【Mavis, whose magic power was drained away, staggered to the front of Zeref, who had returned to his original form.】

【"My body is completely immobile. Did I lose? That's amazing! Natsu... but he is so naive."】

【At this point, Jellal closed his eyes slightly and continued gently,"No matter how many times I revive, I will recover in a few minutes."】

"This is the sorrow of immortality, wandering alone in the world forever, without a family and even less happiness.…"

"He has been wandering alone in the world for more than 400 years. Because of the curse, he can only hide in the deserted mountains alone! Hundreds of years of loneliness is also the reason why he goes to extremes."

Magical Girl Illya

Illya saw this and felt inexplicably sad and sad. Zeref is gentle and kind by nature. He is undoubtedly a genius magician who has never appeared in the world, but sometimes even geniuses can't do things.

"Alas... Life is full of sadness."

Miyu now understood everything that had happened.���When Zeref was EMD, he might have collapsed mentally, because of the"contradiction curse", when Zeref discovered the value of life, the curse would deprive others of their lives.

So the only thing Zeref can do is to treat them indifferently and not be emotional about anything, otherwise he would kill them. This is why Zeref dare not care about his younger brother. If he cares about Natsu, the curse will take Natsu's life...

Zeref's biggest expectation is that Natsu will solve him and give him relief. Because if he is not destroyed, he may collapse and destroy the world, but if Natsu can't solve him, then Natsu can only leave and let the world start over.

Fairy Tail World

"Natsu, Mavis... Why did you do this? You still couldn't kill me." Zeref's eyes were filled with tears,"But you finally called me brother, I'm really happy, I really want to see you again..."

Before he finished speaking, because of the curse, the Death Hunt began to emanate from his body, and everything around him was deprived of life by him again.

【"Jeref…" Mavis’ eyes revealed a complicated look,"You caused pain and hurt to my companions. I absolutely cannot forgive you for this. I want to eliminate you from this world immediately.""】

【Jellal was slightly startled, then he looked at Mavis, smiled slightly, then his eyes darkened again, and he said softly,"It's not bad to die in your hands, but I…"】

【Mavis knelt down beside him, her eyes downcast, and said softly,"You can have a good sleep now."】

【"947 If only I could do that."Jeref's voice trembled and tears flowed from his eyes. He couldn't even do that.】

【"You fell in love with me then... The proof is that the curse of contradiction took my life." At this time, the scene showed Jeref and Mavis hugging and kissing each other.】

【"However, I, who was supposed to bear the same curse, was unable to take your life."】

【"There must be a part of me that still doesn't trust you, and my love is not enough"】

Mavis' words can be said to have stunned everyone watching the video. The same curse?! Jeref once loved Mavis?!

"Is this really something I can watch without paying? There are still sequels, why don’t you continue to broadcast them? I love to watch the process"

"Jelf, you are really cruel. Mavis looks like a little girl. She was definitely not an adult when she died."

Detective Conan

"How could this happen? Two people who loved each other took each other's life because of love. Isn't this too cruel for Zeref."Ran covered her mouth with her hand, tears welling up in her eyes.

She put herself in the situation for a moment. It was painful and tormenting to think about killing the person she loved because of herself... Damn God, if it weren't for your so-called curse, the two of them wouldn't be unable to love each other.

Conan was thinking, two people with the same curse, which means Mavis is also immortal... but can be killed by the curse, then what about the other way around? Can Zeref's life be taken away because of the curse on Mavis?! If possible, perhaps this is the only way to free Zeref!

Fairy Tail World

"Yes... Zeref, maybe it's because I didn't love him enough that I couldn't kill him!" Then Mavis blushed, and her whole body seemed to have crashed like a steam engine. Why did you show that scene?!

But the only thing to be thankful for is that people who are not in the guild can't see Mavis as a ghost, and the people in the guild are very gossipy. They didn't expect that the first generation and Zeref actually had such a relationship.

"Love~having an affair~" Happy covered his mouth and uttered with rolled tongue, his eyes full of mischief, seeing this, Lucy grabbed Happy and said:"You heartless cat! If you keep talking, the first generation will almost cry."

As Happy looked over, the first generation's eyes were already full of tears because of being teased by everyone, and even Makarov began to get anxious. He shouted:"You bunch of bastards, who made the first generation cry. Hurry up and coax her into submission!!!"

