A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 303 Anna’s departure (second update!)

When Luke saw Anna again, it was already a month later.

March fifteenth.

Luke was sitting in his office, drinking wine and reluctantly sorting out the messy documents on his hands.

no way.

Earl followed Anna and went on a business trip to Europe.

Luke, who had lost Earl, felt as if he had broken an arm. Just processing the files in the bureau these days made Luke feel like he was back in school.

This is not exactly the same as the retirement life I imagined, and it can also be said to have nothing to do with it.

Luke signed his name on the last document that he had accumulated for two days, threw it aside, grabbed the bourbon on the side, and drank it in one gulp.


Still need to find someone else.

Luke looked at the documents piled up into two hills on his desk, his eyes flickering, then he grabbed the phone beside him and called Pan Ning directly.

Pan Ning has been living a good life recently.

After all, his fiancée is now the financial director of SHIELD under the five overlords, and he himself is the Assistant Director of Operations in New York State.

Therefore, Pan Ning, who went to work in New York State, lived a much more comfortable life than Lu Ke did now.

After Pan Ning went to New York State, Luke saw Pan Ning posting various things on his social network every three days.

Or show off the golf course.

Or show off the basketball court.

Or just show off various high-end high-end cocktail parties.

Luke had an illusion.

His retirement is fake, but Pan Ning's retirement is really real.

The call was answered quickly!

Panning's voice has become much brighter since he went to New York State.

"Good afternoon, Luke."

"It's not even noon yet."

"Oh, sorry."

Pan Ning laughed and said, "I was playing golf and I forgot to bring my watch. What's wrong? Are you in New York?"

Luke closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I didn't come, I didn't want to go."




Pan Ning, who was on a golf course in Manhattan, New York, heard this and couldn't help laughing: "You are afraid of danger. In fact, I feel like I haven't encountered any danger since I left you."

Luke's face was expressionless: "What do you want to express?"

Hearing Luke's emotionless voice, Pan Ning was agitated and coughed: "I mean, following you, there are many opportunities to earn credit. Unlike me now, I have been in New York State for almost two months, and every day Apart from socializing, it’s just socializing, I really miss the days of being in a group with you.”

Luke chuckled: "Is it true? I don't believe it."

I don't believe it either.


I don't want to team up with you at all, you mobile disaster attractor.

Pan Ning couldn't help but touched his nose, thinking in his mind, and then quickly changed the subject: "By the way, call me, what's the matter?"

Lu Ke raised his eyebrows, remembered his purpose, and said directly: "Introduce me to a secretary."

Pan Ning was slightly startled.


"Introduce me to a more professional and reliable secretary. Damn it, I've been tied up in the office for almost a month."

"...Where's Earl?"

Pan Ning said curiously: "What, you fired Earl?"

Luke shook his head: "No, there are some things. I asked Earl to go to Europe to help me on a business trip."

Pan Ning frowned.

"Where's Jack?"

"Europe, kill people."


"He helped Jack go to Europe to kill people."


Pan Ning snorted, then shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can't help you with this secretary thing."

Luke frowned.


"Secretaries are too personal. However, if you want to find a secretary, you can ask Quantico for the information on the female agents and look for it yourself. Anyway, if you ask me to give you an introduction, I will definitely not know. Introduced.”


Luke touched his chin.


He almost forgot about the female agent incubation camp.

no way.

Since Earl's business trip to Europe, Luke has not enjoyed the treatment of leaving early even once in the past month.

Lu Ke hung up the call with Pan Ning and called the administrative office directly to ask for the directory and information of female agents who would graduate around June this year.

Just as Luke hung up the phone.

There was a knock on the door.

Luke thought it was the administrative manager who came to him to sign another pile of documents. He grabbed his steel plate expressionlessly, like an emotionless signing machine, and said without raising his head: "Come in!"

Earl opened the door and entered the house, saying hello.



Lu Ke raised his head with a swoosh and saw Earl appearing in his sight.

He suddenly wanted to cry.

Luke left his seat with a groan and walked to Earl with an excited expression: "You're back so soon. Didn't you say you were going to Iceland yesterday?"

Anna, who came back with Earl, said: "The Icelandic volcano erupted, and the company we originally wanted to go to was unfortunately hit by the erupting meteorite and exploded."

Luke heard the sound and looked at Anna.

The next second.

