【Kaido looked at Luffy bouncing back and forth, and was extremely surprised!】

【‘Changing the surrounding environment is a superhuman awakening! But this kind of transformation! Isn't it only possible for the animal type!!’】

【Before Luffy can react! Swallow Luffy in one gulp】

【Then Luffy kept hitting Kaido in the body! He even turned Kaido's eyes into rubber and grabbed them with his hands, and they popped out! 】

The people watching were shocked! It seemed so painful to think that someone grabbed their eyes from the body!

Tom and Jerry said that they were familiar with this operation!!

Piccolo in the Dragon Ball world remembered that he had the same experience before. It seems that you should not swallow everything into your mouth.

The key is to remember to chew it... Don't swallow it raw! Otherwise, you will let others do whatever they want!

【Luffy, who came out of Kaido's body, rushed directly into the thundercloud with lightning and thunder!】

【"Rubber Rubber——"】

【Suddenly a voice was heard from the dark clouds, and then a giant several hundred meters tall appeared and reached out to grab Kaido's body!】

【"jump rope——"】

【Kaido could only let out a scream as he was swung in the air by Luffy like a skipping rope. After he reacted, he hit Luffy at close range with a breath!】

【Turn Luffy into charcoal-like... and then the huge figure returns to its original size!】

"How did they achieve such a huge body?!"

"Is this the fifth gear?! Previously, the third gear could only enlarge parts of the vehicle, but now it can be enlarged as desired!"

"This body feels bigger than the giants!!"

"The four emperors were being waved around like a child's skipping rope!"

"By the way, the Straw Hat Boy was burned into charcoal by his breath again... I feel like it's nothing new!"

【Luffy, who was burned into charcoal, shook himself and regained his spirit. His legs began to dance rapidly and he rushed towards Kaido again!】

"As expected! I was used to it!"

"Keep jumping over and over again!"

【"Induce Naraku——"】

【The giant stick wrapped in black lightning hit Luffy's head and directly embedded Luffy into the roof.】

【The people in the lower level of Ghost Island were frightened by this sudden scene and their facial expressions showed shocking expressions!】

【Then Luffy pulled his head out from the roof and gradually returned to his original appearance! The white hair on his head disappeared, and his body gradually became weak, looking like a little old man.】

【Kaido was also surprised when he saw this scene:"It's just like a comic book."】

【Then his body could not hold on any longer, and he half-knelt on the ground, gasping for breath while leaning on the mace in his hand!】

"This exaggerated expression and action is just like what Kaido said, just like in a comic book!"

"By the way, it turns out that a tough guy like Kaido also reads comic books!…"

"The Straw Hat Boy seems to have become a character from a comedy comic!"

"Never fight with funny comic characters, this is an experience from someone who has been through it!"

"Is this the aftereffect of the fifth gear? Luffy has turned into an old man!"

"Now both of them have reached their limit! They can't hold on for long!"

【Luffy's face was on the ground, he was weak and said in a very depressed tone:"I'm going to die... This physical consumption is really huge!】

【Kaido heard this and said in a deep voice:"Just go to your death with peace of mind! Someone will tell your story!"】

【Luffy remembered Tama, Kin'emon's final request, and also remembered why he came here!】

【Isn't it just to liberate this country? Why does it end here?】

【The majestic heartbeat sounded again, the hair turned white again, and the white steam appeared again and turned into a white ribbon wrapped around the body.……】

【The whole person has recovered from the appearance of an old man and is jumping around with full of energy!】

"It's confirmed, this person must have eaten the Phoenix Fruit! He stood up again!!"

"Anyone who fights with the Straw Hat Boy will be annoyed to death…"

"Can't be killed... can't be killed at all…!"

"However, judging from the posture just now, it seems that the Fifth Gear will not consume life!!"

Luffy and Kaido fought fiercely again. As the battle continued, Kaido found the key…!

【This white posture is wrapped with not only the Armament Haki, but also the Conqueror Haki! I have never seen such a free fighting style.…】

"Are the Armament Haki and Domination Haki entangled at the same time?"

"Unheard of!!"

"Is this really possible? I've never heard of it!"

【At this time, Luffy used the elastic force to turn Kaido's head into rubber with one punch, and used the elastic force to bounce Kaido away!】

【After crashing into the mountain, he lay on his back, spitting out blood, covering his injured face with one hand, his face became heavy and he said:"Who are you!"】

"Why would Kaido ask such a strange question?"

"Did he think that the person in front of him was not the Straw Hat Boy?"

"Could it be replaced? But this possibility cannot be ruled out?"

【Facing Kaido's questioning, Luffy bounced into the air, showing his own smile and saying familiar words loudly:"I am Monkey D. Luffy... I am the man who will surpass you! And become the Pirate King!!】

【Kaido smiled with relief:"I feel relieved to hear that you are still so arrogant"]

Straw Hat Pirates

"It's Luffy after all!!"

"There is absolutely no mistake, Luffy is Luffy!"

Hearing these familiar words, the pirates were 100% sure that this was Luffy!

【Then purple light emanated from his whole body. He leaped forward and swung the mace in his hand continuously!】

【"Jun Cha Li~Long Sheng Jun!"】

【The mace wrapped in domineering aura was swung continuously, turning into a violent storm to attack Luffy!】

【Luffy, who was hit with dents all over, spun his body and started to respond with random punches!】

【Kaido was beaten so hard that he spit out blood and was pushed back for a distance. Luffy also bounced back and fell to the ground!】

【Luffy flew into the air with the help of elasticity, and looked at the dark clouds with continuous lightning and thunder and smiled widely!】

【"I have a great idea!"】

【"Rubber Rubber - Ray!!"】

【Luffy's figure kept flashing in the lightning, and then he grabbed the lightning and threw it out!】

【But Kaido dodged it and then hit Luffy with a mace!】

【Luffy, who was knocked flying, turned the lightning in the air into rubber and used the elastic force to launch himself directly out!】

【Luffy flew into the sea of clouds and caught the lightning. Just like the god of thunder descending, lightning kept coming from his hands and attacking Kaido! 】

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