A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 311 Civil and Military and the Legend of the Ten Rings (Fifth update, please order the full

The logic of the people at the bottom of the federation can be understood in the same sentence.

I'm not only afraid that my brother will suffer hardship, but also I'm afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

There are still very few people who can break out of this bottom quagmire. The vast majority of people know that they are in the quagmire. If they don't work hard, they will also prevent those around them from leaving the quagmire.

This Katie is undoubtedly the bottom of the bottom.

"I asked you Mrs. Lawrence."

"Although Shang-Chi and Katie entered school at the same time, their academic progress can be said to be very different."

“Katie has trouble understanding ninth grade stuff.”

"But Shang Qi still passed the eleventh grade assessment last month."

"And Mrs. Lawrence said that she had intentionally given Shang Qi to the outstanding students in the first half of this year."

"If nothing else happens, Shang-Chi will move up, while Katie will have no choice but to stay at the bottom."


Rachel said this and shrugged: "In our opinion, Katie's approach is stupid, but this is the only way she can think of to keep Shang-Chi by her side."

Lorna frowned: "Betting with their future?"

Rachel shook her head and smiled: "What future does she have? I asked Sarah. According to Katie's grades, it is impossible for her to enter your school. Through this report, she found the one who took their money." The administrator was also fired. Do you know how much money they spent to get into this school?"

Lorna shook her head.

Rachel said: "One hundred and twenty thousand, if I were to tell you that all this money was made by Shang Qi, would you still think Katie's actions were stupid?"

Lorna opened her mouth, thought for a moment, and then shook her head.

The next second.

Lorna looked up at Rachel: "But if this happens, Shang-Chi will hate her to death, and she still won't get what she wants."

The corners of Rachel's mouth raised as she was about to speak.

Luke, who was at the bar, put his mobile phone on the bar: "Maybe, the two of them will go shopping in the mall hand in hand in the afternoon."

Lorna was stunned for a moment, walked to the bar, and grabbed Luke's cell phone.

Enter the eyes.

Shang-Chi and Squinted Eyes Katie held hands, and even carried Katie on their backs willingly, showing no signs of anger at being expelled from school.

Lorna was confused again: "Since Shang Qi's grades are so good, doesn't he realize all this?"

Rachel also came over, glanced at the photos on her phone, shook her head, and said to Lorna: "Good grades don't mean IQ. Look at your brother, he still got a diploma from a community college. This doesn't mean either." He's the director of the FBI who's standing in the way."

Luke was speechless: "I know you came from an Ivy League school, so there's no need to use your academic qualifications to look down on me."

He thought about it.

I will call Los Angeles University tomorrow to see how many buildings need to be donated so that Los Angeles University can give him the title of an honorary alumnus.

There is no chance now of tinkering with a college diploma.

After all, the entire West Coast knew that he graduated from a community college. If he was trying to do this, the goal would be too big and inappropriate.

But he can win with a quality roster of honorary alumni.

Luke was thinking that if he wanted to now, he could even ask Alexander Pierce to get him an "Honorary Alumni" certificate from SHIELD University.

Just do what comes to mind.

the next day.

After Luke came to the office, he immediately called Earl and talked about Los Angeles University's policy of donating several buildings in exchange for honorary alumni.

After hearing this, Earl shook his head and said: "Director, if you wanted to do it last month, it might have been okay, but it probably won't be okay now."

Luke was slightly startled.

"What's wrong?"

"Last month, an Asian couple tried to help their daughter get into the University of Los Angeles. The result was exposed by the media. The district attorney was already preparing to prosecute. At the same time, some members of the California Assembly also submitted a proposal to strictly investigate this kind of situation. Incident."

"…Forget it."

After Lu Ke heard this, he decisively chose to give up.

There is no need to rush and wait until the news is over. Otherwise, it will be very unpleasant for the FBI director to spend money to buy his reputation.

Earl nodded, and was a little curious, about to ask Luke why he suddenly remembered this matter, when the phone in his arms rang.


After Earl hung up the phone, he looked up at Luke: "Chief, there was a hijacking of the bus over on Fifth Street."

Luke raised an eyebrow and looked at Earl.

Federal second floor.

Operational command center.

Luke took Earl and walked directly into the operations command center, which was similar to the NCIS operations center.

"Did Brian bring anyone over?"

"It's over."

"Is there any live satellite footage?"

"Online in five seconds."

As the words fell, the agent sitting at the computer desk looked up at the big screen that started to light up and said loudly: "Sir, the satellite is online."