The saber-toothed tiger White Dragon Sting and Rogue looked at each other and saw the clear stupidity in each other's eyes, (caea)"What... are they doing?"

From their perspective, the members of Fairy Tail seemed to be crazy, and they kept whispering to the air as if they were coaxing a little girl.…

【"No, you don't have to feel guilty about this... I have never been loved by anyone." Jellal lowered his face and said softly."I also found that your feelings for me are not love, but sympathy."】

【Hearing this, Mavis clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, retorting:"It's not sympathy, it's contradiction!"

【"Because I met you, I learned how to use magic. Because I met you, I was able to save Magnolia. Because of you, Fairy Tail was born."】

【"You have always been my dream, but... you used me and hurt my friends. Trying to destroy Fairy Tail"】

【"I hate you so much, but I love you so much. Only I can understand. That's why thinking leads to contradictions."】

【At this point, Mavis clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest, and cried in her voice,"As long as I truly love you, I can kill you. This is what my plan was supposed to be."】

【Mavis' tears kept falling and she started to cry loudly:"But actually...actually I don't want you to die. I want to be with you forever."】

【"Is the answer to being loved…" As Mavis spoke, Jellal began to let go and smiled again,"Thank you! Mavis, I’m sorry.…"】

【Because of the curse, Mavis could only cry loudly and beat Zeref continuously,"Go to hell... I don't love you, I don't love you at all. I hate you, you are the enemy of the guild, so... don't die.…"】

【At this point, Mavis fell into Jellal's arms, and then kissed him with tears in her eyes. Petals emitting golden light began to fall from the sky.】

【Jellal's voice began to choke, tears welling up in his eyes:"I am very happy... Thanks to you, I seem to be able to sleep forever."】

【A golden light burst out from the two of them, and countless colorful petals began to fall from the sky. Zeref wrote his final farewell with tears in his eyes:"I really want to talk to you more... and I also want to reconcile with Natsu.…!"】

【In the golden light, Mavis held Jeref's hand,"Take me with you...Jerref!"】

【"This curse will also..."Jeref's voice seemed to be filled with happiness, but tears fell from his eyes】

【"Is that so... Is this death? The power that even the immortal cannot defeat is love... It is the only magic"】

【Then the two of them were in the golden light, because they loved each other, the curse on them took each other's life at the same time, and they hugged each other and left this world with the colorful petals! 】

This touching scene made everyone outside the video cry, they clearly loved each other but could only let the curse take each other's life!

"Why... ah... why can't two people who love each other so much be together... ah!"

"Wooah… I feel like I’m starting to believe in love again! I didn’t expect the story to end with the two of them hugging each other."

"Zeref finally felt relieved. He also wanted to reconcile with Natsu, but there was no chance... He finally fulfilled his long-cherished wish and ended his life. The only regret was that he took Mavis' life with him."

Gakuen City

"It's so touching! Isn't this better than all the love movies?"Misaka Mikoto wiped her tears secretly, there is no love more beautiful than this!

"Zeref died, and Natsu will die as well..."

The abyss of magic, the beginning of everything! That is the only magic love... Love can evoke miracles, but sometimes it also brings sadness. The love between two people with contradictory curses led to the final conflict! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Fairy Tail World

"Mavis..." Zeref in the forest felt relieved when he saw this, he didn't expect that he would be freed in the end.

Suddenly he remembered what Jeroboam said in the previous videos,"I really went around in circles... I didn't expect that the solution to the problem of immortality was love." It's really ironic that because of the curse of the god Anxelram, the two came together, and because of the curse of the god Anxelram, I ended my life with Mavis.

"The first generation..." Makarov sighed after looking at the silent Mavis. He couldn't and wouldn't interfere with the grudges of the previous life.

These were all the choices made by the first generation president Mavis. She loved Zeref deeply, and even in the end she chose to leave this world with Zeref.

At this moment, everyone in Fairy Tail fell silent. They didn't expect that the ending of the story would be like this. Then Lucy seemed to think of something,"Where is Natsu?! What will happen to Natsu in the future?!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Yes! If Zeref died, Natsu would seem to die with him. Looking at the video as if it was not over yet, they immediately moved their eyes up again.

