to the sofa not far away, sat on the sofa, and opened the information that Earl had just handed over.

Enter the eyes.

A photo of a young woman from Dongguo came into view.

Squint your eyes.

Big nose bridge.

Bloody mouth.

An oriental beauty that fully conforms to western aesthetics.


An ugly one.


Luke looked at the name on the document, and then looked at the ugly photo. Feeling disgusted, he handed the document to Earl beside him: "It's so annoying, is there anything special about it?"

Looking at it for a second longer, he felt that it was disrespectful to his eyes.

Earl smiled knowingly, took the information, put it together, looked at Luke who was rubbing his eyebrows in disgust just from just one glance, thought for a while and said: "Her parents did not come in through regular channels. , the current status is Category D."

Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Earl: "Category D?"

Earl nodded: "Yes."

Luke couldn't help but laugh.

There are many types of federal visas, but among them, only the D visa is the most special.

The holders of this type of visa are also people who were forced to leave their homes because of the war.

But Dongguo...

Is there a war?

Luke leaned on the sofa and asked curiously: "Then how did she go to Marlborough Private High School?"

A pair of parents came to us with Category D through despicable means. Even if their daughter was born in the Federation, how could they provide for their daughter to attend such an expensive private college.

Don't tell me it's a scholarship.

The descendants of garbage will only be garbage.

Earl said: "Her family's financial situation was not enough to support her to attend Marlborough Private High School. In fact, a year ago, their family was still living in a slum in Chinatown."

a year ago?

Hearing this, Lu Ke became interested and opened his eyes.


"It's all thanks to her current boyfriend."

Earl handed a piece of information at the bottom to Luke: "Xu Shangqi, he entered New York City two years ago and came to Los Angeles a year ago. I have called the New York Immigration Bureau for the immigration information. Come on, they will send the information later."

Xu Shangqi?

Xu Shangqi!

Luke reached out and took the information handed over by Earl, opened it and looked at it.



Xu Wenwu’s son, Xu Shangqi!

Luke looked at the photo of the young man in the file and his name, and his eyes couldn't help but shrink.

He knew that Wen Wu's son Shang Qi was in Los Angeles.


There is a grudge between him and Wen Wu. Wen Wu is not so evil that he would not even attack his family, and Lu Ke will not operate on Shang Qi either.

So Lu Ke never thought of finding where Wen Wu's son Shang Qi was.

But right now?

This stuff was delivered to your door by itself.

Earl noticed the look on Luke's face.

"Director, do you know him?"

"So be it."

Luke came back to his senses, said something, briefly looked through Shang Qi's information, and handed it to Earl directly: "Fake."

It might be okay to use this information to fool other law enforcement agencies.

But the FBI is a ancestral-level department that specializes in creating false information.

Even if he didn't know who Shang Qi was, just by looking at this information, he could tell at a glance that this information was false.

Earl took the information back: "I thought so after seeing this information. Do we need to open a case for investigation?"

Luke was just about to say something casual, then thought about it and looked at Earl: "Don't worry about it, keep it first."

Hang it up and activate it again when needed.

After Luke finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something and looked at Earl: "You just said that Katie's family lived in a slum building in Chinatown before they met Xu Shangqi? What about now?"

Earl said: "They have moved to an apartment near Marlborough Private High School, and although there is no direct evidence, through the financial investigation of Katie's family, it is no surprise that Katie Xu Shangqi also paid for Di’s tuition.”

When Lu Ke heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

Another stupid son of a wealthy family.


Why should I say it again?

Luke blinked.

He thought of the first silly son he had just dealt with yesterday.

Witch heart demon.

Wait a moment.

This Shang Qi seems to have the same attributes as Wu Xin Mo.

It's all silly.

And they all want to rebel against their own father.


Lu Ke felt that he liked Wu Xinmo more.

The reason why I ask is because this Shang Qi is even more unpleasant than the Witch Heart Demon.

Damn Fuck.

No matter whether Wenwu is a good guy or a bad guy, or whether he does the right thing or the wrong thing, at the very least, your dad wants to resurrect his mother.

Although Lu Ke did not deal with Wen Wu, he admired Wen Wu very much in this matter.

A man who is loyal to love deserves respect.

But what about this Shang-Chi?

