A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 528 The Strongest Mutant in History

When Luke saw Magneto again, it was already the next day.

Hotel suite living room.

Luke yawned and walked towards the bar: "Bourbon?"

Last night, I rushed to Sokovia to kill the remnants of the Cobra. In the second half of the night, I explained to my wife and daughter that I had two daughters and a son outside. As a result, I stayed up all night. My eyes were a little red and I was wearing a helmet. Magneto thought about refusing, but after thinking about it, he nodded: "Okay."

Luke turned around and took out the bourbon and two wine glasses from the wine cabinet.

Magneto sat on the high stool in front of him.

After Luke poured the wine, he pushed one of the glasses to Magneto.



Magneto said thank you, took the wine glass, looked at the guest room not far away, and then looked at Luke standing opposite, sipping the wine in the glass, and lowered his voice slightly: "Luo... Where's Lorna."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Not here."


"What time is it?"

Luke raised his wrist and checked the time: "She woke up at seven o'clock, and then ran out to find Wanda and the others."

Magneto frowned.

"It's a foreign country, and here you are..."


Luke interrupted Magneto's singing, put down his wine glass, and said with a faint smile on his face: "Lao Wan, when you didn't show up, I was taking care of her, and I took good care of her."

You are Lorna's biological father.

But, who gives you the courage to start BBing right away?

Not even if you are one of the giants of mutants!

Magneto opened his mouth, looked at the vague smile on Luke's lips, was silent for a while, grabbed the wine glass, and sighed.

"I feel sorry for them."

"As long as you know."


Luke shrugged and said this, then looked at Magneto who seemed to want to say something, and directly changed the subject: "By the way, actually, when I came last year, besides meeting you, I just had a question that I wanted to come to. Asking you."

Magneto frowned and said, "What?"

Luke said directly: "The history of mutant development."

As he said, Luke has always been unclear about the development history of mutants on this earth.

It happened that Magneto came over today. Thinking of this, he simply asked.

When Magneto heard Luke's words, he thought of the scene where Luke pinched an iron ball in the air yesterday: "Aren't you a mutant?"

Luke shook his head.


"But you yesterday..."

"That's not the case either."

Luke said categorically: "I'm not a mutant. I have a certificate issued to me by Stryker."

On the issue of whether you are a mutant, William Stryker, as a mutant expert, has absolute authority.

Because if you are a mutant, if you join Stryker's side, don't even think about surviving with all your beards and tails.

Magneto frowned again when he heard the name 'Strike'.

"You know Stryker."

"Of course, we are friends."

Luke thought this, thought for a while, looked at Magneto, and added: "It should be said that they are half brothers."

This is not what he said, but what Stryker insisted on saying.

As for the reason?

Before he came to Poznan, William Stryker accepted Sever's invitation and went to the Hive Base. There, he took his naked wife out of the cloning warehouse and cried loudly. I had to recognize him when I had a video call with him after having sex.

Luke was also helpless about this.


Stryker didn't give him a chance to refuse and hung up the video.



Magneto felt that his brain was a little insufficient. He looked at Luke, who was very indifferent in front of him, and took a deep breath: "You know that Stryker is the enemy of our mutants, right?"

Luke looked at Magneto with some curiosity: "Whether he is the enemy of mutants or not, what does it have to do with me? I am not a mutant."

Magneto said solemnly: "Corona is."

Luke nodded: "I know, and then, Lorna also met Stryker, and we had a barbecue together. When Lorna entered Columbia University last year, Stryker even gave her a Mercedes-Benz. Where’s Lorna?”

Magneto is messy in the wind.

Mutants, Stryker, Columbia University, giving away Mercedes Benz.

In the mind of the former mutant giant, this was too much information, which was somewhat difficult for him to accept.

"Wait a minute." Magneto shook his head, intending to start with the key points: "You mean, Lorna went to Columbia University last year? That Columbia University, that Columbia University in Manhattan, New York?"

Luke nodded.

Although Lorna was able to get into Columbia University, it was completely recommended because of the dozens of recommendation letters.


Putting aside the role of those dozen letters of recommendation, Lorna was able to get into Columbia University entirely by herself.

This is the truth.

Lorna did take the exam at that time, and the paper was full, and Columbia University also recognized this result.

Luke thought in his mind, then looked at the excited Magneto and blinked.

"Lao Wan, are you okay?"