【This time the scene was on the other side. The Demon Book that Lucy was writing began to emit light, and the red and black words flying in the sky all returned to the book.】

【"We have done everything we can." Lucy panted slightly, looking at the END book on the ground,"I wrote all our memories in the book."】

【"Natsu... the Natsu we know is not a demon."Here he pressed on the book and clenched his hands slightly.】

【Later, Lucy's right hand became red due to the damage she had done while rewriting the Demon Book. She began to stagger and fell to the side.】

【Gray supported Lucy and said,"Although I have a vague feeling that something is wrong"】

【As Gray closed his eyes slightly, the Ice Demon Slayer Technique was activated, his hairstyle changed, and dark lines appeared on his face.】

【"It is at this time that I need to use the Ice Demon Slayer to help you get rid of it."A purple light emanated from his hand, and the red lines on Lucy's body gradually disappeared under the drive of this power.】

Silver, the magician of the Gate of Hades, Absolute Zero, saw this scene, and his mind seemed to crash for a moment, and his eyes seemed to regain some clarity:"So that's it... That brat has grown to this point."

Gray on the other side was very confused at the moment, Ice Demon Slayer?! When did I learn this kind of magic?

Mira suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Natsu and Gray always fought?! According to the content of the video, this completely makes sense now

【Lucy regained consciousness at this time, and looked at the Book of END on the ground, which began to emit green light and gradually dissipated."This means... Zeref has been defeated."】

【Happy bowed his head and said:"When this book disappears, Natsu will also disappear.…"】[]

【Lucy reached out and picked up Harpy, crying softly. The man and the cat comforted each other.…】

【"Da da da…"】

【At this time, the sound of slippers rang in their ears. Lucy and Gray were slightly startled, and then looked up. In the white light, a familiar figure was slowly walking towards them.】

【""Yo!" Natsu stopped, smiled, and greeted everyone."It's over!"】

【"It's so dirty! Happy, your snot is all over me."Natsu touched Happy's head with disgust.】

【Habib cried with joy, his voice tinged with tears."It's not dirty. How can the water of emotion be dirty?"】

【Gray and Lucy looked at this scene and both smiled happily, as if everything had returned to the way it was before.】

"It’s a good thing that Natsu didn’t die with Zeref. Lucy really succeeded in changing the ending of the story!"

"It's so touching...their friendship and bond is beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

Everyone couldn't help but smile happily when watching this warm scene. Compared with Geno and Johnny, this seems to be a happy ending.

【"Maybe the first generation followed him."Natsu stroked Happy's head and suddenly spoke】

【Natsu turned his head to look at the place where the first generation disappeared, and continued:"But we don't have to feel sad. Although I can't say for sure, this is probably what the first generation wanted.…"】

【"So," Natsu said with a cheerful smile,"let's go back to the guild with our heads held high and our smiles on our faces."】

【Gray and Lucy walked in front and turned back to say to Natsu:"The guild is just ahead."】

【Lucy looked up at the sky and sighed,"It's finally over... I want to rest at home for a while.""】

【"Finish reading the books that you haven't finished, and finish writing the manuscripts that you haven't finished."】

【"As for me…" Gray glanced at Lucy, the image of Juvia flashed through his mind, and he stretched out his hand to scratch his hair in embarrassment:"You must apologize to Juvia."】

【"Wait until everything is settled before going on an adventure." Lucy smiled at Gray who was embarrassed, and then imagined the future.】

【"This time it's an adventure to find Aqua.…"】

【After hearing this, Habib was actually a little happy:"I like fish the most."】

【Gray couldn't help but complain:"That's a half-fish man!!"】

【"It’s a mermaid…" Lucy complained silently, then looked at Happy and said,"What do you want to do after this battle?!"】

【The Happy flying in the air raised his hand to cover his mouth, then turned his head and looked maliciously:"Yes! Do you want to announce it? Natsu!"】


【Gray and Lucy looked back after not getting a response. They saw a straight street. Everything around them was extremely quiet. No sound could be heard. It was as if Natsu had never appeared.】

【Gray and Lucy's eyes lost their luster, as if they realized something and stayed where they were.】

【Happy was floating in the air with a crying voice:"Strange... Natsu, where are you?!"】

【"Hey!" Gray looked around and said in a trembling voice,"Don't joke like that!"】

【"Why…" Lucy's whole body was shaking, she clenched her hands tightly, tears kept falling from her eyes!】

【"It has been rewritten... Why!!"Lucy collapsed to her knees and cried loudly towards the sky.】


【But there was still no response. The empty streets were eerily quiet... Natsu seemed to have disappeared along with Zeref.…】

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