Land of Light

At this moment, the Ultra Brothers who were in the Ultra Space Guard all showed regretful expressions...

Ace, who was best at using light, naturally understood Daiko's thoughts at that time:"In fact, when Tiga released his last two ultimate moves, plus the consumption when cleaning up Zoga! At that time, his energy was almost consumed, and he already knew that this was a battle that could not be won."

Ultraman Seven could not help but sighed:"But even so, until the last moment before turning into a stone statue, Daiko did not give up and continued to fight.…"

"The fighting posture he maintained until the end was the best proof that he was unwilling to admit defeat.-!!"

"If only we could do something... Even if we can't get through, at least we can just send energy to Tiga!"

The Ultra Brothers were in low spirits at this moment. In order to protect humanity and the Earth, they faced the ruler of darkness alone!

Even if they lost... This spirit of fighting to the last moment was enough to make the Kingdom of Light admire them.

Ultraman Zeta

"How could it be?!..." Xiachuan Haruki clenched his fists in disbelief:"Senior Tiga’s strength had obviously increased a lot by the end, but I didn’t expect that he still lost to Gatanjea."

Gagula on the side didn’t think there was anything strange. He sighed with a coffee in his hand:"That’s the ruler of darkness, Gatanjea!"

"The black fog produced during the resurrection alone can cover the entire earth, and the horror of this black fog has just been witnessed in the video."

Not only can it cause damage to Ultraman, but what is even more bizarre is that physical methods cannot stop the spread of the black fog at all.


"Is this the darkness that destroyed a civilization?"Da Vinci couldn't help but gasp when she saw Tiga defeated!

She saw how powerful Tiga was, and he had defeated all kinds of enemies like the patron saint of mankind!

But it was precisely because she knew how powerful Tiga was that she could highlight the terrifying side of Gatanjea... It couldn't be called a battle at all, but a one-sided crushing. Even a genius like Da Vinci felt helpless at this moment. When Tiga fell, she also felt that there was no hope for the world...

At this moment, the Tiga world was already filled with panic and anxiety!

"If the darkness awakens, we will be dead! If we are caught by the black fog, there will be no escape.…"

"Even if you survive by chance, what good will it do? Zoga are everywhere in the world, destroying everything on the ground!"

"And can Tiga really stop this global disaster by himself? And now even Tiga has lost!"

"There is no future anymore... Maybe Zijella is really a gift from the Earth to mankind! At least we can die in a happy world."

At this moment, they were shrouded in anxiety and fear, as if they already knew the end of the world but they could do nothing and could only wait for destruction quietly.

Masaki Keigo couldn't help but sigh at this moment... It was exactly the same as the situation in his dream!

Could it be that mankind can only be destroyed by darkness like the super ancient civilization?

At this moment in the TPC Victory Team, Shinjo patted Daigu on the shoulder:"It's okay, Daigu! We will definitely save you... Don't give up easily."

"That's right, Dagu!" Vice Captain Zongfang nodded.:"You are not fighting alone! We are behind you!"

Daigu felt the caring eyes of everyone, and suddenly felt warm in his heart. Yes! Even if Tiga failed... but I still have teammates I can trust.

Just as Daigu felt the care of everyone, Xincheng turned to the captain and suddenly said:"Captain! Remember to improve the Dolphin and add more oxygen cylinders!"

Hearing what Xincheng said, everyone laughed when they remembered Xincheng's performance on the Dolphin in the video. The originally depressing atmosphere was suddenly relieved a lot.

【In the cockpit of the Atlas, everyone was stunned when they heard Lina's scream, and then Nori was a little dazed:"So Da Gu is Tiga!"】

【After seeing Tiga's failure, the people in the shelter showed regretful expressions on their faces, and depression and despair shrouded their hearts!】

【The children who watched Ultraman Tiga fight in the shelter gathered together:"Ultraman Tiga has been defeated!"…"】

【The adults lowered their heads in despair:"It's all over.…"】

【Captain Iruma Hui's son Zhishu couldn't help but clench his fists and said,"I don't believe it."】

【At this time, Captain Gale was flying back to Earth from the Moon. He was filled with anger as he looked at the Earth that was shrouded in black fog and completely destroyed everywhere:"Damn it, what's going on?"】

【As Captain Gale flew his fighter plane through city after city, what appeared before him was endless darkness and the wreckage of cities everywhere, like a scene of the end of the world.】

【In the United States, a child holding an Ultraman Tiga doll shouted Tiga's name:"Tiga!!"】

【In the cold Arctic, the blonde girl held Tiga's card and prayed silently for him. His father came to her and took the card from her hand:"Kaiqiu, Ultraman Tiga is dead!""】

【"He’s not dead!" The little girl snatched the card back:"Ultraman Tiga is not dead!!"