Luke and Earl looked up at the big screen.

Enter the eyes.

A bus was turning left and right on the road. There seemed to be someone fighting inside the bus.

"Pull closer."


The picture on the big screen zoomed in quickly.


Inside the bus, the picture also became clearer.

Luke looked at the inside of the bus, the bearded man waving a magma blade, and the man jumping up and down like a giant monkey, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

This is……



"Thick and greasy Xie Te."

Shang Qi, who bent down to avoid the sharp blade attack of the bearded razor fist, looked at the outer wall of the bus that was cut open by the bearded knife. He couldn't help but exclaimed. He placed his hands on the rings, jumped up, and kicked the bus with both feet. On Razor Fist's body.

A thud.

Razor Fist was kicked to the ground. After getting up, he looked at Shang Qi, a little annoyed.

"Damn it, your father told us to take you home."

"I will never go to your big dream even if I die."


Razor Fist was extremely speechless.

Although Wenwu was not his first boss, the Shangqi in front of him was definitely the stupidest second generation among the many organizations he worked for.

And there is not one.

at this time.

Razor Fist paused.

Wenwu's voice sounded in his headset: "Since he doesn't want to come back, then bring him back, just don't beat him to death."

Razor Fist was stunned for a second.


He looked at Shang Qi, a ferocious smile on his rough, bearded face.


Razor Fist suppressed his slightly excited voice and answered like this, then moved his arms and ended the warm-up exercise just now.

The next second.

The moment he fought with Razor Fist again, Shang-Chi, who was originally full of confidence and did not put Razor Fist in his eyes, felt something was wrong.

Because this time Razor Fist's attacks were no longer just like playing house, but every attack was directed towards his vital points.

"Are you crazy?"

Shang-Chi took advantage of the break in the attack to hold down Razor Fist's arm and shouted in disbelief: "I am his son."

Razor Fist smiled ferociously, and the muscles in his right arm exploded. He flicked Shang Qi away. After receiving the latest civil and military instructions, he walked directly towards Katie, who was driving the bus and starting on the road to madness.

Because the latest order from Wenwu is to kill Katie.

Shang Qi behind him suddenly became anxious when he saw Razor Fist's movements. It was like an adrenaline burst. With a bang, he bumped into Razor Fist's back, and then with a set of smooth movements, he rushed directly to the front, and then It was a kick that kicked Razor Fist back a few steps.

Luke, who was in the command center on the second floor of the Federal Building, witnessed with his own eyes how a linked two-carriage bus disintegrated, then pressed against various luxury cars on the roadside, and finally was rescued with the help of a garbage truck. Stopped.

Luke made a quick decision.

"Where's Brian?"

"We still have five minutes to arrive at the scene."

"Bring him back."

Luke gave the order directly and looked at the row of damaged luxury cars in the satellite picture and said directly: "There is no bus hijacking now. This is a case of the Los Angeles Police Department."

The hostage taking is a federal case.

Now that there are no hostages, naturally, this case is no longer a federal case and is no longer under the control of the FBI.

After giving the order, Luke shook his head, turned and left the command center, returned to his office, and dialed Mrs. Viper's number.

after awhile.

Luke's call was transferred to Wenwu's mobile phone in a black car through Mrs. Viper.

"Wenwu, to catch a traitor, is it necessary to make such a big fuss?"

"Feel sorry."

Wen Wu, who was sitting in the car, glanced at the injured Razor Fist beside him and said sorry: "I made you laugh and caused you trouble. I'm sorry."

Luke shook his head: "It's a bit funny. There was trouble at the beginning. However, if you didn't take hostages, then I won't have any trouble. Seriously, are you sure you don't want my help?"

He didn't mean any teasing.

After all, in Luo City, civil and military operations belong to away games.

He said he fully understood.


Luke said: "I just think that if you continue to cause trouble, others will doubt the security of Los Angeles City, and then they will think that it is my responsibility as the director of the FBI."

That's what he's worried about.

Because this is Luo City, his Luo City!

Wen Wu's expression was gloomy: "Don't worry, there won't be any big commotion again, but the civil war between us may have to slow down."

Lu Ke smiled and said, "Family matters are important, I understand."


Luke took the tablet handed over by Earl, glanced at it, and then said to Wen Wu on the other end of the phone: "By the way, your traitorous son and your future daughter-in-law, if you admit it, they will The international airport has escaped, you'd better hurry up, if they enter the airport, give me face and don't act at the airport."

The reason is also very simple.

Cases that occurred at the airport are also federal cases.

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