【At this moment, Diablo can guarantee that no one knows better than him how painful it is to be dissected alive. Now there is only one thought in his mind... pain!! Very painful!】

【However, the female doctor seemed to treat him as an ordinary corpse. Her expression did not change at all and her face was very calm!】

【"It can be confirmed that the cause of death was trauma caused by a sharp object, and the wound reached deep into the liver. Since it was not a exploratory wound, the possibility of suicide can be ruled out."】

【She kept talking about the results of her observations and analysis, then she put the bloody scalpel aside and continued:"To be cautious, we will cut open the stomach to investigate the residue."】

【"Phew——"There was another sound of a sharp weapon cutting through the body, but at this moment Diablo had been tortured to a point of numbness, and he stopped thinking... Apart from the pain, he could not feel anything now!】

【At this time, the female doctor seemed to take something out of his body and exclaimed:"It is a healthy liver, the color is very beautiful."】


"Gulu…!!"At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but swallow a breath, and then silently pulled Mashu away from Dr. Roman!

So the profession of doctor... is such a terrifying existence?! Most people are not disgusted or afraid of corpses, which is good enough. I didn't expect that the female doctor inside could take out Diavolo's internal organs without changing her expression! She even said it was a beautiful liver!!... Look at what a perverted statement this is.

"……"Dr. Roman looked at the two people who were getting farther and farther away from him with a subtle look and sighed helplessly... His reputation was damaged!

"It's okay! I believe you must be a pervert too!" Da Vinci patted Dr. Roman on the shoulder and said extremely dark words with a hearty smile.

Academy City Kamijou Touma

, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly touched his stomach and asked the doctor with a quack face beside him with some uncertainty:"Doctor…"

"You didn't pull out my internal organs while I was unconscious and say something nice about it... and then put them back!"

"……"Doctor Quata smiled awkwardly but politely, looking at Kamijou Touma as if he were a fool.

Only then did he realize how important reputation is!

Detective Conan

""Wow!! This… this is too scary!!" Xiaolan squatted down and held her head with both hands, closing her eyes in fear. Although she had seen many corpses when following Conan, people always died for unknown reasons!

But when she saw it with her own eyes, Xiaolan was still a little scared. After all, Diablo’s current situation was too miserable!

Some people in the more ordinary world closed their eyes directly, and the great teacher Hikigaya Hachiman even reached out and covered Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes! Is this a scene they can watch?!!

But Diablo’s drama will not end just because they blindfolded their eyes... and then the video continued to play!

【"!!"Suddenly, Diablo's pupils shrank, because the female doctor put down the scalpel in her hand and picked up a saw instead!】

【The next second, Diablo let out a shrill scream"Aa..."】

【Then the next second, Diablo suddenly appeared on a street with a scream. He stood there in a daze, because he had no idea how he got to this unknown street! 】

Now everyone was confused... What on earth was going on?! Is Diablo dead or not?!

"It happened again! This is definitely caused by the ability. Everything that happened after Diablo fell into the river was too weird."

"Previously, the Golden Experience Requiem mentioned reality... Could it be that everything we see is not real?! It is an illusion!!"

The more everyone thought about it, the more they felt that this guess about the illusion was more reasonable, otherwise there was no way to explain why Diablo suddenly experienced several deaths!!

【Diablo came back to his senses, still a little frightened. He gasped for breath, looked at his hands and said in disbelief:"Is it... a dream?! Was I just dreaming? But... it's here again! Where is this place?!"】

【Diablo looked around at the vehicles coming and going, and found that the early morning had turned into night. He was particularly puzzled:"What time is it now? Where am I?"】

【"I remember being in Rome by the Tiber River... and that feeling!... and what was that unimaginable pain I felt just now in the morgue?…!"】

【Just imagining the scene just now, the piercing pain seemed to come back again, and Diablo was gasping for breath!】

【At this time, the old man holding the dog looked at Diablo, who was squatting on the ground and looked a little unwell. He kindly said,"Hello, sir, are you okay?"】

【"You've been squatting there. Are you feeling unwell?


【Diablo had just turned around and hadn't spoken yet when the small dog that the old man was holding suddenly started barking wildly!】

【"Woof woof woof——!!!"】

【At this time, Diablo, who was highly focused, was obviously startled and stood up reflexively. Then he tripped and fell backwards.】

【The car lights shone on Diablo's face. He turned his head and found that a small bridge car was rushing towards him at a very fast speed!】

【"What on earth is going on?"It is obvious that this series of events has completely confused Diablo, and his words are full of doubts and unwillingness:"Strange things have been happening since just now, and he... died because of such a boring little thing! Could this be it!!"】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Diablo seemed to suddenly wake up. This series of coincidences and consecutive deaths had made him understand! Looking at the car that was about to hit him, he shouted:】

【"The ability of Gold Experience Requiem!!"】

【Then the scene changed, and Trish was still looking at the river. She shouted,"Hurry up and find that guy! I can still feel him! He's still alive!"】

【As Diablo's daughter, she can feel Diablo's presence, which is why she can say with certainty that Diablo is still alive!】

【"I can't feel at ease until I confirm whether he is alive or dead."】[]

【As Trish spoke, Giorno, who had summoned the Golden Experience Requiem, spoke with great certainty:"No, there is no need to look for it."】

【"Eh?" Trish was very confused. Mista looked at Giorno, wondering why he didn't plan to look for him.】

【Giorno looked at the river, with a premonition in his heart, and explained to the two in a calm tone:"Everything is over, although I haven't figured out the ability of the Golden Experience Requiem yet."】

【"'~ But for some reason, I was already certain of this outcome. The boss couldn't go anywhere."】

【"Especially the truth, that is a place he can never reach, even the truth of death, he can never reach"】

【"Infinite loop…"】

【As Giorno spoke, the scene changed again, and Diavolo appeared in an unknown place again. A little girl holding a doll looked at Diavolo not far away and asked in confusion:"Uncle, you are squatting here, do you have a stomachache?"】

【"!!!"Even though it was just the caring words of a harmless little girl, Diablo was still frightened.】

【Trish still didn't understand what Giorno meant at this moment:"But...but he's still alive"】

【"The endless is the end. Giorno looked at Mista and Trish and said with certainty: This is the Golden Experience Requiem"】

【Looking at the little girl holding the doll, Diablo has completely collapsed at this moment:"I...how many times do I have to die!"】

【"When will the next death come...and from where will it attack again!"】

【Looking at Diablo, whose face was filled with fear and cold sweat, the little girl put her hand to her mouth and walked towards Diablo with concern.】

【"Don’t… don’t come over here!" Seeing the little girl start to walk towards him (okay), Diablo looked very scared like a little girl,"Don’t come over here!"】

【"no, do not want…!!"】

【But the little girl seemed not to hear what Diablo said and continued to walk forward.】

【Seeing this scene, Diablo's defenses completely collapsed. He pointed at the little girl and shouted,"Don't come over here!"——!!!!"】

Diablo's current state, through Giorno's explanation on the screen, everyone finally understood the real horror of the Golden Experience Requiem! They also understood what kind of situation Diablo was in. Similarly, the ability of the Golden Experience Requiem also made people feel envious and fearful!

This kind of rule-based ability made everyone wonder when Diablo was hit. Was it when he fell into the river?! Or was Diablo already hit in the time-deleted space?!

Diablo is lucky and unfortunate. Fortunately, he will never die! Similarly, unfortunately, he has to repeat the process of death forever! But he can't reach the reality of death!

Always and forever... It will continue forever, and the infinite loop is the end. Now it's over, everything is over! ps: I have to catch up on the anime and see what to write...

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