This scene made everyone outside the video feel touching and sad. When the adults gave up hope, only the children did not give up hope and firmly believed that Tiga would not lose.…

"Alas... Now Tiga's situation is similar to Nexus, but I feel there are some differences!"

"Nexus ran out of energy, so the Night Raid team fired some kind of beam to replenish its energy."

"But now Dagu has been turned into a stone statue... It's unclear whether he is still alive... And now without any means of communication, it is impossible to organize an effective rescue."

【However, even in this situation, the Victory Team did not give up hope and kept trying to save their teammate Tiga... no, it should be said that Daigu!】

【In order to save Daiko, the Victory Team is thinking about countermeasures at this moment. Nori also expressed his guess:"Through the Mags power system developed by Dr. Yabi, shining the energy of light on the stone statue of Ultraman, it may be useful."】

【"Can it work by irradiating with physics photons?" Dr. Yaowei was a little bit unconvinced that physical light alone could work, and then questioned:"I'm afraid it's not that simple?"】

【But Lina, who was worried about Dagu, could no longer care about so much at the moment, and could only try it first:"We must do everything possible! Otherwise... Dagu...…"】

【At this moment, an illusory voice sounded in Lina's mind:"You are right, you must never give up"】

"Who is speaking? Is there another expert? The voice came directly from my head"

"It seems that he is not an ordinary person... And this should be telepathy"

【"There is a man who knows how to use light to transform the stone statue into Ultraman. It's just a pity..." Nori thought of a person, maybe he can save Daiko!】

【Vice Captain Munakata quickly understood who Nori was talking about:"Are you referring to Masaki Keigo?"】

【At this moment, the person being talked about, Keigo Masaki, is standing in the TPC prison, looking at the darkness of the sky from the window sill.】

【"Just like a dream…!!"】

"He can actually achieve the same prophetic dream as Dagu."

0Please give me flowers0

"It seems that he and Da Gu have similarities to some extent."

"No wonder Nori said that he might be able to save Team Daigu!"

【Captain Gale was flying a fighter plane in the sky, but a voice suddenly sounded in his mind:"Can I take your spaceship?"】

【"Who are you?"】

【"I'm talking to your head, please take me to a place"】

【Kirino was communicating via telepathy. When the communication was cut off, his ability was able to convey information and played a very important role!】

"This ability is a bit abnormal... I just don't know if it can see through other people's thoughts"

"But it's okay. When communication fails, there is no better means of communication than this."

"And it seems that the range is very wide, but I don’t know where the maximum limit is?"

【At this moment in TPC prison, Mayumi found Keigo Masaki, hoping to use his power to save Tiga!】

【"In a world shrouded in darkness... someone is needed to guide them with light." Masaki Keigo said as he looked at the darkness outside.】

【But Mayumi said without hesitation:"This person can't possibly be you!"】

【Masaki Keigo didn't care about this, he laughed a few times and turned around and said:"Yes, you are right"】

【On the other side, Lina stood by the sea, looking at the darkness in the distance, the sea breeze blowing her short hair:"Da are still alive. You know, I have a lot to say to you.…"】

【In Tiga's color timer, Da Gu was trapped by a diamond-shaped crystal. He opened his eyes as if he heard a shout:"Lina…!"】

"Great! Dagu is not dead yet, which means there is still hope." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But what is going on? Is he trapped by the crystal?"

"Rather than being trapped, it is more like Tiga created the crystal to protect Daiko!"

【But this water, like a small cage, trapped Dagu's body, and it seemed difficult to just reach out.】

【And when Dagu woke up, he heard countless laughter.】

【The once defeated Kirieloid pointed at Daigo and taunted:"If it weren't for you, we Kirieloids would have rescued the stupid humans long ago before the dark monsters were resurrected!"】

【After hearing this, Da Gu frowned and said,"You mean, it will be fine if I obey you?"】

【"It's too late. The god Kyrielod has abandoned this earth."】

【"I told you before, don't even think about being the guardian of this planet, you're not worthy at all!"】

The Great Emperor of the Universe, Anperla, couldn't help but frown. He lost to Tiga one after another but he was still talking nonsense here. He thought this Kirieloid was so powerful before... But he just ran away. He never saw the God of Kirieloid he mentioned from beginning to end...

Could it be that he knew about Gatanjea's awakening and continued to run away!

He also said that the God of Kirieloid had given up this planet... This was the first time he heard someone talk about running away so refreshingly.

Even Belia in the Great Prison of the Universe showed a look of contempt. He had never seen such a thick-skinned alien.

At this moment, everyone outside the video knew that Da Gu was still alive and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but the winning team in the video didn't know yet!

What means will they use to save Da Gu? How can Da Gu break free from the dilemma of the crystal and turn into light again to fight... At this moment, everyone outside the video is looking forward to it.[]

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