"We have a college student in our family."


Luke listened to Magneto's murmur and felt that he could understand it.

After all, when Lorna's admission notice came out, this was the first thought in his mind.

The only difference is that Luke is the one who wants the girl to become a dragon, and Magneto is the one who wants the girl to become a dragon.

after awhile.

Luke looked at the time and felt that it was enough time for Magneto to sigh, so he coughed and asked about the topic just now.

That is the history of the development of mutants in this world.

Magneto came back to his senses and looked at Luke with an incomprehensible look in front of him. He was brothers with the mutant executioner and was as close as a brother and sister to his daughter, and then he began to narrate quietly.

Half an hour later.

Magneto stopped speaking and drank all the bourbon in his glass.

Seeing this, Luke refilled Magneto's bottle, put down the bottle, and then groped for his chin.

"Mystique is dead?"

"I have no idea."

Magneto shook his head: "When I was arrested, she was lying in Charles's arms."

After many years, when he talked about this matter again, Magneto's voice no longer contained any emotion.

Luke was thoughtful.

He understood what timeline the mutants in this world were on.

As everyone knows.

There are two timelines for mutants, the so-called old history and the new history.

There's nothing much to say about the old history, it's just a step-by-step timeline, and at the end, the mutants were wiped out by the Sentinels.

The new history is the timeline that reverses the future when the mutants are wiped out by the Sentinels.

The timeline where Luke is located is after "X-Men: Days of Future Past" but before "X-Men: Apocalypse".


Wait a moment.

Luke raised his eyebrows, thinking of the so-called sand used to replace the missing souls of the clones when they broke through the cloning base.

It seemed to be said at that time that the composition of the sand seemed to come from Egypt?

Luke seemed to have thought of something, took out the phone from his arms, and called Seve directly.

The call was answered quickly.


"Did anyone send someone over to Egypt?"


Since having the hive, Sever has stored his sky fortress, and then stayed at the hive base to prepare exclusive products for Umbrella Company.

In the future, Umbrella will develop in three areas: security, medicine, and electronics.

Strive to catch up with Japan and South Korea within three years.


As CEO, Seve is very busy.

However, after being busy, Seve did not forget what Luke told him, that is, sending people to Egypt to discover the kind of sand that can be used for soul synthesis.

"How long have you been there?"

"Uh...it's been almost four months."

Seve calculated the time: "By the way, I sent a message the day before yesterday saying that a cave was found there and that people are being excavated."



When Lu Ke heard this, he quickly spoke up.

"Stop digging."


"Tell them to stop digging."


Seve nodded, a little curious: "But, can you tell me the reason?"

Luke did not respond directly, but said: "Contact the Egyptian side and ask about the specific situation, then tell me and I will arrange a time to go there."

Seve was a little surprised.

"Are you going there?"


Luke nodded.

Apocalypse, this may not be the first mutant in the history of mutants, but he is definitely the strongest mutant in the history of mutants.

Immortality, flight, telekinesis, self-molecule manipulation, energy overcontrol...

Luke is very strong right now.


He doesn't mind becoming stronger. If Apocalypse's ability is robbed, if nothing else, his small universe will come faster.

A conservative estimate is that if Apocalypse is plundered, he will be able to send Odin to report to the Hall of Valor himself without waiting for Odin's dusk to arrive.

Seve on the other end of the phone became even more curious when he heard Luke say that he wanted to go there.


Luke didn't say it, it was probably inconvenient.

She thought to herself, and after hanging up the phone, she picked up the phone again and called her subordinate in Egypt.

After Luke hung up the phone, he looked at Rachel walking out of the master bedroom with a smile.

"woke up?"


Rachel nodded, looked at Magneto, and said to Luke, "I'm getting sleepier and sleepier lately."

Luke walked out of the bar, protected Rachel, and sat on the sofa. Then he looked at Rachel's eyes and laughed: "My dear, this is Magneto, Lorna's biological father."

Magneto also got off the high stool and looked at Rachel.



Rachel nodded and said hello to Magneto, and then looked towards the guest room: "Lorna hasn't gotten up yet, or..."

Luke waved his hand: "I ran to find Wanda before eight o'clock."

Because of her pregnancy, Rachel, who had always had a regular schedule in the past, gradually started to like sleeping in.

So when Lorna went out in the morning, Rachel didn't know.

...(End of chapter)

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