【After receiving the news, Da Gu and Lina boarded the Victory Snow White without thinking too much and started heading back to the headquarters!】

【At this moment, on the surface of the New Zealand ocean, accompanied by blue lightning, endless black fog began to spread. At this moment, the sky was shrouded in darkness... The sun had long disappeared.】

【On the Snow White, Lina and Daigu looked at the darkness that enveloped them and felt uneasy.】

【"Do you think we can win?"On the Snow White, Lina turned her head and said worriedly】

【At this moment, she also felt that some kind of terrifying existence was reviving, but Dagu remained silent and did not answer. Lina seemed to understand something and continued to speak.】

【"If... our fate is destined to be destruction in the end!…"】

【"What kind of fate is this!" Lina was interrupted by Dagu before she finished her words. He always believed that mankind would win!】

【"We must change it!"】

"What a strong sense of oppression! The sky was clear just a moment ago... and was instantly shrouded in darkness"

"What kind of existence has revived? Could it be the real cause of the demise of the super ancient civilization?"

"I have to say that the feeling of oppression is very strong!"

【At the same time, on the surface of the New Zealand sea, blue lightning continued to strike the sea surface, and the entire seabed shook! The sea water continued to roll, and the ultra-ancient ruins that had been discovered earlier rose from the seabed and rose to the surface of the sea.】

【The Dolphin, which had lost contact nearby, was also affected by the vibration. Xincheng was seen struggling to control the joystick.…】

【"What happened?" Xincheng tried hard to control the Dolphin to avoid crashing.】

【Digging at the side was looking at the red eyes that appeared on the screen and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise:"What is this big black shadow?"】

【"Headquarters! Headquarters!!"】

【Digging Jing, who found something wrong, tried to contact the Victory Team, but found that they had lost contact with the headquarters at some point.】

【Meanwhile, inside the Victory Team headquarters, Vice Captain Zong Fang was still trying to make contact:"Dolphin!! Answer quickly!"】

【"Dig a well! New city!"But no matter how Vice Captain Zongfang called out, he got no response.】

【At this time, Captain Iruma Hui also frowned and turned to look at Munakata,"What happened in the seabed?"】

【Vice Captain Zong Fang shook his head. He was not sure. Before they could guess, Nori's panicked voice came from the side.】

【"Zoga is attacking the center of the capital!"】

【Then the scene was that in the city where Zoga arrived, countless buildings were destroyed in an instant amid the sounds of people fleeing.】

【"All transportation systems have stopped, please take shelter underground immediately"】

【Zoga was wreaking havoc in the city. At this moment, humans seemed particularly small and helpless, and darkness enveloped the city!】

【The fleeing child looked at Zoga who was destroying the city in the sky and did not give up hope. He said very seriously:"Ultraman Tiga! I will definitely take care of it!""】

【And it's not just Japan, all over the world have suffered destruction. As the scene shifts, everywhere turns into a sea of fire, but without exception, there is the figure of Zoga flying over them all.】

【People from other countries also tried to fight back, but they were no match for Zoga in terms of power or speed, and destroyed everything they went through.】

The end of the world is just like that, the atmosphere of despair and depression fills the entire screen.

"Damn it! There's no chance of winning this way.….!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka watched the scenes on the screen. Even through the screen, he could feel the end of the world coming.

The evil demon bird that was predicted to burn the earth was defeated by Tiga, and he thought it was no big deal.

Unexpectedly, there were more than one, more like a whole tribe, all of them were dispatched. A single Zoga could hold Tiga back... Now there are so many, even Daiko is overwhelmed to deal with them.

"Since so many monsters appeared at the same time... Will there be other giants of light reappear?"

Besides this, Mashu couldn't think of any way to get through this crisis... After all, wasn't it said before that there were many giants of light in the super ancient civilization?

But they just left, maybe they would come back to help people get through this difficult time?

Fujimaru Ritsuka shook his head. He felt that if there were other giants of light, they should have appeared long ago.

And the title of this inventory is"The Brilliant One"... Could it be that humans rely on themselves to get through the difficulties? This statement is quite in line with the title.

Ultraman Universe

The Great Emperor of the Universe, Anperla, was also full of surprise when he saw the black fog!

"Who is this person who has a dark power that is not inferior to mine? I have never heard of him before!"

He felt a strong dark power from the black fog! Although he didn't know who it was, it didn't stop him from hating Tiga... Those who worship the light, all of you should be turned into darkness and destroyed!

No matter from which angle you look at it, this world is just like the fable says, it will be shrouded in darkness and is about to end!

【"Dagu! Look at the base!"Lina and Dagu drove the Snow White and arrived near the base.】

【The darkness covering the sky began to engulf the base, and Da Gu could hardly hide his surprise:"Black fog?!"】

【At this moment, Ye Rui at the Victory Team headquarters also discovered that the base was being invaded, but his face was full of disbelief:"Nothing was destroyed? The security defense system was not activated."】

【"And there is no mass reaction. Impossible... It's too weird!"Everything that happened now was beyond Nori's imagination, and he couldn't calm down at all.】

The Kingdom of Light

"No mass reaction?! Even the base's defense system was invading without any effect..." This was the first time that Hikaru encountered such an invisible and indescribable thing... All human attacks were swallowed up by the black fog!

