The moment Roy finished speaking, a different kind of magic power emerged from his body, and with the appearance of this magic power, a strong wind surged under Roy's feet.

With Roy as the center, the ground within dozens of meters was shaking violently.

And with the appearance of this strong wind, the snake-headed demon finally came to his senses.

"This... this... what's going on? How can this power……"

If Roy had made the snake-headed demon feel the danger before, then at this moment the snake-headed demon truly felt the danger of death!


Before the snake-headed demon could finish his words, Roy's figure turned into a cold light, and terrifying energy burst out from his body, turning into a deep blue tornado.



As soon as the words fell, the tornado burst out and quickly split into countless tiny wind blades, rushing to the snake-headed demon.


The thin threads penetrated the whole body. There was no wound, but blood kept flowing.

The snake-headed demon tried to prepare to resist, but its hands had been pierced by countless arc-shaped wind blades, and it was unable to activate its magic power.

As more and more wind blade beams attacked the snake-headed demon, its perception of the body was disappearing bit by bit.

Even its ability to think was gradually lost!

Until a cold light flashed, and hot blood covered most of the snake-headed demon's vision, and then it kept spinning, and finally rolled to the ground, completely falling into darkness.

"Death is finally here."

When the snake-headed demon died, Roy's tense body relaxed and he staggered and almost fell.

"This consumption is too horrible."

Roy looked at the snake-headed demon with its head separated from its human head, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

It had to be said that the magic energy after the fusion of cursed power and magic power was indeed beyond his imagination.

It greatly increased the power of magic, but the only drawback was that it consumed too much energy. With Roy's current strength, he could only use it once at most.

After one time, he would completely lose his combat power, just like now.

At this moment, Roy felt that the magic energy in his body was almost exhausted, and the whole person instantly fell into an extremely weak state.

After hunting for a whole day, he had not yet rested, and he had to use magic power continuously to travel, and then fight a demon that devoured all the villagers.

If Roy had not been able to absorb a large amount of magic energy in the air at all times, someone else would have died of exhaustion long ago.


At this moment, not long after Roy dealt with the snake-headed demon, Mirajane, who had sent Lisanna and Elfman away, had already returned.

The moment she saw Roy's weak face, she immediately rushed over and grabbed Roy's arm, looking at him with a worried look on her face.

"Are you OK"

"It's okay, it's just that I consumed too much magic power."

Roy nodded and said.

Although he consumed a lot of physical strength and magic power, he slowly recovered some mobility by absorbing magic power in the air.

Wait... what's this touch?

Feeling the soft touch and temperature from his arm, Roy was slightly stunned, and the next second, his eyes slowly slid down.

On the other side, Milaje, who was worried about Roy, naturally noticed Roy's eyes.

Following Roy's eyes, Milaje realized that maybe he was too worried, and in order for Roy to support him, his body was pressed against Roy's.

At this time, it was summer, and the thin clothes made the two of them clearly feel each other's temperature.

Seeing this, a blush appeared on Milaje's face, and then he quickly let go of Roy's arm, and said with a flushed face,

"'t think too much, I'm just worried about you."

Looking at Roy, Mirajane said in panic with his eyes narrowed, but the blush on his face became more and more obvious, and his head slowly lowered.

However, this situation did not last long. The next second, Mirajane recalled a very important question.

"Where is that demon?"

Roy stayed to fight the demon just now. Roy is here, so where is the demon just now?

"Are you talking about that demon? Well, it's been dealt with."

Roy pointed to the dead snake-headed demon in the corner and said


Hearing this, Mirajane looked in the direction Roy was looking.

After seeing the demon's body lying on the ground, his eyes shrank sharply, revealing disbelief.

The continuous fights showed how terrifying the demon in front of Mirajane was. Not only was it powerful, but the power it used also had a corrosive effect, which was almost impossible to resist. Most people in the village died from this method.

Although Roy was powerful, Mirajane could feel that Roy's magic power was not as much as his own during the initial fight.

For this reason, after sending Elfman away, Mirajane quickly rushed back. On the battlefield, she was worried that Roy was no match for the devil.

She never thought that Roy could defeat the opponent by himself.

How did he do it?

While being shocked, Mirajane looked at Roy again, her eyes flashing with a strange light.

First, he saved Lisanna and Elfman, and then rushed to rescue her, and stayed alone at the risk of creating a chance for them to escape.

If Roy really had an accident because of saving herself and Elfman, then Mirajane might never get over the hurdle in her heart in her life.


, when she thought of this, Mirajane's previous jealousy of Roy because of Roy and Lisanna's excessive intimacy disappeared unconsciously.

Instead, it was replaced by an indescribable feeling that even she couldn't explain.

"Thank you... Thank you."

Thinking of this, Miraj lowered her head and spoke in a voice as thin as a mosquito's.

However, just after Miraj finished speaking, she found that Roy had already walked towards the demon's corpse. Obviously, Roy didn't hear what Miraj had just said.

Miraj stamped her feet in anger and turned her head. She was only angry for a few minutes, then looked at Roy again, took a deep breath and followed him.

Through her magic perception, she could sense that Roy was still very weak. In this case, it would be better to follow him closely.

But... watching Roy walk to the demon's corpse, Miraj didn't understand what Roy wanted to do. Wasn't the demon dead? Roy was going to whip the corpse but failed.

This idea only stayed in Miraj's mind for a few seconds before she dispelled it.

Because in front of her, Roy slowly stretched out his hand to the demon. At this moment, she couldn't help but think of yesterday's scene.

Could it be that...

Miraj's eyes flashed a little.

On the other side, just as Miraj was brainstorming, Roy, who was standing next to the demon's corpse, muttered in his heart

‘Glutton, devour the demon in front of me.'

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