This guy didn't have a God's perspective, so he was sure that his father couldn't resurrect his mother.

Let’s not talk about the outcome. At the very least, judging from this point alone, this guy doesn’t have his mother in his heart.

This kind of person is usually given such an affectionate title in the Eastern Kingdom.

White-eyed wolf!

Luke's thoughts were spinning, he shook his head, and handed the information in his hand to Earl again: "Just keep it, I might need it someday."

After learning that Lorna's new friends were Shang-Chi and his squinty-eyed girlfriend Katie, Luke wasn't worried anymore.

the reason is simple.

Interpersonal communication follows three views.

In this regard, Lorna's views are much more positive.


Luke was not worried at all that Lorna would become friends with the two guys.

After receiving the information, Earl nodded and stood up. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the phone ringing from Luke's desk and walked over: "Director Dann's office."

after awhile.

"Let them come up."

Earl hung up the phone and said to Luke: "Director, Ms. Jiaying is here, and Anna is accompanying her."

Luke hummed.

Not long after Earl went out, there was a knock on the door.

Mrs. Viper walked in with Jiaying and Anna.

Today, Mrs. Viper is wearing a purple dress.

Luke's eyes lit up. He looked at Mrs. Viper, who was dressed in purple and looked very charming. He stood up and walked over. He ignored Mrs. Viper's right hand and directly hugged Mrs. Viper and gave her a kiss. , after a kiss, he looked at Mrs. Viper with a smile: "Maria, you look absolutely beautiful today."

Women are born to be strong and will definitely not love little sheep.

His style of courting women is consistent with his plan.

The main theme is simple and rough.

Luke made no secret of his coveting for Mrs. Viper, who was dressed in purple. He said with a smile: "Maria, stay tonight and have a meal together?"

Jiaying on the side glanced at Anna, then led Anna past Luke and sat down towards the sofa.

These days, Jiaying has not received much abuse.

Jiaying was indeed a little worried at first, but when she got there, she had to admit one thing. The food at Mrs. Viper's place was much better than the safe meals provided by Luke.

Jiaying is very confident in Lu Ke's strength, especially after chatting with Anna and knowing that Anna is Lu Ke's person in a sense, she becomes even more confident.


Jiaying had been treating these days as a vacation and didn't feel any difference. Instead, during these days, she became good friends with Anna, the asset custodian of Whitehorse.

Especially after hearing about Anna's experience, he regarded Anna as his sister. Instead, he comforted Anna when Anna was worried that Luke would not win.

Mrs. Viper looked at Luke's eyes in front of her that showed no concealment of covetousness and greed for her. She didn't reject her very much, but smiled and said, "Sorry, Luke, I'm afraid I can't do it today!"

Luke raised his eyebrows: "The day after tomorrow!"

Mrs. Viper shook her head and smiled: "No way, I'm going to fly to Paris later. Maybe, how about the 15th next month."

Just have time.

I don't pick.

Luke smiled slightly: "Okay, March 15th, I will remember this time."

Mrs. Viper smiled and said nothing, then took out a handover list from her backpack and handed it to Luke: "Sign it to confirm that you have signed for your loot."

Luke took the pen handed over by Mrs. Viper, signed his name directly, and then handed it to Mrs. Viper again.

After Mrs. Viper folded the receipt, she kissed Luke's ear: "I will abstain from sex for a month. When the time comes, don't let me down, Director Dane."

Say it.

Mrs. Viper turned around and opened the door without any hesitation and left.

Then I happened to bump into Earl who was just about to enter.

Earl glanced at Mrs. Viper, watched her enter the elevator, then walked in and looked at Luke: "Director, Carl is already in the lounge."

Lu Ke hummed and turned to look at Jiaying, who was sitting on the sofa and helping Anna pour the wine: "Jiaying, Karl is already in the lounge, so I won't keep you. Let's go to my house to have a meal together in the evening. Can I help you catch the wind?"

A little separation is better than a new love.

Taking up other people's wives for such a long time, to be honest, these days, Karl did not run up to him, drink three bottles of "gene enhancement potion" and transform into a minotaur in front of him. Luke already felt that this was the biggest thing Karl kept. Restrained.

If this were to occupy Jiaying, Karl would probably break in the next second.

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