Because there was no mass, ordinary attacks and physical forces could not stop it!

And from the video, humans would die soon after falling into the black fog, and it was electrified, which could disrupt the normal operation of machinery and block radio waves!

As he observed, he couldn't help but be shocked! Wouldn't even the most basic human communication be cut off?!

Without communication... it was equivalent to humans directly losing the ability to resist! Because it was impossible to organize an effective attack in this way.

【The overwhelming black fog gradually eroded the Victory Team's base. Lina and Da Gu returned to the base and told everyone that the black fog had invaded the base!】

【At this moment, the video keeps flashing the scene of the destroyed city, and the people taking shelter underground are full of quarrels... The depressing atmosphere keeps gathering.】

"At this moment it seemed as if the end of the world had really come... the city was destroyed and the atmosphere was so depressing!"

"But there is no way... the black fog alone has left everyone helpless."

"I'm really curious about how they got out of this predicament? Or is this era about to be destroyed as predicted?"

【For the sake of the overall situation, the director had to issue a retreat order and evacuate all members to the Atlas. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【On the seabed of New Zealand, the new town and the well diggers kept calling out, but they seemed exhausted due to lack of oxygen.】

【"Headquarters, headquarters!"】

【"Oh, you really won't give up." Jujing looked at Xincheng who kept shouting"Headquarters", with some helplessness in his tone.】

【"Didn't I tell you? The black fog blocked all radio signals."】

【"You are really patient!" Having said that, Xincheng still said anxiously:"You know, we can't contact the outside world now, and we can't float up!"】

【"The oxygen is running out, and I am starting to hate the sea." Jujing looked around the cab, then at a wedding photo.】

【But the vibration that followed made him anxiously shout:"Xincheng! This guy finally started to act!"】

【Above the New Zealand sea, blue lightning flashed continuously, and a huge monster appeared on the ultra-ancient ruins of the New Zealand ocean! It kept making strange noises from its mouth.】

【It has a huge spiral shell with dense black holes on its surface, and its scarlet eyes are glowing! Its eyes are under its mouth! 】

Watching the appearance of this monster, for some reason, the people outside the video suddenly felt powerless, as if this enemy was not something they could defeat.

And his appearance seemed to announce that this era was about to be doomed to extinction like the ancient civilization!

【".This is the ruler of darkness... He wants to engulf the world in darkness."】

【At this moment, Captain Iruma Hui also understood that this was���The final enemy that Youlian mentioned is the monster that destroyed the super ancient civilization!】

【"This guy! This guy is the one who released the black fog."Da Gu looked at the monster that appeared on the screen very seriously.】

【Gatanjea seemed to realize that he was being watched, and he screamed, destroying all the equipment in the Victory Team headquarters. Sparks kept flashing in the base! The previous screen was only dark.】[]

【The black fog had spread to the conference room, and everyone decided to evacuate, but only Dagu stayed there. Seeing this, Lina shouted anxiously:"Dagu!"】

【""Team member Daigu!" Captain Iruma Hui also shouted anxiously.】

【The director thought something had happened and asked worriedly,"What's wrong with you?"】

【Da Gu looked at the gradually spreading black fog, and finally seemed to have made up his mind:"I want... I want to go alone!"】

【Seeing this, Captain Naruma Hui had to ask the director to evacuate first, and then looked at Da Gu and said with emotion:】

【"When I first saw Ultraman, I thought I had met God"】

【"I thought he could lead humanity to the right path, but it didn't seem to be the case. Later I learned that"】

【"Ultraman is both light and human"】

【Lina looked at the captain with surprise. She didn't expect that the captain also knew Da Gu's identity.】

【Captain Iruma looked at Daigu and said seriously,"So, Daigu, you have no obligation to face an enemy that you can't defeat at all. You should understand, right?"】

【Even Captain Iruma Kei thought that the monster that appeared at this moment was not something that Tiga could defeat!】

【Under the gentle background music, Da Gu turned around and looked at the captain. Sparks kept falling behind him, illuminating his face. He smiled and said,"I can't win at all. I don't understand."】

【"Yes!" Captain Iruma Hui realized something at this moment and also smiled:"Since when did I stop believing in fate? I must win, as a human being!"】

【"What…" Lina was a little bit unbelievable. Isn’t this equivalent to asking Da Gu to fight alone? How can he defeat the ruler of darkness by himself!】

【Da Gu looked at the captain and nodded, then Nakamura Hui pulled Lina out!】

【But Lina wanted to stay here and fight with Dagu. She cried anxiously,"Dagu!!"】

【"Lina!!"Da Gu knew what Lina was thinking, but at the moment she had more important things to do! So she said seriously:"It is your job to rescue everyone from the base."】

【So he took out the Spark Prism from his arms in front of the two of them!】

【"No problem!" Captain Naruma Hui pulled Lina, who had tears in her eyes, and said,"You must win! Ultraman Tiga!"】

【Amid Lina's heart-wrenching cries, she was taken out by Captain Iruma Kei!】

【Under the cover of the black fog, Da Guping raised the Spark Prism, and the light flashed in the black fog, but! The light of one person cannot dispel the black fog.

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