Luke's eyes lit up and he looked at Anna who had put on a skirt in front of him, revealing the fair skin and long legs that he had not dared to show off easily before. After letting go of the hug with Earl, he also hugged Anna and looked at the current situation. Anna was dressed like a fashionable woman: "You look even more beautiful now."

Ana pursed her lips: "Thank you."

She originally thought that in this life, even after leaving the control of the demon Whitehorse, she would not be able to usher in a new life.


Luke gave her new life.

That milky white medicinal bath.

After Anna followed Earl there that day, when she heard Earl asking her to lie down in a bathtub filled with soup, she even wondered if Luke was planning to kill the donkey.

She even accepted her fate at the time.

But when she took a nap and broke the milky white ice cubes condensed on it from the medicinal bath, she saw Anna handing her a mirror with a smile.

Anna looked in the mirror. Although her condition had not recovered yet, it was visibly fading and she was shocked when she returned to the smooth and white mountain peaks.

Later, when he was on a business trip, Earl would prepare such a medicinal bath for her every night.

After a month of medicinal bath, yesterday, Anna was naked that night, standing in the mirror in the room, looking at her body that had regained its smoothness, whiteness and even spotlessness, she squatted down excitedly, hugged her knees and cried bitterly.

Luke looked at the gratitude written in Anna's eyes and smiled: "I accept this thank you, sit down!"

Anna nodded.

In the living room.

Luke and Anna sat facing each other.

Earl went out to sell his vacation. By the way, he planned to visit various departments and tell those people that I am back, who dares to bully my director.

Luke handed the bourbon poured in his hand to Anna.



Luke held the wine glass and looked at Anna.

"Happy new life to you, cheers."


Luke drank the wine in the glass, then poured bourbon into Anna's glass again, and then said: "What are your plans next?"

Hearing this, Anna looked at Luke with a seemingly happy smile on her face: "I plan to go to Quantico."

Luke was not surprised by Anna's answer.

after all……

Anna's boyfriend lives in Quantico.

To be precise, it was at the military base in Quantico.

"What's his name?"



Luke snapped his fingers and nodded: "He's from SEAL Team 6, I remembered it, but he won't be suspicious after you disappeared for so long."

Anna shook her head and said, "Duke went on a mission overseas half a year ago."

When talking about Duke.

The smile on Anna's face comes from the bottom of her heart.

Because this boyfriend was something she wanted to talk about, not like other people, who was arranged by Whitehall for her to talk about.

Luke also saw the smile on Anna's face, stood up, walked to his desk, and took out his checkbook from the drawer.


After Luke wrote the amount and signed his name, he tore off the check, walked back to the sofa, and handed the check to Anna: "New life gift."

Anna took the check, looked at the amount on it, was slightly startled, and looked at Luke.

"Luke, this is too much. Besides, I also have some savings."

"My heart, I stand by it."

Luke looked at Anna with a serious expression and said: "If you were not the person in charge of the trusteeship this time, I believe that my taking over Lao Gou's properties would never be so smooth and pleasant."

This is the truth.

Because it was Anna, he could use this month to take over all the assets left by Whitehorse and successfully complete the control.

If it were another person, there is no doubt that the final result may be the same, but the process will definitely be much longer.

Ana looked at the check in her hand and opened her mouth: "Then... I will accept it?"

Lu Ke smiled and said: "Take it. Although you did not accept my invitation to cooperate, I still regard you as my partner."

Hearing this, Anna looked at Luke and smiled bitterly.

"Feel sorry."

"Need not."

Luke waved his hand and laughed: "You have the right to choose your life. I respect this very much. When is the flight?"

Anna put away the check and looked at the time on her watch.

"The flight is at one o'clock."

"All right."

Luke looked at the time. It was already ten o'clock in the morning. He stood up and hugged Anna again, who also stood up. "Then next time I come over, I'll treat you to dinner."

Anna smiled and said: "Thank you again, really, Luke, thank you."

Luke smiled.

"I send you."


"I insist!"

Luke said this, but instead of sending Anna downstairs, he sent Anna to the elevator and watched Anna enter the elevator.

The elevator is closed.

Luke saw off another "retired" person, sighed, turned around, and returned to his office.

Earl was already waiting at the office door.

"Director, Anna is sure there is no need..."

"Need not!"

Lu Ke smiled and said: "She is actually quite unfortunate. She has suffered so much, but after all the hardships, she has been rewarded. If she wants to retire, then let her retire."

Earl nodded: "I understand."

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